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BB55365 - BB55402


JUL-DEC. 1977

BB55365. Soviet oilitacT assistance to Natio- nalist China. 1923-41. Pt. 1. By Joseph Edward Thach, Jr. (In Hilitazry ceview. Suq. 1977, p. 72-82) O Joseph E. Thach, Jr.; 1&uq77; BB55365.

BB55366. Soviet nilitarv assistance to Natio- nalist China, 1923-<»1. Pt. 2. By Joseph Edward Thach, Jr. (In flilitary review, Sept. 1977, p. <t9-56) Joseph E. Thach, Jr.: 1Sep77; BB55366.

BB55367. Postulate discourse. By Andrew Petnach. (T.U.B.M. to qolf: you) Addendum to chap. 7-8 in book I-D-B-N to qolf, pub. 1975. (In TV facts, June 19-25, p. 19) 6 Andrew Petnuch; 16Jun77 (in notice: 1969. 1971, 1975, 1977); BB55367.

BB55368. Greetinqs, new teachers. By Uillard Foi. (FOX tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Sept. 1, 1977, p. 7) C lillard Fox; 1Sep77: BB5S368.

BB55369. Ballad of Ivy Jane. By Jane Donaldson Diehl. (In Ohio antique review. Sept. 1977. p. 5) e Jane D. Diehl: 1Sep77; BB55369.

BB55370. HGEA's life insurance arranqeoent explored: some say it's a raw deal. By Buss Lynch. (In Honolulu star-bulletin, iuq. 23, 1977, A- 1 . etc.) Appl. au: Honolulu Star-Bulletin. 6 Honolulu Star-Bulletin; 23Auq77: BB55370.

BB55371. Impossibility of performance. By Bobert E. Vansant. (Vansant's law) (In A/E concepts in wood desiqn, July-Auq. , 1977, p. 9) Bobert £. Vansant: 2SJul77: BB55371.

BB55372. Punt. (In Highlander community newspaper. Hacienda Heiqhts, CA« Auq. 24, 1977, p. B-4) Appl. au: Charles S. Bellman (, Bobert A. Tiritilli. O Charles S. Hellman & Bobert A. Tiritilli (in notice: Hellman 6 Tiritilli) ; 24Auq77; BB55372.

BB55373. Jury to begin gun sale probe, officials say. By Tom Kuhn. (In The Arizona republic. Phoenix, June 17, 1977. p. B-1. etc.) Appl. au: The Arizona Bepublic. The Arizona Bepublic; 17Jun77: BB55373.

BB5537lt. The Trophy. By Alethea Christine Doyal Bordelon. (In Here and now, July 1, 1977, p. 9, etc.) Lea Bordelon, commonly used name of Alethea Christine Doyal Bordelon; 1Jul77; BB55374.

BB55375. Godevan. By Bene Christine Dionoe«  pseud, of Alethea Christine Doyal Bordelon. (In Here and now, July 1. 1977, p. 6. etc.) 6 Bene Christine Dionne. pseod. of Alethea Christine Doyal Bordelon; 1Jul77; BB55375.

BB55376. Hiss Julie's garden. By Alethea Christine Doval Bordelon. (In Here and now. July 15, 1977. p. 9. etc.) C Lea Bordelon. commonly used name of Alethea Christine Doyal Bordelon; 15JU177; BB55376.

BB55377. Godevan; 3rd installment of an original novel. By Rene Christine Dionne* pseud. of Alethea Christine Doyal (Alethea Christine Doyal Bordelon) (In Here and now. July 15. 1977. p. 5. etc.) C A. C. Doyal. maiden name of Alethea Christine Doyal Bordelon; 15Jul77: BB55377.

BB55378. Improved car design is focus of changes. By John A. Dillon. (Future travel: a 20-year view) (In Bichmond times- dispatch. Auq. 22. 1977. p. 1, etc.) Bedia General. Inc.; 22Auq77; BB55378.

BB55379. Cost boosts cloud mass transit. By John A. Dillon. (Future travel: a 20-year view) (In Bichmond times-dispatch, Aug. 23, 1977, p. 1-2) Hedia General, Inc.; 2iAug77; BB55379.

BB55380. Future may be bumpy for U.S. highway funds. By John A. Dillon. (Future travel: a 20-year view) (In Bichmond times-dispatch, Aug. 24. 1977. p. B-1, etc.) Hedia General. Inc.; 24Aug77: BB55380.

BB55381. Bedesign of sprawling urban areas may aid transit. By John A. Dillon. (Future travel: a 20-year view) (In Bichmond times-dispatch. Auq. 25. 1977. p. B-1. etc.) Media General. Inc.; 25Aug77; BB55381.

BB55382. Orban transit problems called tougher than going to moon. By John A. Dillon. (Future travel: a 20-year view) (In Bichmond times-dispatch. Aug. 21. 1977, p. 1-2) O Media General. Inc.; 21Aug77; BB55382.

BB55383. The Joy of weaving: a handweaving bibliography. By Nora Gamer. (In the balance) (In choice, Sept., 1977, p. 795-805) O Nora Gamer; 9Sep77; BB55383.

BB55384. Date boo)t. Keejc of Sept. 18-24, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Sept. 18. 1977) Appl. au: The chronicle Publishing Company. 6 Chronicle Publishing Company; 165ep77: BBSS384.

BB55385. This world, September 18, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Sept. 18. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O chronicle Publishing Company: 16Sep77; BB5538S.

BB55386. Sunday punch. September 18. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Sept. 18, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 16Sep77; BB55386.

BB55387. Cost of energy worries public. By John H. Vylie 2nd. (In The Kansas City (BO) star, Sept. 12. 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, employer for hire. O The Kansas City Star Company; 12Sep77; BB55387.

BB55388. ISC actions anger regulator. By Bichard a. Johnson. (In The Kansas City (BO) star, Sept. 15, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, employer for hire. The Kansas City Star (in notice: The Kansas City Star Company) ; 15Sep77; BB55388.

BB55389. The People shapers. By Vance Paclcard. (In Saturday review. Aug. 20, 1977. p. 33-48) O Vance Packard; 16Aug77; BB55389.

BB55390. UEH theateus to make children pay; nightmarish negotiations with government. By Albert Shanker. (Hhere we stand) (In The New york times, Sept. 11. 1977, p. E-9) Albert Shanker; 11Sep77; BB55390.

BB55391. Abe Beame's faith in the city saved it; mayor's fiscal critics use a double standard. By Albert Shanker. (Where we stand) (In The New York times, Sept. 4, 1977, p. E-7) Albert Shanker; 4Sep77; BB55391.

BB55392. Beame should be New York's choice. By Albert Shanker. (Vhere we stand) (In The New York times, Sept. 28, 1977, p. E-7) O Albert Shanker; 28Aug77: BBSS392.

BB55393. Parochial teacher unions constitutional? Supreme Court test likely. By Albert Shanker. (Hhere we stand) (In The New york times, Aug. 21, 1977. p. E-9) O Albert Shanker; 21Auq77; BB55393.

BB55394. An Open letter to candidate Ed Koch; divisive tactics hurt the city. By Albert Shanker. (Hhere we stand) (In The New York times. Aug. 14. 1977, p. E-7J Albert Shanker; 14Auq77; BB55394.

BB5539 5. Abe Beame's faith in the city saved it; mayor's fiscal critics use a double standard. By Albert Shanker. (Hhere we stand) (In The Daily news. New York, Sept. 4, 1977, p. 82) Albert Shanker; 4Sep77; BB55395. BB55396. The Parents who numbered their days. By Stella Terrill Haun. (Stories from life) (In Onity, Oct. 1977, p. 18, etc.) Appl. au: Onity School of Christianity. O Stella Terrill Bann; 1Sep77; BB55396.

BB55397. Homen in poll oppose nude dancing. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Sept. 16, 1977, p. 7) O Saint Paul Dispatch; 16Sep77; BB55397.

BB55398. The Dncollected early poems of Gary Snyder. (In The North American review, fall 1977, p. 80-83) O on poems; Gary Snyder; 15Sep77; BB55398.

BB55399. An Enchanted childhood. By Agatha Christie. (In Ladies' home journal, Oct. 1977, p. 119, etc.) O Agatha Christie, Ltd.; 15Sep77; BB55399.

BB55400. Poirot's first case; wherein Agatha Christie describes how she created her first detective story, and her grandest sleuth, while surrounded by poisons. By Agatha Christie. (In The New York times magazine, Sept. 18, 1977, p. 41, etc.) Agatha Christie, Ltd.; 18Sep77; BB55400.

BB5540I. The Calcasieu and happy island. By Susan Lee Fisher. (In Liaison, Lake Charles. LA. Sept. 14. 1977, p. 16) e Susan Lee Fisher; 14Sep77; BB55401.

BB55402. Food. By Pamela Harlech. (In Vogue, Sept. 1977. p. 258. etc.) O Pamela

Harlech; 20Auq77; BB55402.


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