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AI-16739 - AI-16775


JUL-DEC. 1977

AI- 16738 (con.) prefatory materials. 6 The Anerican Library Association; 30Jun77; AI-16738-

Ar-16739. The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representinq Library o£ Conqress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 515-519- Compiled S edited vith the cooperation of the Library of Conqress 6 the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. Onited Kingdom. Appl. au: The American Library Asso- ciation. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog* pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Conqress in card form or in any publication of the 0. S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 D.S.C. 8. NH: new compilation, abridgment & editorial revision of entries C original prefatory materials. 3 The American Library Association; 5Aug77; AI-16739.

AI- 1671)0. Audio- lectal practice: exercises in simultaneous reading By Adolf Emil Franz Hieke. Hest Germany. 16 p. Adolf E. Hieke; 1Aug77; AI-167110.

AI- 16711. Aleksis. By James L. Heil. Italy. 6 p. Prey. pub. in Sparrou. NH: additional text. James L. Heil ; 28Apr77; AI- 16741.

AI- 16742. The Changing countryside. By Joerq Mueller. Germany. Sheets (7 p. ) in folder. Appl. au; Atheneum Publishers. NM: pref. & captions. Atheneum Publishers: 15Apr77; AI-16742.

AI-16743. The Changing city. By Joerg Mueller. Germany. Sheets (8 p.) in folder. Appl. au: Atheneum Publishers. NM: pref. & captions. 6 Atheneum Publishers; 15Apr77; AI-16743.

AI-16744. Adiuvant therapy of cancer; proceedings of the International Conference on the Adiuvant Therapy of Cancer held in Tucson, AZ, O.S.A., Mar. 2-5, 1977. Editors: Sydney E. Salmon E Stephen E. Jones. The Netherlands. 646 p. Elsevier/North Holland- Biomedical Press; 15Jul77; Ar-16744.

AI-16745. Organometallic chemistry reviews; annual surveys: silicon-tin-lead. Edited by D. Seyferth S R. B. King. The Netherlands. 517 p. (Journal of organometallic chemistry library, 1) © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 11Aug77; AI-16745.

AI-16746. Byzantine art in the making: main lines of stylistic development in Mediterranean art, 3rd-7th century- By Ernst Kitzinger. Great Britain. 175 p. Ernst Kitzinger; i)Aitg77; AI- 16746.

AI-16747. Seeing through everything: English writers, 1918-1910. By Billiam Harrison Pritchard. Great Britain. 234 p. Billiam H. Pritchard; 2May77j AI-16747.

AI-16748. Formation of synthetic fibers. By Zbigniew K. Halczak. Great Britain. 338 p. Gordon and Breach Science Pub- lishers, Inc.; 27Jun77; AI-16748.

AI-16749. The Disreputable pleasures: crime and deviance in Canada. By John Hagan. Canada. 251 p- McGraw-Hill Hyerson, Ltd.; 15Mar77; AI-16749.

AI-16750. The Versatile satellite. By Richard R. Porter. Onited Kingdom. 173 p. R. B- Porter; 18Auq77; AI-16750.

AI-16751. Fifth International Conference on Birth Defects; abstracts of papers. Editor: John B. Littlefield, co-editors: F. J. G. Ebling 6 I. B. Henderson. The Nether- lands. 130 p. Held in Montreal, Canada, Aug. 21-27, 1977. O Excerpta Hedica; 15Aug77; AI-16751.

AI-16752. Transport in porous catalysts. By Roy Jackson. The Netherlands. 197 p. Q Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 1Aug77; AI-16752.

AI-16753. A Life apart: the English working class, 1890-1911. By Standish Meacham. Great Britain. 272 p. 6 Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 2Aug77; AI-16753.

AI-16751. The Transiatlantic review index, 1959-1977. Issues 1-60. England. 51 p. S Transatlantic Review, Inc.; 12Jul77; AI-16751.

AI-16755. Brain size, grey matter and race — fact or fiction? A reply to Phillip V. Tobias. By Sandy Gellis (Sander Matthew Gellis) . Scotland. (In The Mankind quarterly, April-June 1977, p. 213-282) 6 Sandy Gellis; 17Jun77; AI-16755.

AI-16756. Anticipate a fortune: guide to sweepstakes, lotteries and contests, American and worldwide. Best Germany. 1 V. Appl. au: Stephen M. Keohane. Stephen M. Keohane (in notice: Keohane): 5May77: AI-16756.

AI-16757. Rater balance in land arthropods. By Eric B. Edney. Rest Germany. 282 p. (Zoophysiology and ecology, vol. 9) a Sprinqer-Verlag; 15Jun77; AI-16757.

AI-16758. Surgery with coefficients. By Gerald A. Anderson. Best Germany. 157 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 591) S Springer-Verlag; 7Jul77; AI-16758.

AI- 16759. Value distribution on parabolic spaces. By Bilhelm stoll. Best Germany. 216 p- (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 600) 9 Springer-Verlag; 18Jul77; AI-16759.

AI-16760. Combinatorial group theory. By Soger C. Lyndon & Paul E. Schupp. Best Germany. 339 p. (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 89) English only, e Springer-Verlag; 18JU177; AI-16760.

AI-16761. Surface chemistry and colloids. Edited by Milton Kerker. England. 269 p- (International review of science. Physical chemistry, series 2, vol. 7) Butterworth and Company (Publishers) Ltd.; 1Sep75; AI-16761.

AI-16762. Steroids. Edited by Billiam Francis Johns. England. 278 p. (International review of science. Organic chemistry, series 2, vol. 8) 6 Butterworth and

AI-16763- Oral microbiology for dental students. Compiled & edited by Maeve Mary Coogan, illustrated by Fiona Ringdahl. South Africa. 365 p- O Maeve Mary Coogan: 26Jun77; AI-16763.

AI-16761. Korea's response to Japan: the colonial period, 1910-1915. Edited by E. I. Eugene Kim e Ooretha E. Hortimore. Korea. 310 p. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Korea, Nov. 1971. The Center for Korean Studies (in notice: The Center for Korean Studies, Bestern Michigan University) ; 18Apr77: AI-16761.

AI- 16765. Battle on two fronts for a humanist democracy. By Adnan Mazarei 2nd. Iran. 257 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1971. NM: translation. Q Adnan Mazarei 2nd; 20Jun77: AI-16765.

AI-16766. Liberation without violence: a third-party approach. Edited by A. Paul Hare S Herbert B. Blumberg. England. 368 p. A. Paul Hare e, Herbert H. Blumberg; 8Jul77; AI-16766.

AI-16767. Tycoon: the international shipping game. Singapore. Kit. Appl. au: Billiam Jackson Pearson. Q Billiam Jackson Pearson; 20Nov76; AI-16767.

AI-16768. Diagnostic reading program. By Michael Howard ticKiernan, edited by Leland Farley. Best Germany. 47 p. M. H. HcKiernan; 1Apr77; AI-16768.

AI-16769. New mathematics for chemical engineers. By Ning Hsing Chen. Taiwan. 550 p. e Ning Hsing Chen; 25Mar77; AI-16769.

AI- 16770. lou will predict the stock market. By Ted Gaily (Alvin T. M. Gaily) Best Germany. 12 p. 6 Ted Gaily: 1Sep77; AI-16770.

AI-16771. Techniques of human andrology. Editor: £. s. 2. Hafez. The Netherlands. 536 p. Q Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; 1Aug77; AI-16771.

AI-16772. Global dialogue: the new international economic order. By Bhaskar P. Menon. Great Britain. 110 p. 6 Centre for Economic and Social Information, the Onited Nations; 11Jul77; AI-16772.

AI-16773. Quintain; a novel. England. 215 p. C 13Jun77: AI-16773. By B. £. Harrington. . E. Harrington;

AI-16774. 3601 keyboard display models 2, 3 and 1 maintenance information for 2100 BPS remote loop (fiPC 7F0036) Japan. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Add. ti: IBM 3601 keyboard display models 2, 3 and 1 maintenance information for 2100 BPS remote loop (RPQ 7F0036) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 28Apr77: AI-16774.

AI-16775. Inorganic biochemistry 2. By Kenneth Kustin, Guy C. McLeod 6 others. Best

Germany. 201 p. (Topics in current


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