JUL-DEC. 1977
BB557811. The Great unknowns of the 19th century. Pt. 1: comments 6 conclusions. By Gary S. Hanqiacopra. (In Of sea and shore* fall 1977, p. 175-178) Gary S. Hanqiacopra; 1Sep77: BB557811.
BB55785. 39X favor health insurance. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Mov. 11, 1977, p. 4) C Saint Paul Dispatch; 11Noy77; BB55785.
BB55786. Prison cleanup: iilson promises better livinq conditions for cellhouse inmates. By Bill Gaqnon. (In Pueblo (CO) star-iournal and Sunday chieftain. Hoy. 6, 1977, p. 16B) Appl. au: Star-Journal Publishinq Corporation. The Star- Journal Publishing Corporation; 6Ho»77; BB55786.
BB55787. Newsmen tour prison and view "livinq hell." By Bill Gaqnon. (In Pueblo (CO) star-1ournal and Sunday chieftain, Nov. 6, 1977, p. 14, etc.) Appl. au: Star-Journal Publishinq Corporation. Star-Journal publishinq Corporation; 6Nov77; BB55787.
BB55788. Oranqe Free State: its history and stamps, lasted 56 years. By Barry lane Bichards. (In Stamp collector, Albany, OB, Nov. 12. 1977, p. 42-113) B. L. Bichards: 12Hoy77: BB55788.
BB55789. Mascaras clump toqether in test. By Carolyn Nolte-Iatts. (Hatch this space) (In Saint Petersburq (Fl) times, Nov. 8, 1977, p. 1-D) Appl. au: limes Publishing Company, employer for hire. The Saint Petersburq Times; 8Nov77; BB55789.
BB55790. Dalton given edge, with biq "if." By James Latimer. (In Bichmond times- dispatch, Oct. 23, 1977, p. 1) Appl- au: Bichmond Times-Dispatch, employer for hire. Bichmond Times- Dispatch ; 230ct77: BB55790.
BB55791. Bit the harvest trail. By Bobin gorthinqton. (Heekeud wanderer) (In potpourri, Campbell, CA, Nov. 16, 1976) C ADZ, Inc.; 16NOV76; BB55791.
BB55792. Yosemite: beauty carved in qranite. By Harcia Lambert, photo by Harica Lambert, (ieekend wanderer) (In Potpourri. Campbell, CA. Oct. 26, 1976) Appl. au: ADZ, Inc., employer for hire. ADZ. Inc.: 260ct76: BB55792.
BB55793. Boarinq Camp still roars. By Vern Bansen. (Heekend wanderer) (In Potpourri, Campbell, CA, Sept. 28, 1976) e ADZ, Inc.; 28Sep76: BB55793.
BB5579I(. Big Basin Bedwoods State Park. By Gerry O'Hara, photos, by Jacqueline Cathcart. (ieekend wanderer) (In potpourri, Campbell, CA, Sept. 21, 1976) O ADZ, Inc.: 21Sep76; BB5579«.
BB55795. Preventive health care. By Hayne B. Fiscus. (Questions and answers) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA, Oct. 8, 1977. p. 6) Hayne B. Fiscus; 80ct77; EBS5795.
BB55796. Blizzard. By Susan a. Schmeltz. (In Cricket, Nov. 1977, p. 8) on text; Susan B. Schmeltz; 10Oct77; BB55796.
BB55797. The Autumn tale. By Susan Schoon Eberiy, illustrated by Irina Schart Hyman. Add. ti: An Autumn tale. (In Cricket, Nov. 1977, p. 9-16) e on text; Susan Schoon Eberiy: 100ct77; BB55797.
BB55798. Ode to a black snake. By Leanne Ponder, drawing by Pam Carroll. (In cricket, Nov. 1977, p. 54) on text; Leanne Ponder: 100ct77; BB55798.
BB55799. A Time piece. By Nancy Crawford, borders by Enrico Arno. (In Cricket, Nov. 1977, p. 74-77) e on text; Nancy Crawford; 10Oct77; BB55799.
BB55800. The First qrief. By Kalman aikszath, translated from the Hungarian by Theodore Schoenman G Helen Schoenman, pictures by Harqot Tomes. (In Cricket, Nov. 1977, p. 78-85) e on text 6 translation; Theodore Schoenman; 100ct77; BB55800.
BB55801. fiatlonal fools: a critique of the behavioral foundations of economic theory. By Amartya K. Sen. (In Philosophy and public affairs, summer 1977, p. 317-344) Oxford University Press; 60ct77; BB55801.
BB55802. The Education of John Allen. (In Psycholoqy today, Oct. 1977, p. 97, etc.) Appl. au: John Allen, Philip Heymann 6 Dianne Kelly. O John Allen, Dianue Kelly 6 Philip Heymann; 29Sep77; BB55802.
BB55803. Gus in bronze. By Alexandra Marshall. (In Bedbook, Nov. 1977, p. 229-251) e Alexandra Marshall; 200ct77; BB55803.
BB55804. Hall Street myths. By Bichard Slackman. (Investing) (In Mainliner magazine, Oct. 1977, p. 16) e Bichard Blackman; 10ct77; BB55804.
BB55805. John Hayne' s America. Illustrated with a portfolio of paintings by Norman Bockwell. (In Good Housekeeping, Nov. 1977, p. 138, etc.) Devere Music Corporation G Bat^ac Music Company; 180ct77: BB55805.
BB55806- Problems and paradoxes of the Third Horld. By Michael Harrington. (In Dissent, fall 1977, p. 379-389) Michael Harrinqton; 10ct77; BB55806.
BB55807. In the national interest. By Marvin Kalb 6 Ted Koppel. (In Playboy, Nov. 1977, p. 130, etc.) 3 Marvin Kalb 6 Ted Koppel; 13Sep77; BB55807.
BB55808. Strange fiscal bedfellows. By Bichard Dudman. (Dateline: Vietnam, pt. 4) (In Saint Louis post- dispatch, Nov. 2, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, employer for hire. 6 Saint Louis Post-Dispatch (whose sole owner is The Pulitzer publishing Company) : 2Nov77; BB55808.
BB55809. Saigon: city with new name, changing face. By Bichard Dudman. (Dateline Vietnam, pt. 3) (In Saint Louis post-dispatch, Nov. 1, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, employer for hire- © Saint Louis Post-Dispatch (whose sole owner is The Pulitzer Publishing Company); 1Nov77; BB55809.
BB55810. Hanoi holds anti-red priest. By Bichard Dudman. (Dateline Vietnam, pt. 8) (In Saint Louis post-dispatch, Nov- 7, 1977, p. 1, etc-) Appl. au: Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, employer for hire. 3 Saint Louis Post-Dispatch (whose sole owner is The Pulitzer Publishing Company) ; 7Nov77; BB55810.
BB55811. Hanoi's heroine cited for spirit of nation's victory. By Bichard Dudman. (Dateline Vietnam, pt. 9) (In Saint Louis post-dispatch, Nov. 8, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au; Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, employer for hire. O Saint Louis Post-Dispatch (whose sole owner is The Pulitzer Publishing Company) ; 8Nov77; BB55811-
BB55812. Vietnam: an uncertain future. By Bichard Dudman. (Dateline Vietnam) (In Saint Louis post-dispatch, Nov. 9, 1977, p. 1, etc-i Appl. au: Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, employer for hire. Saint Louis Post-Dispatch (whose sole owner is The Pulitzer Publishing Company) ; 9Nov77; BB55812.
BB55813. Escapee tells story of China's schools. By Albert Shanker. (Hhere we stand) (In The New York times, Oct. 23, 1977, Section 4, p. 9.) e Albert Shanker; 230ct77; BB55813.
BB55814. Teachers jailed for board's bad faith. By Albert Shanker. (Hhere we stand) (In The New York times, Oct. 30, 1977, Section 4, p. 9.) e Albert Shanker; 300ct77; BB55814.
BB55815. Important election for all New Yorkers. By Albert shanker. (Hhere we stand) (In The New York times, Nov. 6, 1977, Section 4, p. 9. ) © Albert Shanker; 6Nov77; BB55815.
BB55816. Girtha. By Alfred Borelli 6 Stephen H. Yoken. (In Height watchers, Dec. 1977, p. 47) e Stephen H. Yoken 6 Alfred Borelli; 1NOV77; BB55816.
BB55817. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times, Oct. 3, 1977, p. 21) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus G Ken Bowden. © Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden; 30ct77; BB55817-
BB55818. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. Oct. 5, 1977, p. 41) Appl- au: Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden. © Jack Nicklaus G Ken Bowden; 50ct77; BB55818.
BB55819. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Miami herald, Oct- 7, 1977, p. 6-F) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus G Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus G Ken Bowden; 70ct77; BB55819.
BB55820. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times, Oct, 10, 1977, p. 22) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden. © Jack Nicklaus G Ken Bowden; 100ct77; BB55820.
BB55821. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times, Oct. 12, 1977, p. 33) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden. O Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden; 120ct77;
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.