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JUL-DEC. 1977

BB552lt7. Your servant is listeninq. (In The Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 2) Appl.. au; iilliam Hanqer. @ Hilliaa Hanger; 17Dec76; BB55247.

BB55248. Your servant is listeninq. (In The Texas catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont, Apr. 1, 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Hilliam aanqer. Hilliam Hanger; Upr77; BB55248.

BB552«9. your servant is listeninq. (In The Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont, Har. 25, 1977, p. 2) Appl. au: Billiam Hanqer. e Hilliam Hanger: 25Har77; BB552U9.

BB55250. lour servant is listeninq. (In The Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont, Har. 18, 1977, p. 2) Appl. au: uilliam Hanqer. € Hilliam Hanqer; 18Har77: BB55250.

BB55251. Your servant is listeninq. (In The Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont, Har. 1. 1977. p. 3) Appl. au: Hilliaa Hanqer. € Hilliam Hanqer; 1Har77: BB55251.

BB55252. Your servant is listeninq. (In The Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont, Dec. 24, 1976, p. 3) Appl. au: Hilliam Hanqer. e Hilliam Hanqer; 14Dec76: BB55252.

BB55253. Your servant is listening. (In The Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont, June 3, 1977, p. 2) Appl. au: Hilliam Hanqer. Q Hilliaa Hanqer; 3Jun77; BB55253.

BB55254. Your servant is listeninq. (In The Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont, Hay 20, 1977, p. 2) Appl. au: Hilliam Hanqer. 6 Hilliam Hanger; 20Hav77; BB55254.

BB55255. The Honey guide. Hritten 6 illustrated by Hilliam Biziki Biua. (In Cricket, Sept. 1977. p. 39-43) Hilliam Eiziki Bivi & Daniel Hanus Finkvater; 10Aug77: BB55255.

BB55256. Cartoon uithout title. (In National riqht to life news, Sept. 1977. Debate, p. 3) Appl. au: Raymond A. Gastonguay. Bayaond Gastonquay; 3Sep77: BB5S256.

BB55257. Letter to a parent. By Hillard Fox. (FOX tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune, BoHlinq Green. OH, Sept. 8, 1977, p. 9) e Hillard Fox; 8Sep77; BB55257.

BB55258. 40X oppose metro sales tax plan. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Sept. 9. 1977, p. 1) e Saint Paul Dispatch: 9Sep77: BB55258.

BB55259. Azuela, Flandrau and others. By Tevis Clyde Smith. (In Pecan Valley neHS, Bronnyood. TX, Oct. 7, 1976, p. 10) e Tevis Clyde Smith; 70ct76: BB55259.

BB55260. Before the roads were paved — hiqhuay: a return to 1929. By Tevis Clyde Smith. (In Pecan Valley news, Brounnood, TX, Sept. 23. 1976, p. 5-6) S Tevis Clyde Smith: 23Sep76: BB55260.

BB55261. Part fact, part fiction: early days of Texas. By Tevis Clyde Smith. (In Pecan Valley news, Bronnvood, TX, Sept. 30, 1976, p. 12-13) e levis Clyde Smith; 30Sep76; BB55261.

BB55262. Boundhouse, September 1977. (In Lonqaont (CO) daily times-call, Sept. 3-4, 1977) Times-Call Publishing Company; 3Sep77; BB55262.

BB55263. Bights into action: protecting human rights of the mentally handicapped. By Stanley S. Herr. (In Catholic Oniversity Ian review, ninter 1977. p. 203-318) e Stanley S. Herr; 1Sep77; BB55263.

BB55264. Balking strong for God. (In The Croun messenger, Sept. 1977, p. 3-6) Appl. states all neu Hork except for quotations on p. 5-6. 6 PelloHship of the Crown; 9Sep77; BB55264.

BB55265. The Future of the urban university: some suggestions for survival. By John B. Silber. (In Phi Delta Kappan, Sept. 1977. p. 16-17) e John B. Silber; 7Sep77; BBS 5265.

BBS5266. Saae blood. By Tevis Clyde Smith. (In Pecan Valley news, BroHnwood. TX. Dec. 22, 1976, p. 15-16) e Tevis Clyde Smith; 22Dec76: BB55266.

BB55267. The Business of running a stable. By Robert C. Bobinson (The Trainer's space) (In Saddle and bridle, Aug. 1977. p. 32, etc.) 6 Bobert C. fiobinson (in notice: Bob Bobinson); 16Auq77; BB55267.

BB5S268. Loves beautiful glow. (In Fennysaver, Lindenhurst. PA, edition. July 9, 1977) Appl. au: Anthony Odierna (Tony Bayey Q Tony Baye. pseud, of Anthony Odierna; 9JU177: BB55268.

BB55269. The Story behind the Florida Power "daisy chain". By Patrick Tyler. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Sept. 4, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: Times publishing Company, employer for hire. e The Saint Petersburg Times; 4Sep77; BB55269.

BB55270. I'm only a badge. (In The Shield, Omaha, Sept. 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Robert LeSoy Cook. Prev. pub. in The Shield. MM: revisions G additions. © Robert LeRoy Cook; 7Sep77; BB55270.

BB55271. Haiority in favor of wage increase. (Instapoll) (In The Dallas morning news, Aug. 8, 1977, p. lA) The Dallas Horning News; 8Aug77; BB55271.

BB55272. Hany favor bond package: county jail issue cited. (Instapoll) (In The Dallas morning news. Aug. IS, 1977, p. 1A) The Dallas Horning Hews; 15Aug77; BBS5272.

BB55273. Host dislike illegal alien plan. (Instapoll) (In The Dallas morning news. Aug. 22. 1977, p. 1A) 6 The Dallas Morning Hews; 22Aa977; BB55273.

BB5S274. Bangers fans catch series fever. (Instapoll) (In The Dallas morning news, Aug. 29, 1977, p. 1A) 9 The Dallas Morning Hews; 29Aug77; BBSS274.

BB5S275. Carter's actions win local support. (Instapoll) (In The Dallas aorning news, Aug. 1, 1977. p. 1A) The Dallas Horning Hews; 1Aug77; BB55275.

BB5S276. The Kitchen cynic. (In Colorado Springs gazette telegraph, Aug. 8, 1977, p. 7B) Appl. au: Richard H. Pearl. S Haxwell Publishing Company; 8Aug77; BB55276.

BB55277. Link established in Hiami, Florida Power overcharges. By Patrick Tyler. (In The Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Sept. 8, 1977, p. 1B-2B) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. 6 The Saint Petersburg Times; 8Sep77; BBSS277.

BB55278. Born tall. By Garnet K. Tien. (In Capper's weekly. Topeka, KS. Sept. 6, 1977, p. 21. etc.) 6 Garnet K. Tien; 6Sep77; BBS5278.

BBS5279. The Adventures of the Gargoyle and Punkie-Hy-Eye. By Joel H. Stolinsky. (In A+pius. no. 2, 1977, p. 1-2S) S Joel Stolinsky; 1Jun77; BB5S279.

BB55280. Capital investment up 40X in three years. By S. Jay Levy. (In Applied strategy package — the September universe, Sept. 1977, p. 2-S) O S. Jay Levy; 7Sep77: BB55280.

BB55281. The Professional interpretor: agent for an awakening giant. (In Association of Interpretive Naturalists journal. Aug. 1977, p. 3-16) Appl. au: Gabriel Jerome Cherem. Revised £ expanded version of The Environmental interpretor: new frontiers. HH: revisions G additions. @ Gabriel Jerome Cherem; 2eAug77; BBS5281.

BB55282. Girtha. By Alfred Borelli 6 Stephen B. Yoken. (In Height Hatchers, Oct. 1977. p. 52) e Stephen H. Yoken £ Alfred Borelli (in notice: Al Borelli £ Steve Yoken); 1Sep77; BB55282.

BB55283. Freedom of choice. By Hayne R. Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA. Aug. 20, 1977. p. 6) Hayne R. Fiscus (in notice: H.R.F.); 204ug77; BB55283.

BB55284. The Old ark's a "moverin', moverin'"- -southward bound. By Hildred Gwin Andrews. (American textiles — an historical narrative, chap. 18) (In Southern textile news, Charlotte, NC, Aug. 8, 1977. p. 6. etc.) NH: compilation £ editorial revision. 6 Hildred Gwin Andrews; 8Aug77; BBSS264.

BBSS285. Arctic settlements depended on sled dog. By Robert Bruce Clifton. (Hail call) (In Channel Town press, LaConner, HA. July 13. 1977. p. 6) © Robert Bruce Clifton; 13Jttl77; BBS5285.

BBSS286. Arctic settlements depended on sled dog. Pt. 2. By Robert Bruce Clifton. (Hail call) (In Channel Town press, LaConner, HA, July 20, 1977, p. 6) © Robert Bruce Clifton; 20JU177; BB55286.


Arctic settlements depended on sled dog. Pt. 3. By Robert Bruce Clifton. (Hail call) (In Channel Town press, LaConner,


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