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BB55900 - BB5593M


JUL-DEC. 1977

BB55899 (con.) Louis post-Dispatch, uhose sole OHoec is The Pulitzer Publishioq Coapaoy: 6llo»77; BB55899.

BB55900. aaror nho's fair Hill get labor's help: Ed Koch's task, keepiDq us together. By Albert Shanker. (Uhere »e stand) (In The Neil York ti«es. Ho*. 13, 1977, section 4, p. 9) Albert shanker; 13Nov77: BB55900.

BB55901. The Pall of Johnny Teaple; they Here the best of tiaes, they «ere the norst of tiaes. By Earl Lanson. (In The Cincinnati post, Nov. 18, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Cincinnati Post. The Cincinnati Post; 18Bo»77; BB55901.

BB55902. Judging saddlehorses. By Bobert C. Bobinson. (The Trainer's space) (In Saddle and bridle, Nov. 1977, p. 20, etc.) Bobert C. Bobinson (in notice: Bob Bobinson) : 16No»77: BB55902.

BB55903. Seven architectural vonders ae'd like to see. By Allison Buyett, nith Bard Fleissner. (In The Declaration, aniversity of yirginia, Charlottesyille, uov. 17, 1977, p. 1) Allison Huyett 6 iard Pleissner; 17Nov77: BB55903.

88559011. Corn — king of energy — corn. By Donald B. Buss. (In The Advertiser, Lanark, IL, Oct. 28, 1977, p. H) C Donald E. Buss; 280ct77; 8855901.

BB55905. Hypoqlyceaia. By Bayne B. Fiscos. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA, NOV. 12. 1977, p. 6) Bayne B. Piscus; 12NOV77; 8855905.

8855906. The Healing crisis. By Bayne B. Piscus. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA, Nov. 19, 1977, p. 6) Bayne B. Piscus: 19NOV77: B855906.

BB55907. proi 1900 to Borld Bar 1 and afteraath. By Hlldred Gain Andreas. (Aaerican textiles — an historical narrative, chap. 21) (In Southern textile neHS, Charlotte, NC, Nov. 7, 1977, p. 5, etc.) NH; coapilation, interpretation 6 revision of historical research. Bildred Gain Andreas: 7Hov77: BB55907.

8855908. First blues, Zen ausic: Allen Ginsberg. By Oean Gengle. (In The Advocate, San Hateo, CA, Nov. 16, 1977, p. 25, etc.) Dean Gengle; 190ct77: 8855908.

BB55909. Pro bono publico. (In The Los Angeles daily lournal, Nov. 3, 1977, p. 3) O Laayer Guide and Directory Publishing Coapany; 3Nov77; BB55909.

BB55910. Are you still invisible? (In The Los Angeles daily lournal, Nov. 8, 1977, p. 20) NH: additional text 6 editorial revision. O Laayer Guide and Directory Publishing Coapany; 8Nov77; B855910.

8855911. Deadline: Friday. Noveaber 18, 1977. (In The Los Angeles daily lournal. Nov. 15. 1977, p. 3) NB: additional text 6 editorial revision. O Laayer Guide and Directory Publishing Coapany; 15Nov77: BB55911.

BB55912. Taapa oilaan denies he cashed in on U.S. lob. By Patrick Tyler. (In The Saint Petersburg (PL) tiaes, Nov. 15, 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au: Tiaes Publishing Coapany, eaployer for hire. O The Saint Petersburg Tiaes; 15Nov77; BB55912.

BB55913. Flickability: Bic has no corner on producing a flaae through thick and thin. By Carolyn Nolte-Batts. (Batch this space) (In The Saint Petersburg (FL) tiaes. Nov. 22, 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Tiaes Publishing Coapany, eaployer for hire. O The Saint Petersburg Tiaes; 22NOV77; BB55913.

8855914. The Aabiguity of Serrano: tvo concepts of aealth neutrality. By Lee S. Friedaan. (In Hastings constitutional laa quarterly, suaaer 1977, p. 487-503) Lee S. Friedaan; 7l)ov77; BB55914.

8855915. flighty ninety. By y. Gerald Scordan. (In cycle, Nov. 1977, p. 63, etc.) C ». Gerald Scordan; 150ct77; B85591S.

BB55916. Star aalk: Dynaaite's very special effect. (In oynaaite, no. 41, p. 21) Appl. au: Jane Battenberq. Jane B. Battenberq; lNov77: BB55916.

8B55917. Official stalled early probe of convicted boaber: sources. By Boaell Baines. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) tiaes, Nov. 20, 1977, p. 1A, etc.) Appl. au: Tiaes Publishing Coapany. eaployer for hire. The Saint Petersburq Tiaes; 20NOV77; BB55917.

BB55918. Carter fudging on bipartisanship voa. By J. F. TerHocst. (in The Detroit neas, Nov. 2, 1977, p. 16B) Appl. au: The Evening Neas Association, Inc., eaployer for hire. The Evening Neas Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 2Nov77; BB55918.

BB55919. Bho's responsible in Helas case? By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit neas, Nov. 4, 1977, p. 58) Appl. au: The Evening Neas Association, Inc., eaployer for hire. The Evening Neas Association, Inc- -Universai Press Syndicate; 4Nov77; BB55919.

BB55920. Policeaan's aife raps resistance to CB's. By aichael F. Bendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday neas, Detroit. Nov. 6. 1977, p. 9J) Appl. au: The Eveninq Neas Association, Inc., eaployer for hire. The Eveninq Neas Association. Inc- -Oniversal Press Syndicate; 6Nov77; BB55920.

BB55921. Alcohol, qas: a recipe for the fuel crisis. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday neas, Detroit, Nov. 6. 1977, p. 8E) Appl. au: The Eveninq Neas Association, Inc., eaployer for hire. The Eveninq Neas Association, Inc. — Oniversal Press Syndicate: 6Nov77; 8855921.

8855922. Christians tell Carter of Israel's destiny. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit neas, Nov. 9, 1977, p. 168) Appl. au: The Eveninq Neas Association, Inc., employer for hire. O The Eveninq Neas Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 9Nov77; 8855922.

praise. By Michael F. Bendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday neas, Detroit, Nov. 13, 1977, p. 7E) Appl. au: The Eveninq Neas Association, Inc., employer for hire. O The Eveninq Neas Association. Inc- -Universal Press Syndicate, Inc. ; 13NOV77; 8855923.

8B55924. Is a nea LBJ appearing — in Virginia? By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday neas, Detroit, Nov. 13, 1977, p. 8G) Appl. au: The Eveninq Neas Association, Inc. , eaployer for hire. O The Eveninq Neas Association, Inc. — Oniversal Press Syndicate; 13Nov77; BB55924.

8855925. Buaphrey-Haakins bill noa a palliative; strong medicine for unenpioyment is diluted. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit neas, Nov. 18, 1977, p. 78) Appl. au: The Eveninq Neas Association. Inc.. employer for hire. The Eveninq Neas Association. Inc. — Oniversal Press syndicate; 18Nov77; BB55925.

BB55926. Ann Arbor vote case "preposterous". By J. P. TerHorst. (In The Detroit neas. NOV. 16. 1977, p. 208) Appl. au: The Evening Neas Association. Inc., employer for hire. O The Eveninq Neas Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 16Nov77; BB55926.

8855927. Bby Osaald really killed Kennedy. Pt. 2. By Priscilla Johnson Bcaillan. (In Ladies' home journal, Nov. 1977, p. 122, etc.) O Priscilla Johnson HcHillan; 200ct77; BB55927.

B85S928. Harina and Lee. By Priscilla Johnson HcHillan. (In Ladies' home journal. Oct. 1977, p. 175. etc.) Priscilla Johnson HcHillan; 22Sep77; 8B55928.

BB55929. This aorld, November 13, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Nov. 13, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O The Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 11Nov77; BB55929.

8855930. Sunday punch, Noveaber 13, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, Nov. 13, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. The Chronicle Publishinq Coapany; 11Nov77; B855930.

8855931. Date book, Noveaber 13, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, Nov. 13, 1977J Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Coapany. O The Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 11Nov77; BB55931.

BB55932. Oh, to be in England. By Philip Both, illus. by Dorian La Padura. From The Professor of desire. (In Penthouse, Oct. 1977, p. 81, etc.) O Philip Both; 13Sep77; 8855932.

B855933. Dennis the Menace. By Henry King Ketchaa. (In Field Neaspaper syndicated releases, Oct. 16, 1977) Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Neaspaper Syndicate (in notice: Field Enterprises, Inc.); 5Sep77: BB55933.

8855934. 10 HEB employees in Missouri fail to pay off student loans. By Billiaa L. HcCorkle. (In The Kansas City (MO) star,

Nov. 17, 1977, p. 2) Appl. au: The Kansas


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