BB55015 - BB55056
JUL-DEC. 1977
BB55015. Shank and Dlaples at D.H.P. (In Hater and POHer Golf club nevs, August 1977, p. 14) Appl. au: Charles S. Hellian S Bobert A. Ticitilli. NH: new characters, e Charles S. Hellman 6 Sober t A. Tiritilli (in notice: Belljian-Iiritilli) ; 9Aug77: BB55015.
BBSSOie. Here's to the losers — God bless "en all. By Anthony s. Cassano. (In rat city times and entertainaent guide, Hetairie, LA» through July 6, 1977, p. 10, etc.) Anthony S. Cassano; 2<IJun77; BB55016.
BB55017. Here's to the losers — God bless 'en all. By Anthony S. Cassano. (In Fat City tines and entertainment guide, Netairie, LA, through July 21, 1977, p. 10, etc.) 9 Anthony S. Cassano; 7Jul77; BB55017.
BB55Q1B. Here's to the losers — God bless 'em all. By Anthony s. Cassano. (In Fat City times and entertainment guide, Metairie, LA, through August 11, 1977, p. 6, etc.) e Anthony S. Cassano; 21Jul77; BB55018.
BB55019. Classical music instrumentalist. By Kurt Loebel. (In Husic educators Mar. 1977, p. 81-84) e Kurt Loebel; 10aar77; BB55019.
BB5S020- T'roH da bums out! By Constance L. flelaro. (Just zingin* along) (In Sunday tribune review, Greensburg, PA, July 17, 1977, p. A18) e Constance I. Helaro; 17JU177; BB55020.
BB55021. "Tailored" new auto leads to troubles. By Constance L. Helaro. (Just zingin* along) (In Sunday tribune-revieu, Greensburg, PA, July 31, 1977, p. E7) 9 Constance L. Helaro; 31Jul77; BB55021.
BB55022. Contend earnestly for the faith. By Robert Louis Passantino. (In Christian apologetics; research and information service newsletter, Apr. /May/June 1977, p. 4-6) e Robert Passantino; 10Jun77; BB55022.
BB55023. You gotta uanna. By Frederick Harvin Hannah, sr. (In The Hiluaukee community lournal, July 20-27, 1977, p. 7) F. Marvin Hannah, Sr.; 20Jul77; BB55023.
BB55024. Holistic health care. By Hayne Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA, July 23, 1977, p. 5) Hayne H. Fiscus; 23JU177; BB550211.
BB55Q25. The Fabulous furry Freak brothers. By Gilbert Shelton 6 Sheridan. (In High times, Sept. 1977, p. 70-72) Gilbert Shelton; 5Aug77; BB55025.
BB55026. The Fabulous furry Freak brothers. By Gilbert Shelton 6 Sheridan. (In High times, Aug. 1977, p. 73-75) Gilbert Shelton; 15JU177; BB55026.
BB55027. The Fabulous furry Freak brothers. By Gilbert Shelton 6 Sheridan. (In High tines, July 1977, p. 69-72) e Gilbert Shelton; 15Jun77; BB55027.
BB5502B. The Fabulous furry Freak brothers. By Gilbert shelton G Sheridan. (In High times. June 1977, p. 81-83) Gilbert Shelton: 15Hay77: BB55028.
BB55G29. The Fabulous f"rry Freak brothers. By Gilbert Shelton £ Sheridan. (In High times, Mav 1977- p. 39-41) 6 Gilbert Shelton; 15ipr77; BB55029.
BB5S030. The Fabulous furry Freak brothers. By Gilbert Shelton 6 Sheridan. (In High times, Apr. 1977, p. 71-73) 6 Gilbert Shelton; 15Mar77; BB55030.
BB55031. Freak brother in "Siding that train." By Gilbert Shelton 6 Sheridan. Add. ti: The Fabulous furry Freak brothers. (In High times. Mar. 1977, p. 80-82) e Gilbert Shelton; 15Feb77: BB55031.
BB55032. Sin — separation from God. (In The Croun messenger, Aug. 1977, p. 3-6) e Fel- lOHShip of the Croun; 10Aug77; BB55032.
BB55033. Roundhouse, August 1977. (In Longmont (CO) daily times-call, Aug. 6-7, 1977) 3 Times-Call Publishing Company; 6Aug77; BB55033.
BB55034. State denies bulletin request: "price tag' $4,000 for abortion info. By John B. Finnegan, Jr. (In The Catholic bulletin. Saint Paul, Aug. 12, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: The Catholic Bulletin Publishing Company. 9 The Catholic Bulletin a.a.d.o. The Catholic Bulletin Publishing Company; 12Aug77; BB55034.
BB55035. A National controversy in miniature: the District of Columbia struggle over public housing and development, 1943-46. By William Bobert Barnes. (In Prologue: the iournal of the National Archives, summer 1977, p. 90-104) e ailliam B. Barnes; 5JU177; BB55035.
BB55036. Stan Smith's Tennis tips. (In Detroit free press, July 5, 1977, p. 5-D) e Stanley H. Smith; 5Jul77; BB55036.
BB55037. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, July 31, 1977, p. 78) e Stanley R. Smith; 31Jul77; BB55037.
BB55038. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, July 28, 1977, p. 34) e Stanley E. Smith; 28Jul77; BB55038.
BB55039. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, July 24. 1977, p. 68) e Stanley E. Smith; 24Jui77; BB55039.
BB55040. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eagle, July 10, 1977, p. 65) e Stanley B. Smith; 10Jul77; BB55040.
BB55041. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Bristol (CT) press. July 26, 1977. p. 14) e Stanley E. Smith; 26Jul77; BB55041.
BB55042. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Reading (PA) eagle, July 21, 1977, p. 33) e Stanley E. Smith; 21Jul77; BB55042.
BB55043. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, July 19, 1977, p. 35) e Stanley E. Smith; 19Jul77: BB55043.
BB55044. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, July 17. 1977. p. 65) e Stanley a. Smith; 17Jul77; BB55044.
BB55045. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Beading (PA) eagle. July 14, 1977, p. 38) e Stanio" 14Jul77; BB55045.
BB55046. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, July 12, 1977, p. 22) e Stanley E. Smith; 12Jul77; BB55046.
BB55047. Stan Smith's Tennis tips. (In The Detroit free press, July 7, 1977, p. 2-DJ e Stanley B. Smith; 7jul77; BB55047.
BB55048. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In San Francisco examiner, July 2. 1977, p. 33) e Stanley B. Smith; 2Jul77; 8855048.
BB55049. you gotta wanna. By Frederick Harvin Hannah, Sr. (In Hilwaukee community journal, Aug. 3-10, 1977, p. 5) F. Harvin Hannah, Sr. ; 3AU977; BB55049.
BB55050. Entertainer's prayer. By Elaine Newton. (Bef lections) (In Fun and gaming, Beno, NV, Jan. 1-15, 1977, p. 7) Elaine Newton; 1Jan77; BB55050.
BB55051. Carter "investors" mull going bearish. By J. F. lerUorst. (In The Detroit news, Aug. 3. 1977, p. 8B) Appl. au; The Evening News Association. Inc., employer for hire. The Evening News Association, Inc. — Oniversal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 3Aug77; BB55051.
BB55052. A Few tips for motorcycling CB'ers. By Michael F. Hendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, July 31, 1977, p. 7H) Appl. au: The Evening News Asso- ciation, Inc., employer for hire. Q The Evening News Association, Inc. & Universal press Syndicate, Inc.; 31Jul77; BB55052.
BB55053. "Georgia chain gang" takes over Capital. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, July 29, 1977, p. 4B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association. Inc., employer for hire. The Evening News Association, Inc. fi Universal Press Syndicate; 29JU177; BB55053.
BB55054. O'Neill digs deeper into Carter's turf. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, July 22, 1977. p. 6B) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc. , employer for hire. O The Evening News Association, Inc. — Universal Press Syndicate; 22Jul77; BB55054.
BB55055. NEAB program offers states a Federal plum. By Hichael F. iendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit. July 24, 1977. p. SH) Appl. au: The Evening News Association, Inc., employer for hire. 6 The Evening News Association, Inc. £ Oniversal Press syndicate. Inc.; 24Jul77; BB55055.
BB55056. Uestern Europe less than keen on N-bomb. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news. Detroit, July 24, 1977, p. 6E) Appl. au; The Evening News Association, Inc.. employer for hire. Q The Evening News Association. Inc. — Universal Press
Syndicate; 24Jul77; BB55056.
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