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JUL-DEC. 1977

AFO-89299 (con.) Joanna Bicfaardson* house editor: Esther Jaqqer, picture editor: Julia Brovn. Enqlaad. 232 p. NM: teit 6 coipilation of illus. Joanna Bichardson; 2HFeb77: APO-39299.

APO-89300. Biodvnamics and indicators. By F. chevallier, translated frou the French by E. DrucXer. Great Britain. 225 p. Nil: tranolation. 6 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 4Auq77: AFO-89300.

APO-B930 1. Haenen Halesteettinsa Kuniuqatar. and other titles. Finland. ISO p. (Walitut palat kiriavaliot) Pre». pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's Diqest condensed books. NN: Finnish translation. S Oy Valitut Palat — Beader's Diqest, i.B. : 11Auq77; AFO-89301.

AFO-89302. Beyond top secret 0. By Ewen Hontaqu. Enqland. 192 p. C Even Bontaqu: 26Sep77; AFO-89302.

AFO-89303. Eosafnond. Oe Theresa Charles, traduit par Arlette Bosenblun. France. 320 p. Prey. pub. as To save ay life. od translation: Editions de Trevise; 21Jan77: AFO-89303.

AFO-893014. Charlie is ny darlinq. By Hollie Hardnick. Enqland. 317 p. Hollie Hard»ick; 19May77; APO-8930U.

AFO-89305. Beader's Diqest het beste naaiboek. The Netherlands. 504 p. Add. ti: Guide to sewinq. Prev. pub. in the O.S. in 1976. NM: Dutch translation. S oitqeyeruaat- schappil, the Beader's Diqest, V.I. t N. V. Beader's Diqest, S.A.: 12Sep77,- APO-89305.

APO-89306. Planet of fear. By Patrick Hoore. Great Britain. 128 p. C Patrick Hoore; 26»uq77; AFO-89306.

APO-89307. Spy in space- By Patrick Hoore. Enqland. 127 p. C Patrick Boore; 26Auq77: APO-89307.

AFO-89308. Praxisfibel, Berufs- und Gesetzeskunde fuer die Arzthelf erin. Heu bearb. von Priedrich Hienhaus 6 Gerhard Toqt. 13. erqaenzte Aufl. nest Germauy. 390 p. O Deutscher Aerzte-Terlaq, G.H.B.H. : 30Auq77: APO-89308.

AFO-89310. Christian aid sonqbook. Edited by June Tillian. Enqland. 8 p. NH: compilation & editinq. C Stainer and Bell, Ltd.; 1i*aay77: AFO-89310.

AFO-8931 1. Die Kassenabrechnunq des Zahnarztes; Leitfaden fuer die Zahna rzthelferin. Von Bolf Rnoop. 15. erqaenzte iufl. iest Gernany. 106 p. C Deutscher Aerzte- Verlaq. G.H.B.H.; 19Jul77; iPO-89311.

AFO-89312. Der Arzt als Arbeitqeber; arbeits- rechtliche, haf t unqsrechtliche und versicherunqsrechtiiche Praqen in der Praxis. Von BelBUt Narr unter Hitnirkunq der Planunqsqruppe beia Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztllche Versorqunq in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 2. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Rest Geraaoy. 63 p. O Deutscher Aerzte-Verlaq, G.8.B.B. ; 18JU177: APO-89312.

APO-89313. Staodortunhl und Baumbeschar f unq. Von Helmut Narr unter Hitwirkunq der Planunqsqruppe beim Zentralinstitut fuer die Kassenaerztliche Versorqunq in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 2. uebe- rarbeitete Aufl. Best Gemany. IB p. Deutscher Aerzte-Verlaq, G.H.B.H.; 18JU177; APO-89313.

APO-8931t. Our aaazinq world of nature. Hong Konq. 297 p. Chinese. NH; Chinese translation, based on book pub. in O.S. in 1969. e Beader's Diqest Association Far East, Ltd.; 13Apr77: AFO-8931lt.

APO-89315. La Husique de la nuit des temps aux aurores nouveiles. Vol. 2. By Antoine Golea. Prance. p. a6'l-95U. e Alfonse Leduc et Coapaqnie; 1UJun77; APO-89315.

AFO-89316. La Husique de la nuit des temps aux aurores nouyelles. Vol. 1. By Antoine Golea. France. 161 p. 6 Alfonse Leduc et Coapaqnie; HtJun77; APO-89316.

APO-89317. Header's diqest restjes zijn ook stof. The Netherlands. 32 p. Add. ti: Sewinq »ith scraps. e Uitqe»ersaaatschappi J The Beader's Diqest, N.V. 6 N.V. Beader's Diqest, S.A. ; 12Sep77; AFO-89317.

AFO-89318. Le Toabeau de famine de Alaine. By Anna Sadurska, photographies: Ualdemar Jerke. Poland. 228 p. (Palayre, 7) Appl. au: Zaklad Archeoloqii Srodziea- nomorskie-j. O Panstwowe Hydavnictvo Naukowe; 20Jul77; 4PO-89318.

APO-89319. Structural theory or orqanic chemistry. By Nicolaos D. Epiotis, Hilliam R. Cherry, Sasou Shaik, Ronald L. Yates £ Fernando Bernard!. Best Germany. 250 p. (Topics in current chemistry, 70) e Springer- Verlaq; 23Aug77: APO-89319.

AFO-89320. Chemical relaxation in molecular biology. Edited by Israel Pecht 6 Budolf Biqler. llest Germany. t18 p. (Holecular biology, biocheaistry and biophysics, 2"*) Springer-Verlaq; 16Auq77; AFO-89320.

APO-89321. Structure and function of haeaocyanin. Edited by Joe V. Bannister. Best Germany. 295 p. (Proceedinqs in life sciences) Appl. au: Anqela Anastasi. Sprinqcr- Verlag: 22»uq77; APO-89321.

AFO-89322. Hatnematical foundations of computer science, 1977; proceedings, 6th symposium, Tatranska Lomnica, Sept. 5-9, 1977. Edited by Jozef Gruska. Best Geraany. 595 p. (Lecture notes in coaputer science, vol. 53) Papers presented at 6th Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, held at Tatranska Lomnica, Czechoslovakia. Appl. au: Giorgio Ausiello 6 Andrezey Blikle. O Springer-Verlaq; 8Aug77; AFO-89322.

APO-89323. Arnica, the amazing healer, and a dozen other homoeopathic remedies for aches, pains and strains. By Andre* Christie Gordon Boss. Enqland. 96 p. Thorsons Publishers, Ltd.; 16Jun77; APO-89323.

APC-89324. The Complete ran iuice therapy. By Susan E. Charmine, pseud, of Haurice Hanssen. England. 128 p. Susan E. Charmine (pseud, of Haurice Hanssen) ; 16Jun77; APO-89324.

APO-89325. L' Artefact. By Patrick Thevenon. Prance. 250 p. Calmann-Levy ; 30sep77; AFO-89325.

APO-89326. L'Ere des miracles. By John Brunner, traduit de I'anglais par Francoise Serph. Prance. 250 p. Translation of Age of miracles. O on translation; Editions Albin Hichel; 1Jul77; APO-89326.

AFO-89327. La Fureur de Cthulhu. By Brian Lumley, traduit de I'anglais par Prance-Harie Hatkins, pseud, of Prance-Harie Boucayrol. France. 251 p. Translation of The Transition of Titus Crow. O on tran- slation; Editions Albin Michel; 1«Sep77; APO-: 89327.

APO-89328. Holcarte. By Gerard Glatt. Prance. 202 p. Calmann-Levy; 10ct77; APO-89328.

APO-e9329. Les Gisants. By Jeanne champion. France. 250 p. Calaann-Levy; 31Aug77; APO-89329.

AFO-89330. L'Ete des singes. By Bilson Bails, traduit de I'aaericain par Andre Siaon. France. 215 p. Translation of Summer of the monkeys. NH: translation. O Calaann-Levy; 3ajun77: APO-89330.

APO-89331. Certificats d'etudes. By Antoine Blondin. Prance. 211 p. NH: new text 6 compilation of texts. Editions de la Table Honde; 13Sep77; APO-89331.

APO-89332. Kilometres imaobiles. By Christian Gernigon. France. 174 p. Editions Albin Hichel; 1Sep77; AFO-89332.

AFO-89333. Le Dieu de Jesos-Christ : meditations sur Dieu-Trinite. By Joseph Ratzinger, traduit de I'allemand par Ives «  Harie-Noele De Torcy. Prance. 135 p. NH: translation. O Librairie Artheme Payard; 1Sep77; APO-89333.

AF0-89331t. La Soite magigue; ou, Les Sources du petrole. By Anne Gruner-Schlumberger. Prance. 241 p. Librairie Artheme Payard; 1Sep77; AFO-893314.

APO-89335. Amen, dit le diable. By Catherine Caubere. France. 270 p. C Editions de la Ti ble Bonde; 2Sep77; APO-89335.

APO-89336. La Sorcellerie en Pays basgue. By Josane charpentier. France. 219 p. NH: new text 6 compilation of texts B illus. O Librairie Guenegaud; 15Sep77; APO-89336.

APO-89337. Aux Canaries. Ce guide a ete etabli par Clarisse Desiles, pseud, of G. Carlo Salvade. France. 159 p. (Guides bleus A) O Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; APO-89337.

APO-89338. Les Doigts du figuier; parole. By Jeanne Byvrard. France. 146 p. Les Editions de Hinuit; 30Aug77; APO-89338.

AFO-89339. La Heurtritude; roman. By Jeanne Byvrard. Prance. 147 p. Les Editions

de Hinuit; 15Sep77; APO-89339.


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