AFO-89193 - AFO-89229
JUL-DEC. 1977
SFO-89193. (JDderqcound power cables; some aspects of their thermal environment. By S. Y. King 6 N. A. Halfter. Honq Konq. 181 p. O Honq Konq Dniversity Press; 25Jul77; AFO-89193.
SFO-8919a. Lehrbucb der qesamtem Anatomie des Menschen; Cytoloqie, Hlstoloqie, Entwicltlunqsqeschichte, makroskopische und mikroskopische Anatomie.' Brsq. von Theodor Heinrich Schiebler, qemeins- chaftlich verfasst yon Gottfried Arnold E others. West Germany. 698 p. O Sprinqer-verlaq; 18Apr77; AFO-89194.
AFO-89195. Oebunqs-Fraqen Bioloqie. By Hans Bernd Strack fi others. West Germany. 225 p. Sprinqer-verlaq: 28Apr77; AFO-89195.
SFO-89196. Dermatochirurqie in Klinik und Praxis. Hrsq. von B. Konz und G. Burq, mit einer Einfuehrunq von o. Braun-Falco. West Germany. 238 p. C Sprinqer-verlaq: 19Apr77; &P0-89196.
AFO-89197. Die Zuanqsiacke. By Jack London^ berechtiqte Uebersetzunq von Use dinger £ Erika Kaiser. Austria. 266 p. (Die Fhantastischen Bomane) Translation o Jacket. NS: German translation. B P; Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H. 6 Oniversitas Verlaq (in notice: Oniversitas & Paul Zsolnay Verlaq); 3111ar77: AFO-89197.
AFO-89198. Nelson^ the essential hero. By Ernie Bradford. England. 368 p. @ Ernie Bradford: 30Jun77; AFO-89198.
AFO-89199. Ausuuchttechnik. Bd. 1; allqemeine Grundlaqen. Hessverfahren & fiichtlinien. By Klaus Federn. West Germany. 1H(9 p. O Sprinqer-verlaq; 26Apr77: AFO-89199.
AFO-89200. Landeliik Nederland: encyclopedie van natuur en landleven. Herd ontvorpen 6 qerediqeered door Uitgeversmaatschappij The Reader's Diqest, N.V., mit medeverkinq van Jan Van Oe Kam. The ijetherlands. 501 p. Add. ti: Dutch countryside. Appl. au: Uitqeversmaatschappil The Header's Digest, N.V. © oitqeversmaatschappii The Header's Diqest. N.V. 8 N.V. Reader's Diqest, S.A.; 20ipr77; AFO-89200.
AFO-89203. The National union catalog: pre- 1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representinq Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 520-52U. Compiled & edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress 6 the National Onion Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Besources and Technical Services Division, Aa.erican Library Association. Dnited Kingdom. Appl. au: flansell Information/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library pf Congress in card foria or iu any publication of the O.S. Govt, iiithin the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. IIM: final abridgment e editorial revision:; of each entry, sequence £ location coding & original prefatory materials. O Hansell Information/Publishing, Ltd. ; fsep77: iFO-8920 3.
AFO-89204. Philosophical medical ethics; its nature and significance; proceedings of the Third Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Nedicine, held at Farmington, CT, Dec. 11-13, 1975. Edited by Stuart ?. Spicker S Hugo Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. Holland. 252 p. (Philosophy and medicine, vol. 3) Held at the Dniversity of Connecticut Health Center. Appl. au: Joseph Owens. Appl. states coT^vright is not claimed for the article by B. E. Hare, p. 119-61. D. Beidel Publishing Company: 23Auq77; AFO-8920U.
AFO-89205. AZ Handbuch fuer Asbestzementrohre. By Kurt Huenerberq £ Heinz Tessendorff. 2. neubearb. Aufl. West Germany. 1 v- e Sprinqer-verlaq; 28Apr77; APO-e9205.
AFO-89206. Traeume auf sylt. By Halter Pogge Van Ranken. Hest Germany. 286 p. e Franz Schneekluth Verlag, K.G. ; 20ipr77; AFO-89206.
AFO-89207. I met murder on the way. By Charity Blackstock, pseud, of Ursula Torday. England. 223 p. e Charity Blackstock (Ursula Torday): 25Jul77: AFO-89207.
AFO-89208. Le Flujc et le reflux, traduit de I'anqlais par Hichel Le Houbie. And other titles. By Agatha Christie, ilius oriqinales de Galed, pseud, of Nicolas Suter. Switzerland. 305 p. Translation of Taken at the flood S others. on illus. : Edito- Service, S.A.; 3Jun77; AFO-89208.
AFO-89209. Les Harrons du feu. OSS 117 repond toujours. By Jean Bruce, illus oriqinales de Tina aercie. Switzerland. 375 p. e on illus.; Edito-Service, S.&.; 3Jun77; APO-89209.
AFO-89210. OSS 117 appelle. Affaire numero 1. By Jean Bruce, illus oriqinales de Tina Hercie. Switzerland. 379 p. 6 on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 29Jul77; AFO-89210.
AFO-89211. Hiotersturm, and other titles. Hest Germany. 510 p. (Reader's Digest Auswahlbuecher) Prev. pub in English in O.S. editions of Reader's Digest. Nil; German translation fi additional material. e Verlaq Das Beste, G.H.B.H. ; 13Jul77: AFO-89211.
iFO-89212, Historic ships of the world. By Hilliaa C. Heine. England. 156 p. NM: text 6 compilation of illus. 9 Hilliam C. Heine; 25Auq77; AFO-89212.
AFO-89213. La Cuisine Internationale: le livre de cuisine des plats nationaux. By Arne Krueqer, adaptation £ traduction franciase par nonique Guillaume £ Val B. Hilliams, Switzerland. 306 p. e on new French translation: Edito-Service, S.A.; 22ipr77: &FO-89213.
AF0-89214. Insel der zaertlichen Spiele. By Use Colliqnon. Hest Germany. 282 p. 6 Franz Schneekluth Verlag. K.G.; 6Jun77; AFO-89214.
AFO-89215. Horn und deine Liebe. By Claretta Cerio. Hest Germany. 287 p. 9 Franz Schneekluth Verlaq, K.G.; 6Jun77; AFO-89215.
AFO-89216. Der Gefaehrliche Anruf. By Dorothy Eden, aus dem Enqlischeo uebersetzt von Elisabeth Epple. Hest Germany. 287 p. Translation of Listen to danqer. 9 on German ed. ; Franz Schneekluth Verlag, K.G.; 20Apr77; ArO-89216.
AFO-89217. Carrie. By Stephen King, aus dem Amerikanischen uebersetzt von Elisabeth Epple. Hest Germany. 235 p. Translation of Carrie. 9 on German ed. ; Franz Schneekluth Verlag, K.G.; 3Say77; AFO-89217.
APO-89'1" Die t.i-nene Saske. By Phyllis A. Hbitney, aus dem Amerikanischen uebers. von Gretl Friedmann. Hest Germany. 286 p. Translation of The Turquoise mask. NN: translation, e Franz Schneekluth Verlag, K.G.; 20Jun77; AFO-89218.
APO-89219. Mai in Horcote. By Evelyn Peters. Hest Germany. 235 p. 9 Franz Schneekluth Verlag, K.G.; 20Apr77; AFO-89219.
AFO-89220. The Anatomy of accounting. By Allan Douglas Barton. 2nd ed. Australia. 593 p. 9 Dniversity of Queensland Press; 2aHar77; AFO-89220.
AFO-89221. Le Royaume des animaux; encyclopedie universelle des animaux. Vol. 27: Atlas de zoologie. Bedacteurs: Philippe Duflon & Andre Estoppey, conseiller scientif ique : Paul Schauenberg, conception graphigue: Jean-Pierre Castelli, Gerard Hermoud, Andre Milani £ Lilians Nicolet. Switzerland. 338 p. Also appears under the ti. : Atlas du monde animal. NM: French translation. 9 Edito-Service, S.A.; 17Jnn77; AFO-89221.
AFO-89222. One Certaine idee des francais. By Jean-Paul ollivier. France. 199 p. Nil: new text £ compilation. 9 Editions Robert Laffont, S.A.; 30Sep76; AFO-89222.
AFO-89223. Bayes-Verfahren Schaetz- und Test- verfahren bei Beruecksichtiqung von Vorinformatiooen. By Kurt Stange, nach dem Tode des Verfassers hrsq. von Tilmann Deatler £ Peter-Theodor Ullrich. Hest Germany. 312 p. 9 Springer- Verlag : 19Apr77; AFO-89223.
AFO-89224. Kind, familie, Gesellschaf t . By H. Schaefer. Hest Germany. 59 p. (Sitzungsberichte der Heidclberger Akadenie der Hissenschaf ten aathematisch- naturwissenschaf tliche Klasse, Jahrg. 1977, 1. AbhandlungJ Sprinqer-Verlag; 18Apr77; 4FO-8922t.
AFO-89225. Stochastic models for spike trains of single neurons. By Gopalan sampath £ S. Kidambi Srinivasan. Hest Germany. 188 p. (Lecture notes in bioaatheoatics, vol. 16) 9 Springer-Verlag; 30JU177; AFO-89225.
APO-89226. Jugendkalender, 1978. Hest Germany. 6H p. 9 Verlag das Beste, G.H.B.H. ; 8Sep77; AFO-89226.
AFO-89227. Betriebswirtschaftstheorie. Bd. 2: Absatz- und Investition^theorie. By Halter Busse Von Colbe £ Gert Lassmann. Hest Germany. HitH p. (Heidelberger Taschenbuecher, Bd. 186) 9 Springer- Verlag: 29Apr77; AFO-89227.
AFO-S922bo Psychulogie and Sozialmedizin in der Frauenheilkunde. Brsg. von Josef Zander £ Richard Goebel. Sest Germany. 209 p. 9 Springer-Verlag; 20Jun77; AFO-89228.
AFO-89229. Spezielle Pharmakologie und Arzneit-
herapie. By Ernst Habermann £ Helmut
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