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BB55095 - BB55133


JUL-DEC. 1977

BB55095. The Husicians. By Sanford Gene Laae. (Id News herald* Santa Bosa« CA, July 6-12, 1977, p. 33) Sandy lane; 6Jul77; BB55095.

BB55096. Bocn tall. By Gacnet K. Tien. (In Capper's veekly, Topeka, KS, Auq. 9, 1977, p. 13. etc.) e Garnet K. Tien; 9Aog77; BB55096.

BB55097. The OevU on horseback. By yictoria Holt, pseud, of Eleanor Hibbert, illus. by Bob HcGinnls. (In Good housekeeping, Sept. 1977, p. 115, etc.) e fictoria Bolt; 16Aug77; BB55097.

BB55098. Profile of a terrorist- By Charles Alvin Bussell e Bouaan Boiiard Biller. (In Military revie», Auq. 1977, p. 21-34) Charles A. Sussell & Bowman B. Hiller; 1Auq77: BB55098.

BB55099. Children, huaor and folklore. Pt. 2. By Alvin schuartz. Based on a speech delivered at the conference of the NCTE, Nov. 26, 1976. (In The Born Book Haqazine, Auq. 1977, p. 471) e Alvin Schiiartz; 28Jul77; BBS5099.

BB55100. Sooe reflections on Oqanda: an African country of fear and beauty. By Georgia Doppenberq. (In The Dejioccat, Orange City, lA, Auq. 17, 1977, p. 6-7) Appl. au; Katy Hansen. 6 on photos. ; Katy Bansen; 17Auq77; BB55100.

BB55101, Ken less optioistic about qun lav. (your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Auq. 12. 1977. p. 18) O Saint Paul Dispatch: 12Aug77: BB55101.

BB5S102. Dialogue of love, black to black. By Prances Johnson Barnes. (In Pittsburgh Uomevood-Brushton news and shoppers quide, Auq. 17, 1977, p. 6) Frances Johnson Barnes: 17Aoq77; BB55102.

6655103. Pet robots: neu capabilities. By Bobert Bossum, pseud, of Nelson B. iinkless 3rd. (In People's computers, July-Aug. 1977, p. 8-10) e United States Robotics Society; 15JU177; BB55103.

BBS5104. Genius Hillie's salty alphabet. By lilbur L. Banford. (In Agua-Land fish tales, Aug. 1977, p. 11-16) e Bilbur L. Hanford; 6Aug77; BB55104.

BB55105. Competency-based education. By Uillard Fox. (FOX tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH. Aug. 18, 1977, p. 8) lillard Fox; 18Aug77; BB55105.

6B55106. Q.S. finds New Jersey Fire Department race bias. (In The Dispatch, Onion City, NJ, Auq. 19, 1977, p. 1-2) The Budson Dispatch, Inc., The Dispatch, whose full corporate name is the Hudson Dispatch; 19Aug77: BB55106.

6655107. American freedom; something to cherish; quest editorial. By Laszlo Toth,. (In Loveland (CO) daily reporter-herald, July 2-3, 1977, p. 4) Appl. au: Loveland Publishinq Company S Times-Call Publishing Company. Loveland Publishing Company S Times-Call Publishinq Company; 2Jul77; BB55107.

BB55108. Play better qolf with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Beading (PA) times, July 25, 1977, p. 18) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 25Jul77: B655108.

BB55109. King warper with a new twist. By Patricia T. Groves. (Bare bird series) (In B/C sportsman news magazine, June 1977, p. 20-24) C on text; Patricia T. Groves; 1911ay77; BBS5109.

BB55110. Uampus Kat. By Patricia T. Groves. (Bare bird series) (In B/C sportsman news magazine. Hay 1977, p. 30, etc.) 6 on text; Patricia T. Graves; 19Apr77; BB55110.

B655111. Loeninq Lawrance: felines for the fleet. By Patricia T. Groves. (Bare bird series) (In £/C sportsman news magazine, July 1977, p. 18-20) on text; Patricia T. Groves; 19Jul77; BB55111.

BB55112. Bugs Bunny. By Balph Heimdahl G Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly. Hay 2, 1977, p. 20-21) Appl. au: Barner Brothers, Inc. , employer for hire. e Harner Brothers, Inc.; 2aay77; BB55112.

BB55113. Bugs Bunny. By Ealph Heimdahl £ Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly. Hay 9, 1977, p. 20-21) Appl. au: Harner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire. e Barner Brothers, Inc.; 9(lay77; BB55113.

BB55114. Bugs Bunny. By Balph Heimdahl G Al Stoffel. (In NEA comic weekly, Hay 16, 1977, p. 20-21) Appl. au: Barner Brothers, Inc. , employer for hire. e Barner Brothers, Inc.; 16llay77; BB55114.

BB55115. Bugs Bunny. By Balph Heimdahl C Al Stoffel. (In NEA weekly comic. Hay 23, 1977, p. 20-21) Appl. au: Barner Brothers, Inc. , employer for hire, e Barner Brothers, Inc. ; 23Hay77; BB55115.

BB55116. Bugs Bunny. By Balph Heimdahl G Al Stoffel. (In NEA weekly comic. Hay 30, 1977, p. 20-21) Appl. au: Barner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire. © Harner Brothers, Inc.; 30Hay77; BB55116.

BB55117. Florida Power knew of consultant's deals when it renewed his contract. By Patrick Tyler. (In The Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Aug. 17, 1977, p. 1B-2B) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. Q The Saint Petersburg Times; 17Aug77; BB55117.

BB55118. Florida Power let agent deal, documents show. By Patrick Tyler. (In The Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Aug. 18, 1977, P.1B-2B) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. 6 The Saint Petersburg Times; 18Aug77; BB55118.

BB55119. Two Anderson pals get part-time legal plums. By Les Layton. (In Saint Paul dispatch, Aug. 16, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: Saint Paul Dispatch. 6 Saint Paul Dispatch; 16Aug77; BB55119.

BB55120. According to Helen. (In Senior citizen weekly, Sacramento, CA, Aug. 4, 1977, p. 8) Appl. au: Helen Sims G Isabell Bilkerson. 6 Helen Sims G Isabell Hilkerson; 4Aug77; 6655120.

BB55121. 100 years of news. Add. ti: Peshtigo times 100th anniversary issue. (In Peshtigo (HI) times, Aug. 17, 1977) Peshtigo Times; 17Aug77; BB55121.

6655122. Elusive emergency plan faces changes. By Hilliam Douglas Stilley. (In The Baytown (HO) post combined with and continuing the Inter-city news, June 2, 1977, p. 2) © The Baytown Post; 2Jun77; BB55122.

BB55123. Host in poll here against canal treaty, (lour opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Aug. 19, 1977, p. 8) Saint Paul Dispatch; 19Aug77; BB55123.

BB55124. Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, July 8, 1977, p. 2) @ Babson's Beports, Inc.; 8Jul77; BB55124.

BB55125. Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, July 22, 1977, p. 2) Babson's Beports, Inc.; 22Jul77: 6655125.

6855126. Business and the stock market. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, July 29, 1977, p. 2i e Babson's Beports, Inc.; 29Jul77; BB55126.

6655127. Price-earnings ratio. 6y eabson's Beports, Inc. (6usiness and the stock market) (In Chelmsf ord-Hestf ord-Tyngsboro (HA) newsweekly, July 14, 1977, p. 2, etc.) e eabson's Beports, Inc.; 14Jul77; BB55127.

BB55128. Your motorcycle and you. (In Buy-lines press, Baldwin, NY, June 8, 1977, p. 42) © 6-1 Press, Inc.; 2Jun77; 6655128.

BBSS 129. Date book. Heek of July 17-23, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, July 17, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. 6 The Chronicle Publishing Company; 1SJul77; BBS5129.

6655130. Sunday punch, July 17, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, July 17, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. 6 The Chronicle Publishing Company: 15Jul77: B6S5130.

BB55131. This world, July 31, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, July 31, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. 3 The Chronicle Publishing Company: 29Jul77: 6655131.

6BSS132. Sunday punch, July 31, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, July 31, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Q The Chronicle Publishing Company; 29Jal77; 6655132.

B6S5133. Date book. Heek of July 31 -Aug. 6, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco

chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday


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