JUL-DEC. 1977
8855403. Dear God; not ao interlection but a salutation. 8y John R. PoHers, illus. by Larry Bolick. (In chicaqo, Sept. 1977, p. 187-193) e John R. Ponets; 254ug77; B8551I03.
BB55I404. GH plans to erect Packard electric plant twin in Hexico; Hacren's operation affected. Britten by Ton Petzinqer, reported by Emily Webster, Toa Petzinqer 6 George fi. Heiss. (In The Youngstovn (OH) vindicator, Sept. 15, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: The loungstovn Tindicatoc. e The youngstown Vindicator: 15Sep77; 8655404.
BB55405. Boar, Lions, roar! By Richard Victor. (In The Penn Stater, July/iuq. 1977, p. 6) e Richard Victor; 22Jul77: 8B55405.
BB55406. The Captain's punishment. By Bruce C Davis. (In Monterey Park (CA) progress, July 13. 1977, p. 8A) Bruce c. Davis; 13JU177: 8855406.
BB55407. The spellbinder. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the Henace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Sept. 11, 1977) 9 Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 1Auq77; BB55407.
BB55408. Echo chamber. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the Henace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. Sept. 18. 1977) 6 Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 8Aaq77: BB55408.
BB55409. Resistible you. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the Menace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Sept. 25, 1977) S Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper syndicate; 15Auq77; BB55409.
BB55410. Transfer point. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the Henace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Oct. 2, 1977) e field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 22Aug77; 8855410.
BB55411. The Aging problem. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the Henace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. Sept. 4, 1977) e Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 25JU177; BB55411.
BB5S412. There is a place. By Henry King Ketcham. (Dennis the Henace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Aug. 28, 1977) Field Enterprises, Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 18JU177; BB55412.
BB55413. Fixture unit method provides more water than needed. By Hilton Snyder. (Snyder on plumbing, chap. 4) (In Contractor, Sept. 15. 1977, p. 54-55) © Hilton Snyder; 15Sep77; BB55413.
BB55414. Preventive health care. By Uayne S. Fiscus. (Questions and answers) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA, Sept. 10, 1977, p. 6) C Hayne R. Fiscus (in notice: H.R.F.): 10Sep77; 8855414.
BB55415. It's not a case of definition. By Robert Ritherspoon Hemphill. (Recol- lections) (In The Transcript of the South Carolina Bar, Columbia, Aug. 1977, p. 10) e Robert V. Hemphill: 31Aug77: BB55415.
BB55416. Oil company exec got checks from Granlund. By Patrick Tyler. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Aug. 31, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: Times Publishinq Company, employer for hire. The Saint Petersburg Times; 31Aug77; BBS5416.
BB55417. Birds on a Tuesday storm. (In Hatrix, June 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Karen Prochnow. e Karen Prochnow; 8Jun77; BB55417.
BB55418. Florida Power sues Perez, others in pricing conspiracy. By Patrick Tyler. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Sept. 20. 1977, p. 1A, etc.) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. The Saint Petersburg Times; 20Sep77; BB55418.
BB55419. Ax Aphex processed. By Howard Cummings. Add. ti: The Aphex aural exciter. (In Recording engineer/producer. Aug. 1977. p. 67, etc.) Q on text; Howard Cumaings; 12Sep77; BB55419.
8855420. Reverend Hoon. By Hillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green. OH, Sept. 22, 1977, p. 8) e Billard Fox; 22Sep77; BB55420.
8855421. Rustic A-frame vacation home. House design 7737. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home; build and improve) (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post, Sept. 11, 1977, p. E-18) e John D. Bloodgood; 11Sep77; BB55421.
BB55422. contemporary split-entry home: appealing exterior design ties the house to its site. House design 7735. By John D. Bloodgood. (your home; build and improve) (In The Boston herald American, Aug. 28, 1977, p. F-4) O John D. Bloodgood; 28Aug77; BB55422.
BB55423. This small hone's impressive: exterior is stylish, interior's well planned. House design 7733. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build and improve) (In Bridgeport (CI) Sunday post, Aug. 14, 1977, p. F-8) John D. Bloodgood; 14Aug77: BB55423.
BB55424. Very versatile floor plan: room for home office or in-laws suite. House design 7731. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build and improve) (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post, July 31, 1977, p. H-6) e John 0. Bloodgood; 31Jul77; BB5S424.
BB55425. Vacation living: open plan makes this home delightful.. House design 7729. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build and improve) (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post, July 17, 1977, p. H-7) O John D. Bloodgood: 17jul77; BB55425.
B855426. Contemporary two-story: floor plan's designed to suit an informal life style. House design 7727. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build and improve) (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post, July 3, 1977, p. D-9) e John D. Bloodgood; 3Jul77; BB55426.
BB55427. Homosexual battle rages. By Constance L. Helaro. (Just zingin' along) (In Tribune-review, Greensburg, PA, Aug. 14. 1977, E6) e Constance L. Helaro; 14Aug77; BB55427.
BB55428. Southern California — ripe for the plucking. Britten by Anthony DeStefano, with Thomas Horan 6 Allen F. Richardson. (The Hafia: SA's silent partner, no. 9) (In Vomen's wear daily. New York, Sept. 1, 1977, p. 1, etc.) O Fairchiid News Service; 1Sep77; BB55428.
BB55429. How mob plays tag with the union label. Britten by Allen F. Richardson, with Thomas Horan G Tony DeStefano. (The Hafia; SA's silent partner, no. 7) (In Bomen's wear daily. Hew York, Aug. 30, 1977, p. 1, etc.) © Fairchiid News Service; 30Aug77; BB55429.
8855430. Trucking local 102: who sat in the driver's seat? Britten by Allen F. Richardson, with Thomas Horan S Anthony DeStefano. (The Hafia: SA's silent partner, no. 6) (In Bomen's wear daily. New York. Aug. 29, 1977, p. 1, etc.) e Fairchiid News Service; 29Aug77; BB55430.
BB55431. Hijacking gangs back on the prowl. Britten by Thomas Horan. with Tony DeStefano e Allen F. Richardson. (The Hafia: SA's silent partner, no. 8) (In Bomen's wear daily. Hew York, Aug. 31, 1977, p. 1, etc.) O Fairchiid News Service; 31Aug77; BB55431.
BB55432. Bheeler-dealers' code of the road. Britten by Anthony DeStefano, with Thomas Horan t Allen F. Richardson. (The Hafia: SA's silent partner, no. 5) (In Bomen's wear daily. New York, Aug. 26, 1977, p. 1, etc.) e Fairchiid News Service; 26Aug77; BB55432.
BB55433. The Rule of the mob: keep on truckin'. Britten by Anthony DeStefano, with Thomas Horan & Allen F. Richardson. (The Hafia: SA's silent partner, no. 4) (In Bomen's wear daily. New York, Aug. 25. 1977. p. 1, etc.) e Fairchiid News Service; 25Aug77: BB55433.
BB55434. Sherwood: a look behind the door. Britten by Thomas Horan. with Anthony DeStefano & Allen F. Richardson. (The Hafia: SA's silent partner, no. 3) (In Bomen's wear daily. New York, Aug. 24, 1977, p. 1, etc.) e Fairchiid Mews Service; 24Aug77; 8B55434.
BB55435. Loanshark jaws take biggest bite. Britten by Anthony DeStefano, with Thomas Horan & Allen F. Richardson. (The Hafia: SA's silent partner, no. 2) (In Bomen's wear daily. New York, Aug. 23, 1977, p. 1, etc.) e Fairchiid News Service; 23Aug77; BB55435.
BB55436. Trucks to bucks it's all for sale. Britten by Thomas Horan. with Tony DeStefano & Allen F. Richardson. (The Hafia: SA's silent partner, no. 1) (In Bomen's wear daily. New York, Aug. 22, 1977, p. 1, etc.) O Fairchiid News Service; 22Aug77; BB55436.
BB55437. A 2-year-old murder and the mystery deepens. By Anthony DeStefano. (In Bomen's wear daily. New York, Aug. 22, 1977. p. 4) Fairchiid News Service; 22Aug77; BBS5437.
BB55438. Preston case file missing? (In Saint Paul dispatch. Sept. 1, 1977, p. 1-2)
© Saint Paul Dispatch; 1Sep77: BB55438.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.