AI-16709 - AI-16738
JUL-DEC. 1977
AI-16708 (con.) coBPUter science, »ol. SO) Sprinqer- Verlaq: 15Jun77; »I-16708.
AI-16709. llon-coii»utati»e hacnonic analysis. Edited by Jacques caraona 6 Hiclielc Verqne. Best Gecmany. 2<10 p. (Lecture notes in aatheiatics, vol. 587) ictes du Colloque d" Analyse Barnonique Son- co»«Qtati»e, 2nd. Barseiiie-tuiiny. July 5 au 9, 1976: Enqlisli S French, ippl. au: Herve Jacquet 6 k. Joseph. Sprinqet- Verlaq; 2511ay77: AI-16709.
AI-16710. Electroluminescence. Edited by Jacques I. Panicofe, with contributions by Toon Soo Park 6 others. Uest Gernany- 212 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 17) Sprinqer-yerlaq; 27aay77: AI-16710.
AI-16711. Platelet aqqreqation in the pathogenesis o£ cerebrovascular disorders; proceedings of the round table conference, Boee, Oct. 30-31, 19711. Editors: ilessandro Aqnoli 6 Cornelio Fazio. Best Geraany. 288 p. Appl. au: J. Bucliinqhaa G J. S. Beyer. O sprinqer-yerlaq: 31Hay77; 11-16711.
AI-16712. Stephane Ballarae: twentieth century criticisa (1901-1971) By Dreiiry Baapton lorris 4th. Spain. 208 p. NB: revision '> enlarqeaent. O Boaance Bonoqraphs, inc.; 5JU177: AI-16712.
AI-16713. Androqyne, aon aaour. By lennessee Billiaas (Thoaas Lanier lilliaas) Enqland. French 6 English. (In Aabit, no. 69, p. 2-3) Tennessee lilliaas; 31Jan77: AI-16713.
AI-1671lt. Opera theoretica. »ol. 1. By Johannes Tinctoris, edidit Albert Seay. Holland. 198 p. (Corpus scriptoroa de ausica, 22) Add. ti: Theoretical vorlis: Ten treatises in aanu script sources. English S Latin. SB: editorial revision £ introductory aaterial. Araen Carapetyan: 10Bay76 (in notice: 1975); AI-167111.
AI-16715. Busica disciplina. By Aurelianus Reoaensis, edidit Lawrence Gushee. Holland. 167 p. (Corpus scriptorua de ausica. 21) Enqlish 6 Latin. NH: editorial revision & introductory aaterial. Araen Carapetyan: 2iaay76 (in notice: 1975); AI-1671S.
AI-16716. sixteenth century choirboolts in the Archivio Capitolare at casale Bonfetrato. By David Crawford. Holland. 207 p. (Renaissance aanuscript studies, 2) Add. ti: Choirbooks at Casale Bonfercato. Araen Carapetyan: 1Jon76 (in notice: 1975): AI-16715.
AI-16717. Progress in phytocheaistry. Vol. U, Edited by Leonora Beinhold, Jeffrey B. Harborne E T. Swain. Great Britain. 289 P. Appl. au: D. S. Seigler. G. A. Cordell & E. Heftaann. BB: coapilation. O Pergaaon press, Ltd.; 23Bay77; AI-16717.
AI-16718. Inhaled particles, 1 : proceedings of an international syaposiua organized by the British Occupational Hygiene Society, Edinburgh. 22-26 Sept. 1975. Pt. 1-2. Edited by i. H. Balton. assisted by Brenda BcGovern. Great Britain. 2 v. Appl. au: J. D. Brain, T. A. BcBahon 6 8. L. Harris. NS: coapilation. The British Occu- pational Hygiene Society; 9Bay77; AI-16718.
AI-16719. Photosynthesis 1: photosynthetic electron transport and photophosphor- ylation. Edited by Achia Trebst 6 Bordhay Avron. Best Geraany. 730 p. (Enc- yclopedia of plant physiology, new series, vol. 5) Appl. au: B. S. Alberte 6 D. I. Arnon. Springer-Ver lag ; 27aay77: AI-15719.
AI-16720. Electron spectroscopy: theory, techniques and applications. Vol. 1. Edited by C. a. Brundle £ A. D. Baker. Great Britain. 1)59 p. Acadeaic Press, Inc. (London) Ltd.; 15Jul77; AI-16720.
AI-16721. scientific aaterialisa in nineteenth century Geraany. By Frederick Gregory. Holland. 279 p. (Studies in the history of aodern science, vol. 1) O D. Bcidel Publishing Coapany: 19Jul77; AI-16721.
AI-16722. Becent advances in steroid biocheaistry. »ol. 3: proceedings of the Third International Syaposiua of the Journal of Steroid Biocheaistry, Helsinki, 7-9 June 1976. Edited by J. E. Pasqualini. Great Britain. p. 869-1211. Proceedings of the Third International Syaposiua of the Journal of Steroid Biocheaistry on Becent Advances in Steroid Biochemistry. Appl. au: J. A. Cidlowski, J. H. Clark £ T^ H. Haailton. Prev. pub. as a special issue of the Journal of steroid biocheaistry, vol. 7, no. 11/12. O Pergaaon Press, Ltd.; 27Jun77; AI-16722.
AI-16723. Enterprise: a gaae of business activity. Philippines. Kit. Appl. au: Andrew B. Trice. Andrew a. Trice; 31Dec75; AI-16723.
AI- 1672a. Ellipsoaetry and polarized light. By E. B. A. Azzaa £ B. B. Bashara. The Netherlands. 529 p. O Borth Bolland Publishing Coapany; 23Jun77; AI-1672'l.
AI-16725. Huaan aspects of urban fora: towards a aan-environaent approach to urban fora and design. By Aaos Bapoport. Great Britain. 438 p. (Orbao and regional planning series, vol. 15) Aaos Bapoport; 23Hay77; AI-16725.
AI-16726. Canadian essay and literature index, 1975. coapiled £ edited by Andrew D. Araitage £ Bancy Tudor. Canada. 517 p. O Oniversity of Toronto Press; 23Jul77; AI-15726.
AI- 16727. Creative alternatives to coaaunisa: guidelines for toaorcow*s world- By Donald Bilhela. Enqland. 173 p. O Donald iilhela; 15Jul77; AI-16727.
AI- 16728. Bosoa of the faaily. Pt. 4. By Evelyn Barter. India. (In Journal of the Indian housewife, July 1977, p. 41-48) O Evelyn Barter; 4Jul77; AI-16728.
AI- 16729. Sacred circles: two thousand years of North Aaerican Indian art. Catalogue written by Balph T. Coe, edited by Irena Boare, additional editing by Balph I. Coe. Enqland. 252 p. NH: additions. Nelson Gallery Foundation; 16Apr77; AI-16729.
AI-16730. Bhytha analysis and basic co-ordination. By Edaund L. Thigpen. Denaark. 42 p. O Edmund L. Thigpen (on copy: Ed Thigpen); 28Apr77; Al-16730.
AI-16731. The Self and the other: the irreducible eleaent in aan. Pt. 1: the "crisis of aan. " Edited by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. Bolland. 186 p. (Analecta Husserliana: the yearbook of phenoaenological research, vol. 6) Papers froa the Fourth Inter- national Phenomenology Conference, held in Fribourq, Switzerland froa 24-28 Jan. 1975. Appl. au: Alphonso Lingis. O D. Heidel Publishing company; 23Jun77; AI-16731.
AI- 16732. The National union catalog, pre-1956 iaprints; a cuaulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards fi titles reported by other Aaerican libraries. Vol. 505-509. Coapiled e edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Onion Catalog Subcoaaittee of the Eesources Comaittee of the Eesources and Technical Services Division, Aaerican Library Association. Onited Kingdoa. 5 v. Appl. au: The Aaerican Library Association. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints maintained by the Library of Congress in card foro or in any other publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C.18. NB: compilation, abridgment £ editorial revision of entries fi original prefatory materials. The Aaerican Library Association; 30Bay77; AI-16732.
AI-167 33. Docuaented facts and figures on Transylvania. Coapiled by The oanubian Eesearch Center £ The Transylvanian Borld Federation, under the supervision of Albert Bass De Czege. Canada. 79 p. Danubian Press, Inc.; 15Bay77; AI-16733.
AI-16734. Australian external policy under Labor: content, process and the national debate. By Benry S. Albinski. Canada. 373 p. O University of Queensland Press; 4Aug77; AI-16734.
AI-16735. The Rhineland crisis, 7 Barch 1936: a study in multilateral diplomacy. By Jaaes Thoaas Eaaerson. Great Britain. 383 p. Jaaes Thoaas Eaaerson; 15Apr77; AI-16735.
AI-16736. Vashington Zoo. By Atanas Tasev. Spain. 1 V. Atanas Tasev; 16Dec76; AI-16736.
AI-16737. Aras control and European security: a guide to East-Best negotiations. By Joseph I. Coffey. Enqland. 271 p. The International Institute for strategic Studies; 30Jun77: AI-16737.
AI-16738. The National union catalog: pre-1956 iaprints; a cuaulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other Aaerican libraries. »ol. 510-514. Compiled £ edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the Eesources Comaittee of the Eesources and Technical Services Division, Aaerican Library Association. United Kingdoa. Appl. au: The Aaerican Library Asso- ciation. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 iaprints, as aaintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NB: new compilation, abridgment E
editorial revision of entries £ original
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