JUL-DEC. 1977
BB51934 (con.) heritaqe, 4uq. 1977, p. 88-89) John BartloB Martin: 1Auq77; BB5i|93a.
BB5»935. Charles finds out if Rillard is wild. By Douqlas Adaason. (Charles Bear and the mysterv of the forest, chap. 3) (In Animals, Mar. 1975, p. 1t-15) O Oouqlas Adauson: 111ar7S: BB54935.
8854936. A Balloon comes upon them. By Douglas Adamson. (Charles Bear and the mystery of the forest, chap, t) (In Animals, Apr. 1975. p. U-15) S Douqlas Adamson; 1Apr75: BB54936.
BB5a937. Charles and Hilly meet another bear. By Douqlas Adamson. (Charles Bear and the mystecv of the forest, chap. 5) (In Animals, Bay 1975, p. 14-15) Douqlas Adamson: 1Ilay75: BB54937.
BB54938. Off in the balloon. By Douqlas Adamson. (Charles Bear and the mystery of the forest, chap. 6) (In Animals, June 1975, p. 14-15) e Douqlas Adamson: 1Jun75: BB54938.
BB54939. More mysterious thinqs. By Douglas Adamson. (Charles Bear and the mystery of the forest, chap. 7) (In Animals, July/Auq. 1975, p. 20-21) Douqlas Adaason: 1Jul75: BB54939.
BB54940. City families. By Boslyn Banish. (In Chicaqo, Oct. 1976, p. 169-179) Q Boslyn Banish: 29Sep76: BB54940.
BB54941. The Investiqation. By Dorothy Ohnak. (In Bedbook, Aug. 1977, p. 165-187) e Dorothy Ohnak; 21Jul77: BB54941.
BB54942. Persimmons for everyone. By Euqene Griffith 6 a. E. Griffith. (In The north American pomona, summer ed., 1977. p. P-97— P-100) e Eugene Griffith 6 B. E. Griffith: 5Jul77; BB54942.
BB54943. Get your head toqether. (In Commu- nication arts, July/Auq. 1977, p. 89) Appl. au: Raymond J. Klein. 6 Raymond J. Klein; 20Jul77 (in notice: 1976); BB54943.
BB54944. Before the shrine. By Jonathan P. Gurney, pseud, of Joseph G. Bollouell, Jr. (In Dialoque, Dec. 1976, p. 43) Jonathan P. Gurney: 3aDec7e; BB54944.
BB54945. State officials say nursing home association blocked Bedicaid audits with "harassment." By Virginia Ellis. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, July 27, 1977. p. 1B-2B) Appl. au: Times Publishinq Company, employer for hire, e Saint Petersburg Times; 27Jul77; BB54945.
BB54946. Key official withheld criticism of Herbst. By Gary Dawson. (In Saint Paul dispatch, July 28, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Saint Paul Dispatch. 6 Saint Paul Dispatch: 28Jul77; BB54946.
BB54947. Successful management principles, pt. 1. By Gregory E. Jones. (In Professional men's hairstylist and barbers iournal. July 1977, p. 20, etc.) O Gregory E. Jones: 25Jun77; BB54947.
BB54948. Ten years in service to the under-duck. By Helen Hard Gall, illus. by Paul Hoffmaster. (In Defenders, June 1977, p. 194-196) e Helen Hard Gail; 31Hay77; BBS4948.
BB54949. Gourmet guide. By Kerstin Bagary. (In The Eeporter, Stanford Graduate School of Business, CA. Bay 27, 1977, p. 6) O Kerstin Bagary 6 Al Bagary; 27Bay77; BB54949.
BB54950. California vine line. By Alan Bagary. (In The Reporter, Stanford Graduate School of Business, CA, Bay 27, 1977, p. 7) 8 Kerstin Bagary & Alan Bagary (in notice: Kerstin Bagary 6 Al Bagary) ; 27Bay77: BB54950.
BB54951. Two unpublished Pound letters: Pound's aid to Dreiser. By Louis oldani. Add. ti: Oupublished letters to H. Hersey in article by Louis Oldani. (In The Library chronicle, spring 1977. p. 67-70) 6 Trustees of the Ezra Pound Literary Property Trust; 25Jul77; BB54951.
BB54952. from Bringing in the sheaves, by "Hindsor Drake." By Thomas A. Collins, with a foreword by John Steinbeck. Add. ti: Foreword to Bringing in the sheaves. (In Journal of modern literature, Apr. 1976, p. 211-213) on foreword; John Steinbeck Estate; 20Aug76; BB54952.
BB54953. "The Finish." By Andrew Petnuch. (Turn to golf; you! a "positive/negative" entity) (In TV facts, Pensacola ed.. Bar. 13-19, 1977, p. 19) e Andrew Petnuch (in notice: Andy Petnuch) ; 10Bar77 (in notice: 1969, 1971, 1975); BB54953.
BB54954. "The Finish" (continued from last week) By Andrew Petnuch. (Turn to golf: you! a "positive/negative" entity) (In IV facts, Pensacola ed. , Bar. 20-26, 1977, p. 19) © Andrew Petnuch (in notice; Andy Petnuch) ; 17Bar77 (in notice: 1969, 1971, 1975); BB54954.
BB549S5. "Positive/negative" causes (continued) By Andrew Petnuch. (Turn to golf: you! a "positive/negative" entity) (In TV facts, Pensacola ed. , Apr. 10-16, 1977, p. 19) Q Andrew Petnuch (in notice: Andy Petnuch) ; 6Apr77 (in notice: 1969, 1971, 1975); BB54955.
BB54956. "New thought" (the turn theorem) By Andrew Petnuch. (Turn to golf: you! a "positive/negative" entity) (In TV facts, Pensacola ed. , Feb. 20-26, 1977, p. 19) 3 Andrew Petnuch (in notice: Andy Petnuch) ; 17Feb77 (in notice: 1969, 1971, 1975); BB54956.
BB54957. Death penalty is gaining favor, poll shows. (Opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, July 29, 1977, p. 3) C Saint Paul Dispatch; 29Jul77; BB54957.
BB54958. Family night. By Terry Beilly & Bimi Beilly. (In Barriage and family living, Aug. 1977, p. 23-25) 9 lerry £ Bimi Beilly; 20Jul77; BB54958.
BB54959. Fox tales; negotiate quality? (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, July 21, 1977, p. 11) Appl. au: Rillard Fox. & Billard Fox; 21Jul77; BB54959.
BB54960. You gotta wanna. By Frederick Barvin Hannah, Sr. (In Bilwaukee community journal. Bay 18-25, 1977, p. 7, etc.) e F. Barvin Hannah, Sr. ; 18Bay77; 8854960.
BB54961. Goodbye, old house. By Eleanor Preston Clarkson. (In The Village broadsider. Sandwich, BA, Aug. 3, 1977 p. 13-14) e Eleanor Preston Clarkson; 3Aug77; BB54961.
BB54962. Time is the enemy; time is a friend. By Eleanor Preston Clarkson. (Goodbye, old house) (In The village broadsider. Sandwich, BA, July 13, 1977, p. 11) a Eleanor Preston Clarkson; 13Jul77; BB54962.
BB54963. It's thumbs down for jet school site. By Ann Houle. (In The Examinee, Florence. SC, July 27. 1977. p. 13) 9 The Examiner, Inc.; 26JU177; BB54963.
BB54964. Thoughts on class size. By Hillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Aug. 4, 1977. p. 10) Hillard Fox; 4Aug77: BB54964.
BB54965. Kids* talk. (In Sheridan Green "scene 2". p. 3) Appl. au: Kay Adele Buri £ Janet B. Hauser. 6 Educational Creations; 26JU177; BB54965.
BB54966. Funny, you don't look like a wonen- slibber. (In The Flame, Seattle, July 5, 1977. p. 2) Appl. au: Joann Haugerud. e Joann Haugerud; 5Jul77; BB54966.
BB54967. Oh, Adam, when all that creating was going on, did you remember to name something "salt"? (In The Flame, Seattle. July 7. 1977, p. 2) Appl. au: Joann Haugerud. 6 Joann Haugerud; 7Jun77; BB54967.
BB54968. Congress' self-policing ability doubted. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Aug. 5, 1977. p. 6) O Saint Paul Dispatch: 5Aug77; BB54968.
BB54969. Boca Raton section. Add. ti: Boca fiaton map. Real estate guide, name change from The Real estate tabloid. (In The Real estate tabloid, vol. 1, no. 1. p. 3) Appl. au: Lester Yam. MB: redrawing. Q Lester Yam Realty Corporation; 1Feb77; BB54969.
BB54970. Delray Beach section. Add. ti: Delray map. (In The Real estate tabloid, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 5) Appl. au: Lester Yam. HB: redrawing. © Lester Yam Realty Cor- poration; lFeb77: BB54970.
BB54971. Deerfield Beach section. Add. ti; Deerfield map. (In The Real estate tabloid, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 7) Appl. au: Lester Yam. HB: redrawing. O Lester Yam Realty Corporation; lFeb77; BB54971.
BB54972. Problems of command: Cornwallis. partisans and militia. 1780. By Louis Dean Frederic Frasche. (In Bilitary review, Apr. 1977. p. 60-74) O Louis D. F. Frasche; 29Bar77; BB54972.
BB54973. Play t)etter golf — with Jack HicKlaus.
(In The New Jersey herald. Newton, July
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.