AFO- 89768 - AFO-89806
JUL-DEC. 1977
jrO-89767 (con.) Bv Julia Bosemacy Heilor. Eoqland. 309 p. e J. S. Hellor; 60ct77: APO-89767.
iFO- 89768. Apprentice; a historical novel. By Eichard Elliott Early. England. 179 p. e Bichard E. Early: 130ct77: AFO-89768.
lPO-89769. De Grootste mysteries aller tiJBden. olland. 319 p. Add. ti: Horld's last lysteries. Appl. au; Oitqevcrsaaat- chappii The Header's Diqest, N. V. Prev. pub. in France, 1976. NS: translation. © Oitqeversaaatschappii The fieader's Diqest, N.V. 6 N.V. Header's Diqest, S.A.; 20Sep77: AFO-89769.
AFO-89770. Le Savant fou. Tezte S dessin: Jacques Tardi, lettraqe S couleur: Anne Delobel. BelqiuD, France. 18 p. (Les Aventuces ertraordinaires d'Adele Blanc-Sec) e Casteraan: <tOct77; AFO-89770.
AFO- 89771. Les Vacances. D'apres La Cootesse De Sequr, adaptation: Jean-Claude Lowenthal, dessins: Louis-Michel Carpentier. BelqiUB, France. U5 p. Nil: adaptation £ illus. O Casternan: 29Sep77: AFO-89771.
AFO-89772. Les Heooires d ' un ane. D'apres La Contesse De Sequr, adaptation: Jean-Claude Lonenthal, dessins: Louis-Bichel carpentier. BelqiuB, France. 45 p. HH: adaptation C illus. Casterman: 310ct77; AFO-e9772.
AFO-89773. L* Elixir du Beverend Pere Gaucher: suivi de Les Sauterelles. By Alphonse Daudet, iaaqes d' Elisabeth Ivanovsky. Beiqium, France. 31 p. (L'Aqe d'or) Add. ti: L'Eiiiir du pere Gaucher. NH: adaptation 6 illus. O Casteraan; 50ct77: APO-89773.
AFO- 89774. (10 1eux pour jouec a plusieurs. Conception & texte d'Alaic Gree, illus. de Luis Canps C Gerard Gree. Belqiua, France. 91 p. Appl. au : Bare Becthier. O Casterman: 110ct77: AFO-89774.
AFO-89775. Takari chez les castors. By Derib, pseud, of Claude De Bibauplerre £ Job, pseud, of Andre Jobin. Belqiua, France. 146 p. e Casterman; I40ct77; AFO-89775.
AFO- 89776. L'Or des aoDtaqnes. By Hans G. Kresse. Beiqium, France. 48 p. (Les Peaux- rouqes) Casterman; 180ct77; AFO-89776.
AFO-89777. L'Oqre de Hora. Par Francois Craenhals. Belqiua, France. 47 p. (Chevalier Ardent) C Casterman: 26Sep77; AFO-89777.
AFO- 89778. Le Spectre de Carthage. By Jacques Hartin. Belqiua, France. «8 p. (Alix) Casterman: 130ct77; AFO-89778.
AFO-89779. Der Neueste Hussafia: Lehr- und OebunqsbuCh der italieoischen Oaqan- qssprache. Bd. 2. Von Giorqio Bessaann & Teresa Crans toun-Pessia. Neu bearb. & erqaenzt. Austria. iti»7 p. O Hilhelm Braumueller, oniveritaets- Verlaqsbuc- hhandlunq, G.H.B.H.; 31Har77: AFO-89779.
AFO-89780. Steinzeit. Gedichte. By Hedaiq Katscher. Austria. 64 p. (Profile und
AFO-89781. Lateinische Wortlcuode fuer Anfaenqer und Fortqeschrittene. Von Buediger Vischer. Best Germany. 224 p. O B. G. Teubner; 30Sep77; AFO-89781.
AFO-89782. Numerilc qevoehnlicher Diff erential- qleichunqen. Bd. 2: Hehrschrittvecfahren. Voc Hoif Dieter Gnqorieff unter Hituirkunq von Hans Joachim Pfeiffer. Vest Germany. 411 p. B. G. Teubner: 28Sep77: AFO-89782.
AFO-89783. Great words from qreat lives. Honq Konq. 1 V. Enqlish 6 Chinese. NB; compilation. O Header's Diqest Asso- ciation Far East, Ltd.; 21Nov77: AFO-89783.
AFO-89784. Autour du -jardln. France. 48 p. Add. ti: Garden lore. Selection du Header's Digest, S.A.; 16Sep77: APO-89784.
AFO-89785. Antiikin scitseman ihmetta. Texti: J. a. Green. Finland. 51 p. Add. ti: Seven vonders of the antique world. Appl. au: Oy Valitut Palat — Reader's Diqest, A. B. NH: Finnish language translation. e Oy Valitut Palat — Header's Digest, A.B.; 120ct77; AFO-89785.
AFO-89786. Sounds fun 2; a second book of musical qames. By Trevor Uishart. England. 4S p. O Dniversal Edition (London) Ltd.; 31JU177; AFO-89786.
AFO-89787. Interests and the growth of knowledge. By Stanley Barry Barnes. England. 109 p. e S. B. Barnes; 60ct77; AFO-897e7.
AFO-89788. fi. D. Laing, his work and its relevance for sociology. By Hartin Howarth- Silliaas. England. 219 p. flartin Howarth-Billiams; 60ct77; AFO-89788.
AFO-89789. Les Aventures de Francois Yidocg. By Hans G. Kresse. Belgium, France. 145 p. O Casterman; 15Sep77; AFO-89789.
AFO-89790. Topics in interstellar aatter; invited reviews given for Commission 34 (in- terstellar matter) of the International Astronomical Union, at the sixteenth general asseably of lau, Grenoble, Aug. 1976. Edited by Hugo Van Moerden. Holland. 295 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 70) Appl. au: J. Beaburn. O D. Beidel Publishing Coapany; 9Sep77; AFO-89790.
AFO-89791. Systeas: approaches, theories, applications; including the proceedings of the Eighth George Hudson Syaposiua held at Plattsburgh, Ny, Apr. 11-12, 1975. Edited by uilliam E. Hartnett. Holland. 202 p. Appl. au: Peter Billner S Bobert Bosen. D. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77; AFO-89791.
AFO-89792. Dye lasers. Edited by Fritz Peter Schaefer. 2nd rev. ed. Best Germany. 299 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 1) O Springer-Terlaq; 27Sep77; AFCI-89792.
AFO-89793. Optical and infrared detectors. Edited by Bobert J. Keyes. Best Germany. 305 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 19) Appl. au: Ernest H. Putley. Springer- Teclag: 29Aag77; AFO-89793.
AFO-89794. Current topics in microbiology and immunology. Vol. 77. Edited by «. Arber 6 others. Best Germany. 168 p. Appl. au: Billiaa E. Bawls 6 Silvia Bacchetti. O Springer-Verlag; 130ct77; AFO-89794.
AFO-89795. Current concepts in pediatric radiology. Edited by Ole Ekloef. Best Germany. 150 p. (Current diagnostic pediatrics, vol. 1) Appl. aui H. Astley t S. Cardranel. O Springer-Verlag; 180ct77; AFO-89795.
AFO-89796. Structure and bonding. Vol. 33. Editors: J. D. Dunitz C others. Best Germany. 214 p. Appl. au: Keith D. Barren 6 K. Schubert. O Springer-Verlag; 30ct77; AFO-e9796.
AFO-89797. Current topics in pathology, 65. Editors: E. Grundmann 6 B. H. Kirsten. Best Germany. 203 p. Appl. au: Annemarie Adam t K. D. Bock. 6 Springer-Verlag; 30Sep77; AFO-89797.
AFO-89798. Brain and heart Infarct. Editors: Klaus Joachim Zuelch £ others. Best Germany. 349 p. Springer-Verlag; 5Sep77; AFO-89798.
AFO-89799. Inorganic chemistry metal carbonyl chemistry. Best Germany. 190 p. (Topics in current chemistry, vol. 71) Appl. au: Paolo Chini £ Brian T. Heaton. O Springer-Verlag; 180ct77; AFO-89799.
AFO-89800. Les Dossiers noirs de la pollution. By Guy Tarade. France. 256 p. (Les Enigmes de I'univers) l<l!: additional text £ compilation of prev. pub. texts £ rllus. e Editions Bobert Laffont, s. A. ; 30Sep77: AFO-89800.
AFO-89801. flanneguin haute couture. By Liane Vrguie. France. 305 p. (One Feame et son metier) NB: compilation of prev. pub. illus. £ additional text £ illus. e Editions Bobert Laftont, s. A. ; 30Sep77; AFO-89801.
AFO-89802. Charles 6.: le bal des Ardents. By Pierre Gascar, pseud, de Pierre Fournier. France. 274 p. NB: additional text S compilation of prev. pub. texts. O Editions Gallimard; 30Sep77: AFO-89802.
AFO-89803. Julienne et la riviere; roman. By Jean-Pierre Otte. France. 141 p. Editions Bobert Laffont, S. A. ; 30Sep77; AFO-89803.
4FO-89804. Binutes d'un libertin, 1938-1941. By Francois Sentein. France. 256 p. HB: additional text fi compilation of prev. pub. texts. C Editions La Table Sonde; 140ct77; AFO-89804.
AFO-e9805. Exercices resolus d'analyse. By Jacgueline Lelong-Ferrand. France. 301 p. Bordas; 30No»77; AFO-89805.
AFO-89806. Pays conguis; roaan. By Francois Salvaing. France. 262 p. Editions Robert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Sep77;
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