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AFO-90188 - AI-16185


JUL-DEC. 1977


&llpress-PFA-Korrespondenz , July 28, 1977. By Heinz G. Pridat-Guzatis. west Germany. 6 p. Allpress-FFA-Korres- pondenz, Heinz Pridat-Guzatis 6 Fernseh- Funlc-Verlaq: 2ajul77: AFO-90183.

AFO-90189. Allpress-FFA-Korrespondenz, August 30, 1977. By Heinz G. Pridat-Guzatis. Best Germany. 6 p. Q Allpress-FFA-Korres- pondenz, Heinz Pridat-Guzatis S Pernseh- Funk-Verlaq; 30Auq77; AFO-90189.

SFO-90190. Erzaehlunqen. By Graham Greene, berechtiqte Oebersetzunq von Heidi Dumreicher, Petra Kipphoff, Ida Koch- Loeprioqen, Bans H. Polak, Halther PuchveiD & Hilde Spiel. Austria. U47 p. 3 on translation; Paul Zsolnay Verlaq G.M.B.H.: 10Nov77; AFO-90190.

AFO-9019 1. Kommentar zum Bewertaaqsmassstab (Aerzte) , 2. Auflaqe, 13. Erqaenzun- qslieferunq. Stand: 1. 1^. 1977. By Dietrich Brueck. Best Germany. Sheets. NH; neH rev. pages. 3 Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 13Dec76 (in notice: 1977); AFO-90191.

AFO-90192. Brueck-Guillemet Kommentar zur Ersatzkassen— Adgo, 5. Auflage. Stand yom 1. Oktober 1976, 35. Erqaenzungsblat- tlieferunq, bearb. von Dietrich Brueck. Rest Germany. 1 v. NH: nev rev. pages, e Deutscher Aerzte-Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 7Dec76: AFO-90192.

AFO- 90193. Abkommen Aerzte Berufsqenossenscbaf ten, 6. Auflaqe. 10. Ergaenzungsblattlie- ferunq. Stand 1. 1. 1977, von Friedrich Nienhaus. Rest Germany. Sheets (320 p.) NM: ne« rev. paqes. 9 Deutscher Aerzte-Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 29Nov76; AFO-90193.

AFO- 901911. Modern Chinese-English workbook 1. Bepublic of China. 120 p. Appl. au: Chin-pinq Uu Whanq & Anne Jackson. O Bilinqual Publication and Service Company; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-90194.

iPO-90195. Vom Klanqsymbol zum Notenspiel. Blockfloeten-Kurs, T. 2 (Spielstuecke) By Marqrit Kuentzel-Hansen, Illustrationen: Karin Bitzel. iest Germany. 56 p. NM: editorial selection & new music £ text, e Husikverlaq Hans Sikorski: 30ct77; AFO-90195.

AFO-90196. The Kingdom experience — a better way to live: a new move of the spirit as seen through the eyes of eternity. By Boland De La Marre. Canada. 126 p. O Boland De La Marre; 7Nov77; AFO-90196.

AFO-90197. 15 esercizi a due voci. By Zoltan Kodaly, traduzione di John Meddemmen. Italy. 19 p. (Metodo corale Kodaly) on Italian translation; Carisch, S.P.A. d.b.a. Boosey and Company, Ltd.; 5Sep77; AFO-90197.

AFO-90198. Cantiafflo in oodo corretto. Italy. 16 p. (Betodo corale Kodaly) Appl. au: Zoltan Kodaly £ John Heddemiieu. e on Italian translation; Carisch, S.P.A. d.b.a. Boosey and Company, Ltd.; 5Sep77; AFO-90198.

AFO-90199. Die wiesenzwerge. Bilder fi Text von Ernst Kreidolf. Switzerland. 1 v. Prev. pub. 1962. NH; revisions. 6 Botapfel- Verlag, i.G.; 15Sep77; AFO-90199.

AFO-90200. Communications policy for national development: a comparative perspective. Edited by Majid Teheranian, Farhad Hakimzadeh £ Marcello L. Vidale. England. 286 p. 6 Iran Communications and Development Institute; 16Jun77; AFO-90200.

AFO-90 201. Language and materialism: developments in semiology and the theory of the subject. By Rosalind Tamsin coward £ John Cyril Paget Ellis. England. 165 p. e Rosalind Coward 6 John Ellis; 130ct77; AFO-90201.

AFO-90202. Fantasy tales. Edited by Barbara Ireson. Onited Kingdom. 218 p. NM: compilation. @ Faber and Falter, Ltd. ; 19Sep77; AFO-90202.

AFO-90203. Georq Friedrich Haendel: Der Messias. By Erich Schmid. West Germany. 56 p. (Praxis der Chorprobe) UM: compilation, editing E text. e Henry Litolff's Veriag; 31Aug77: AFO-90203.

AFO-90204. Notfall EKG-Fibel. By Gustav Georg Belz £ Martin Stauch, mit einem Beitrag von Friedrich silhelm Ahnefeld. 2. uebe- rarbeitete Aufl. West Germany. 96 p. (Kliniktaschenbuecher) d Springer-verlag; 19Sep77; AFO-90204.

AFO-90 205. Ontersuchungsverfahren in Dermatologie und Venerologie. By Sander Harghescu £ Helmut H. Wolff, Geleitwort von O. Brautt-Falco. 2. verbesserte Aufl. West Germany. 170 p. S J. F. Bergmann Veriag; 2Sep77: APO-90205.

AFO-90206. Therapie innerer Krankheiten. Hrsg. von E. Buchborn £ others. 3. ueberarbeitete Aufl. west Germany. 690 p. C Springer- Verlag; 31May77; AFO-90206.

AFO-90207. Einfuehrung in die DIN-Normen. By Martin Klein, hrsg. vom DIN Deutsches Institut fuer Normung, e. V. £ bearb. von Klaus Guenter Krieq. 7. neubearb. fi erweiterte Aufl. West Germany. 796 p. e B. G. Teubnec £ Beuth Veriag; lAug77; AFO-90207.

AFO-90208. Das Grosse Peter Aitenberg Buch. Hrsg. und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Werner J. Schweiger. Austria. 431 p. NM: compilation £ additional text. Paul Zsolnay Veriag, G.M.B.H.; 29Sep77; AFO-90208.

AFO-90209. Selected poems of Lawrence Durrell. Selected £ with an introd. by Alan Boss. Great Britain. 96 p. NM: additional text. O Lawrence Durrell; 30ct77; APO-90209.

APO-90210. The Memsahib. By Berkely Mather, pseud, of Jasper Davies. Onited Kingdom. 318 p. S Berkely Mather (pseud, for Jasper Davies); 11Jul77; AFO-90210. AFO-90211. La Loqlgue de I'univers: physique bienergetigue. Par Joseph Pierre Keller. France. 77 p. 6 Joseph P. Keller; 30Oct77; AFO-90211.

AFO-90211t. L*Esame di patente per la barca a vela: secondo il nuovo programma di esami. By Paolo Berardi £ Giuliano Thermes. Italy. 146 p. Add- ti: L'Esame di patente sulla barca a vela. 6 Nistri Lischi Editori; 240ct77; AFO-90214.

ArO-90215. A la lumiere d'hiver; precede de Lecons et de Chants d'en bas. By Philippe Jaccottet. France. 99 p. NM: additions £ revisions, e Editions Gallimard; 5May77; AFO-90215.

AFO-90216. Canons, BIV 1087. By J. S. Bach, analyse et commentaires de Marcel Bitsch. France. 21 p. 3 Editions Durand et Compagnie; 30Oct77; AFO-90216.

AFO-90217. Heisse Naechte fuer die Lady. By Peter 0*Donnell, tr.: Wolfgang wiegand. Austria. 327 p. (Modesty Blaise) Original ti.: Last day in limbo. NM: translation. 6 Paul Zsolnay Veriag, G.M.B.H.; 8Sep77; AFO-90217.

AFO-90218. Corps commander. By Brian Horrocks, with Eversley Belfield £ H. Essame. Onited Kingdom. 256 p. 3 Brian Horrocks, Eversley Belfield fi H. Essame; 30Juii77; AFO-9021S. (Aug. 1977 reprint, deposited)

AFO-90219. What's the time. Mister Wolf? By John Bruce Waterhouse. Australia. 33 p. (University of Queensland inaugural lectures) 3 University of Queensland Press; 8Aug77; AFO-90219.

AFO-90220. Industrialization, history, and ideology. By Malcolm Ian Thomis. Australia. 18 p. (University of Queensland inaugural lectures) e Oniveisity of Queensland Press; 8Aug77; AFO-90220.

AFO-90221. Form, function, and fertility. By Timothy Dawson Glover. Australia. 25 p. (Dniversity of Queensland inaugural lectures) 3 University of Queensland Press; 8Aug77; AFO-90221.

AFO-90222. Mapleton infants. By Alexander Boss Thomas £ Elaine Muriel Langshaw, general editor: W. G. Walker. Australia. 1 v. (Schools of Mapleton, in-basket 8) 3 University of Queensland Press; 15Aug77; AFO-90222.

AFO-90223. nes theatres. France. 314 p. (Cahiers Paul Valery, 2) Appl. au: Paul Valery, Agathe Bouart £ Jean Levaillant. NM: additional text. 3 Editions Gallimard; 13Sep77; AFO-9022J.

AFO-90224. Das Haus im Marulabaum. By Alexandra Cordes, pseud, of Ursula Horbach. West Germany. 348 p. 3 Franz Schneekluth Veriag, K.G; 16Jun77; AFO-90224.


AI-16184. Chemical senses and flavor. Vol. 2, no. 1, May 1976. Editors: E. P. Koester £ H. B. Moskowltz. Holland. 136 p. Appl. au: Paul E. Good £ Nori Geary. 3 D. Beidel Publishing Company; 10ct76; AI-16184.

AI-16185. Space science instrumentation. Vol. 2, no. 1-3, Aug. 1976. Editor: J. G. Emming.

Holland. 378 p. Special issue:


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