iPO-88998 - 4FO-89037
JUL-DEC. 1977
iFO-88997 (con.) p. ippl. au: Andre Bertoye, Jacques tissac 6 Haurice Bapin. Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 30Jun77; AFO-88997.
»F0- 88998. Le Loto en 10 lecons. By Benaud Vincent. France. 142 p. librairie aachette; 30Hay77: iF0'-88998.
AFO-88999. Connaitre les etoiles en 1 lecons. By Pierre Kobler. France. 253 p. Librairie Hachette; 30Say77; AFO-88999.
4FO-e9000. La Corse a la derive. By Thierry Deslardins. France. 220 p. MM: ne» teit G compilation of text. Librairie Plon 6 GECEP a.a.d.o. Generale Europeenne de Creation et de Participation; 15Jul77; AFO-89000.
AFO-8900 1. On Inceste ordinaire. By Pierre Lachant, pseud, of Pierre Bylliard. France. 121 p. C Beqine Deforqes t S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1' Exploitation du COBnerce de Librairie et d'Edition; 30Bar77: AFO-89001.
APO-39002. Jeux de papier. By Bene Ach, Siaeon Colin, dessins: Haurice Caapan. France. 158 p. Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; APO-89002.
iFO-89003. Transplantation et iamunoloqie clinique; cOBPte-rendu du 8e cours international. Textes recueillis par Jean-Louis Touraine, Jules Traeqer 6 B. Triau. France. 391 p. Add. ti: Transplantation and clinical ilfflunoloqy. French 6 Enqlish. NH: editinq. SIBEP-Edit ions; 30Jun77: AFO-89003.
A?O-8900t. Le Cheyal couche. By Xayier Srail. France. 235 p. NH: neii text 6 coi- pilation of texts. C Librairie- Hachette; 30»ay77; APO-8900t.
AFO-89005. Cours de oatheBatique. T. 2: analyse. By Jacqueline Lelonq-Ferrand £ Jean-Harie Aroaudies. U. ed., revue C auqBentee. France. 638 p. C Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-89005.
AFO-89006. Vincent et Nathalie, le baptese de I'air. iBaqine par aarc Saver, pseud, of Philippe Schuner 6 Daniel Sassier, teite de Jean-Pierre Enard, illus de Jean Sidobre. Prance. 1 v. Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77; AFO-89006.
AFO-89a0 7. Vincent et Nathalie, a la television. iBaqine par Bare Saver, pseud, of Philippe Schuver £ Daniel Sassier, texte de Jean-Pierre Enard, illus de Jean Sidobre. France. 1 v- Librairie Hachette; 30Jun77: AFO-89007.
i?O-89a08. Je sais tout sur le sonde et la nature. Par Antoine Icart, illus de Bruno De Dieuleveult. France. 115 p. O Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; APO-89008.
AFO-89009. En pays lointain. De Jack London, texte francais de Louis Postif, illus de Josette Hiaran. France. 153 p. NM: illus. e Librairie Hachette: 30Hay77;
AFO-89009. De Euqene fievert. nouvelle ed. revue £ auq«entec par Boqer cucchi. France. 201 p. NH: revisions £ additions. Annuaire International des Francais d'Outre-Ser (OOS-TOI!) ; 30Jun77; AFO-89010.
AFO-89011. The Civil prisoners. By Heriol Trevor. Great Britain. 190 p. Beriol Trevor; 8Auq77; AFO-89011.
AFO-89012. A Ti«e of cherries: sailing with the Breton tunnyBen. By Bonald Hillar. Great Britain. 21U p. O Bonald Hillar; 26Bay77; AFO-890 12.
AFO-89013. Aus der Geschichte des Korneuburqer BezirksrauBes ia Frueh-und HochBitte- Xalter. By Niltolaus Britz. Austria. 98 p. HilhelB BraUBUeller Oniversitaets- Verlaqsbuchhandlunq, G.a.B.H.; 1Jul77; AFO-89013.
AFO-890114. Die Kolleqialbehoerden art richterlichem Einschlaq. Von Peter Pernthaler. Austria. 147 p. d Uilheln BrauBueller aniversitaets-Verlaqsbuchhandlung, G.a.B.H.; 21Jun77; AFO-89014.
APO-89015. Teach Be; seven piano pieces. Book 1. By Pierre Hax Dubois 6 Boris Berlin. Canada. 15 p. O Gordon V. Thospson, Ltd.; 17Aoq77; AFO-89015.
AFO-89016. Balraux: life and work. Edited by Hartine De Courcel. Enqland. 284 p. NH: coBpilation, p. 1-22 1 £ 259-278. C Georqe Heidenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd.; 12Aug76; AFO-89016.
AFO-89017. Anti-critique. By Andre Halrauz, translated by Bobert Speaiqht. Enqland. (In Halraux: life and work, p. 223-257) a Andre Balraux; 12Auq76: AFO-89017.
APO-89018. Inorganic biocheaistry 2. By Gemot Benqer, Ruthild Uinkler-Oswatitsch E others. Best Geraany. 204 p. (Topics in current cheaistry, 69) O Springer- Verlag; 29JU177; AFO-890 18.
APO-89019. Structural and Kinetic Approach to Plasaa Heabrane Functions; proceedinqs of a aeetinq held on Sept. 6-9, 1976 in Griqnon, France. Edited by Claude Bicolau £ Alain Paraf. Best Geraany. 204 p. (Proceedinqs in life sciences) Appl. au: O. Albrecht £ J. Aubry. Springer- Verlaq; 26Jul77; AFO-89019.
AFO-89020. Dynaaics of solids and liquids by neutron scattering. Edited by Stephen «. Lovesey £ Tasso Springer. Best Geraany. 379 p. (Topics in current physics, vol. 3) Appl. au: Bobert Coaes. Spcinger- Verlaq; 30Jun77; AFO-89020.
AFO-89021. Philosophical foundations of the three socioloqies. By Edward Benton. Enqland. 1 v. (International library of socioloqy) Ted Benton; 30Jun77; AFO-89021.
iPO-89022. Huaan action and its psychological investiqation. By Alan oqilvie Gauld £ John David Shotter. England. 237 p. e ilan Gauld 6 John Shotter; 30Jan77; AFO-89022.
APO-89023. Myrtle for ay love. By D. H. Thoason. Enqland. 182 p. O D. U. ThoBson; 15Hay77; AFO-8902J.
AFO- 89024. An Open case: the organisational context of social work. By Joyce Rarhaa. England. 161 p. (Library of social work) O Joyce Uarhaa; 21Jul77; AFO-89024.
AFO-89025. Jean; oder. Die Lust zu leben. By Bichel Deon, Deutsch von Barqaret Carroux. Best Geraany. 375 p. Translation of Le Jeune hoaoe vert. on Geraan ed. ; Franz Ehrenvirth Verlag, G.a.B.H. G Co., K.G. ; 10Aug77: AFO-89025.
AFO-89026. En soaaar foer laenge sedan, and other titles. Sweden. 473 p. (Det Baestas bokval) Prev. pub. in 0. S. editions of Beader's Digest condensed books. NB: Swedish translation G additions. O Beader's Digest, A.B.; 9Aug77; AFO-89026.
AFO-89027. Orlando Di Lasso: Briefe. Bd. 2. By Horst Leuchteann. Best Geraany. 278 p. Geraan, Italian, Latin £ other languages. O Breitkopf und Haertel; 25Feb77; AFO-89027.
AFO-89028. L'Enieveaent de ganyaede. By Michel Guibert. France. 186 p. Bichel Guibert E librairie des ChaBps-Elysecs; 15JU177; APO-89028.
AFO-89029. L" Arbre-airoir. By christian Leourier. France. 220 p. Editions Bobert Laffont, S. A. ; 30Bay77; AFO-89029.
iFO-89030. La Porte des tenebres. By Alan Baiqh, pseud, of Jacques Van Herp. France. 221 p. C Alan Uaiqh E Librairie des Chaaps-Elysees; 15Jul77; AFO-89030.
AFO-89031. La aarelle de Giscard, 1926-1974. By Olivier Todd. France. 486 p. MB: new text £ coapilation. Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Hay77; APO-89031.
AFO-89032. Diffusion processes and related topics in biology. By Luigi H. Bicciardi, notes taken by Charles E. Saith. Best Geraany. 200 p. (Lecture notes in bioaatheaatics. vol. 14) Springer-Verlaq; 20Bay77; AFO-89032.
APO-89033. Beethovens Brief "An die unsterbliche Geliebte." By Vladiair Karbusicky. Best Geraany. 143 p. e Breitkopf und Haertel, Verlag; 2Feb77; AFO-89033.
AFO-89034. Out; roaan. By Pierre Bey. France. 464 p. Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Jun77; AFO-89034.
AFO-89035. De I'eau et des hoaaes; essai geog- raphigue sur 1* utilisation des eaux continentales. Par Jacques Betheaont, illus de Charles Oaniere £ G. Dupuis. prance. 280 p. Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-89035.
AFO-89036. Les Confessions d*un publicitaire. De David ogilvy, traduction de Jacgues-Henry Bouet. 2. ed. France. 174 p. Prev. pub. 1963 as The Confessions of an advertising aan £ in 1964 as Les Confessions de David Ogilvy. Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-89036.
AFO-89037. Faut pas rire avec les barbares; recit.
By Albert Spaggiari. France. 306 p.
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