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&877181 - i877217


JUL-DEC. 1977

A877181. Hen at work: photographic studies of aodeED Ben and nachines. By Levis 0. Uine, introd- by Jonathan L. Doherty- 1 ». Originally pub. 1932. HH: nen introd. & suppl. Dover Publications, Inc. ; 13JU177; 4877181.

A877182. carving realistic birds; a step-by-step manual with full-size patterns. By Howard D. Green. 75 p- C Howard D. Green; 13JU177: A877182.

A877183. The Needlepoint alphabet sampler book; 26 full-color designs, with easy-to-follow instructions for working & using 32 stitches. By fiita leiss 6 Carol Belanger Grafton. US p. C Dover Publications, Inc.: 13JU177: A877183.

A8771811. Peasant designs for artists and craftsaen. By Ed Sibbett, Jr. 100 p. Appl. au: Dover editorial staff, eiiployer for hire. 6 Dover Publications, Inc.; 13JU177: 4877184.

A877185. Historic alphabets and initials: woodcut and ornanental. Edited by Carol Belanger Grafton. 175 p. Appl. ao: Dover Publications editorial staff. HUz selection, publisher's note & captions. Dover Publications. Inc.; 13Jul77: A877I85.

A877186. Vecellio's fienaissance costune book; over 500 woodcut illus, froa the faaous sixteenth-century coapendiua of world costune. By Cesare Vecellio. 156 p- Appl. aa: Dover Publications editorial staff, employer for hire. NIS: publisher's note & captions. C Dover Publications, Inc.; 13JU177; A877186.

A877187. Photographs of the old closes and streets of Glasgow, 1868/1877; with a suppl. of 15 related views. By Iho«as Annan, with a new introd. by Anita Ventura Mozley. 1 V. Appl. au: Dover editorial staff, employer for hire. Bu: selection & introd. C Dover Publications, Inc.; 2llay77; 4877187.

A877188. Plaxnan's Illustrations to Homer. Drawn by John Flaxoan, engraved by Hilliam Blake 6 others, edited with an introd., bibliography e coanentary by Robert Essick e Jeniloy La Belle. 1 v. hh: introd., bibliography & coaaentary. 6 Dover Publications, Inc.; 12Jol77; A877188.

A877189. Victorian fashion paper dolls from Harper's Bazar (sic), 1867-1898. By Theodore Henten. 1 v. Dover Pub- lications, Inc.; 12JU177; 4877 189.

4877 190. Fashion paper dolls from "Godey's Lady's book," 1840-1854. By Susan Johnston. 1 V. a Dover Publications, Inc.; 13Jiil77; A877190.

A877191. Introduction to dif f erentiable manifolds. By Louis Auslander e Bobert E. HacKenzie. 218 p. First pub. 1963. NH: correction to the text. O Louis Auslander 6 Bobert E. HacKenzie; 12Jul77: 4877193.

4877192. The Lubitsch touch: a critical study. By Herman G. Beinberg. 3rd rev. enl. ed. 365 p. First pub. in 1968 (2nd rev. ed 1971) Herman G. leinberg; 12Jul77; 4877 192.

4877193. The Collected ghost stories of Mrs. J. H. Bidden. Selected 6 introduced by E. F. Bleiler. 345 p. NH: selection £ new introd. G Dover Publications, Inc.; 12JU177; 4877193.

4877194. Foundations of mathematical logic. By Haskell B. Curry. 408 p. First pub. 1963. SSz pref. 6 corrections to text, e Haskell B. Curry; 12Jul77; 4877194.

A877195. Burroughs audit-reporter reference card. Folder (14 p.) e Burroughs Corporation; 24llay77; A877195.

A877196. Burroughs CMS (B776/B800) pocket select language reference manual; prelim, ed. 1 V. Q Burroughs Corporation; 15Mar77; A877196,

A877197. Interactive forecasting and statistical analysis system forecast module (In— fostats/Forecast) user manual; prelim, ed. Sheets. Q Burroughs Corporation; 21Jun77; A877197.

4877198. Parsel invoicing interface systems: B80 ACSIS-disk/magnetic tape cassette systems definition. Sheets (141 p.) Prev. reg. 4765779. NH: additions 6 revisions. Burroughs Corporation; 19May77; 4877198.

4877199. B776 systems reference manual. 1 v. Q Burroughs corporation; 20May77; 4877199.

A877200. B1800/B170Q text/editor reference manual. 1 v. O Burroughs Corporation; 27!lay77; 4877200.

A877201. B711/B7 30 systems 3780 look-alike system operational guide. 1 v. Prev. req- A775509. NH: additions. © Burroughs Corporation; 3111ay77; A877201.

4877202. Production control system 2 operations scheduling and loading installation manual; prelim, ed. 1 v. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 6Jun77; A877202.

4877203. ID830/ID730 input and display system (includes 4/B 9348-31) illustrated parts catalog. 1 v. (Burroughs field engineering) Add. ti: ID830/TD730 input and display systems illustrated parts catalog. Prev. reg. A794836. HH: revisions & additions. O Burroughs Corporation; iajun77; A877203.

A877204. Parsel accounts receivable B80 ACSYS-disk/maqnetic tape cassette systeas definition. 94 p. Prev. reg. A710686 £ A629S55. NB: revisions £ additions. Burroughs Corporation; 19Hay77; A877204.

4877205. S1000 equipment reference manual. 2 p. (Burroughs publication change notice, no. 1089224-004) Prev. reg. 4806390 £ others. NH: revisions to section 8. O Burroughs Corporation; 1Jun77: 4877205.

A877206. Burroughs S6000/B7000 4Pi/700 user reference manual (relative to mark 11.8 release) 1 v. Prev. reg. 4857299 £ 4546375. HH: additions £ revisions. 3 Burroughs Corporation; 164pr77: 4877206.

A877207. B7 00 utility billing system reference manual; prelio. ed. Sheets. Q Burroughs Corporation; 25Hay77: 4877207.

4877 208. Proais utility routines reference manual. 1 v. Prev. reg. 4454490. NH: additional text. Q Burroughs Corporation; 30llar77: 4877208.

4877209. Parsel inventory control: B80 ACSys- disk/aagnetic tape cassette systems definition. 90 p. Prev. reg. A651380 6 A629841. NH: additions £ revisions. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 19Hay77; A877209.

A877210. Burroughs hospital information processing system (BHIPS) on-line pharmacy; combined terminal operator's, user's £ reference manual. 1 v. Prev. reg. A69B666 £ 4675088. NH: additions £ revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 22Apr77; A877210.

A877211. IBH system/3 models 4, 8, 10 and 12 communications control program data areas and diagnostic aids. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. SN21-5529) HH: revisions £ new data. 6 International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d. : IBH corporation; 6Jul77; A877211.

A877212. 3791 B-loop (BL) maps. Sheets. Add. ti: IBH 3791 B-loop (BL) maps. International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.; IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation); 28Har77; A877212.

A877213. IBH system/32 data communications logic manual. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN2 1-7890) NH: revisions fi new data. 6 International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation; 27May77; A877213.

A877214. 3610 document printer, models 1, 2, 3, 12, and 13 maintenance information. 4th ed. Sheets. Add. ti: IBH 3610 document printer, models 1, 2, 3, 12, and 13 maintenance information. 6 International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation) ; 28Jnn77; A877214.

A877215. IBM 3270 information display system description, configuration, and physical planning; IBM 3274 control unit, IBM 3276 control unit/display station, IBM 3278 display station, IBM 3287 printer, IBM 3289 line printer. 1 v. (Systems) International Business Machines corporation a.a.d.: IBH corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation); 6Hay77; A877215.

A877216. IBH 3600 finance communication system independent release planning guide Independent release 4. 7 p. (Systems) Q International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation); 13May77; A877216.

A877217. IBH 3270 information display system description, configuration, and physical planning for the IBM 3287 printer, models 1 and 2, attachment to IBM 3271 control unit, IBM 3272 control unit. 21 p. (Systems) 6 International Business

Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH


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