AI-16776 - AI-16807
JUL-DEC. 1977
AI-16775 (con.) cheiiistrvr, 69) C Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29JU177; SI-16775.
41-15776. structaral and Kinetic Approach to Plasna Heabrane Functions; proceedings of a aeetinq held on Sept. 6-9, 1976 in Griqnon, France. Edited by Claude Nicolau 6 &lain Paraf. Best GernanT- 204 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) Appl. au: D. P. a. Wallach. O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 26JU177: XI-16776.
41-16777. Dfnanics of solids and liquids by neutron scattering. Edited by Stephen H. Lovesey 6 Tasso Springer. Best Germany. 379 p. (Topics in current physics, vol. 3) 4ppl. au: Baymond D. Hountain £ Harold G. Saith. Springer- Verlag; 30Jun77; 41-16777.
il- 16778. Living yoga: the value of yoga in today's life. By Svani Satchidananda £ others. Great Britain. 323 p. (Psychic studies) ippl. au: Joseph Gelbernan. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.: 11»uq77: 41-16778.
41-16779. Hedical education and nedical care; a Scottish-4«erican syiposiuB. Edited by Gordon HcLachlan. Onited Kingdoa. 215 p. 4ppl. au: John Z. Bo»ers, Jaclc B. Cole 6 Boseaary Stevens. O The Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust; 114ug77: 41-16779.
41-16780. Issues in Canadian nursing. By Betsy LaSor £ aadeieine Buth Elliott. Canada. 20 5 p. O Prentice-Hall o£ Canada, Ltd.; 5Jul77: 41-16780.
41-16781. Josquin Des Prez; proceedings of the International Josquin Festival-Conference held at the Juilliard School at Lincoln center in Hen York City. 21-25 June 1971. Edited by Edward E. Loninsky, in collaboration with Bonnie J. Blacltburn. Great Britain. 787 p. 4ccoapanied by sound recording, reg. BF 1972-NF1 97tl, in boi. 4ppl. au: Lewis Lockwood £ Don Uarran. Oxford University Press; 31Har77 (in notice: 1976); 41-16781.
41-16782. Essays on analytical chemistry: in memory of Prof'essor 4nders Binqboa. Editor-in-chief: Erkki Baenninen £ other editors. Great Britain. 607 p. Add. ti: Analytical chemistry: essays in memory of Anders Binqboa. Appl. au: I. H. Kolthoff, B. G. Bates £ J. E. Sarneski. NH: compilation. Pergamon Press, Ltd. ; 11JU177: AI-16782.
AI-16783. IBM 3613 desk terminal printer operator's guide. Japan. 1 v. (Systems) International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d. : IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation): 27Hay77; AI-16783.
41-16781. 3601 finance communication controller, models 1, 24. 2B. 34, and 3B maintenance information for 2400 BPS remote loop (BPQ 7F0035) Japan. 1 v. (IBH maintenance library) 4dd. ti: IBH 3501 finance communication controller, models 1, 24, 28, 34, and 3B maintenance information for 2U00 BPS remote loop (RPQ 7F0035) O International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 284pr77: 41-16784.
41-16785. IBH 3613 desk terainal printer component description. 2ad ed. Japan. 1 v. (Systems) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice; International Business Hachines Corporation) ; 27Hay77; 41-16785.
AI-16786. Vascular surgery. Edited by Charles Bob. 3rd ed. England. 354 p. (Operative surgery; fundamental inter- national techniques) O Buttemorth and Company (Publishers) Ltd.; 15Dec76; AI- 16785.
AI-16787. The Biofeedback guide: affiliating with excellence. By Dorelle Markley Heisel, photos, by Connie Sullivan. Great Britain. 269 p. O Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 19Sep77: AI-16787.
41-16788. Nonlinear diffusion. By Billiam Edward Fitzqibbon 3rd £ Homer Franklin Balker. Great Britain. 232 p. (Besearch notes in mathematics. 14) Billiam E. Fitzqibbon 3rd £ Homer F. Balker; 27Sep77; 41-16788.
41-16789. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Executive editor; 41asdair H. Brecken- ridge. Great Britain. 238 p. (Pharmacology and therapeutics, pt. C, vol. 2, no. 2, 1977) Appl. au: B. H. Singh, J. B. Stanbury £ 4. J. Van Hcrle. 4ppl. states any portion of this work written by an employee of the O.S. Govt, was done so outside the scope of his employment. Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 13Jun77; 41-16789.
AI-16790. Automata, languages and proqraaming; Fourth Colloquium, Oniversity of Turku, Finland, July 18-22, 1977. Edited by Arto Salomaa £ Haqnus Steinby. Best Germany. 569 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 52) Proceedinqs of the Fourth Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming. 4ppl. au: Donald 4. 41ton £ Ronald V. Book. Springer- Verlag; 11Jul77; AI-16790.
41-16791. Artaud at Bodez. By Charles Harowitz. England. 112 p. Portions prev. pub. abroad in La Tour de feu — Antonin Artaud, ou La Sante des poetes, Dec. 1959. Charles Harowitz; 29Auq77; AI-16791.
Al-16792. Come into my mind. By Jean Fox Holland, artists: Abel Laxamana £ Butch Espinosa. The Philippines. 1 v. Jean Fox Holland; 21Jun77; 41-16792.
AI-16793. Bosom of the family. By Evelyn Barter. India. (In Journal of the Indian housewife, Aug. 1977, p. 41-50) Evelyn Barter; 54aq77: AI-16793.
A1-15794. 4H 20S sorter; operating instructions. United Kingdom. 20 p. Prev. pub. June 1976. NH: editorial revisions E additions. 4ddressograph-Hultigraph Corporation; 20Jul77; A1-15794.
41-16795. Speculation and monopoly in urban development: analytical foundations with evidence for Toronto. By James a. Harkusen £ David T. Scheffaan. Canada. 165 p. O Ontario Econoaic Council: 304og77; 41-16795.
41-16796. Dislocated: an 4merican carnival. By John Kevin Newman. Great Britain. 165 p. John Kevin Newman; 8Sep77: 41-16796.
41-16797. 4dvisoc-in-traininq: a manual for Jewish youth directors £ advisors. Britten £ compiled by 41an Teperow, edited by Louis N. Garber. Canada. 69 p. O The Jewish youth Directors Association; 25Jul77; 41-16797.
AI-16798. Needs assessment goal-setting project, Colegio Nueva Granada, Bogota, Colombia, 1976-1977. Colombia. 1 v. Appl. au: Frank B. Barkus, Phyllis Mullenax £ Davis L. Losk. Frank H. Harkus £ Phyllis Hullenax; 284pr77; 41-16798.
41-16799. Dengue viruses. By Bobert Baiter Schlesinger. Austria. 132 p. (Virology Bonographs, vol. 16) Springer-Veriag; 26Auq77; AI-15799.
AI-15800. Economics of natural and environaental resources. Edited by Vernon L. Smith. Great Britain. 502 p. Appl. au: Bonald G. Cumaings. NH: compilation £ abrid- gment. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 21Sep77; AI-16800.
Al-16801. The Correspondence of Adam Smith. Edited by Ernest Campbell Hossner £ Ian Simpson Boss. Onited Kingdom. 441 p. NH: pref . , compilation £ additions. O oxford Oniversity Press; 11Aug77; AI-15801.
AI- 16802. Singular perturbations and boundary layer theory. Edited by Claude-Hichel Braunec, Bernard Gay £ Jean Hathieu. Best Germany. 532 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 594) Proceedings of the Symposium on Singular Perturbations and Boundary Layer Theory, held at the Ecoie Centrale de Lyon, Dec. 8-10, 1976; English £ French. Appl. au: B. Nicolaenko £ Noam Gordon. Springer-Verlag; 15Jul77; AI- 16802.
AI- 16803. Geometry and topology 3: Latin Aaericcin School of Hathematics; proceedings of the School held at the Instituto de Hatematica Pura e Aplicada, CNPq, Rio de Janeiro, July 1975. Edited by Jacob Palis fi Hanfredo Do Carmo. Best Germany. 856 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 597) Appl. au: Thomas Banchoff £ Clint HcCrory. O Springer-Verlag; 18Jul77; AI-15803.
41-16804. Invisible green: a Thackeray Phin mystery. By John Sladek. England. 186 p. John Sladek; 21Jul77; 41-16804.
41-16805. The Onspoilt valais: our 4merican correspondent writes of a part of Switzerland which should be better- known to visitors. By Lloyd HcCune. Portugal. (In The 4nglo- Portuguese news, Honte Estoril, Portugal, July 15, 1977, p. 1-2) e Lloyd HcCune; 15Jul77; 41-15805.
41-16805. Beport from Borne. By Lloyd HcCune. Portugal. (In The 4nglo-Port uguese news, Honte Estoril, Portugal, June 17, 1977, p. 8) O Lloyd HcCune; 17Jun77: 41-16806.
AI-16807. The Bear who wanted to be a bear. From an idea by Frank Tashlin, adapted by Joerg Steiner, illustrated by Joerg Hueller.
Switzerland. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Atheneum
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