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APO-88680 - APO-88719


JUL-DEC. 1977

»FO-8a679 (con.) Prance. 250 p. NB: re»isions S additions. Libcaicie des Chaaps- ElTsees; 30Jun77: AFO-88679.

AFO-8B680. Les »endredis de la Part-Dien. By Gilbert Picard. Prance. 18« p. O Gilbert Picard S Libraicie des Cha»PE-EiVsees: 30Jun77: APO-88680.

»F0- 88681. I'Enieu. By Andre Batossian, la couirerture reproduit un dessin oriqioal de Serqio Storel. France. 73 p. O Andre Hatossian: 30Jan77; APO-88681.

AFO-86682. Paul-Eaile et Eaily. By Hare Blaocpain. France. Sit p. Editions Grasset et Fasquelle: 30Har77; APO-88682.

APO-88683. Liens de faaille. By Celia Bertin. Prance. 382 p. Editions Grasset et Pasquelle; 30Har77: AFO-88683.

APO-886814. Coaaent coaprendre wotre horoscope. By Geraaine Hoi ley. Monaco. 283 p. O Editions do Rocber; 30Jun77; APO-88684.

APO-88685. Dictionnaire de coaposition poetiqoe francaise classique. By Claude Cotti. France. 72 p. HH: new text 6 coapilation of teits, soae of which have been pre?. pub. O Claude Cotti: 30Jun77; AFO-88685.

APO- 88686. La Haison d'Albertine. By Jean Preustie. France. 205 p. Editions Grasset et Pasquelle; 30Bar77: APO- 88686.

AFO- 88687. La Vie quotidienne de Napoleoo en route vers Sainte-Helene. By Georqes Bordonove Prance. 286 p. NB: new text C coa- pilation. J.ibrairie Hachette; 30Hay77; APO- 88687.

AFO-88688. Histoire d'une fan: 5 ans a»ec Claude Francois. By Hvriaa, pseud, of Myriaa Zehar* suivi d*une interview par Hartine Larochc. Prance. 163 p. NB: new text £ coapilation of illus., soae of which were prev. pab. Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77: APO- 88688.

APO- 88689. Son villaqe sar la banquise. By Jean Leroy-Guyo, pseud, of Jean Leroy, avec la collaboration de Nadine Lefebure. Prance. 1(15 p. Opera Bnndi; 23aar77: APO-8e689.

iFO-88690. Le Voyaqe a I'envers. By Christine De Bivoyre. Prance. 277 p. Editions Grasset et Fasquelle: 30Say77: APO-88690.

APO-88691. Gilles, le aonde est fou. By Aqnes Cattaneo. France. 317 p. Editions Grasset et pasquelle; 30Bay77: AFO-88691.

APO-88692. Cheain faisant, aille kiloaetres a pied a travers la France. By Jacques Lacarriere. France. 294 p. MB: revisions & additions. Librairie Artheae Fayard; 15Jun77: APO-88692.

AFO-88693. Antecuae: ou« a Coqnat, recit rec Autre vie. By Andre ill! par Claade Bassot. Prance. 337 p. Opera flundi; 23Bay77: APO- 88693.

APO-88694. La Valiee des roses. By Lucien Bodard. Prance. 412 p. Editions Grasset et Pasquelle; 30Jun77: AP0-8869lt.

AFO-88695. La Coaptabilite d* inflation; la reevaluation des biiaas de 25 entreprises. By Gilbert Lecointre, pref . : Andre Cibert. France. 148 p. (Finance) MM: new text e coapilation. Bordas; 30Jun77: AFO-88695.

iFG-88696. Les Baitres penseurs. By Andre Gluclcsaann. Prance. 321 p. NB: new text 6 coapilation. O Editions Grasset et Fasquelle; 30Jun77; AFO-88696.

APO-88697. Avec ces yeux-la. By Bichele fiorqan* pseud, of Siaone Boussel, avec la collaboratioq de Barceile Boutier, pseud, of Barceile Frass. Prance. 329 p. NB: text, illus. & coapilation. opera Bundi; 18Bay77: AFO-a8697.

AFO-88698. L'Irreversibilite, fondeaent de la stabilite du aonde physique. By Francis Per, Prance. 135 p. O Bordas; 30Jun77; APO-88698.

AFO-88699. Le Sejour des morts; nouvelles. By Jacques Chessex. France. 268 p. Editions Grasset et Fasquelle; 30Apr77; APO-88699.

AFO- 88700. Entre betes et hoaaes. By Jean Poaaery avec la collaboration de othilie Bailly. France. 268 p. Calaann-Levy 6 Opera Bundi; 20Jan77; AFO-88700.

APO-88701. Coaaent peut-on etre chatelain aoiourd'hui? By Barcel Schneider, pref. de Bichel Pericard. Prance. 178 p. NB: new text & coapilation. Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AFO-88701.

AFO-88702. Proqraaaation: proceedinqs of the 2nd International Symposiua on Prograoming, Paris, April 13-15, 1976. Edited by B. Bobinet. France. 248 p. Add. ti: Proqraaaation: actes du 2e Collogue International sur la Proqraaaation, Paris, 13-15 Avril 1976. English 6 French. Bordas: 30aar77 ; 4PO-88702.

AFO-88703. Badio Alice radio libre; collectif a/traverso. Traduction de Danielle Guillera 6 Gian-flarco Bontesano, pref. de Felix Guattari. prance. 116 p. Original ti. : Alice e' il diavolo. HB: tran- slation. O J. -P. Delarge £ L.S.C. a.a.d.o. Laboratoire de Sociologie de la Connaissance; 30Jun77; AFO-88703.

APO-88704. pacture d'orgues. Lutherie. By Pierre Pelissero £ Pranooise Bonier. Prance. ' 224 p. NB: new text, illus., £ coa- pilation. Libraicie Hachette; 30Apr77; APO-88704.

APO-88705. Histoire de la Belqique. By Georges-H. Duaont. Prance. 566 p. NB: new text t coapilation. O Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; AFO-88705.

AFO-88706. L 'Indie. By Boger Borniche. Prance. 414 p. Editions Grasset et Pasquelle; 30Apr77: AFO-88706.

AFO-88707. Le producteur. By Guiilauae Uanoteau £ Claude Heyaann. France. 358 p. O Librairie Artheae Payard; 22Jun77; AFO-887C7.

APO- 88708. La Barbarie a visage huaain. By Bernard-Henri Levy. France. 236 p. NB: new text £ coapilation of texts, soae of which were prev. pab. O Editions Grasset et Fasguelle; 30aay77: AFO-e8708.

APO- 88709. La Bentabilite de I'entrepr ise; analyse, prevision £ controle. By Bernard colasse. 2. ed. revue £ augaentee. France. 136 p. Bordas; 30Jun77; AFO-88709.

APO-88710. La fie coaae une fete. By Barcel Jouhandeau. France. 314 p. Societe Nouvelle des Editions Jean-Jacques Pauvert; 30Apr77; AFO-8e710.

APO-88711. Les Plaabeurs de Las Vegas. By I. G. Broat, traduit de I'anglais par Claude Yelnick. France. 316 p. Translation of The Junketeers. on French translation; Editions de Trevise; )7Jun77; AFO-88711.

APO-88712. Tic et Tac detectives. De Bait Disney, illus de Jeanne Hives. France. 117 p. NB: illus. ialt Disney Productions; 30Bay77; APO-88712.

APO- 88713. Halt Disney presente cendrilion; d'apres Charles Perrault. Illus de Jeanne Hives. France. 146 p. NB: illus. Bait Disney Productions: 30Apr77; AFO-8B713.

AF0-8e714. Cas de conscience pour Cinq-Just. By Louis Baudouin, illus de Josette Biaran. France. 185 p. O Librairie Hachette; 30flay77; AFO-88714.

APO-88715. J'aiae le veio. Texte de Francoise Lecanpion, dessins de Pierre Bagnin. Prance. 155 p. (Avec Pierre, Pic et Bartine) O Librairie Hachette; 30Bay77; APO-88715.

APO-88716. Le Jeu de I'oabre; roaau. De Theresa Charles, traduit de I'anglais par Evelyne stauffer. prance. 218 p. Translation of Trust ae, ay love. on French tran- slation: Editions De Trevise; 17Jun77; AFO-88716.

APO-88717. Les Aaants du Bississipi. By Jacgueline Bonsigny. Prance. 370 p. Editions Grasset et Fasguelle; 30Bar77; APO-8e717.

AFO- 88718. The Self and the other: the irreducible eleaent in aan. Pt . 1: the "crisis of ann." Edited by Anna-Teresa Tyaieniecka. Holland. 186 p. (Analecta Husseriiana: the yearbook of phenoaenological research, vol. 6) Papers froa the Fourth Inter- national Phenoaenology Conference, held in Pribourg, Switzerland froa 24-28 Jan. 1975. Appl. au: stephan Strasser £ Barie-Dooinique Philippe. O D. Beidel Publishing Coapany; 23Jun;7; APO-88718.

APO-88719. The National union catalog, pre- 1956 iapriuts; a cuaolative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards £ titles reported by other Aaerican libraries. Vol. 505-509. Coapiied £ edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the national Onion Catalog

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