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A877331 - A877370


JUL-DEC. 1977

A877330 (con.) Publishing Conpany, Inc.; 1'IJuii77; 1877 330.

i877331. Thinqs that qo! By Stella ililliaas Nathan, illustrated by losiii Miyake. 1 ». Sppl. au: western Publlshinq Coapaiiy, Inc., employer for hire. Western Publishing Company, Inc.; 14Jun77; i877331.

A877 332. My fa»orite thinqs. By Stella Billiaas Bathan, illustrated by loshi Siyake 1 v. Appl. au: Western Publishing Coapany, Inc. , employer for hire. Western Publishinq Company, Inc.; 14Jun77; A877332.

A877333. Toys and qames. By Stella Williams Kathan. illustrated by loshi Biyake. 1 v. Appl. au: Western Publishing Company, Inc. western Publishinq Company, Inc.; 11|Jun77: A877333.

A877334. Wild animals. By Stella Williams Nathan, illustrated by loshi Hiyake. 1 ». Appl. au: Western Publishinq Company, Inc., employer for hire. Western Publishing Company, Inc.; 14Jun77: A877334.

A877335. The Biq parade. No. 1126. 1 v. O Western Publishinq Company, Inc.; 7Jun77: A877335.

A877336. What does baby see? 8 p. Western Publishinq company. Inc.; 7Jun77: 4877336.

4877337. Halt Disney presents winnie-the-Pooh's rhymes. By A. A. Hilne. 8 p. Appl. au: Walt Disney Productions. on illus; Walt Disney Productions; 20Jun77; A877337.

A877338. card and coin tricks. By Cathy Cashion, illustrated by Pat Lee. 18 p. Appl. au: Western Publishinq company. Inc., employer for hire. Western Publishinq Company, Inc.; 14Jun77; S877338.

A877339. The Funny book. By Jack Kent. 47 p. Appl. au: Western Publishinq Company,, Inc. « enployer for hire. Western Publishinq Company, Inc.; 14Jun77; A877339.

A877340. The wonderful Wizard of Oz. Adapted by Barbara Bazen from the classic by L. Frank Baum, pictures by Eleanor Hill. 46 p. Appl. au: Western Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. NM: neii art 6 text adaptation. C Western Publishinq Company. Inc.; 14Jun77; A877340.

A877341. Walt Disney's Oncle Bemus Brer Babbit stories. 48 p. NO: coyer, title page, endpaper art & new art on 21 p. Walt Disney Productions; 16Jun77; Ae77341.

A877342. Donny and Harie: a color book. No. 1641. 1 V. 6 Osbro Productions, Inc.; 2Jun77; A877342.

A877343. The Busy Disney fun book. 144 p. e Halt Disney Productions: 30Jun77: A877343.

A877344. Kids can make it for Christmas. 36 p. Western Pablishiny Company, Inc.; 8Jun77; A877344.

AB77345. Milligram per kilogram tablet/dose guide. Add. ti: Savage Laboratories milligram per kilogram tablet/dose guide. NH: compilation e additional text. O Perrygraf, divisiou of Nashua Cor- poration; 11JU177: A877345.

A877346. Draught beer profit calculator. Bottle and can beer chart. Add. ti; Hudepohl Brewing Company bottle and can/draught beer profit chart. NM: compilation 6 additional text. Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation; 11Jul77; Ae77346.

A877347. Pounds of materials needed to equal the plant food in one ton of mixed fertilizer. Pounds of fertilizer materials equivalent to pure plant foods. Add. ti: Southern States Cooperative fertilizer/plant food chart. NM: compilation & additional text. Perryqraf, division of Nashua Cor- poration; 11JU177; A877347.

&877348. Petroleum Meiqhts and volumes related to API qrades. Add. ti: Exxon International Company petroleum weights and volumes related to API grades. NM: compilation S additional text. @ Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation; 31Aug73; i877348.

A877349. Continental aircraft engine torque chart. Add. ti: leledyne/Continental Motors torque chart. NM: compilation S additional text. 6 Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation; 7Jui77; A877349.

A877350. Wisconsin cheese Festival build- a-display. Add. ti: American Dairy Association of Wisconsin build-a-display. NM: compilation S additional text. Q Perrygraf, division of Nashua Cor- poration; 31Hay74; A877350.

4877351. Lenox band saw selector chart. Add. ti: American Saw and Manufacturing Company band saw selector chart. NM: compilation 6 additional text. 6 Perryqraf, division of Nashua Corporation; 11Jul77: A877351.

A877352. Gravity flow hydraulics calculator. Add. ti; National Clay Pipe Institute gravity flow hydraulics calculator. NH; compilation & additional text. e Perrygraf, division of Nashua Cor- poration; 8JU177; A877352.

A877353. Carrier trouble diagnosis chart. Add. ti: Carrier Air Conditioning Company trouble diagnosis chart. NM: compilation 6 additional text. Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation; 20JU172; 4877353.

4877354. Drapery yardage calculator. Add. ti: Salco Manufacturing and Distributing Coapany drapery yardage calculator. NM: compilation & additional text. 6 Perrygraf, division of Nashua Cor- poration; 8Jul77; A877354.

A877355. Arab nationalism: an anthology. Selected & edited with an introd. by Sylvia G. Haim. 255 p. NH: pref, The fiegents of the University of California; 22Sep76; A877355.

A877356. Cerambycidae of North America. Pt. 4, no. 2: Taxonomy and classification of the subfamily Lepturinae. By E. Gorton Linsley £ John A. Chemsak. 186 p. The Begents of the Oniversity of California Press (in notice: The Begents of the Oniversity of California) ; 12Dec76; 4877356.

A877357. Nahuatl in the middle years: language contact phenomena in texts of the colonial period. By Frances Rarttunen & James Lockhart. 146 p. The Begents of the Oniversity of California; 31Dec76; A877357.

A877358. The Sutter Buttes of California: a stud; of Plio-Pleistoceue volcanisa. By Uowel Williaas e G. B. Curtis. 56 p. The Begents of the Oniversity of California; 11Jan77; A877358.

4877359. Fluids and electrolytes in the surgical patient. By Carlos Pestana. 154 p. O The Williams and Wilkins Coapany; 9Jun77; 4877359.

4877360. The Shorter Bergey's Manual of determinative bacteriology, eighth edition. Editor: John G. Holt. 356 p. NM: revision & updating. O The Williaas and Wilkins Coapany: 17May77; 4877360.

A877361. Blood bank technology. Edited by Lazar M. Schwartz & williaa Miles. 2nd ed. 312 p. O The Williams and Wilkins Coapany; 5May77; A877361.

A877362. Westinghouse lighting discipline: teacher reference source working manual. Author: B. L. Mackey, editor: E. G. Mackall. 304 p. Appl. au: Westinghouse Electric corporation. Westinghouse Electric corporation; 15Jun77: A877362.

A877363. CCH estate planning guide. By Sidney Kess e Bertil Westlin. 2nd ed. 645 p. Q Commerce Clearing House, Inc.; 10Jun77; A877363.

A877364. Guidebook to labor relations, 1977. 17th ed. 392 p. O Commerce Clearing Bouse, Inc.; 26May77; 4877364.

A877365. E. L. M. leaves. So. 3, July 1977. Compiled by Jean Calkins. 1 v. O J and C Transcripts; 8Jul77; 4877365.

4877366. Troubles to bubbles. By Madalin Mutch. 60 p. O Badalin Mutch; 23Jun77: 4877 366.

A877367. Beyond verse (to poetry) Written, compiled & edited by Jean Calkins. 63 p. NM: compilation. J and C TraascExpts; 1Jun77; A877367.

A877368. 13th annual These are my jewels anthology. Edited by Jean Calkins, illus. by Buth Jorgensen. 54 p, NM: compi- lation. O J and C Transcripts: 10Juu77; A877368.

A877369. Navigators' manual; waves, winds, tides £ crosscurrents. By Cora Cypser. 48 p. Cora Cypser: 23aay77; 4877369.

4877370. Prison cells are not for frivolous thinking. Poetry of Thomas Galloway. 54

p. O Thomas Galloway; 284pr77; 4877370.


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