BB55172 - BB55210
JUL-DEC. 1977
BB55171 (con.) Seed. e Kenneth &. Beed : 1SAuq77; BB55171.
BB55172. Niqht book. (In Tecolote, San Diego Eveninq Colleqe, June 6, 1977, p. 6) Appl. au: charlotte A. Hadden. e charlotte a. Madden: 6Jun77; BB55172.
BB55173. Valley survival hinqes on EPA enfor- cement plan. Bv Richard s. Starnes. (In The Tribune chronicle, Harren, OH, July 23, 1977. p. 1-2) NH: interpretation of £ projections based upon various EPA documents. Q The Tribune Company; 23Jul77: BB55173.
BB55174. Hater lilies: photo. No. 2. (In AE concepts in wood desiqn, July-Auq. 1977, p. 2) Appl. au: Theodore J. Dulce. Theodore J. Duke; 25Jul77: BB5517t.
BB55175. Jollev Hithdravs complaint. By Ann Houle. (In The Examiner, Florence. SC. Auq. 17, 1977, p. 7) @ The Examiner, Inc.: 16AUq77: BB55175.
BB55176. Test of Clorox tracks television commercial results. By Carolyn Nolte- Hatts. (Hatch this space) (In Saint Petersburq (FL) tiies, Auq. 9, 1977, p. ID) Appl. au: Times Publishinq Company, employer for hire. 6 The Saint Petersburq Times; 9Auq77; BB5S176.
BB55177. Class size revisited. By Hillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune. Boulinq Green. OH. Auq. 11. 1977. P. 12) Hillard Fox: 11Auq77; BB55177.
BB5517B. Notorious Norbert by Fleaqle and Fosdick. By Gilbert Shelton £ Sheridan. (In Hiqh times, Feb. 1977, p. 69) O Gilbert Shelton; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976): BB55178.
BB55179. The Fabulous furry Freak Brothers and the mysterious visitor. By Gilbert Shelton £ Dave Sheridan. (In Hiqh times, Feb. 1977, p. 70-71) C Gilbert Shelton; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976); BB55179.
BB55ieO. The Tonal evolution of the E. fl. Skinner orqan. Pt. 1. By Dorothy J. Bolden. (In The Diapason, July 1977, p. 1, etc.) e Dorothy J. Holden; lJul77: BB55180.
BB55181. Godevan. (In Here and now, vol. 1, no. 7. p. 5, etc.) Appl. au; Alethea Christine Doyal Bordelon (Bene Christine Dionne) Sene Christine Dionne, pseud, of Alethea Christine Doyal Bordelon; 1Jun77; BB55181.
BB55182. Josephine of Sentvid. By Irene H. Odorizzi. (The Immiqrant, pt. 2) (In Zar-ja, Mar. 1977. p. 22-23) e Irene H. Odorizzi; 15Har77; BB55182.
BB55183. If. (In sidetracks (The Chicago daily nevs) July 14, 1977, p. 21) Appl. au: Florence fi. Hariano (F. tlariauo) e Florence B. Hariano; 1itJul77; BB55183.
8855184. Travel on the road of trust. (In Sidetracks (The Chicaqo daily news) July 21. 1977, p. 17) Appl. au: Florence B. Hariano (F. Hariano) O Florence B. Hariano: 21Jul77; BB55184.
BB55185. Bules limit state court suits. By Dale Eisman. (Shifting scales: Federal and state justice) (In Richmond times- dispatch, July 19, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Richmond Times-Dispatch, employer for hire. Hedia General. Inc.; 19JU177; BB55185.
BB55186. State courts making comeback vith help of the Supreme Court. By Dale Eisman. (Shifting scales: Federal and state justice) (In Richmond times-dispatch, July 20, 1977. p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Richmond Times-Dispatch, employer for hire, e Hedia General. Inc.; 20Jul77; BB55185.
BB55187. D.S. courts now society's lightning rods. By Dale Eisman. (Shifting scales: Federal and state justice) (In Richmond times-dispatch, July 17, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Richmond Times-Dispatch, employer for hire. Q Hedia General. Inc. ; 17JU177: BB55187.
BB55188. Rights lawyers advised to go to state courts. By Dale Eisman. (Shifting scales: Federal and state justice) (In Richmond times-dispatch. July 21. 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Richmond Tines- Dispatch, employer for hire. 6 Hedia General, Inc.; 21Jul77; BB55188.
BB55189. 1958 case sparked U.S. courts* rights role. By Dale Eisman. (Shifting scales: Federal and state justice) (In Richmond times-dispatch. July 18, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Richmond Times- Dispatch, employer for hire, d Hedia General, Inc. ; 18JU177; BB55189.
BB55190. Quincunx — point of decision. By Terry Hill Burke. (In The Saturn return, Apr. 1977, p. 37-41) e Terry H. Burke; 20Apr77; BB55190.
BB55191. The Key to your influence on your child. By Terry Bill Burke. Add. ti: How you influence your child. (In The Saturn return, Feb. 1977. p. 39-44) e Terry H. Burke; 25Feb77; BB55191.
BB55192. Ex-Florida power chief Perez got »193,255 from his firm's oil agent. By Patrick Tyler. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Aug. 28. 1977. p. 1A. etc.) Appl. au: Times Publishing company, employer for hire. The Saint Petersburg Times; 28Aug77: BB55192.
BB55193. Door. By Valerie Horth (Valerie Horth Bahlke) , drawing by Alice Brickner. (In Cricket, Sept. 1977, p. 10) on text; Valerie Horth Bahlke; 10Aug77; BB55193.
BB55194. The Hunt. By Mildred Ames, illustrated by Leslie Horrill. (In cricket, Sept. 1977, p. 26-31) e on text; Mildred Ames; 10Auq77; BB55194.
BB55195. The Princess and the pirates. By Z. K. Slaby, translated from the Czech by Bohumil Hruby, drawinqs by Fritz Hegner. (In Cricket, Sept. 1977, p. 72-75) Appl. au: Mary Rose Hutyra. on English translation; Mary Rose Hutyra; 10Auq77; BB55195.
BB55196. Listen to the angels laughing. By Thomaline Aguallo, illustrated by Troy Howell. (In Cricket. Sept. 1977, p. 11-15) e on text; Thomaline Aguallo; 10Aug77; BB55196.
BB55197. Comrade's credo. By Robert V. Ferrara. (A Sunday acrostic) (In Beacon (The Boston herald American) June 12. 1977. p. 26, etc.) NH: editorial revision £ additions. Robert V. Ferrara; 12Jun77; BB55197.
BB55198. The Day's work. By Barbara Holland, illus. by Elwood Smith. (In Hs. , Aug. 1977. p. 54. etc.) Barbara Holland; 26JU177: BB55198.
BB55199. U.S. Steel plans massive water cleanup by 1981. By Richard S. Starnes. (In The Tribune chronicle, Harren, OH. June 20. 1977, p. 1-2) e The Tribune Chronicle; 20Jun77; BB55199.
BB55200. The Horld's finest weed grows in water, not dirt. (In High times. Hay 1977. p. 17) Q Applied Hydroponics; 6Apr77; BB55200.
BB55201. Larry HcNider. (In Jackson (TNJ banner, June 28-July 4, 1977, p. 12) Appl. au: Steve Haroney. O Steve Haroney; 28Jun77; BB55201.
BB55202. Arm and shoulder pain. By Hayne R. Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. Palo Alto, CA, Aug. 6, 1977. p. 6) e Hayne R. Fiscus (in notice: H.R.F.); 6Aug77: BB55202.
BB55203. Boons children love to live in. By Alexandra Stoddard. (In Homan's day, Sept. 20, 1977, p. 90, etc.) 6 Alexander Stoddard (in notice: Alexandra Stoddard) ; 23Aug77; BB55203.
BB5S204. The Answer tree. By Marjorie Holmes (Harjorie Holmes Highell) (A Roman's conversations with God) (In Homan's day. June 28. 1977, p. 28) Harjorie Holmes Highell; 31Hay77; BB55204.
BB55205. From "The Thin nountain air." (In Albuguergue (NH) journal, Aug. 14, 1977, p. D1-D2) Appl. au: Paul Borgan. Paul Horgan; 14Aug77; BB55205.
BB55206. Bonadonna, in biding, denies slain father a drug dealer. By J. J. Maloney. (In The Kansas City (HO) star, Sept. 2, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au; The Kansas City Star, employer for hire. 6 The Kansas City Star Company; 2Sep77; BBS5206.
BB55207. Parents favor desegregation, not bussing plan. By Andrew c. Hiller. (In The Kansas City (HO) times. Sept. 3, 1977, p. 1A-2A) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, employer for hire. Q The Kansas City Star Company; 3Sep77; BB55207.
BB55208. Song of Solomon. By Toni Horrison. (In Redbook, Sept. 1977. p. 237-260) Toni Morrison; 23Aug77; BB55208.
BB55209. Finger fever. By Tony Hester. (In Song hits magazine, Feb. 1977. p. 30) e Groovesville Husic; 30Hov76; BB5S209.
BB55210. The Fascination of freaks. By Leslie A.
Fiedler. (In Psychology today, Aug. 1977.
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