BB5«862 - BB51(899
JUL-DEC. 1977
BB5U861 (COD.) free-lunch outlay doubles. Illus. by Paul Hoffnaster. (In Defenders, Apr. 1977, p. 118-121) Appl. au: Helen lard Gall. e Helen Sard Gall; 2Sllar77: BB5U861.
BB54862. The flusic of the spheres: astronooical sources of musical inspiration. By Andrew Fraknoi. (In Mercury, Hay-June 1977, p. 15. etc.) Andrew Fralcnoi; 30Jun77: 6854862.
BB54863. Deprograaaing controversial antidote to cult "brainwashing. " By Bill Keller. (In The Oregonian, Portland, OB, Hay 18, 1977, p. E-10) Appl. au: The oregonian, employer for hire. G Oregonian Publishing Conpany: 17aay77: BB54863.
8854864. The Pot plane. (In The Cedartovn (GA) standard, June 16, 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Frances Bidets — Fran. 6 Frances Elders; 16Jun77; BB54864.
6854865. Your Botorcycle and you. (In Buy-lines press, Baldwin, HY, July 20, 197 7. p. 42) e B-L Press, Inc.; 14Jul77; BB54865.
BB54866. Your boat and you. (In Buy-lines press, Baldwin, HY, July 20, 1977, p. 47) e B-L Press. Inc.; 14Jul77; BB54866.
BB54867. Your car and you. (In Buy-lines press, Baldwin, NY, July 13, 1977, p. 5) e B-L Press, Inc.; 7Jul77; BB54867.
BB54868. Your hose and you. (In Buy-lines press, Baldwin, NY, July 13, 1977, p. 55) B-L Press, Inc.; 7jul77; BB54868.
BB54869. Date book. Beek of July 3-9, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, July 3, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 1Jul77: BB54869.
BB54870. Sunday punch, July 3, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, July 3, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Q Chronicle Publishing company: 1Jul77: BB54870.
BB54871. This world, July 3, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, July 3, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. @ Chronicle Publishing Company; 1Jul77; BB54871.
BB54872. This world, June 26, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, June 26, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Q Chronicle Publishing Company; 24Jun77; 8854872.
BB54873. Date book. Heek of June 26-July 2, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, June 26, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. 6 Chronicle Publishing Company; 24Jun77; BB54873.
BB54874. Sunday punch. June 26, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, June 26, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Q Chronicle Publishing Company; 24Juu77: BB54874.
8854875. Small blessings. By Celestine Sibley. (In Double life, July 1977) Celestine Sibley; 25Jul77: BB54875.
BB54876. Hand-me-downs. By Celestine Sibley. (In Good housekeeping, Aug. 1977, p. 90. etc.) e celestine Sibley; 19Jul77; 8854876.
BB54877. The Birthday present. By Colleen McCullough. (In Family circle. May 1977. p. 44, etc.) e Colleen McCullough: 5Apt77; BB54877.
BB54878. The Schools need lasting leadership: "rotation" of board officers is not the answer. By Albert Shanker. (Bhere we stand) (In The New York times, July 10. 1977, section 4. p. 9) 6 Albert Shanker; 10JU177; BB54878.
8854879. The Man who pinched a penny. By Stella lerrill Mann. (Stories from life) (In Onity magazine. Aug. 1977, p. 46) Appl. au: Unity School of Christianity, e Stella Terrill Mann: 10Jul77; BB54879.
BB54880. Discovery. (In Pittsburgh courier, Aug. 21, 1976. p. 23) Appl. au: Joy Bowser, pseud.: Joy Libra. 3 Joy Libra (JB) ; 21Aug76; 8854880.
BB54381. Mary Hunter Austin defended the deserts with gusto. (In High country news. Lander, BY, June 3, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Peter Bild. e Peter Bild; 3Jun77; BB54881.
BB54882. Journeys to the north led Olaus Murie into battles for wilderness. -Drawings by Olaus Murie. (In High country news. Lander, BY, July 1, 1977, p. 13-15) AppX. au: Peter Bild. 6 Peter Bild; 1Jul77: 8854882.
BB54683. Superstition convert. By Barb Browning (Barbara Browning) (Poets corner) (In Apacheland arrow, Apache Junction, AB, June 1, 1977, p. 5) 6 Barb Browning; 1Jun77: BB54883.
BB54884. Tip waves the wand — but Gammal stays. By Bob Uuddleston (Bobert H. Buddleston) (In Federal times. Hashington, DC. Aug. 1. 1977. p. 10) e Bob Huddleston; 25Jul77; 8854884.
BB54885. Economic aggression and self-defense in international law: the Arab oil weapon and alternative American responses thereto. By Paul Stephen Dempsey. (In Case Bestern Reserve journal of international law, spring 1977, p. 253-321) Paul Stephen Dempsey; 20May77; BB54885.
BB54886. DISD official probed in conflict of interest: assistant superintendent, partners in private development company deny wrongdoing. By Eric Miller & Mark Seibel. (In The Dallas morning news, July 21, 1977, p. 1A, etc.) Appl. au: The Dallas Horning News. @ The Dallas Morning Sews; 21JU177: BB54886.
BB54887. Letup in elm removal supported. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, July
BB54888. Bard penalties for looters backed. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, July 22, 1977, p. 3) Saint Paul Dispatch; 22Jul77; BB54888.
BB54889. How do I build a management team? By Bobert M. Bandolph. (Bridging the gap) (In Scrap age, June 1975, p. 26, etc.) Appl. au: Planagement, Inc., employer for hire. O Planagement, Inc.; 17Jul75: BB54889.
8854890. Managing potentials while controlling results with a three level forecast. By fiobert M. fiandolph. (Bridging the gap) (In Scrap age. May 1975, p. 42, etc.) Appl. au: Planagement, Inc., employer for hire. O Planagement, Inc.; 13Jun75; BB54890.
8854891. Management's awesome responsibilities. By Bobert M. Bandolph. (Bridging the gap) (In Scrap age, Oct. 1976, p. 42, etc.) Appl. au: Planagement. Inc.. employer for hire. 6 Planagement, Inc.; 5Nov76; BB54891.
BB54892. Onderstanding the whole person. By Sobert M. Bandolph. (Bridging the gap) (In Scrap age, Aug. 1975. p. 30-32) Appl. au: Planagement. Inc.. employer for hire, e Planagement, Inc.; 29Aug75; 8854892.
BB54893. How well are you managing your most important asset? By fiobert M. Bandolph. (Bridging the gap) (In Scrap age, July 1975, p. 52-53) Appl. au: Planagement. Inc. , employer for hire. O Planagement, Inc.; 14Aug75; BB54893.
BB54894. Identifying and bridging the gap through time management. By Bobert M. Bandolph. (Bridging the gap) (In Scrap age. June 1976. p. 44. etc.) Appl. au: Planagement, Inc. . employer for hire. 6 Planagement, Inc. ; 22JU176; B854894.
BB54895. The Great equalizer. By Bobert M. Bandolph. (Bridging the gap) (In Scrap age. May 1976, p. 32. etc.) Appl. au: Planagement, Inc., employer for hire. ©Planagement. Inc.; 18Jun76; BB54895.
BBS4896. The Priceless gift. By Bobert H. Bandolph. (Bridging the gap) (In Scrap age, Oct. 1975, p. 54, etc.) Appl. au: Planagement, Inc., employer for hire. Planagement, Inc.; 6Nov7S; BB54896.
8854897. The Prime requirement for managing another person. By Bobert M. Bandolph. (Bridging the gap) (In Scrap age, Sept. 1975, p. 42-43) Appl. au: Planagement, Inc. , employer for hire. Q Planagement, Inc. ; 90ct75; BB54897.
BB54898. A Nostalgic look to the future. By Bobert M. Bandolph. (Bridging the gap) (In Scrap age, July 1976, p. 50, etc.) Appl. au; Planagement. Inc., employer for hire. Q Planagement, Inc.^ 20Aug76; BB54898.
8854899. The Valuable discipline most everyone hates. By Bobert M. Bandolph. (Bridging the gap) (In Scrap age, Aug. 1976, p. 32,
etc.) Appl. au: Planagement, Inc.,
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