AI-16808 - AI-16839
JUL-DEC. 1977
AI- 16807 (con.) Publishers. Q on translation; Atheneum PBblishers, Inc.; 154pr77: Al- 16807.
AI- 16808. Optimal policies, control theory and technology exports. EditoEs: Karl Brunner e Allan B. Heltzer. The Netherlands. 238 p. (Cacneqie-Bochester conference series on public policy, vol. 7) Horth-Holland Publishing Conpany; 15Sep77: AI-16808.
iI-16809. Elements of nuclear reactor design. Edited by Joel Beisaan. The Netherlands. U66 p. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Conpany; 61lay77: AI- 16809.
41-16810. Cerebral vascular disease; proceedings of the 8th International Salzburg Conference, September 22-25, 1976. Editor: John Stirling Heyer £ other editors. The Netherlands. 281 p. Proceedings of the 8th International Salzburg Conference on Cerebrovascular Disease, Austria. 1976. Excerpta Hedica; 16Sep77; AI-16810.
AI-16B11. Frontiers of quantitative economics; papers invited for presentation at the Econometric Society Third Horld Congress, Toronto, 1975. Vol. 3B. Edited by Michael D. Intriligator. The Netherlands. P. 387-845. (Contributions to economic analysis, vol. 106) O North-Holland Publishing Company; 6Sep77; AI-16811.
AI-16812. State, law and family: family law in transition in the Onited States and lestern Europe. By Hary Ann Glendon. The Netherlands. 347 p. North-Holland Publishing Company; 2Sep77; AI-16812.
AI-16813. Handbook of institutional arbitration in international trade; facts, figures and rules. Edited by Ernest Joseph Cohn, Martin Domke & Frederic Eisemann. The Netherlands. 301 p. North-Holland Publishing company; 8Sep77; AI-16813.
AI-16814. Frontiers of quantitative economics; papers invited for presentation at the Econometric Society Third Horld Congress, Toronto, 1975. Vol. 3A. Edited by Michael D. Intriligator. The Netherlands. 1 V. (Contril>utions to economic analysis, vol. 105) North-Holland Publishing Company: 6Sep77; 41-16814.
41-16815. The Physics of gas lasers. By Uilliam Balph Bennett. Jr. Great Britain. 214 p. (Documents on modern physics) NH: additional text, revisions e corrections- Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 7Sep77; AI-16815.
AI-16816. Trollope and politics: a study of the Pallisers and others. By John Halperin. Great Britain. 318 p. John Halperin; 14Jal77; AI-16816.
AI-16817. Public and private pensions in Canada: an economic analysis. By James E. Pesando fi Samuel A. Bea. Jr. Canada. 185 p. O Ontario Economic Council; 145ep77; 41-16817.
AI- 16818. Methods in subnuclear physics. Vol. 5. pt. 2. Edited by M. Nikolic, East Germany. 364 p. Proceedings of the 5th International School of Elementary Particle Physics, held in Herceg-Novi, Yugoslavia on Sept. 15-28, 1969. Appl. au: R. F. Fry. Gordon and Breach Ltd.; 84ug77;
41-16819. Methods in subnuclear physics. Vol. 5. pt. 1. Edited by H. Nikolic. East Germany. 496 p. Proceedings of the 5th International School of Elementary Particle Physics, held in Herceg-Novi, lugoslavia on Sept. 15-28, 1969. Appl. au: B. J. Glauber e R. B. Fretter. Q Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. Ltd.; 8Aug77; AI-16819.
AI-16820. The Sisterhood. By Betty Black, pseud, of Betty Schwartz & Casey Bishop, pseud, of Buth Brown. Great Britain. 160 p. e Betty Black & Henry J. Brown; 14ug77; 41-16820.
AI- 16821. Tukjinede nan ajiri in Marshall. Written by Baynard H. Gideon & Jerre Hayne Bennett, illustrated by Iso Laninbelik, Balph Haltz e Jerre Bayne Bennett, edited by Baynard H. Gideon. Marshall Islands (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands) . 128 p. O Marshall Islands Department of Education; 28May76; 41-16821.
41-16822. Myocardial failure. Editors: G. Eiecker & other editors. Best Germany. 374 p. (International Boehrinqer Mannheim symposia) Appl. au: B. T. Bulloch 6 N. Briggs. Q Springer-Verlag; 11Jul77: 41-16822.
AI- 16823. Fiber bundle techniques in gauge theories. By Bolfgang Drechsler & Meinhard Edwin Mayer. Best Germany. 248 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 6 7) e Springer-Verlag; 27Jul77; AI-16823.
AI-16824. Lipids and lipid polymers in higher plants. Edited by Manfred Tevini & Hartmut K. Lichtenthaler, contributors: P. E. Kolattukudy, P. K. Stnmpf & Others. Best Germany. 306 p. Proceedings of a symposium on Lipids and Lipid Polymers in Hiqher Plants, held in July 1976 at the Botanical Institute of the University of Karlsruhe. Springer-Verlag; 29Jul77; AI-16824.
AI-16825. Modular functions of one variable V; proceedinqs international conference, Dniversity of Bonn, Sonderforschunq- sbereich theoretische Mathematik. July 2-14. 1976. Edited by Jean-Pierre Serre 6 Don Bernard Zagier. Best Germany. 294 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 601) English e French. Appl. au: N. Katz 6 K. Bibet. e Springer-Verlag; 27Jul77; AI- 16825.
AI-16826. Plant tissue culture and its bio- technological application. Edited by Bolfgang Barz, Ernst Beinhard & M. B. Zenk. Best Germany. 419 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) Proceedings of the First International Congress on Medicinal Plant Besearch, Section B, held at the Dniversity of Munich. Germany, Sept. 6-10, 1976. Appl. au: D. K. Dougall 6 St. Nickel, e Springer-Verlag; 30Jun77; 41-16826.
AI- 16827. Selective heat sensitivity of cancer cells. Edited by Alessandro Bossi-Fanelli 6 others. Best Germany. 189 p. (Becent results in cancer research, 59) Appl. au: A. F. Anderson & B. C. Giovanella. e Springer-Verlag; 7Jul77; 41-16827.
d'ete de probabilites de Saint-Flour 6-1976. By J. Hoffaann- Joergensen, Thomas Milton Liggett B Jacques Neveu. edite par P.-L. Henneguin. Best Germany. 447 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 598) English & French. e Springer-Verlag; 15Jal77; Al-16828.
AI- 16829. Pathogenesis of human muscular dystrophies; proceedinqs of the fifth international scientific conference of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Durango, CO, June 21-25, 1976. Editor: Lewis p. Bowland. The Netherlands. 895 p. e Excerpta Medica; 16Sep77; AI-16829.
AI-16830. Harmonic analysis on compact solv- manifolds. By Jonathan Paul Brezin. Best Germany. 177 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 602) Q Springer-Verlag; 29JU177; AI-16830.
AI-16831. Matrix Eigensystem routines — EISPACK guide extension. By Burton S. Garbow. J. M. Boyle, J. J. Oongarra e C. B. Moler. Nest Germany. 343 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 51) Q Springer- Verlag; 27JU177; 41-16831.
41-16832. Complex analysis; proceedings of the conference held at the Dniversity of Kentucky. May 18-22, 1976. Edited by James D. Buckholtz & Teddy J. Suffridge. Best Germany. 159 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 599) 4dd. ti: Complex analysis. Kentucky, 1976. Proceedings of the Conference on Complex Analysis. Springer-Verlag; 29Jul77; AI-16832.
AI- 16833. Multiple primary malignant neoplasms: the Connecticut experience, 1935-1964. By Bruce S. Schoenl>erg, in collaboration with Barbara B. Christine, Joseph F. Fraumeni. Jr. , Bichard A. Greenberg & Devera G. Schoenberg. Best Germany. 173 p. (Recent results in cancer research, 58) e Springer-Verlag; 29Jul77; AI-16833.
AI- 16834. Shakespeare by Hilliard: a portrait deciphered. By Leslie Hotson. Great Britain. 210 p. 6 Leslie Hotson; 1Sep77; AI-16834.
AI-16835. How you can be a disciple. By Billiam G. Chipman & Monty J. Chipman. South Africa. 96 p. (Discipleship for boys emd girls, pt. 1) NM: revisions & additions. O Billiam Chipman; 11Attg77; AI-16835.
AI- 16836. Arachne rising: the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac. By James Vogh, pseud, of John Sladek. England. 202 p. 6 James Vogh (pseud, for John Sladek) ; 30Aug77; Al-16836.
AI-16837. Love that land. By Lillian Goldberg. Israel. 69 p. 6 Lilliam Goldberg (in notice: Goldberg) ; 15Sep77; AI-16837.
AI-16838. The Poisoned life of Mrs. Maybrick. By Bernard Byan with Michael Havers, foreword by Lord Bussell. England. 292 p. e Bernard Byan; 20Jun77; AI-16838.
AI-16839. Evangelical perfection: an historical examination of the concept in the early Franciscan sources. By Duane V. Lapsanski. translated by the author. Italy. 302 p. (Franciscan Institute publications, theology series, no. 7. Edited by George Marcil) First pub. in 1974 under the title Perfectio Evangelica:
eine begrif fsgeschichtliche Untersuchung
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