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JUL-DEC. 1977

AI-16839 (con.) in f riiehf raQZiskanischen Schrifttua. O The Franciscan Institute of Saint Bonaventure University; 27Jun77: 41-16839.

iI-16B40. Albuoin structure, function and uses. Edited by Victor a. fiosenoer« Hurray Oratz 6 Harcus Adolphus Bothschild. Great Britain. 397 p. Appl. au: B. S. Baliga, J. B. Brown £ J. Foster. Pergaaon Press, Inc.: 11Jul77; AI-16840.

41-16811. New trends in British politics: issues foe research. Edited by Dennis Kavanagh & Bichard Bose for the British Politics Croup. England. 2Si4 p. O Sage Publications, Ltd.; 15Sep77; AI- 168111.

AI-15842. Water purification in the EEC: a state-of-the-art re»ieii. A report prepared for the Directorate-General for Besearch, Science and Education 6 the Environaent and Consuaer Protection Service of the Coanission of the European Coaaunities by the Hater Besearch Centre. Great Britain. 467 p. Appl. au: G. Bobeck £ B. C. Hoodward. European Coal and Steel Coaaunity, European Economic Comauaity e European Atoaic Energy Coamunity (in notice: ECSC, EEC 6 EAEC) ; 8Aug77: AI- 16812.

AI-16843. The National union catalog: pre- 1956 iaprints; a cunulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other Aaerican libraries. Vol. 520-521. Coapiled 6 edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress & the National Onion Catalog Subcoaaittee of the Besources Coaaittee of the Besources and Technical Services Division, Aaerican Library Association. United Kingdoa. Appl. au: The Aaerican Library Asso- ciation. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 iaprints, as aaintained in the Library of Congress in card fora or in any publication of the U.S. Govt. nithin the aeaning of Title 17 O.S.C. 8. NH: new coapilation, abridqaent e editorial revision of entries fi original prefatory materials. The Aaerican Library Association; 7Sep77: AI-16813.

AI-16811. laage of adoration: section of a cycle. By Peter Heehs. India. 71 p. Text £ translation of Sri Aurobind and the mother. Peter Heehs; 30Apr77: AI-16811.

Al-16815. Books and portraits: some further selections froa the literary and biographical writings of Virginia Hoolf. Edited by Hary Lyon. England. 221 p. Add. ti: Books and portraits: literary and biographical writings. on selection G pref.: Hary Lyon: 2SAug77; AI-16815.

AI-16816. Inference, method and decision: towards a Bayesian philosophy of science- By Boqer D. Bosenkrantz. Holland. 1 v. (Synthese library, vol. 115) D. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77: AI-16816.

AI-16817. Philosophical medical ethics: its nature and significance; proceedings of the Third Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Hedicine. held at Farmiiigton, CT, Dec. 11-13, 1975. Edited by Stuart F. Spicker £ Hugo Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. Holland. 252 p. (Philosophy and medicine, vol. 3) Held at the Oniversity of Connecticut

41-16818. No jail for thought. By Lev Kopclev, translated £ edited by Anthony Austin, foreword by Heinrich Boell, afterword by Bobert G. Kaiser. England. 267 p. Prev. pub. as Khranit* vechno. O on tran- slation; Anthony Austin; 13Jun77; AI-16818.

41-16819. No iail for thought. By Lev Kopelev, translated £ edited by 4nthonv 4ustin, foreword by Heinrich Boell, afterword by Bobert G. Kaiser. England. 267 p. Prev. pub. as Khranit* vechno. on afterword; Bobert G. Kaiser; 13Jun77; AI-16819.

AI- 16850. The Structure of appearance. By Nelson Goodman, with an introd. by Geoffrey Uellaan. 3rd ed. Holland. 285 p. (Boston studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 53.) (Synthese Library, vol. 107) O D. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77: AI-16850.

AI-16851. Hodels of discovery and other topics in the methods of science. By Herbert Alexander Simon. Holland. 156 p. (Boston studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 51.) (Synthese Library, vol. Ill) D. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77; AI-16851.

AI- 16852. Design and impleaentation of programming languages; proceedings of a DOD sponsored workshop, Ithaca, October 1976. Edited by John H. Uilliams £ David A. Fisher. Uest Germany. 196 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, 51) Appl. au: Charles N. Fischer £ Bichard J. LeBlanc. O Springer-Verlag; 26Aug77; AI-16852.

AI-16853. New natural products and plant drugs with pharmacological, biological, or therapeutical activity. Edited by Hildebert Hagner £ Peter Haria Hollf. Uest Germany. 286 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) Proceedings of the First International Congress on Hedicinal Plant Besearch. Section A, held at the Oniversity of Munich, Germany, Sept. 6-10, 1976. Appl. au: A. S. Bingel £ G. A. Cordell. e Springer-Verlag; 264ug77; 41-16853.

AI-16851. Hathematical aspects of finite element methods; proceedings of the conference held in Borne, Dec. 10-12, 1975. Edited by Ilio Galligani £ Enrico Hagenes. Uest Germany. 362 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 606) Proceedings of the Meeting on Hathematical Aspects of Finite Element Hethods, held at the Consiglio Naziooale delle Bicerche; French £ English. Appl. au: Jim Douglas, Jr. £ J. T. oden. O Springer-Verlag; 16Aug77; AI-16851.

AI-16855. Classification theory of Biemannian manifolds; harmonic, quasiharmonic £ biharmonic functions. By Leo Sario, Hitsuru Nakai, Cecilia Hang £ Lung Ock Chung. Vest Germany. 198 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 605) Springer- Verlag; 16Aug77; AI-16855.

41-16856. Second homes: curse or blessing? Edited by John Terence Coppock. Great Britain. 229 p. Appl. au: B. L. Bagatz. NH: compilation. J. T. Coppock; 22Auq77; AI-16856.

41-16857. Nubia: corridor to Africa. By Hilliam Y. Adams. Great Britain. 797 p. O Billiam Y. Adams; 21Jun77; AI-16857.

AI-16858. From Sabbath to Sunday: a historical Investigation of the rise of Sunday observance in early Christianity. By Samuele Bacchiocchi. Italy. 372 p. Samuele Bacchiocchi; 22Jul77; Al-16858.

AI-16859. ABC magazine international. Vol. 6, no. 1, flay 1977. Editors: Theresa aitan 6 Gloria Freund, literary editor: Hoses Badash, photographers: Joe Clark £ Bob Kunz, illus.: Isam Hillis. art director: Hezi Hor, layout: Jim Tesner. Israel. 66 p. Appl. au: Dorothy Johnson Kelly, John Gorman £ Joseph tlhite. on p. 7-10 £ 58-66; Hidwest News Service, Inc.; 1Hay77; AI-16859.

41-16860. Virginia in the 4merican fievolution; a collection of essays. No. 1. Edited by Bichard 4. Butyna £ Peter C. Stewart. Scotland. 92 p. Bichard A. Butyna £ Peter C. Stewart; 15Aug77; AI-16860.

AI-16861. Columbia cruises south; circumnavigating the south Island of New Zealand. By Balph S. Von Kohorn. New Zealand. 117 p. e Balph S. Von Kohorn; 10Jul77; AI-16861.

AI- 16862. The Holecular biology of the mammalian genetic apparatus. Vol. 2. Edited by Paul On Pong Ts'o. The Netherlands. 333 p. Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press; 30Sep77; AI-16862.

41-16863. Liberal Party politics in Britain. By Arthur I. Cyr, with a foreword by Hichael Steed. United Kingdom. 318 p. O Arthur cyr; 30Jun77; 41-16863. (Beprint copy, bearing U.S. imprint, deposited)

41-16861. Emotion, thought and therapy; a study of Hume and Spinoza and the relationship of philosophical theories of the emotions to psychological theories of therapy. By Jerome Neu. Great Britain. 191 p. Jerome Neu; 10ct77; AI-16851.

AI-16865. Vets might fly, and other titles. Canada. 575 p. (Beader's digest condensed books) Appl. au: The Beader's Digest Association, Inc. NH: compilation, condensation, additional material £ pictorial material. O The Beader's Digest Association (Canada) Ltd.; 7Sep77; AI-16865.

AI-16866. Kerygma resource book. Kerygma leader's guide. Author: James Halther. Canada. 2 V. (Kerygma Bible study in depth) O Gordon J. Freer; 15aay77; AI-16866.

AI-16867. Study guide for Sifrou la-student ('alef, bet) By Frank Talaage, Chaim Babin £ Libby Garshowitz. 2nd ed. Canada. 178 p. O Oniversity of Toronto Press; 150ct77; AI-16867.

AI- 16868. Saint Croix Valley. HE and Canada, international telephone directory. Canada. Appl. au: Dan Bollingdale. DB tradename of copyright owner Dan Bollingdale; 250ct77; 41-16868.

AI- 16869.

The Shrine, and other stories. By Hary


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