AFO-88757 - AFO-8e790
JUL-DEC. 1977
AFO-88757. Hecenat artystyczDT StanislaHa Augusta. By Tadeusz flankovski, opracovala Zuzanoa PcoszvDSka, Mstepem opatrzyl Mladyslaw Tatarkienicz. Poland. 383 p. SuDoary in Enqlish. NM: compilation, editorial revision, index, pref. S 50X o£ illus. e Panstwowe HydawnictBO Haukone; 30Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-88757.
AFO- 88758. Huseumsbesuche: Bilder aus 25 bedeu- tendeo Saaalunqen von Albi bis Huppertal. Eine AusHahl aus der Zeitschrift Die Kunst und das schoene Heiia, by Anni Hagner 6 others. Best Germany. 1 v. HM: text 6 reproductions of works of art. © Verlag Karl Thieaiq, A.G. ; 2(lar77; AFO-e8758.
AFO-8B759. Seminaire d' Alqebre Paul Dubreil, Paris, 1975-1976 (29eme annee) ; proceedinqs. Edited by Harie Paule Balliaiin. Hest Germany. 188 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 586) Enqlish G French, e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 11Ilay77; APO-88759.
AFO-88760. Harmonic analysis on the n-dimensional Lorentz qroup and its application to conformal quantum field theory. By ?. K. Dobrev, G. Back, V. B. Petkova, S. G. Petrova 6 I. T. Todorov. Hest Germany. 280 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 63) Sprinqec-Verlaq: 26Apr77; AFO-8B760.
AFO-a8761. Seminaire de Probabilites 11, Onivcrsite de Strasbourq; proceedinqs, 1975/76. Edite par C. Dellacherie, P. A. Beyer 6 B. Neil. Best Germany. 573 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 581) 8 Sprinqer-Verlag; 18Apr77: APO-88761.
AFO-88762. La Clessidra moderna. By Giuseppe Pitruzzello. Italy. 18 p. C Giuseppe Pitruzzello (in notice: Giuseppe Pitruzzello Editore) ; 30Jul77: AFO-88762.
AFO- 88763. Nouveaux -jeux pour votce calculatrice de poche. By Elie vannier. France. 126 p. e Librairie Artheme Fayard; 15Jun77: AFO-88763.
AFO-8876U. Svmptome schizophrener Erkrankunqen: uncharak terist ische Basisstoerunqen. By Lilo Suellwoia. Best Germany. 112 p. (Bonoqra phien aus dem Gesamtqebiete der Psychiatrie, Bd. 13) Sprinqer-ferlaq; 16Hay77: AFO-8a76«.
AFC-88765. Convex analysis and its applications; proceedinqs of a conference held at Murat-le-Quaire, Mar. 1976. Edited by Alfred Auslender. Best Germany. 219 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mat- hematical systems, vol. ^1U) French 6 Enqlish. 6 Sprinqer-Verlaq: 25Bay77; AFO-88765.
AFO-88766. Tracinq your family tree. Canada. 1 ». Appl. au: Noel Bontqomery Elliot, e Genealoqical Research Library; 5Auq77; AFO-88766.
AFO-88767. Lbs Beqles de 1 " in terpretation musicale a i'epoque baroque (17e-18e s. ) --qenerales a tous les instruments. By Jean-Claude Teilhan. France. 101 p. NH: text 6 compilation. Alphonse Leduc et Compaqnie; 23Feb77; AFO-88767.
AFO- 88768. Traite historique d'analyse harmonigue. By Jacques Chailley. France. 156 p. Prev. pub. as Traite historique d'analyse musicale. KB: revision 6 compilation. O Alphonse Leduc et Compagnie; 9Feb77; AFO-88768.
AFO-88769. The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 510-514. Compiled 6 edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Onion Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Besources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. onited Kingdom. Appl. au: flansell Information/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.c. 8. NB: final abridgment Z editorial revisions of each entry, seguence & location coding 6 original prefatory materials, C Bansell Information/Publishing, Ltd.; 30Jun77; AFO-88769.
AFO-88770. The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 515-519. Compiled & edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress & the National Onion Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. Onited Kingdom. Appl. au: Bansell lof orma tiott/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Conqress in card form or in any publication of the O.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 O.S.C. 8. NB: final abridgment 6 editorial revisions of each entry, sequence S location coding 5 original prefatory materials. 6 Bansell Information/Publishing, Ltd.; 5Aug77; APO-8e770.
AFO-88771. An Introduction to educational administration in Canada. By Leslie Bobb Gue. Canada. 230 p. O BcGraw-Bill Syerson, Ltd.; 6Apr77; AFO-88771.
APO-88772. Bachine shop training. By Stephen Frank Krar e Joseph £. Saint Amand. 3rd ed. Canada. 231 p. Prev. pub. 1967. O BcGraw-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 15Jul77: AFO-88772.
AFO-e8773. Ra1u. Af Ruth Uarner. Denmark. 28 p. Appl. au: Hanne Herrild. NB: translated from Enqlish into Danish. Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 1Jun76; AFO-88773.
AFO-88774. High road to China. A novel by Jon Cleary. Great Britain. 276 p. e Sundowner Productions Pty. Ltd.; 31Jan77: AF0-88774.
AFO-88775. Die Uandwerker Fibel. By Beraer Gress, Blllibald Jaross, Guntram Hahl S Beincich Strasser. 17. ueberarbeitete Aufl. Best Germany. 791 p. Hans Uolzmann Verlag, G.B.B.H. 6 Co.. K.G. ; 1Aug77; AFO-88775.
AFO-88776. The Great prize fight. By Alan Lloyd. England. 188 p. Alan Lloyd; 2«Har77; AFO-88776.
APO-88777. Angefuehrtl Angefuehrti Oeberraschungs- Geschichten fuer die ganz Kleinen. Author: Elisabeth Stiemert, mit Bildern von Bilfried Blecber. Best Germany. 1 v. Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A.G.; 27ipr77; AFO-88777.
AFO-88778. Bedford Bow. By Claire Bayner. England. 278 p. (The Performers, book 5) Claire Bayner; 28Jul77; APO-88778.
APO-88779. The Black charade: a Doctor Caspian story. By John Burke. England. 186 p. O John Burke; 21Jul77; AFO-88779.
AFO-88780. then the Biviera was ours. By Patrick John Fielding Howarth. England. 232 p. O Patrick Howarth; 23Jun77; AFO-88780.
AFO- 88781. Structure reports for 1975. Vol. itlA. General editor: J. Trotter, section editors: L. D. Calvert 6 J. Trotter. The Netherlands. U77 p. O The International Onion of Crystallography; 15Apr77; AFO- 88781.
AFO- 88782. Treason — for my daily bread. By flikhail Lebedev, edited by H. G. Stanton. British Isles. 407 p. Vallancey Press; 29Bar77; AF0-8a782.
APO-88783. Das hat uns gerade noch gefehlti Satirische Kurzgeschichten. By Guenter Stein. Best Germany. 9ii p. O Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A.G.; 27Apr77; AFO-88783.
AFO-887811. Charles Bennie Mackintosh and the modern movement. By Thomas Howarth. 2nd ed. England. 1 v. Prev. pub. 1952. Thomas Howarth; 16Jun77; AFO-88781.
AFO- 88765. Begent Square. By Forbes Bramble. England. I407 p. Forbes Bramble; 28JU177: AFO-a8785.
AFO-88786. Segelsport: Bilder, Daten, Fakten und Bekorde; ein Guinness-Buch. By Peter Johnson, aus dem Englischen uebertragen von Joachim Schult. Best Germany. 208 p. Original ti-: The Guinness book of yachting, facts and feats. NH: tran- slation, e Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A.G. ; 27Apr77; APO-a8786.
AFO-887a7. Pit und Petty an Bord; Segelferien au£ der Ostsee. By flarkus Joachim Tidick, illustriert von Kurt Schmischke. Best Germany. 87 p. Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A.G. ; 27Apr77; APO-88787.
APO-a8788. Sieh mal einer guck! Fuenf undf uenf zig Bildgeschichten, zwei Daumenkinos G eine Katzenschwanzparade. Teite S hrsg. von Viktor christen. Best Germany. 87 p. e Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A. G. ; 27Apr77; AF0-8878a.
AFO- 88789. Schaetze und Scberben: neue Entdeckungen der Archaeologie in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. By Belga Bingett-Ohde, mit einem Vorwort von Rudolf Poertner. Best Germany. 192 p. C Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A.G.; 27Apr77; APO-88789.
APO-88790. Southern Africa after Soweto. By Alex
Callinicos 6 John Rogers. Great Britain.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.