BB5a822 - BB54861
JUL-DEC. 1977
BB5H821 (con.) 26) Appl. au: Ken Boaden. O JacJt Hicklaus e Ken Bovdec; 10Jud77: BBS4821.
8851822. Play better qolf with Jack NicJllaus. (In Beadinq (PA) tines. June 6, 1977. p. 18) Appl. au: Ken Bovden. Jacic Hiclilaus e Ken Bowden: ejun77: BB5U822.
8851823. Play better qolf Kith Jack Kicltlaus. (In Beading (PA) tiies, June 8. 1977, p. 13) Appl. au: Ken Bouden. Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Boaden: 8Jun77: BB51823.
8B51821. Stan Suith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. SBltli. (In The Seadinq (PA) eaqle. June 30, 1977, p. 12) Stanley S. Saith: 30Jun77; BB51821.
BB51825. Folly Castle folks. By Nannie Neville Leachaan Carroll, forevord & footnotes: »illia» L. litsey. (In Tirqinia Tidewater qenealoqy, Sept. 1976, p. 125-160) Huqh S. Ua tson, Jr. Genealoqical Society of Tideaater virqinia; 15Sep76; BB51825.
BB51826. BOB in vestiqation discloses not all clerk fees deposited to treasurer. By Patrick aattison & Hichael Griaaldi. (In Belvidere (XL) daily republican. Jan. 18. 1977. p. 1) Appl. au: Belvidere Daily fiepublican. Belvidere Daily Bepublican; 18Jan77; BB51826.
BB51827. Clerk's checks signed by aaoy in office. By Hichael Griaaldi. (In Belvidere (IL) daily republican, Jan. 20. 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Belvidere Daily fiepublican. Belvidere Daily fiepublican; 20Jan77; BB51827.
BB51828. Enploye: '*$150 check found by ae, not clerk." By Hichael Griaaldi. (In Belvidere (IL) daily republican. Jan. 17, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Belvidere Daily fiepublican. O Belvidere Daily Bepublican; 17Jan77; BB51828.
BB51829. Three former employes reveal copying receipts used for clerk's coffee fund. By Hichael Griaaldi. (In Belvidere (IL) daily republican, Jan. 15. 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Belvidere Daily Bepublican. Belvidere Daily Bepublican: 15Jan77; BB51829.
BB51830. Barqainlnq ideas. By Hillard Fox. (Foi tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune, Boalinq Green, OH, July 7, 1977, p- 8) O Uillard Fo»: 7Jul77: BB51830.
BB51831. Nevada union funds behind coast proiect. By Jerry Ohrhaaaer. (In Euqene (Ofi) reqister-quard. July 17. 1977, p. 1A, etc.) Appl. au: Guard Publishinq Coapany d.b.a. Euqene Beqister-Guacd. O Guard Publishing Coapany d.b.a. Euqene Reqister-Guard; 17Jul77; BB51831.
B851832. A Model of the divorce process. By Eaily H. Broan. (In Conciliation courts review, Dec. 1976. p. 1-11) NH: revisions e 3 nea diagraas. Eaily H. Brown; 27Apr77; BB51832.
8B51833. Crazy. (In Solourner, July/Auq. 1977. p. 12) Appl. au: Catherine A. Lee (C. A. Lee) C. A. Lee; 11Jul77: BB51833.
BBS1831. Father. By Harqaret L. Lesher. (In Contra costa tiaes, Ualnut Creek. CA, Sept. 2, 1976, p. 12) O Hargaret L. Lesher; 2Sep76: BB51831.
BB51835. Briscoe losing ground among county voters. (In The Dallas aorninq neas, June 27. 1977. p. 1A) O The Dallas Horning Neas; 27Jun77; BB51835.
BB51836. Dallasites offer varied opinions on young. (In The Dallas aorning news. June 20. 1977, p. 1A) 6 The Dallas Horning Neas; 20Jun77; BB51836.
BB51837. Opinions traded on Cuba. (In The Dallas aorninq neas. June 13, 1977. p. 1A) The Dallas Horning News; 13Jun77; BB51837.
BB51838. Dallasites think less of Nixon. (In The Dallas aorning neas. June 6. 1977. p. 1A) The Dallas Horning Neas; 6Jun77; BB51838.
BB51839. Fira's failure stuns city. By Les Layton. (In Saint Paul dispatch. June 10. 1977. p. 1-2) Appl. au: Saint Paol Dispatch. Saint Paul Dispatch; 10Jun77; BB51839.
8851810. Jail terms for consenting homosexual acts opposed. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch. June 17. 1977. p. 2C) O Saint Paul Dispatch; 17Jun77; BBS1810.
BBS1811. Uoa to calculate sizes in piping design. By Hilton Snyder. (Snyder on plumbing, chap. 2) (In Contractor, June 15, 1977, p. 62-83) Hilton Snyder; 15Jun77; BB5iai1.
BB51812. Life aith myasthenia gravis. (In HG neasletter, Kansas City, HO chapter. July 1977. p. 1) Appl. au: Linda S. Hughes Linda S. Hughes; 11Jul77; BB51812.
8B51813. You gotta aanna. By Frederick Harvin Hannah, sr. (In Hilaaukee coamunity journal, June 29-July 6. 1977. p. 5) O F. Harvin Hannah, Sr.; 29Jun77; 8851813.
BB51B11. Finishing: the trust influence on the textile industry. (Aaerican textiles: an historical narrative, chap. 17) (In Southern textile neas. July 16, 1977, p. 2, etc.) Appl. au: Hildred Gain Andrews. Hildred Gwin Andrews; 18Jul77; BB51311.
BB51815. The Evel Kuievel klassy kasino. By Frank Joseph Adornetto. (Panoraaa qamblinq) (In Las ?eqas (NV) panoraaa. July 1-7, 1977, p. 72. etc.) Frank J. Adornetto: 1Jul77; BB51815.
BB51816. Diets, diets and aore diets. By Hayne B. Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA, June 18, 1977, p. S) Hayne B. Fiscus (in notice: 8. B. F.); 18Jun77; BB51816.
BB51817. Hhat is a subluxation? By Uayne B. Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA. July 2, 1977, p. 5) O Bayne fi. Fiscus (in notice: N. 8. F. ) ; 2Jul77; BB51817.
BB51818. Iron deficiency aneaia. By Hayne B. Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA, July 9, 1977. p. 5) O Hayne fi. Fiscus (in notice: B. B. F.| ; 9Jul77; BB51618.
8851619. You're only as good as your feet. By Hayne fi. Fiscus. (Preventive health carej (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto. CA, June 11, 1977. p. 5) O Hayne B. Fiscus (in notice: H. fi. F. ) ; 11Jun77; BB51819.
BB51850. Bypoglyceaia. By Hayne B. Fiscos. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto. CA. June 1. 1977. p. 5) Hayne fi. Fiscus (in notice: H. fi. F.) ; 1Jun77; BB51850.
BB51651. Low back pain. By Uayoe B. Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In The Peninsula bulletin. East Palo Alto, CA, June 25, 1977. p. 5) Hayne B. Fiscus (in notice: H. B. F.); 25Jun77; 8851851.
BB51852. Hy nursing hoae aindoa. (In Austin happenings. July 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Pauline Hilliaas. Pauline Hilliams; 20JU177; 8851852.
8851853. Dialogue of love (froa black aen to black woaen) : black to black. By Frances Johnson Barnes. Add. ti: Dialogue of love: black to black. (In Pittsburgh Hoaewood-Brushton neas and shopper's guide, July 20, 1977. p. 2) Frances Johnson Barnes: 20Jul77: 8851853.
8B51851. Bhy isn't there a pill for aen? By Barbara Seaman £ Gideon Seaman. (In Hocking aoaan. Aug. 1977. p. 37-39) Barbara Seaman £ Gideon Seaaan; 15JU177; BB51851.
BB51655. Harines investigating enlistment scheme. By Leonard Bay Teel. (In The Atlanta journal, July 18, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: The Atlanta Journal. O The Atlanta Journal; iejul77: BB51855.
BB51856. Boundhouse. July 1977. (In Longmont (CO) daily times-call. July 2-3. 1977, 32 page insert) Times-Call Publishing Company; 2Jul77; BB51856.
BB51857. At the break of day. Graphic: Gina Harie Koch. (In Loaer east side faaily union neas. ainter 1976-1977. p. 1) Gina Harie Koch; 11Feb77; BB51857.
BB51858. O.s. Forces in South Korea. (In The Springfield (VA) independent. June 16. 1977. p. 1) Appl. au: Lyn Susan Thoapson (L. S. Thoapson) £ Bruce Gordon Kauffmann (B. G. Kauffaann) O Lyn S. Thoapson £ Bruce G. Kauffaann; 16Jun77; BB51858.
8851859. Turn off the engine, you're gaining on ae. Add. ti: Campaign primary spending. (In The Springfield (VA) independent. Hay 26, 1977. p. 5) Appl. au: Lyn Susan Thompson (L. S. Thoapson) £ Bruce Gordon Kauffaann (B. G. Kauffaann) O Lyn s. Thoapson £ Bruce G. Kauffaann; 26Hay77; BB51859.
BB51860. Beppo. the hungry donkey. (In Fatiaa findings, Aug. 1977, p. 5-6) Appl. au: Anna C. Pertsch. Anna C. Pertsch;
5JU177: BB51860.
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