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AI-16976 - AI-17010


JUL-DEC. 1977

AI- 16975 (con.) level: the case of the North Pacific. By Ocaa E. Youoq. Onited KinqdOB. 252 p. e Orao TouDq; 1Sep77; AI-16975.

AI-16976. The Best things in life. Bv Lloyd HcCune. Portuqal. (In The Anqlo- Poctuquese news, Honte Estoril, Poctaqal. Sov. It, 1977, p. 81 Lloyd McCune; 4BOV77: 41-16976.

AI-16977. Le Feste del caiendario. By Plavio Trettel £ Lillian Iraa Dannenberq. Italy. 59 p. Italia aia; 9Sep77: AI-16977.

Al-16978. Hou to read — vhat to read when. By Arna Peretz 6 Cynthia Codish. Israel. 331 p. NH: adaptations, coapilation & additions. O Arna Peretz 6 Cynthia Codish; 300ct77; AI-16978.

AI-16979. HoH to Icnoii what you like: a Philis- tine's quide to the National Gallery. By Thogas H. Disch. Enqiand. (In Bananas, spring 1977, p. 33-36) O Thomas U. Disch; 15Feb77; Al-16979.

AI-16980. The Future of John sladek. By John Sladek. Enqiand. (In Bananas, sprinq 1977, p. 30-31) e John Sladek; 15Feb77; AI-16980.

AI- 16981. The Late Diddle Aqes: art and arc- hitecture from 1350 to the advent of the Benaissance. By Him Saaan, vith photos, by the author. Great Britain. 232 p. O Paul Elek. Ltd.; 10Noy77: iI-16981.

AI-16982. Special topics in electrochemistry. Edited by Peter A. Bock. The Netherlands. 22U p. Elsevier Scientific Publishinq Company: 1Nov77; AI-16982.

AI-16983. Fundamentals of marine acoustics. By Jerald ». Caruthers. The Netherlands. 153 p. (Elsevier oceanoqraphy series, 18) O Elsevier Scientific Publishinq Company: 11iov77: AI-16983.

AI-16984. Introduction to the mathematics of inversion in remote sensinq and indirect measurements. By S. Tvomey. The Netherlands. 243 p. (Developments in qeomathematics, 3) Elsevier Scientific Publishinq Company: 18Nov77; A1-16984.

AI-16985. leats and maqic: the earlier nocks. By Hary Catherine Flannery. Great Britain. 165 p. Colin Smythe, Ltd.; 15Dec77; AI-16985.

AI-16986. 5799-AEF. France. Printout. IBB iorld Trade Corporation; 12Sep77; AI-16986.

AI-16987. Inteqrodif ferential equations and delay models in population dynamics. By Jim H. Cushinq. Uest Germany. 196 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, 20) Sprinqer- Verlaq; 310ct77: 41-16987.

41-16988. Principles of electrolocation and iamminq avoidance in electric fish: a neuroetholoqical approach. By Halter Beiliqenberq . Nest Germany. 85 p. (Studies of brain function, vol. 1) O Sprinqec-Verlaq; 29Sep77; 41-16988.

at oceanic lithosphere? By fiobert Griffin Coleman. Hest Germany. 229 p. minerals and rocks, 12) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 19Auq77; 41-16989.

AI-16990. Biqher order contact of submanifolds of homogeneous spaces. By Gary B. Jensen. Hest Germany. 154 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 610) 6 Sprinqer-Veclaq; 7Sep77; 41-16990.

41-16991. Banach spaces of analytic functions; proceedings of the Pelczynski Conference held at Kent State Oniversity, July 12-16, 1976. Edited by J. Baker, C. Cleaver 6 J. Diestel. Hest Germany. 14 1 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 604) O springer- yerlaq; 164uq77; 41-16991.

41-16992. Turbulence Seminar, Berkeley, 1976/77. Edited by Peter Bernard S, Tudor Satiu. Best Germany. 155 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 615) 6 Springer-Verlag; 26Sep77: 41-16992.

41-16993. Extreme eigen values of Toeplitz operators. By I. I. Birschman, Jr. 6 Daniel E. Hughes. Hest Germany. 145 p. (Lecture notes id mathematics, vol. 618) O Springer-Verlag; 7Nov77; 41-16993.

41-16994. 4belian group theory: proceedings of the 2nd Ne« Heiico State Oniversity con- ference, held at Las Cruces, New ijexico, December 9-12, 1976. Edited by David B. 4rnold, fioger B. Hunter C Elbert 4. Halker. Hest Germany. 423 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 616) O Springer- Veriaq; 100ct77; 41-16994.

41-16995. Infinitary combinatorics and the axiom of determinateness. By Eugene B. Kleinberg. Hest Germany. 150 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 612) Springer-Verlag; 26Sep77; 41-16995.

41-16996. General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra 4; proceedings of the fourth Prague topological symposium, 1976. Pt. 4: invited papers. Edited by Josef Novak. Hest Germany. 225 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 609) Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on General Topology and Its Helations to Bodern 4nalysis and Algebra. 4ppl. au: H. H. Comfort £ D. Baharam. O Springer- Verlag; 7Sep77; 41-16996.

41-16997. Gesource allocation and division of space; proceedings of an international symposium held at Toba near Nagoya, Japan, 14-17 December 1975. Edited by Takashi Fujii £ Gyuzo Sato. Hest Germany. 184 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mat- hematical systems, vol. 147) 4ppl. au: Akira Takayama. Springer-Verlag; 28Sep77; AI-16997.

AI- 16998. Portability of numerical software; workshop. Oak Brook, Illinois, June 21-23, 1976. Edited by Hayne Coiiell. Best Germany. 539 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, 57) Papers based on oral presentations at the Horkshop on the Portability of Numerical Software. 4ppl. au: T. J. 4ird fi James B. Boyle. Springer-Verlag; 310ct77; 41-16998.

41-16999. Measuring selection in natural populations. Edited by Freddy B. Christiansen £ Tom H. Fenchel. Hest Germany. 564 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, vol. 19) Proceedings of the Symposium: Beasuring Selection in Natural Populations held in southern Jutland, Denmark, Bay 10-14, 1976. 4ppl. au: B. H. 411ard £ 4. L. Kahler. O Springer-Verlag: 9Sep77: 41-16999.

41-17000. flathematics and the Life Sciences; selected lectures, Canadian Bathematical Congress, 4ugust 1975. Edited by David L. Batthews. Hest Germany. 385 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, vol. 18) Selected lectures presented at the 15th biennial seminar of the Canadian Bathematical Congress entitled flathematics and the Life Sciences, held at the Universite de Sberbrooke, Canada. 4ppl. au: fi. Levins £ A. E. B. Hoodcock. ©Springer-Verlag; 9Sep77; 41-17000.

41-17001. 4dvances in biochemical engineering. Vol. 6: New substrates. Editors: T. K. Ghose, A. Fiechter £ N. Blakebrough. Best Germany. 127 p. 4ppl. au: Arpad £. Toma (i.e. Torma) Springer-Verlag: 30Sep77; AI-17001.

41-17002. Boron and refractory borides. Edited by Vlado I. Batkovich. Hest Germany. 656 p. Appl. au: K. B. J. Buchow £ a. E. Dahl. O Springer-Verlag: 23Sep77; 41-17002.

41-17003. Advanced methods in protein sequence determination. Edited by Saul Ben Needleman. Best Germany. 189 p. (Molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics, 25) Appl. au: Bussell P. Doolittle. O Springer-Verlag; 26Sep77; AI-17003.

AI- 17004. Synergetics: a workshop; proceedings of the International Horkshop on Synergetics at Schloss Elmau, Bavaria, Bay 2-7, 1977. Edited by Hermann Haken. Hest Germany. 274 p. Appl. au: B. Buckley £ P. B. Fenstermacher. Springer-Verlag; 26Sep77; AI-17004.

AI-17005. Current topics in microbiology and immunology, 76. Edited by B. Arber £ others. Hest Germany. 214 p. Appl. au: H. a. Kuehl 6 P. Spears. O Springer- Verlag; 5Sep77; 41-17005.

41-17006. Biochemical differentiation in insect glands. Edited by Uolfgang Beermann. Hest Germany. 215 p. (Besults and problems in cell differentiation, vol. 8) 4ppl. au: B. K. Baker £ H. H. Blau. O Springer-Verlag; 30ct77; 41-17006.

AI- 17007. Beviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology, 79. Editors: B. H. Adrian £ others. Hest Germany. 180 p. 4ppl. au: J. H. Hitchie £ B. B. G. Bogart. Formerly Ergebnisse der Physiologic, biologischen Chemie und experimentellen Pharmakologie. Springer-Verlag: 20Sep77; 41-17007.

41-17008. The Bajor histocompatibility system in man and animals. Editor: Dietrich Goetze. Hest Germany. 404 p. 4ppl. au: N. Cohen £ N. H. Collins. Springer-Verlag; 284ug77: 41-17008.

41-17009. Hatashitachi no nippon go (rokunen) Japan. 144 p. Japanese; title romanized on appl. O The California Association of Japanese Language Schools, Inc.; 15Sep77; 41-17009.

AI-17010. Economic forecasting — models or markets? By James B. Bamsey, with a sceptical view

of forecasting in Britain by Balph Harris.


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