JUL-DEC. 1977
iFO-891159 (con.) 1860-1920. By Hacvin Lyons, edited by indre» Bheatcroft. United Kinqdou. 212 p. 8 narvin Lyons; 20oct77; »FO-89"(59.
»FO-89a60. PatentanBeldimq ieicht qenacht. By Olcich Christian Halliann. 6. »a£l. West Ger«any. 336 p. C Hans Holz»ann Verlaq, 5.H.B.H. 6 Co., K.G.; 7(lov77: iFO-89lt60.
iFO-8946 1. Erlaeuterunqen zu DIN 1080: Beqriffe, Focnielzeiclien ilnd Einheiten i« Bauin- qenieurwesen. Bd. 1 Gtundlaqen: DIB 1080, T. 1 & zuqehoeriqe fiegelunqen. Von Knut Kintec. aest Germany. IHK p. Verlaq yon Uilheln Ernst und Sohn, K.G. ; 5Sep77; AF0-89H61.
»FO-89162. The Bauritius command. By Patrick 0* Brian. England. 268 p. Patrick O'Brian; 13Jan77: !lFO-89«62.
»FO-89lt63. Stochastic problems in population qenetics. By TaKeo Haruyaaa. Best Germany. 215 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, vol. 171 O Sprinqer- Verlaq; 30iuq77; lFO-89463.
JFO-89lt61l. Vorschule des Kontrapunkts. By icnold Schoenberq, einqeleitet £ kommentiert »on Leonard Stein, Ocbersetzonq aus de» Imerikaniscben von Friedrich Saathen. Austria. 226 p. HH: translation. e Universal Edition, I.G.; 1lipr77; »F0-89I4614.
APO-891165. Harrys iakt, and other titles. Sneden. 1469 p. (Det Baestas bokval) Prev. pub. in a.S. editions of Header's diqest condensed books. NH : translation, e Header's Diqest, A.B.; 190ct77; APO-89lt65.
AFO-89lt66. Los Poderosos, and other titles. Spain. 1)77 p. (Biblioteca de Selecciones) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's diqest condensed books, as PoBer 6 others. NH: translation, plus additional material. e Selecciones del Reader's Diqest (Iberia) S.A. : 12JU177; AFO-89466.
AFO-89lt67. San-Antonio chez les "Gones." Du poulet au menu. Illus oriqinales de Andre-Paul Perret. Switzerland. 252 p. (San- Antonio) e on illus. ; Edito-Service, S.A.: 8Auq77: AF0-89U67.
AFO-89U68. Tu-vas trinquer, San-Antonio. San- Antonio polka. Illus oriqinales de Andre-Paul Perret. Switzerland. 258 p. (San-Antonio) O on illus.; Edito- Service, S.A.; 30Sep77; irO-89468.
APO-891169. Des draqees sans bapteme. La Tombola des voyous. Illus oriqinales de Andre-Paul Perret. Switzerland. 267 p. (San-Antonio) on illus. ; Edito- Service, S. A.; 8Auq77; iFC'-891t69.
AFO-89U70. Histoires de la boxe. By Jack London, recueillies 6 prcfacees par Francis Lacassin, traductions de Paul Gruyer, Jacques Parsons & Louis Postif, illus oriqinales de Kuno Pape. Switzerland. 217 p. on illus.; Edito-Service, 5. A.; 8Auq77; AFO-89U70.
AFO-8 9U71. Entre chiens et lou Cesbron, illus oriqin fiozier. Switzerland. By Gilbert d* Jacques 4 p . on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 29Jul77; APO-89471.
AFO-89'l72. Fundamentals of computation theory; proceedings of the 1977 International PCT-Coaference, Poznan-Kornik, Poland, Sept. 19-23, 1977. Edited by Barek Karpinski. Best Germany. 512 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, 56) Proceedinqs of the 1977 International Conference on Fundamentals of Computation Theory. ippl. au: J. Alpin E E. G. Bukharalev. 9 Sprinqer-Verlaq ; 12Sep77; XPO-89lt72.
APO-8947J. Beserberqland, Leinetal und Hannover. Bildband «5a, Erqaenzunq zum Textband "45. Best Germany. 168 p. (Grieben Bil- dfuehrer) Appl. au: yerlaqsredaktion Grieben-Beisef uehrer. S Grieben- Verlaq, G.B.B.B.; 29Jun77; AFO-89473.
AFO-891t7U. Bumanbioloqie : Bxoloqie des Benscheo im Industriezeitalter. Von Hans B. Juerqens, unter Hitarbeit von Ursula Pieper. Best Germany. Ill p. (Bioloqie in Stic- hworten, 7) Q Verlaq Ferdinand Hirt; 10Sep77; AFO-894711.
AP0-89lt75. Esperance de vie. By Louis Lochet. France. 180 p. e Les Editions oovrieres; 14NOV77; AFO-89U75.
AFO-891176. Les Livres pour les enfants. By Christiane Abbadie-Clerc. 2. ed., revue 6 corriqee. France. 317 p. Q tes Editions Ouvrieres; 2Nov77; AFO-89a76.
AFO-89lt77. Food through the ages: recipes and eating habits from ancient times to the days of rationing. By Sheena Davis. Great Britain. 48 p. Appl. au: The Header's Diqest Association, Ltd. The Reader's Diqest Association, Ltd.; 20Sep77: AFO-89477.
APO-89478. Betriebssysteme; eine Elnfuehrung. Von Lutz Bichter. Best Germany. 152 p. B. G. Teubner; 19Sep77: AFO-89478.
AFO-89479. Datanbanksysteoe: Konzepte und flodfelle. Von Gunter Schlageter 6 Bolffried stucky. Best Germany. 26 1 p. O B. G. Teubner; 19Sep77; AFO-89479.
AFO-894B0. Effiziente Alqorithmen. Von Kurt Behlhorn. Best Germany. 240 p. S B. G. Teubner; 19Sep77; APO-89480.
AFO-89481. Einfuehrunq in die Psycholoqie: Grundlaqen, Bethoden, Ergebnisse. Von Hartmut Haecker. 2. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Best Germany. 213 p. DoKtor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq, G.a.B.B. & Co., K.G.; 120ct77; AFO-89481.
AFO-89482. Gestalttheorie und Psychotherapie. By Hans-Juerqen P. Baiter. Best Germany. 226 p. e Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq; 27Sep77; AFO-89482.
AFO-89483. Elektrochemische und enzymatische Bethoden. By Hans Gerhard Haier. Best Germany. 158 p. (Lebensmittelanalytik, Bd. 3) Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq, G.B.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 29Sep77; AFO-89483.
AFO-89484. Gestalttheorie und Fachdidak tik. Herausqeber: Kurt Guss. Best Germany. 172 p. C Doktor Dietrich steinkopff Veclag, G.a.B.H. £ Co., K.G. ; 27Sep77; AFO-89484.
APO-89485. Arqumente fuer eine Psychologie des refleiiven Subjekts; Paradiqmawechsel vom behavioralen zum epistenologischen Benschenbild. Von Norbert Groeben 6 Briqitte Scheele. Best Germany. 249 p. (Psychologie und Gesellschaft , Bd. 4) O Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, G.B.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 70ct77; AFO-89485.
AFO-894e6. The Therapeutic use of essential amino acids and their analogues. Edited by Karl Heinz Baessler, B. Fekl 6 Konrad Lang. Best Germany. 56 p. (Zeitschrift fuer Ernaehrungswissenschaf t, Supplementum 19) Add. ti: Der Therapeutische Einsatz von essentiellen Aminosaeuren und deren Analoga. Papers presented at the 3rd International Symposium "Balanced Nutrition in Therapy" in close cooperation with the International Society of Parenteral nutrition, Erlangen, Germany, June 17-19, 1976; German £ English. Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq, G.B.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 27Sep77; AF 0-89486.
APO-89487. The Dse of amino acids and oligopeptides in dietetics. Edited by Karl Heinz Baessler, B. Fekl £ Konrad Lang. Best Germany. 73 p. (Zeitschrift fuer Ernaehrungswissenschaft, Supplementum 20) Add. ti: Die Anwendung von Aminosaeuren und oligopeptiden in der Diaetetik. Papers presented at the 3rd International Symposium "Balanced Nutrition in Therapy" in close cooperation with the Inter- national Society of Parenteral Nutrition, Erlangen, Germany, June 17-19, 1976; German £ English. O Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq. G.B.B.H. 6 Co., K.G.; 110ct77; APO-89487.
AFO- 89488. Bilan des methodes contraceptives. France. 95 p. (Assises nationales de medecine, lOOe session) Appl. au: Guy Godlewski, Jean Godlewski £ Pierre Bauvais-Jarnis. C Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 30Sep77; AFO-89488.
AFO-89489. Aktuelle intensivmedizinische Diagnostik und Therapie. Hrsg. von Klaus-Dieter Grosser £ Eckhard Glaser. Best Germany. 119 p. (Intensivmedizin, Supplementum 2 zu Bd. 14) a Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, G.B.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 12Sep77; AFO-89489.
AFO-89490. statistique; eiercices corriges avec rappels de cours. T. 3: sciences economiques, 3e annee. By Christian Labrousse. 4. ed. Prance. 209 p. Bordas; 30Sep77: AFO-89490.
AFO-89491. Zeitschrift fuer Kardiologie. Supplementum 4. Kurzf assungen der Vortraege hrsg. von Jochen Schaefer. Best Germany. 81 p. O Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, G.B.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 40ct77; AFO-89491.
AFO-89492. Business machine operations and applications. By John Hubert Dool. 2nd ed. Canada. 186 p. HcGraw-Hill Eyerson, Ltd.; 16Sep77; AFO-89492.
AFO-89493. Trace your family tree; a do-it-yourself workbook for Canadians. By Graham Edis £ Shirley Edis. Canada. 1 v. Prev. pub. under ti. : Genealogy for fun and profit,
1976. Nfl: editorial revision £ addition
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.