BB55551 - BB55587
JUL-DEC. 1977
BB55550 (con.) Eldridqe, 14, July 29, 1976, p. 1) north Scott Press, Inc.; 29JuI76: BB55550.
BB55551. Celebrate October! a Boath of salutes froB Chases' calendar of annual events. (In The North Scott Press, Eldridqe, li, Oct. 7, 1976, p. 9) &ppl. au: Bill Tubbs. e North Scott Press, Inc.: 70ct75; BB55551.
BB55552. Francisco's corner. (In Fatima findings, Oct. 1977, p. 5-6) ippl. au; Anna C. Pertsch. e Anna C. Pertsch; 2Sep77: BB55552.
BB55553. Phony deed used to acquire thousands of acres. By David ieinberq. (Pinelands, 1) (In The Press, Atlantic City, Auq. 29, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: The South Jersey Publishing Company, employer for hire. O The south Jersey Publishing Cospany: 29Auq77: BB55553.
BB55S5it. Faailies yield to worthless claia. By David Ieinberq. (Pinelands, 2) (In The Press, Atlantic City, Aug. 30, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: The South Jersey Publishing Conpany, employer for hire. Q The South Jersey Publishing CoDpaoy; 30Auq77: BB5555t.
BB55555. Partners in deal share 3,200-acre tract. By David Seinberg. (Pinelands, 3) (In The Press, Atlantic City, Aug. 31, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The South Jersey Publishing Coapany, employer for hire. 9 The South Jersey Publishing Coapany: 31Aug77: BB55555.
BB55556. State's liens hold key to area's fates. By David Ueinberq. (Pinelands, <t) (In The Press, Atlantic City, Sept. 1, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The South Jersey Publishing Company, employer for hire. 6 The South Jersey Publishing Company: 1Sep77: BB55556.
BB55S57. Heder: primary education among East European Jews, a selected & annotated bibliography of. sources. By Diane Boskies, issued by the Max Heinreich Center for Advanced JeHish Studies of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. English & Hebrew. (In lorking papers in Yiddish and East European Jewish studies, no. 25. July 1977) e Diane Soskies; 15Sep77: BB55557.
BB55558. A Cambridge chronicle. (In The Beal paper, cambridqe, HA, Jan. 7, 1976, p. 14-15) Appl. au: Bruce Mcintosh. NH: compilation, additional text & pictorial material S arr. C Bruce aclntosh: 7Jan76 (in notice: 1975) ; BB55558.
BB55559. AdiantUB peruvianum versus Adiantum anceps. By Dorothy S. Behrends. (In LAIPS, Sept. 1977, p. 236-237) 6 on drawinqs & text: Dorothy S. Behrends: 5Sep77: BB55559.
BB55560. Enforceaent of the Fishery conservation and management act of 1976: the poli- cenan's lot. By Eugene B. Fidell. (In Rashinqton law review, July 1977, p. 513-598) e Euqene H. Fidell: 19Sep77; BB55560.
BB55561. Compulsory licensing of a trademark: ^remedy or penalty? By J. Thonas McCarthy. (In The Trademark reporter, May-June 1977, p. 197-254) e J. Thomas McCarthy; 15Sep77: BB55561.
BB55S62. Advocates say quotas needed: prefe- rential admission aids national goals. By Jack Greenberg. (In The Atlanta journal and The Atlanta constitution, Oct. 1, 1977, p. 1-B. ) e Jack Greenljerq; 10ct77; BB55562.
BB55563. A Sad carter decided September 2 old friend would have to go. By Harold Gulliver. (In The Atlanta constitution, Sept. 23, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) The Atlanta Constitution; 22Sep77: BB55563.
BB55564. Boundhouse, October 1977. (In Longmont (CO) daily times-call, Oct. 1-2, 1977) 9 Times-Call Publishing CoBpany; 10ct77; BB55564.
BB55565. Preventive health care. By iayne B. Fiscus. (In The Peninsula bulletin, Palo Alto, CA. Sept. 24, 1977, p. 6) Hayne a. Fiscus; 24Sep77; BB55565.
BB55566. Don't take God for granted. (In Happy news, Bashington DC, Oct. 1977, p. 4) Appl. au: EdBonia L. Lovett. e Edmonia L. Lovett; 10ct77; BB55566.
BB55567. In prison, sexuality is always just below the surface. By Dudley Clendinen. (Florida: the death penalty) (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Oct. 5, 1977, p. 9-A) Appl. au: Times Publishing company, employer for hire. 9 the Saint Petersburg Times; 50ct77; BB55567.
BB55568. In prison, sex is part of the system- By Dudley clendinen. (Florida: the death penalty) (In Saint Petersburg (Ft) times, Oct. 6, 1977, p. 4-A) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. 3 The Saint Petersburg Times; 60ct77; BB55568.
BB55569. Hay down upon the swaai Biver. By Peter De Vries. (In Horizon, Oct. 1977, p. 96) Peter De Vries; 27Sep77; BB55569.
BB55570. The Boy who wouldn't dance. (Fran- cisco's corner) (In Fatima findings, Nov. 1977, p. 5-6) Appl. au: Anna C. Pertsch e Anna C. Pertsch; 70ct77; BB55570.
BB55571. It can drive a man buggy. By Dudley Clendinen. (Florida: the death penalty) (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Oct. 7, 1977, p. 10-A) e The Saint Petersburg Times; 70ct77; BBS5571.
BB55572. Business and the stock market. (In Chelmsford, lestford, lyngsboro (MA) newsweekly, Sept. 29, 1977, p. 2, etc.) e Babson's Reports, Inc.; 29Sep77; BB55572.
BB55573. Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Sept. 2, 1977, p. 2) 6 Babson's Reports, Inc.; 2Sep77; BB55573.
BB55574. Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Sept. 9. 1977, p. 2) e Babson's Reports, Inc.; 9Sep77; BB55574.
BB55575. Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Sept. 16, 1977, p. 2) e Babson's Reports, Inc.; 16Sep77; BB55575.
BB55576. Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, Sept. 23, 1977, p. 2) e Babson's Reports, Inc.; 23Sep77; BB55576.
BB55577. Sunday punch, October 2, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Oct. 2, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. 6 Chronicle Publishing Company; 30Sep77; BB55577.
BB55578. This world, October 2, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Oct. 2, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company, e Chronicle Publishing Company; 30Sep77; BB55578.
BB55579. Date book. Beek of Oct. 2-8, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Oct. 2, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. C Chronicle Publishing Company; 30Sep77; BB55579.
BB55580. The Other side of Mayor Smith. By Kathleen Kerr. (In The Bednesday dispatch. Onion City, NJ, Oct. 12, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Hudson Dispatch. e The Bednesday Dispatch, whose full corporate name is The Hudson Dispatch; 120ct77; BB55580.
BB55581. Twigs. By Hortense Caiisher. (In The New York times, Sept. 19. 1977, p. 35) e Hortense Caiisher; 19Sep77; BB55581.
BB55582. The International management of whales, dolphins, and porpoises: an interdis- ciplinary assessment. Pt. 1. By Janes E. Scarff. (In Ecology law quarterly, 1977, p. 323-427) e Jaoes E. Scarff; 6Jun77; BB55 582.
BB5558 3. Player discipline in professional sports: the antitrust issues. By John C. Beistart. (In Billiam sind Mary law review, summer 1977, p. 703-739) John C. Beistart; 21Sep77; BB55583.
BB55584. Some days he was up, some days he was down. By Dudley Clendinen. (Florida: the death penalty) (In The Saint Petersburg (Fl) times, Oct. 8, 1977. p. 11A) Appl. au; Times Publishing Coapany, employer for hire. Q The Saint Petersburg Times; 80ct77; BBS5584.
BB55585. Oil broker says it's who you know that counts. By Patrick Tyler. (In Saint Petersburg (Fl) times, Oct. 9, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. 6 The Saint Petersburg Times; 90ct77; BB55585.
BB55586. Many fuel cost cases go unprosecuted. By Patrick Tyler. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Oct. 9, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. @ The Saint Petersburg Times; 90ct77; BB55586.
BB55587. You gotta wanna. By Frederick Marvin
Hannah, Sr. (In The Milwaukee community
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