BB55057 - BB5509a
JUL-DEC. 1977
BB55057. O.S. lav reaching for foreiqa envoys. 87 J. F. lecHorst. (Id The Detroit nevs, July 27. 1977, p. 12B) ippl. au : The Eveninq Nevs Association* Inc. , eaployer for hire, e The Evening Hews Association, Inc. f. Oniversai Press syndicate; 27JU177: BB55057.
BB55058. Carter: an eniqaa bathed in a saile. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit ne«s, July 20. 1977, p. 108) Appl. au : The Eveninq News Association. Inc., eaployer for hire. The Eveninq Hens Association, Inc.^ — Oniversai Press Syndicate: 20Jul77: BB55058.
BB55059. Neu British envoy plays aeet the press. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, July 31, 1977, p. 6E) Appl. au: The Eveninq Kens Association, Inc.. employer for hire. The Eveninq Keas Association. Inc. e Universal Press Syndicate; 31Jul77: B855059.
8855060. O.S- investigates diversion of funds. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas aorninq news, July 17. 1977, p. 26A) Appl. au: The Dallas Borninq News. O The Dallas Morninq News; 17Jui77; 8855060.
BB55061. The History of the Itch. By Beatrice TanaJta, translated froa the French by Doris Orqel. illus. by Halcola Bird. (In cricket, June 1977, p. 77-81) C on translation; Doris Orqel; iaaay77; 8B55061.'
BB55062. Sooethinq to depend on. By fiuth Elizabeth Jenks. (In The Christian Science monitor, July 26. 1977, p. 30-31) Appl. au: The Christian Science Board of Directors, eaployer for hire. O The Christian Science Board of Directors; 26JU177; BB55062.
BB55063. Hob Burders: is it two down and one to qo? By J. J. Maloney. (In The Kansas City (HO) star. Auq. 6, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, eaployer for hire of J. J. Haloney. The Kansas city star coapany; 6Aug77: BB55063.
88550611. Carl Civella lists his theories on Quay strife. 8y Sichard A. Serrano. (In The Kansas City (MO) tiaes. Auq. 9, 1977, p. 1A. etc.) ippl. au: The Kansas city Tiaes. eaployer for hire of Bichard A. Serrano. The Kansas city Star Coapany; 9Auq77: 8855061.
BB55065. Bankers, union leaders aqree: city needs relief froa welfare tab now. By Albert Shanker. (Hhere we stand) (In The New lork tiaes, July 31, 1977, section ^. p. 9) C Albert shanker; 3 1JU177; B855065.
B855066. Bhen the pressures becoae too auch: strateqies of survival replace teaching. By Albert Shanker. (Where we stand) (In The New York tiaes. Aug. 7. 1977. section t. p. 7) Albert Shanker; 7Auq77; 8855066.
BB55067. Personal slants froa Jaaes Holt ncGavran. (In Ideas for better livinq. Auq. 1977, p. 15) James Holt HcGavran; 1Auq77; BB55067.
BB55068. All of us bury our dead. By U. Colfer 6 D. Baratta. (In POEAC news, southern ed., June 197 7, p. 3) Appl. au: POHAC (Peace Officers* fiesearch Association of California). O POBAC; 1Jun77; B855068.
8855069. The Pursued padre. (Francisco's corner) (In Patima findings, Sept. 1977, p. 5-7J Appl. au: Anna c. Pertsch. Anna C. Pertsch; 5Aug77; 8855069.
BB55070. The Child and Coapany express. (In The Collectors Club philatelist. Hay 1973, p. 146-155) Appl. au: Caivet H. Hahn. O Caivet H. Hahn; 13Jun73; BB55070.
8855071. The First Aaerican "post" law. (In The Collectors club philatelist, Jan. 1973, p. 22-31) Appl. au: Caivet M. Haho. O Caivet a. Hahn; 20Feb73 (in notice: 1972): BB55071.
8855072. The U.S. Express Hail: the steaaer Oregon handstaaps. No. 2. (In The Collectors Club philatelist, July 1972, p. 224-236) Appl. au: Caivet B. Hahn. Caivet H. Hahn; 8Sep72; 8B55072.
8855073. The U.S. Express Hail: the steaaer Oreqon handstaaps. No. 1. (In The Collectors club philatelist. Hay 1972, p. 160-169) Appl. au: Caivet H. Hahn. e Caivet H. Hahn; 4Jun72; BB55073.
8855074. The Fine art of forgery detecting. (In The collectors club philatelist. Bar. 1972, p. 78-85) Appl. au: Caivet B. Hahn. O Caivet B. Hahn; 5Apr72 (in notice: 1971); BB55074.
BB55075. The Provisional post of the United States. No. 2. (In The Collectors Club philatelist. July 1974. p. 210-226) Appl. au: Caivet H. Hahn. O Caivet H. Hahn; 2Aug74; 8855075.
8855076. The Provisional post of the United States. No. 4. (In The Collectors club philatelist, Nov. 1974, p. 355-369) Appl. au: Caivet a. Hahn. © Caivet B. Hahn; 5Jan75 (in notice: 1974) ; BB55076.
BB55077. The Provisional post of the United States. BO. 3. (In The Collectors Club philatelist, Sept. 1974, p. 280-295) Appl. au: Caivet H. Hahn. Caivet B. Hahn; 15oct74; 8B55077.
8855078. 1776: a year of challenge — a world transforaed. By Bernard Bailyn. (In The Journal of law and economics. Oct. 1976, p. 437-466) O Bernard Bailyn; 30Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 8855078.
8855079. Thoaas Jefferson and the right to property in Bevolutionary Aaerica. By Stanley N. Katz. (In The Journal of law and economics. Oct. 1976, p. 467-488) e Stanley N. Katz; 30Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 8B55079.
8855080. Gibbon and the publication of The Decline and fall of the Soaan Eapire, 1776-1976. By H. H. Trevor-Boper. Add. ti: Gibbon and The Decline and fall of the Hoaan Eapire. (In The Journal of lav and economics, Oct. 1976, p. 489-505) O H. E. Trevor-Boper; 30Jun77 (in notice: 1975); B855080.
BB55081. Adaa Saith and The Health of nations. By Terence Hutchison. (In The Journal of law and econoaics, Oct. 1976, p. 507-528) 30Jun77 (in notice: Terence Hutchi 1976); BB55081.
8B55082. Adaa Ssith's view of aan. By B. H. Coase. (In The Journal of law and econoaics, Oct. 1976, p. 529-546) C a. a. Coase; 30Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB5S082.
BB55083. Benthaa and the United States of Aaerica. By H. I. A. Hart. (In The Journal of lav and econoaics, Oct. 1975, p. 547-567) H. L. A. Hart; 30Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 8855083.
BB55084. Blackstone and Benthaa. By Bichard A. Posner. (In The Journal of law and economics. Oct. 1976, p. 569-606) Bichard A. Posner; 30Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 8855084.
B855085. Turgot: paragon of the continental enlightenment. By B. B. Palmer. (In The Journal of law and econoaics, Oct. 1976, p. 607-619) O B. E. Palaer; 30Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB55085.
8855086. The Legacy of 1776 in legal and econoaic thought. By Borton J. Horwitz. (In The Journal of law and econoaics, Oct. 1976, p. 521-632) e Borton J. Horwitz; 30Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 8B55085.
8855087. Application of holistic health care. By Nayne B. Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA, July 30, 1977, p. 5) Uayne B. Fiscus (in notice: B.B.F.); 30Jul77; BB55087.
8855088. The Twip. By G. Philip Salter. (In Sterling Park shop-n-news. Sterling, VA, July 18, 1975, p. 6) Appl. au: Jia Butts. e on illus.; Jia Butts; 18Jul75; B855088.
8855089. Consuaerisa in feainist therapy. By Sandra Hary Hardin. (In Boaan-rising, Hay-June 1977, p. 8-9) O Counseling for Hoaen, solely owned by Sandra H. Hardin; 20aay77 (in notice: 1976); BB55089.
8855090. The Presentation and portrayal of sound patterns. By Kendall L. Balton. (In In theory only, Feb. /Bar. 1977, p. 3-16) Kendall L. Nalton; 6Jul77; B855090.
BB55091. The Gates of Palestine. By Sondra Gordon Langford. (Out of Zion) (In Borris Sussex Jewish news, Ledgewood, NJ, Apr. 1977, p. 11) O Sondra Gordon Langford; 15Apr77; 8855091.
8855092. Next year in Entebbe? (Out of zion) (In Borris Sussex Jewish news, Ledgewood, NJ, Apr. 1977, p. 11) Appl. au: Sondra Gordon Langford. Sondra Gordon Langford; 15Apr77: BB55092.
BB55093. New valuation of water deaands will affect supply design. By Bilton Snyder. (Snyder on pluabing, chap. 3) (In Contractor, Aug. 15, 1977, p. 58-59) Bilton Snyder; 15Aug77; 8B55093.
BB55094. Our little boys. (In Bits of BABC, July 1977, p. 5-6) Appl. au: Bichard E. Barr, Jr. Bichard E. Barr, Jr.; 13Aug77 (in
notice: 1976); BB55094.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.