BB54779 - BB54821
JUL-DEC. 1977
BB5lt778 (con.) Auq. 1977, p. 51. etc.) Louis H. Hertz; 30Jun77; BB5»778. BB54779. Hater lily — number 1; photograph. (In A/e concepts in wood desiqn, May-June 1977, p. 1) &ppl. au: Theodore J. Duke. e Theodore J. Duke; 30Hay77; 8854779.
8851(780. Acrylic on hyplar canvas; "water lilies"; original artwork. (In A/e concepts in wood design, Hay-June 1977, cover) Appl. au; Joyce K. Duke. 6 Joyce K. Duke; 30May77; 8854780.
8854781. Vansant^s law: hold-harnless doesn't hold water. By Robert E. Vansant. (In A/e concepts in wood design, May-June 1977, p. 14) e Eobert E. Vansant; 30llay77; BB54781.
B854782. The Heart of our city. By Esther E. Brindley. (In Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Dec. 2. 1976, p. 4) a Esther Brindley; 2Dec76; BB54782.
BB54792. The Case against the independent contractor. Pt. 1. By Harry Daniel Miller. (In Oakland realtor, July 1977, p. 6. etc.) 6 Harry D. Miller; 1Jul77; BB54792.
BB54793. Public library VA services: are we our own worst enemies? Speech. By Mary Kay Chelton. (In Young adult alternative newsletter, June 1, 1977, p. 1-3) Mary K. Chelton; 1Jun77; BB54793.
BB54794. More money for teachers. By Millard Foi. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, July 14, 1977, p. 9) e Hillard Fox; 14Jul77; 8854794.
8854795. The James Francis lulloch diary (1875-1910); an historical special. Pt. 12. Compiled & edited by Gordon Keith. (In The Island's sounder, Eastsound, UA, June 29, 1977, p. 8-9) NM: compilation, editing & additional text. @ Gordon Keith; 29Jun77: B854795.
8854806. Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley S. Smith. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, June 12. 1977, p. 86) O Stanley E. Smith; 12Jun77; BB54806.
BB54807. Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In San Francisco examiner, June 9. 1977. p. 54) e Stanley E. Smith; 9Jun77; BB54807.
BB54808. Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, June 7, 1977, p. 26) 6 Stanley B. Smith; 7Jun77; BB54808.
BB54809. Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley E. Smith. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, June 5, 1977, p. 73) Stanley B. Smith; 5Jun77; BB54809.
BB54810. Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley E. Smith. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, June 2, 1977, p. 44) Stanley E. Smith; 2Jun77; BB54810.
BB54783. A Little child shall lead them. By Morton T. Kelsey. (In The Pecos (NM) Benedictine. Dec. 1976, p. 2) Morton T. Kelsey; 1Dec76; BB54783.
B854784. Feds to conduct audit of Panola revenue spending. By Ted Leach. (In Longview (TX) morning iournal. June 9. 1977, p. 1, etc.) Ted Leach; 9Jun77; BB54784.
B854785. Cherokee. Written by James Lewis Swanger. (In The Mountaineer, Haynes- ville, NC, Apr. 8, 1977. p. 28) 6 James Lewis Swanger; 8Apr77; B854785.
BB54786. Profile of an accused kidnap^killer. By Patrick Tyler 6 Kelly Scott. (In The Saint Petersburg (FL) times. May 26, 1977, p. 1B-2B) Appl. au: Tines Publishing Company, employer for hire. 6 The Saint Petersburg Times; 26May77; BB54786.
BB54787. Eesponsible or responsive. (In The Crown messenger, July 1977, p. 3-6) Appl. states all new except for guotations on p. 5-6. O Fellowship of the Crown: 8Jul77: BB54787.
BB54788. Carlton E. Hertz. M. D. vice president of the American Medical Association. By Bonald Elmer Batt. (In Deaconess Hospital medical bulletin, winter 1976-1977, p. 3-13) e Bonald Elmer Batt; 1Jul77; BB54788.
8B54789. Doctor Silliam H. Mansperger — master surgeon. By Bonald Elmer Batt E Paula Jeanne Batt. (In Deaconess Hospital medical bulletin, winter 1976-1977, p. 14-21) Bonald Elmer Batt; 1Jul77; BB54789.
BB54790. Born tall. By Garnet K. Tien. (In Capper's weekly, Topeka, KS, July 12, 1977, p. 21, etc.) e Garnet K. Tien; 12JU177; BB54790.
BB54791. The King of Kings. (In San Carlos Christian church. May 10, 1977, p. 2-3) Appl. au: Elmer Dean Jenkins. KM: additions, e Elmer D. Jenkins: 10May77; BB54791.
BB54796. Sounds and silence. By Vivian Trollope-Cagle. (Scene thoughts) Add. ti: Sound and silence. (In Las Vegas sun Scene (The Las Vegas (NV) sun) Mar. 27, 1977, p. 10-D) 9 Vivian Trollope-Caqle; 27Mar77; BB54796.
BB54797. Personal slants. From James Holt McGavran. (In Ideas for better living. July 1977, p. 15) James Holt McGavran; 1JU177; BB54797.
BB54798. Creative parenting. (In The Bed Oak (lA) express. Mar. 21, 1977, p. 1, section B) Appl. au: Joy Johnson. 6 Joy Johnson; 21Mar77; BB54798.
BB54799. Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley E. Smith. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, June 28, 1977, p. 3."^ 6 Stanley B. Smith; 2ajun77; BB54799.
8854800. Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, June 26, 1977, p. 83) Stanley B. Smith; 26Jun77: BB54800.
BB54801. Stan Smith's Tennis class, fly Stanley E. Smith. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, June 23. 1977. p. 42) O Stanley B. Smith; 23Jun77; 8854801.
BB54S02. Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, June 21, 1977, p. 25) 6 Stanley E. Smith; 21Jun77; 8854802.
8854803. Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, June 19. 1977. p. 71) O Stanley B. Smith; 19Jun77; BB54803.
BB54804. Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, June 16, 1977, p. 47) e Stanley E. Smith; 16Jun77: B854804.
BB54805. Stan Smith's Tennis class. By Stanley B. Smith. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, June 14, 1977, p. 29) e Stanley fi. Smith; 14Jun77; BB54805.
8BS4811. Play better golf with Jack Hicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner. June 1. 1977. p. 55) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. Q Jack ijicklaus e Ken Bowden; 1Jun77: BB54811.
8854812. Play better golf with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times, June 3, 1977, p. 27) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. S Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden; 3Jun77; BB54812.
BB54813. Play better golf with Jack Hicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times, June 29, 1977, p. 40) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden; 29Jun77: EBS4813.
BB54814. Play better golf with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. June 27, 1977, p. 18) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. Q Jack nicklaus e Ken Bowden; 27Jun77: 8854814.
BB54815. Play better golf with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times, June 24, 1977, p. 27) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. e Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden; 24Jun77; BBS4815.
8854816. Play better golf with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. June 22. 1977, p. 42) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden; 22Jun77; BB54B16.
8B54817. Play better golf with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times, June 20, 1977, p. 17) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. 8 Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden; 20Jun77; BB54817.
8854818. Play better golf with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. June 17, 1977, p. 28) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden; 17Jun77; BB54818.
BB54819. Play better golf with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times. June 15, 1977, p. 38) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 15Jun77; BB54819.
BB54820. Play better golf with Jack Nicklaus. (In Beading (PA) times, June 13, 1977. p. 21) Appl. au: Ken Bowden. d Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden; 13Jun77; BB54820.
BB54821. Play better golf with Jack Nicklaus.
(In Beading (PA) times. June 10. 1977, p.
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