A877218 - A877252
JUL-DEC. 1977
»877217 (con.) Corpocatioa (in notice: Internatiooal Basioess aachiaes Cocpocation) : 9aa777: 1877217.
A877218. IBS STStea/3 aodels 8, 10, and 12 coaauDicatioos control proqraa systea reference. Pro<)raB no. 5702-SC1 (aodeLs 6 & 101 H 570S-SC1 (aodel 12). features 603J/6070/6071. 5th ed. 1 ». Internatiooal Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation): 23Jun77: »87721B.
A877219. IBH STstea/3 aodels 8. 10. 12, and 15 coBPonents reference sanual. 1 v. ilBfl technical neaslettet, no. GII21-0270) KH: revisions t new data. International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBfl corporation: 2'IJun77: A877219.
1877220. IBH STstea/32 displayed aessages guide. Proqraa no. 572^SC1 S others. 1 ». International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation; 6Jui77; 1877220.
1877221. IBB 3790 coaaunication sTstea custoa feature. BPQ 7B0216. 106 p. (Sfsteas) KB: revisions € uew data. International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 7Jal77; 1877221.
1877222. 3791 B-loop (BL) aaps. 2nd ed. Sheets. Idd. ti: IBH 3791 B-loop (BL) aaps. International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: Internatiooal Basiness Hachines Corporation): 29Jan77: 1877222.
1877223. 3604 aodels 5 and 6 kerboacd display aaiotenance inforaation. 2od ed. Sheets. Idd. ti: IBH 3e0<t aodels 5 and 6 keriioard display aaintenance inforaation. loteroational Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines corporation) i 6JDn77: 1877223.
1877224. 3791 aaintenance inforaation. Chap. 1: Beaote adapter 2 (Bl) aap. 2od ed. Sheets. Idd. ti: IBB 3791 aaintenance inforaation. International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Basiness Hachines Corporation); 29Jun77: 1877 22<l.
1877225. IBH 3791 bring-up 3 HIP. 1 v. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.a^d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation); 29Jud77: 1877225.
1877226. IBH systea/3it «ork station utility reference aanual; proqraa no. 5726-DT1. 1 ». Idd. ti: VSO reference. Inter- national Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: Interoatiooal Busioess Bachines Cor- poration) : 14JU177: 1877226.
1877227. Id Introduction to the IBB 3790 coaaunication systea; configuration support 9431. 9165, 9169. 2nd ed. 163 p. (Systeas) International Business Bachioes Corporatioo a.aud.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporatioo) : 9Bay77; 1877227-
1877228. IBB 3791 aaintenance inforaation chapter 1 reaote adapter 3 (SI) aiP. 2nd ed. 1 T. O International Business Bachioes Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation): 30Jun77; 1877228.
1877229. IBH 3704/3705 DOS/VS and OS/VS coapatibility 8PQ prograa description and operation aanual; prograaaing BPQ Y96613 OOS/VS, {96614 OS/VS, prograa no. 5799-lQY, 5799-lca. 2nd ed. 21 p. (Systeas) International Busioess Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporatioo (io ootj.ce: International Business Hachines Corporation); 14Jul77; 1877229.
1877230. DOS/VS fiPG 2 language; prograa no. 5746-BG1. 407 p. (Licensed prograa) International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; iejul77: 1877230.
1877231. 3791 controller installation including B-loop BPQ EU0642. 4 p. (IBB technical neasletter, no. SI131-0643) KB: revisions 6 additions. International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation; 29Jun77 (in notice: 1975. 1976): 1877231.
1877232. 3604 aodels 5 and 6 lieyboard display. 2nd ed. 8 p. (IBB aaintenance library) International Basiness Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation); 10Jun77; 1877232.
1877233. IBB aaintenance inforaation chapter 4 including B-loop BPQ Ea0642. 2nd ed. 8 p. O International Business Bachines Corporatioo a.a.d.: IBH Corporatioo (io notice: International Busioess Bachioes Corporatioo) ; 29Jttn77; 1877233.
1877234. IBH systea/3 aodel 12 system control prograa logic aanual; prograa no. 570S-SC1. 2nd ed. 1 v. (IBH systea/3) International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporatioo (in notice: International Business Hachines corporation): 12Jul77; 1877234.
1877235. IBH 3791 aaintenance inforaation chapter 5, section 1 base 3791 parts catalog including B-loop BPQ EU0642. 2nd ed. 2 p. International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 1Jul77; 1877235.
1877236. Financial resource aanageaent systea executive overview. 3rd ed. 60 p. International Busioess Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporatioo); 14Jul77: 1877236.
1877237. IBH 3791 aaioteoance inforaation (11 BIP) including B-loop BPQ EU0642. 2od ed. 1 V. O loternatiooal Busioess Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 30Jun77: 1877237.
1877238. IBH 3791 aaintenance inforaation chapter 3 including B-loop BPQ EU0642. 2nd ed. 42 p. Interoational Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Basioess Hachines Corporation): 30Jun77: 1877238.
1877239. IDA 3790 coaaunication systea ins- tallation including B-loop BPQ eH06«2. 2nd ed. 6 p. International Business Bachines Corporatioo a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 30Jun77; 1877239.
1877240. 3767 coaaunication terainal aodels 1 and 2: serial 30000 and above, aodel 3: all serial nuabers, aaiotenance inforaation. 1 V. (IBB aaintenance library, pt. 1) NB: additional text & revisions. O Internatiooal Busioess Bachioes Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachioes Corporation) ; 19Ilov76; 1877240.
1877241. IBB systeB/34 fiPG 2 reference aanual; proqraa no. 5726-8G1. 1 v. O Inter- oatiooal Busioess Bachines Corporation a.a.d. IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Cor- poration) : 14JU177; 1877241.
1877242. I can't stand Jaclt Benny because, contest. Prepared by fiadio Heaories, Inc. (The Luclcy Striite prograa starring, Jack Beooy, Sunday, Dec. 16, 1945, 7:00-7:30 p. a. } NH: additions. O Badio Heaories, Inc.; 40ul77; 1877242.
1877243 it can be told! Botdog. By B. Bates th RAtesl 1 V. OB. Bates; BOH 11. c;au ue tuius (Hary Elisabeth Bates) 7JU177; 1877243
1877244. Belax and stop saoking. By 0. G. Hull. 1 V. 1. a. Bull; 10JU177: 1877244.
1877245. The New paper trip. 1977 ed. 160 p. Ippl. au: Barry field. Eden Press. Inc. ; 1Jun77; 1877245.
1877246. 1 Coaprehensive scoring aanual for Borschach's test. By llviu G. Bursteiu. Sandra Loucks S Jon Barrett. Sheets (32 p.) O Alvin G. Burstein; 16Jul77: 1877246.
4877247. Lane Bryaot Tall Collection fall and Winter, 1977. 87 p. O Tail Collection, division of Lane Bryant, Inc. (in notice: Tall Division of Lane Bryant. Inc.) ; 8Jul77; 1877247.
1877248. Lane Bryant fashion naturals for fall and winter, 1977. 119 p. Lane Bryant, Inc.; 8JU177; 1877248.
1877249. The Huaan gut. By fi. M. B. ecHino. drawings by Derek Hhiteley. 2nd ed. rev. 1977. 16 p. Appl. au: Carolina Biological Supply Company. Carolina Biological Supply coapany; 9Jul77; 1877249.
1877250. Our Heyering ancestors: froa Geraany to laerica. By Joan Heyerinq Salzaann. 1 v. Joan Heyering Salzaann; 1iJun77; 1877250.
1877251. Wayside Gardens, fall 1977. 80 p. O Wayside Gardens Coapany; 5Jul77;
Gagner contemporary modern guitar chord
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