JUL-DEC. 1977
BB55510. Mould you believe: The Fantastic Pcoq. Poster 2. photo, by Heraann Eisenbeiss. (In Instructor, Oct. 1977, p. 155-162) Appl. au: The Instructor Publications, Inc., enployer for hire. G Instructor, solely ouned by The Instructor Publi- cations, Inc.; 12Sep77; BBSS510.
BB55511. He wanted a oustache — but it was not allowed. By Dudley clendinen. (Florida: the death penalty) (In Saint Petersburg (FLI times, Sept. 30, 1977, p. 204) Appl. au: Times Publishina Company, employer for hire. O The Saint Petersburg Times; 30Sep77: BB55511.
BB55512. It helps to be crazy. By Dudley clendinen. (Florida: the death penalty) (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Sept. 29, 1977, p. Ik) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. O The Saint Petersburg Times; 29Sep77: BB55512.
BB55513. Thirty silver pieces- (In San Carlos Christian Church newsletter, San Diego, July 19, 1977, p. 2-3) Appl. au: Elmer Dean Jenlcins. Elmer D. Jenkins; 19JU177; BB55513.
6855514. Original artwork — "Bindmills". By Joyce K. Duke. (In A/E concepts in wood design. July-Aug. 1977) C Joyce K. Dulie: 25JU177: BB55514.
BB55515. The Cookie capec. Br Helen lard Gall, illus. by Paul Hoffmaster. (In Defenders, Aug. 1977, p. 268-272) Helen lard Gall; 1Auq77: BB55515.
BB55516. Plot to kidnap teen foiled, police say. By James Ewell £ Charmayne Harsh. (In The Dallas morning news, Sept. 20, 1977, p. 1A, etc.) Appl. au: The Dallas Horning News. The Dallas Horning tlews; 20Sep77; BB55516.
BB55517. Farce. (In New College press, Manchester Community College, Hanchester, CT, Sept. 16, 1977, p. 1 Appl. au: Larry Shane Bourbeau. C Larry Shane Bourbeau; 16Sep77; BB55517.
BB5551B. Fort Hercer: guardian of the Delaware. By John w. Jackson. (In Bicentennial bulletin, Camden county Historical Society, 1976-77, p. 5-36) John B. Jackson: 27Sep77; BB5551B.
BB55519. After divorce: who gets married again — and when? By Horton Hunt £ Bernice Hunt. (In Bedbook, Oct. 1977, p. 106, etc.) Horton Hunt & Bernice Hunt; 13Sep77; BB55519.
BB55520. For women who wonder about divorce: a ma1or report. By Horton Hunt G Bernice Hunt. (In Eedbook, Sept. 1977, p. 92. etc.) Horton Hunt t, Bernice Hunt; 15Aug77; BB55520.
BB55521. uhat's new in the world of the formerly married. By Horton Hunt C Bernice Hunt. (In The Single parent, Oct. 1977, p. 10, etc.) O Horton Hunt G Bernice Hunt; 15Sep77; BB55521.
BB55522. Personal slants. Prom James Holt HcGavran. (In Ideas for better living, Oct. 1977, p. 15) O James Holt HcGavran; 10ct77: BB55522.
BB55523. 58% say Bamsey employees should live in fiansey County. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Sept. 23, 1977, p. <t) Saint Paul Dispatch; 23Sep77; BB55523.
6855521. Kids* talk. (In Sheridan green "scene 2". p. 3) Appl. au: Kay Adele Buri & Janet H. Hauser. Educational Creations; 27Sep77; BB5552it.
BB5552S. Harriaqe is here to stay. (In Woman's day. Oct. 18, 1977, p. ^n, etc.) Appl. au: Nena O'Neill. O on text; Nena O'BeUl; 20Sep77; BB55525.
BB55526. Soundings: good listening for young people. By Hartha Thomas (Hartha Thomas Sheppard) (In ilTF-FH 89.5 program guide. Oct. 1977, p. 5-6) Hartha Thomas Sheppard; 28Sep77; B855526.
BB55527. Ex parte line. By Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. (In Ees gestae, Oct. 1977, p. 1419) Paul H. Buchanan, Jr.; 30ct77; BB55527.
BB55528. The SO game. Invented by the staff of the Syracuse Oniversity Record. (In The Syracuse (NY) Oniversity record, Sept. 1, 1977, p. 20) Appl. au: Desmond Brown G Gary Bacal. NH: additions. The Syracuse University fiecord; 1Sep77; BB55528.
BB55529. Love for God. (In The Crown messenger, Oct. 1977, p. 3-6) Fellowship of the Crown; 80ct77; BB55529.
BB55530. Congress launches probe into NCAA. By Edward L. Bonders. (In Norwalk (OH) reflector, Sept. 29, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Norwalk Heflector. O Norwalk Bef lector; 29Sep77; BB55530.
BB55531. Short eyes. By Dudley Clendinen. (Florida: the death penalty) (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Oct. 3. 1977. p. 11-A) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. The Saint Petersburg Times; 30ct77; BB55531.
BB55532. Death doesn't always come to death row by The Han's plan. By Dudley Clendinen. (Florida: the death penalty) (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Oct. 1, 1977, p. 7-A) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. O The Saint Petersburg Times; 10ct77; 8855532.
BB55533. Prison counselor has no calm days. By Dudley Clendinen. (Florida: the death penalty) (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Oct. 2, 1977, p. 1-», etc.) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. O The Saint Petersburg Times; 20ct77; BB55533.
8855531. Shooting Oregon. Photos. G story by Gary Braasch. (In Oregon times, Oct. 1977, p. 32-13) O Gary Braasch; 10ct77; BB55531.
BB55535. Hany think "Soap" controversial: poll samples TV show. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Oct. 7, 1977. p. 23) Saint Paul Dispatch; 70ct77 ; BB55535.
BB55536. The Call to community. By Boy L. Honeycutt. (Boll/call: Christian calling and Its expression) (In The Commission. Oct. 1977, p. 28-31) O Boy L. Honeycutt; 19Sep77; BB55536.
8855537. Gift-giving. By G. Temp Sparkman. (In The commission, Oct. 1977, p. 32) G. Temp Sparkman; 19Sep77; 8855537.
8855538. No shadow on Haybelline claim. By Carolyn Nol te-Hatts. (iatch this space) (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Oct. 1, 1977, p. 2-D) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. O The Saint Petersburg Tines; 10ct77; 8B55538.
BB55539. Auditors say county overspending common, officials point to budget process problems. By Joel Kassiday. (In Triangle review. Fort Collins, CO. Sept. 11, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Triangle Beview. HcHillen Publishing d.b.a. Triangle aeview; 11Sep77; BB55539.
8855510. Living into emerging futures. By Douglas A. Nalrath. (In New conver- sations, fall/winter 1976, p. 1-6) O Douglas A. Halrath; 150ec76: 8855510.
BB55511. Fraud suits against realtors: the coming wave. (In Oakland realtor, Sept. 1977, p. 6-9) Appl. au: Stuart A. Safine. Stuart A. Safine; 11Sep77; 8855511.
BB55S12. The Beal estate consultant: the umbrella man. (In Oakland realtor. Sept. 1977, p. 10-11) Appl. au: Irving Korb. C Irving Korb; 11Sep77; BB55512.
BB55513. Donation. By Jean Lorrah. (In Ambrov Zeor. Dec. 1976, p. 5-21) O Jean Lorrah; 20Dec76: BB55543.
BB55511. Second acts. By Herbert B. Livesey. (In Quest/77, July/Aug. 1977, p. 13-20) C Herbert 8. Livesey; 15Jun77; BB55511.
BB55515. The Climb to maturity: how the best and the brightest came of age. By George B. Vaillant. (In Psychology today. Sept.. 1977. p. 31, etc.) George Vaillant; 30Aug77; BB55515.
8855516. The Last days of Eleanor fioosevelt. By Elliott Boosevelt G James Brough. (In Ladies' home journal. Oct. 1977. p. 113. etc.) C Elliott Boosevelt £ James Brough; 22Sep77; BB55516.
BB55517. The Homan who made a molehill out of a mountain. By Stella Terrill aann. (Stories from life) (In Dnity, Nov. 1977. p. 27-32) Stella Terrill Bann; 50ct77; BB55517.
BB55S18. Overnight guests. By Philip Both. (Selection) (In The New York times book review (The New York Times) Aug. 21, 1977, p. 3, etc.) Philip Both; 21Aug77; BB55518.
BB55519. "Eldridge was pressured into mora- torium": Cat attorney avowed in 1965 to fight annex to Eldridge. By Bill Tubbs. (In The North Scott Press, Eldridge. lA, Dec. 23, 1976, p. 1) North Scott Press, Inc. ; 23Dec76; BB55519.
BB55550. Fantastic Eldridge developments: two Quad City firms announce Eldridge plans.
By Bill Tubbs. (In The North Scott Press,
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.