AI-17010 - AIO-10582
JUL-DEC. 1977
AI-17010 (con.)
Great Britalo. lOit p. The Institote of Econoaic Affairs; 15Sep77: AI-17010.
AI-17011. Boson of tiie family. By Evelyn Barter. India. (In Journal of the Indian house»ife. Sov. 1977, p. 35-42) © Evelyn Barter: 5Nov77; 41-17011.
AI-17012. The ionder of the aqe: the Edison invention of the phonograph. By Baymond fi. Bile. Scotland. (In Phonographs and qraoophones: Edison phonograph centenary STaposluii, p. 9-11) Baymond B. Bile; 2Jal77: AI-17012.
AI-17013. Bstruaate cloprostenol for controlled breeding of dairy and beef cattle. Canada. Folder. C ICI Americas Inc.; 1Dec77; AI-17013.
41-17011. The Anti-democratic sources of elite theory: Pareto, Hosca, Hichels. By Bobert A. Nye. England. SB p. 6 Sage Publications, ltd.; 12Dec77; 41-17011.
41-17015. Japanese electoral behavior: social cleavages, social networks and parti- sanship. By Scott C. Flanagan & Bradley H. Bichardson. England. 93 p. e Sage publications, Ltd.; 12Dec77; 41-17015.
41-17016. Phase transfer catalysis on organic synthesis. By Hilliam P. Heber & George H. Gokel. Best Germany. 280 p. (Beactivity and structure concepts in organic chemistry, vol. 1) 6 Springer- Verlag; 9liov77; 41-17016.
AI-17017. Excited states in organic chemistry and biochemistry; proceedings of the Tenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, held in Jerusalem, Israel, Bar. 28-31, 1977. Edited by Bernard Pullman & Hatan Goldblum. Holland. 118 p. (The Jerusalem symposia on quantum chemistry and biochemistry, vol. 10) Appl. au: Hichael D. Sevilla £ Bonald O. Eaho. D. Beidel Publishing Company: 50ct77: AI-17017.
41-17018. Solid electrolytes. Edited by Seymour Geller. Best Germany. 229 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 21) Appl. au: John a. Kenedy. C Sprinqer-Verlag: 8Hov77; AI-17018.
41-17019. Laser spectroscopy 3; proceedings of the Third International Conference, Jackson Lake Lodge, Byomiug, July 1-8, 1977. Editors: John L. Hall e John L. Carlsten. Best Germany. 168 p. (Springer series in optical sciences, vol. 7) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on laser spectroscopy. 4ppl. au: A. L. Betz 6 E. C. Sutton. @ Springer-Verlag: 210ct77: AI-17019.
AI-17020. Groundless belief: an essay on the possibility of epistemology. By Hichael Billiaas. Great Britain. 181 p. Basil Blackwell; 21Sep77; AI-17020.
AI-17021. Fifteen Greek recipes suitable for framing. Compiled & edited by Nancy Hano & Herrit r. Hann. Greece. Cards in folder. NH: compilation 6 editing. llerritt F. Hann £ Nancy Hann; 25Apr76; 41-17021.
AI- 17022. Ouconsummated union: Britain, Bhodesia and South 4frica, 1900-15. By Hartin Chanock. England. 289 p. e Hartin Chanock; 11Jul77: 41-17022.
41-17023. The Family, sex and marriage, in England 1500-1800. By Laurence Stone. Great Britain. 800 p. 6 Lawrence Stone; 1Sep77; AI-17023.
AI-17021. One-two-three: a parent/teacher guide to mathematics. Britten by Barren Allen Stewart, edited by Elsie S- Smith. Korea. Sheets, e Barren Allen Stewart; 291lov77; AI-17021.
41-17025. The Balance of economic power: north-south confrontation on raw materials. By Enver H. Koury. Lebanon. 125 p. e Institute of Hiddle Eastern and North 4frican 4ffairs, Inc.; 20Nov77; 41-17025.
41-17026. Images and policies in Senate debates on Hiddle Eastern issues. By Jamil £. Jreisat. Lebanon. 37 p. 6 Institute of Hiddle Eastern and North 4frican 4ffairs, Inc.; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976J ; 41-17026.
41-17027. Inflation: the disease and the remedy. By Carl E. Pope. Canada. 100 p. Carl E. Pope; 20Jun77; 41-17027.
41-17028. Haterials and energy: selected topics. Edited by J. H. Bernick. Netherlands. 212 p. fieprinted from Journal of crystal growth, 39, 1977. O North-Holland Publishing Company; 7Dec77; AI-17028.
AI-17029. Self-management and political par- ticipation in Peru, 1969-1975: the corporatist illusion. By Cynthia Hcclintock. England. 63 p. (Contem- porary political sociology series, no. 06-022, vol. 2) e Sage Publications, Ltd.; 12Dec77: AI-17029.
AI-17030. Andre Halraux's Espoir: the propa- ganda/art film and the Spanish Civil Bar. By John J. Hichalczyk. Spain. 185 p. 6 Bomance Honographs, Inc.; 1Dec77; Al- 17030.
AI-17031. Racine's theatre: the politics of love. By Billiam J. Cloonan. Spain. 119 p. @ Romance Honographs, Inc.; 1Dec77; AI-17031.
AI- 17032. Send for the Saint. By Leslie Charteris. England. 191 p. NH: foreword. Leslie Charteris; 2eMov77; AI-17032.
AI-17033. Spring: an annual of archetypal psychology and Jungian thought, 1977. Editor: James Billman, manuscript editor: Patricia Berry. Switzerland. 222 p. Appl. au: Hurray Stein, Bussell Lockhart & Charles Boer. 6 Analytical Psychology Club of New York, Inc.; 28Jul77; 41-17033.
AI-17031. The Hoving finger writes. By Jacgues Barzun. Great Britain. (In Black paper, 1977, p. 19-51) e Jacgues Barzun: 21Har77; 41-17031.
41-17035. A Survey of Tibetan pigments. By Janice Jackson & David Jackson. Nepal. (In Kailash: a journal of Himalayan studies, vol. 1, no. 3, 1976, p. 273-291) O Janice Jackson & David Jackson; 3aAug76; 41-17035.
41-17036. "Gone away" with the Binmills: the story of an 4merican family from 1881 to 1975. By Virginia Binmill Livingstone 4rmstrong. United Kingdom. 386 p. @ Virginia Binmill Livingstone 4rfflStrong; 1Nov77; 41-17036.
AI-17037. Cudjoe the Haroon. By Hilton C. HcFarlane. England. Ill p. Q Hilton C. HcFarlane; 25Aug77; AI-17037.
AI-17038. Estrumate cloprostenol prostaglandin for cattle: a technical report to the veterinarian. Canada. 20 p. 6 ICI Americas, Inc.; 1Dec77; AI-17038.
41-17039. Estrumate cloprostenol injectable prostaglandin analogue for cattle for treatment of conditions which delay productive breeding. Canada. Folder. ICI 4mericas, Inc.; 1Dec77; 41-17039.
41-17010. Estrumate cloprostenol for controlled breeding of dairy and beef cattle. Canada. 15 p. S ICI Americas, Inc.; 1Dec77; AI-17010.
41-17011. 4 Sheep's skeleton and rocks. By Geoffrey Hendricks. Italy. 6 p. 8 Geoffrey Hendricks; 20Oct77; 41-17011.
41-17012. European crowns, 1181-1600. By John S. Davenport, Best Germany. 330 p. Q Numismatischer Verlag P. N. Schulten; 10NOV77; 41-17012.
41-17013. 4 Harriage of true minds: an intimate portrait of Leonard and Virginia Boolf. By George Spater E Ian Parsons- England. 210 p. Q George Spater & Ian Parsons; 270ct77; 41-17013.
AI- 17011. Hurder, murder, little star. By Harian Babson, pseud, of Buth Stenstreem. Onited Kingdom. 177 p. Billiam Collins Sons and company, Ltd.; 29Sep77; AI-17011.
AIO-10580. Longman Thinkstrips. Strips written by Gillian Crampton-Smith, notes written by Sarah Curtis. Great Britain. 3 v. & 3 folders. Sarah Curtis e Gillian Crampton-Smith; 184pr77; 410-10580.
410-10581. Early farming cultures on the lower Nile: the predynastic period in Egypt. By Lech Krzyzaniak. Poland. 168 p. (Prace Zakladu Archeologii Srodziemnomorskiej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, t. 21. Bedaktor: Kazimierz Hichalowski) Add. ti: Kultury wczesnorolnicze nad dolnym Nilem: okres predynastyczny w Egipcie. Appl. au: Zaklad Archeologii srodziemnomorkie j PAN. O Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 1Har77; 410- 10581.
410- 10 582. Images, perception, and knowledge; papers deriving from S related to the Philosophy of science Borkshop at Ontario, Canada, Hay 1971. Edited by John H. Nicholas. Holland. 309 p. (The Qniversity of Bestern Ontario series in philosophy of science, vol. 8) 4ppl. au:
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