JUL-DEC. 1977
AFO-89229 (con.) Loeffler. 2. verbesserte 6 ec««iterte Aufl. Best Germany. 335 p. (leidei- berqer Taschenbuecher, Bd. 166) e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29Apr77; i.'0-89229.
AFO-89230. chirurqisches Forun '77 fuer expe- riiientelle Jnd Idinische Porschunq; 9U. Konqress dec Deutschen GesellscUaft fuer Chirurqie, Muenchen. 27.-30. April 1977. Hrsq.: Herbert Junqhanns 6 others. Uest Geroany. 289 p. (LanqenbecJts Archiv fuer Chirurqie, suppl. 1977) Sprinqer- Verlaq: 18»pc77; AFO-89230.
AFO-89231. Kurzes Lehrbucb der anorqanischen und allqeffleinen Chenie. By Gerhart Jander & Hans Spandau. 8. erweiterte Aufl., bearbeitet von Juerqen Fenner, Jochen Jander 6 Harald Sieqers. Best Germany. 336 p. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 18Apr77; AFO-89231.
AFO-89232. Juqoslayiske folkedanse. By Claus Joerqensen, f orsideklip: Ole Axelsen, illustrationer: Lene Hoor. Denmarli. 21 p. (Ska' yi danse, 1) iilhelm Hansen a.K.a. Edition Hilhelm Hansen: 15Jun77: AFO-39232.
AFO-89233. The Wicked one. By Moliie Hunter (Maureen Hollic Hunter Mcll«raith) Great Britain. 136 p. C Haureen Kollie Hunter ncIlKraith: 9Jun77: AFO-89233.
AFO-89234. Biirda. No. 385, 1977: Stric)cen und Haekeln. Best Germany. 39 p. O Veriaq Aenne Burda; 19Sep77; AFO-89234.
AFO-89235. Burda. Ho. 386, 1977: Kleinkindermode , Herbst. Winter. Best Germany. 31 p. O Verlaa Aenne Burda; 19Sep77; AFO-89235.
AFO-89236. Burda. No. 395. 1977: die schoenste Trachtenmode, auch fuer den Rerrn. Best Germany. 31 p. 6 (erlaq Aenne Burda; 19Sep77: AFO-89236.
AFO-89237. Burda. No. 387, 1977: Hode in Groessen UU-5U. Best Germany. 31 p. Vtrlaq Aenne Burda: 19Spp77; AFO-89237.
AFO-89238. Mechauische Technoloqie. By A. Kopecky & fi. Schamschula. il. neubearb. Aufl. Austria. 535 p. C Sprinqer-Verlaq; 3Jun77; AFC-89238.
AFO-89239. International Konflikte — verbotene und erlaubte Hittel ihrer Austraqunq. By Hanspeter Neuhold. Austria. 598 p. (Forschunqen aus Staat und Becut, Bd. 37) e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 11(lay77; AFO-89239.
AFO-89240. Der Philosophiebeqriff : Seine Ent- Hicklunq von den Anfaenqen bis :ur Geqenwart. By Rudolf Wohlqenanot. Austria. 378 p. (Linzer Universitaet- sschriften, monoqraphien 1) 6 Linzer Oniversitaetsschriften-Verein; 7Jun77; AFO-89240.
AFO-89241. Dauernde Neutralitaet und europaeische Inteqration. By Hichael Schweitzer. Austria. 3a7 p. (Forschunqen aus Staat und Becht. Bd. tO) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 8Auq77: APO-89241.
AFO-89242. Hedizinische Hikrobioloqie. By Ernest Jaiietz, Joseph L. Helaik & Edvard A. Adelberq. U. ucberarbeitete 6 ermeiteite Aufl. Best Germany. 771 p. Appl. au: Sprinqer-Verlaq, employer for hire. Orqinal ti.; fieview of medical micro- bioloqy, twelfth edition, 1977. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 20Bay77; APO-89242.
AFO-89243. Classical Banach spaces 1: sequence spaces. By Joram Lindenstrauss S Lior Tzafriri. Best Germany. 190 p. (Erqebuisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzqebiete, 92.) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 1Auq77; AFO-89243.
AFO-89244. Desiqn and implementation of programming lauquaqes; proceedings of a OOD sponsored workshop, Ithaca, October 1976. Edited by John H. Billiams f. David A. Fisher. Best Germany. M96 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, 54) Appl. au: Jean D. Ichbiah C Guy Ferran. O Springer-verlaq; 26Aug77; AFO-89244.
AFO-89245. New natural products and plant drugs with pharmacological, bioloqicaX, or therapeutical activity. Edited by Hildebert Uagner 6 Peter Maria Bollf. Best Germany. 286 p. (Proceedinqs in life sciences) Proceedings of the First International Congress on Medicinal Plant Research, Section A, held at the University of nunich, Germany, Sept. 6-10, 1976. Appl. au: H. Achenbach C o. B. Gottlieb. O Springer-Verlaq; 26Aug77; AFO-892145.
AFO-89246. Mathematical aspects of finite element me-hods; proceedinqs of the conference held in Some, bee. 10-12, 1975. Edited by Ilio Galliqani £ Enrico Haqenes. Best Germacy. 362 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 606) Proceedings of the Meeting on Mathematical Aspects of Finite Element Methods, held at the Consiqlio Nazionale delle Bicerche; French 6 English. Appl. au: C. Baiocchi S Franco Brezzi. O Springer-Verlaq; 16Auq77; 4FO-89246.
AFO-89247. Classification theory of Biemannian manifolds; harmonic, quasiharmonic £ biharmonic functions. By Leo Sario, Mitsuru Nakai, Cecilia Bang 6 Lunq Ock Chung. Best Germany. 498 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 605) Springer- Verlaq; 16Auq77; AF0-89247.
AFO-89248. Every inch a lady: a murder of the fifties. By Joan Fleming. England. 193 p. O Joan Fleming; 22Aug77: AFO-89248.
AFO-89249. To dare to be free. By Georges Frank Hasslacher. Switzerland. 456 p. O Georges Frank Hasslacher; 21Jul77; AFO-89249.
AFO-89250. Monsieur Papa. By Patrick Cauvin, berechtiqte Oebersetzong von Peter Linnert. Austria. 231 p. Original ti.; Monsieur Papa. NM: German translation. Paul Zsolnay Veriaq. G.a. B.H.; 29Sep77; AFO-89250.
AFO-a9251. The Ship that hunted itseif. By Colin Simpson. Great Britain. 207 p. C. and J. Simpson, Ltd.; 30Jun77; AFO-89251.
AFO-89252. Jenseits der Erkenntnis: die Gnostiker von Princeton. By Baymond Buyer, berechitgte Uebersetzunq von Eveline fioboz. Austria. 343 p. Original ti.: La Gnose de Princeton. NM: German tran- slation. O Paul Zsoloay Verlag. G.H.B.H. ; 29Sep77: APO-89252.
AFO-89253. years of sorrow, years of shame: the story of Japanese Canadians in Borld Bar 2. By Barry Broadfoot. Canada. 370 p. Barry Broadfoot; 70ct77: AFO-89253.
AFO-892511. Normalcs Trinken und Suchtentwicklung. Bd. 2. Von Klaus Antons C Bolfgang Schulz. Best Germany. 371 p. O Verlag fuer Psycholoqie, Doktor C. J. Hogrefe; 10May77: AFO-89254.
AFO-89255. Chemie fuer Pharmazeuteu ; Begleittext zum Gegenstandskatalog GKP 1. By Hans Peter Latscha, Helmut Alfons Klein 6 Bainer Hosebach. Best Germany. 506 p. (Heidelberger Taschenbuecher. Bd. 183) O Springer-Verlag; 1Jun77; AFO-89255.
AFO-89256. Die Eirtschaf tiiche Entwicklung der Bundesrepublik Ueatschland im Zeitraum 1950 bis 1975; Befunde und Aspekte. By Berner Glastetter. Best Germany. 261 p. (Heidelberger Taschenbuecher, Bd. 185) Springer-Verlag; 20Apr77; AFO-89256.
AFO-89257. Systemtheorie fuer Biologen und Mediziner. By Dezsoe Varju. Best Germany. 285 p. (Heidelberger Tas- chenbuecher, Bd. 182) O Springer-Verlag; 25Apr77; AFO-89257.
AFO-89258. Aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart; eio approbiertes Arbeits- und Lehrbuch fuer Geschichte und Sozialkunde. Von Herbert Hasenmayer, Erich Scheithauer 8 Berner Tschernc. Austria. 160 p. O Verlag Ferdinand Hirt. G.H.B.H.; 8Sep77; AFO-89258.
AFO-89259. T'u ch'uan: gruene wanderdroge Tee; Schicksal einer Heilpflanze in fuenf Jahrtausenden. By Aleijos, pseud, of Alejo Pontvik. Austria. 176 p. Bilhelm Braumueller. Oniver sit aets- Verlagsbuchhandlung, G.H.B.H. ; 22Jul77; AFO-89259.
AFO-89260. Pol'skaia Uarodnaia Bespublika. Perevod s pol'skoqo: Inga Korganova-Sabik . Poland. 214 p. Bussian. Appl. au: Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe. NH: translation. O Gosudarstvennoe Hauchnoe Izdatel'stvo; 15May77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-89260.
iFO-89261. Paa svenska; podrecznik do nauki jezyka szwedzkiego dla poczatku jacych. By Mariane Lindguist £ Halgorzata Stypinska. Poland. 256 p. Add. ti: Pa suvenska. O Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe: 10JU177: AFO-89261.
AFO-89262. pozuawaniu dziela literackieqo. By Boman Ingarden, tr. : Oaouta Gierulanka. Poland. 468 p. (Dziela f ilozof iczne) NM: translation. Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 10Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-89262.
AFO-89263. Le Cheval d'Orgueii, and other titles. France. 478 p. (Selection du iivre, 100. vol.) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Beader's digest condensed books. NH; translation 6 additional material. O Selection Du Beader's Digest. S.A.; 1Jul77; AFO-89263.
Den Fjerne sommer, and other titles.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.