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JUL-DEC. 1977

AFO-88602. Husic of our time; teactter's naoual. Books 1-it: piano. By Jean Coulthard, Daiia Duke 6 Joan Hansen, illus. by Jane idaas. Canada. 56 p. e Waterloo Httsic Coapany, ltd.; njui77: »fo-88602.

JFO-8e503. Der Forschunqspcozess; eine Eiofuehrunq in die Praxis der eapirischen Sozial- forschunq. Von Heine Von Aiemann. West GermanT. 351 p. e B. G. leabnec; 6Jun77; SPO-88603.

AFO-886011. Beton: Vorschrift und Praxis. Von H. Heinrich Uoermann. West Geraany. 89 p. O Verlaq von Bilhela Ernst und Sohn, K.G. ; 22Jun77; 4FO-88601I.

4FO-88605. Canadian politics: an introduction to systeaatic analysis. By Jane Jenson 6 Brian uilliaa Toslin. Canada. 168 p. O HcGraii-Hill fiyerson, Ltd.; UJul??; JFO-88605.

AFO-88606. Safari cards. No. 1009-1032. Switzerland. 21 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schaaenberq, Philippe Duflon 6 Andre Estoppey. on Enqlish translation; Editions Rencontre, S. A.; 11llar77; AFO-88606.

AFO-88607. Mickey au Pole Nord. Edition francaise de Haurice Fleurent. France. 1 ». BH: translation. O Walt Disney Productions; 30Har77: AFO-88607.

AFO- 88608. Hiawatha au far West. Edition francaise de Haurice Fleurent. France. 1 ». NH: translation. 6 Wait Disney Productions; 30llar77; AFO-88608.

AFO-88609. Koaaentar zur Gebuehrenordnunq fuer Aerzte. 23. Erqaenzunqslief erunq. lest Geraany. sheets. Appl. au: Dietrich Brueck. e Deutscher Aerzte- Verlaq, G.H.B.H. ; 10Dec76 (in notice: 1977); AFO-88609.

AFO-88610. The Journal of the Australian Hat- heiatical Society. Vol. 22, series A, pt. t, Dec. 1976. Editor: J. N. Crossley £ other editors. Israel. p. 385-510. Appl. au: Australian Satheaatical Society. Australian (latheaatical Society; 1llar77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-88610.

AFO- 886 11. sheet aetal practice: si aetric illliai Earl Neundoirf £ Claude Robert Stevens, with technical illus. by Al HcDeraott £ Don HcClennan. 2nd ed. Canada. 133 p. McGraw-Hill Byers Ltd.; 7Jun77; AFO-88611.

By ne-up quide. Vol. 1 1 ». Add. ti: BLG -up quide. Appl, au APO-88612. Bundesliqa 75-76. Cana Bundesliqa 1 C. Saart. 1Feb77: AFO-88612.

AFO-88613. Safari cards. No. 889-912. Swit- zerland. 214 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq. Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. O on translation: Editions Rencontre, S.A.: 11Feb77 (in notice: 1976): AFO-88613.

AFO-8861U. laaqes, perception, and knowledqe; papers derivinq froa £ related to the Philosophy of Science Workshop at Ontario, Canada, Hay 197U. Edited by John M. Nicholas. Holland. 309 p. (The Oniversity of Western Ontario series in philosophy of science, vol. 8) Appl. au: Bernard Racine. Appl. states copyright not claiaed for articles by Pylyshyn (p. 1-36), Sloaan (p. 121-138), Hebb (p. 139-153) e D. Reidel Publishing Coapany; 2Jun77; AFO-a861U.

AFO-88615. Safari cards. No. 913-936. Swit- zerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. O on Enqlish translation; Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 11Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AFO-88615.

AFO-88616. Safari cards. No. 937-960. Swit- zerland. 2i» cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. © on Enqlish translation; Editions Rencontre, S.A.; 11Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-88516.

AFO-88617. Safari cards, no. 961-98H. Association in aniaals. Switzerland. 24 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. e on Enqlish translation; Editions Eencontre, S.A.; 11Har77; AFO-88617.

AFO-88618. Fichier safari. No 1057-1080. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. Q Editions Bencontre, S-A-; 18Feb77; AFO-88618.

AFO-88619. Fichier safari. No 1081-1104. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon E Andre Estoppey. e Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 18Feb77; AFO-886 19.

AFO-88620. Fichier safari. No 1129-1152. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. i3 Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 18Mar77; AFO-88620.

AFD-88621. Fichier safari. No 1153-1176. Switzerland. 24 cards. Appl. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. O Editions Bencontre, S. A.; 18Mar77; APO-88621.

AFO-88622. Fichier safari, no 1105-1128. L'Araiqnee et sa toiie. Switzerland. 24 cards £ folder. Appl. au: Paul Schauen- berq, Philippe Duflon £ Andre Estoppey. Editions Bencontre, S.A.; 18aar77 (in notice on cards: 1977, in notice on folder: 1976); AFO-88622.

AFO-88623. Grundzueqe des praktischen Strahlen- schutzes. Von Heinrich Schultz £ Hans-Gerrit Voqt. Best Geraany. 231 p. (Thieaiq-Taschenbuecher, Bd. 62) Add. ti: Principles of practical radiation protection; Praktischer Strahlenschutz. e Verlaq Karl Thieaiq; 2Jun77; AFO-88623.

AFO-88624. DOE: Land, Volk, Wirtschaft in Stichworten. Von Johannes F. Gellert £ Uans-Joachia Kraaa. Austria. 143 p. Add. ti: Deutsche Oeaokratische Republik: Land, Volk, Wirtschaft iu Stichworten; Deutsche Oeaokratische Republik in Stichworten. Verlaq Ferdinand Hirt, G.n.B.H. (in notice: Ferdinand Hirt, G.a.B.H.); 14Jun77; AF0-e8624.

AFO-88625. The Wonders of the ancient vorld. Text by J. R. Green, edited £ designed by Reader's Digest Services, Pty. Ltd. Australia. 51 p. Reader's Digest Services, Pty. Ltd.; 14Jun77; APO-88625.

AFO-88626. Lettische Musik. fly Longias Apkalns. west Geraany. 411 p. Breitkopf und Haertel Verlag (in notice: Breitkopf und Kaertel) ; 25Feb77; AFO-88626.

AFO-88627- Teoria uaov. By Zbigniew Radwanski. Poland. 275 p. O Panst«owe Wydawnictwo Naukowe; 5May77; AFO-83627.

AFO-8e62e. Eeforaiza szwedzki. By Bojciech Lamentowicz. Poland. 464 p. NM: text £ 40X of tables. O Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukone; 10Jun77; AFO-88628.

AFO- 88629. Theraodynaaic network analysis of biological systeas. By J. Schnakenberg. West Geraany. 143 p. o Springer- Verlag; 28Apr77: AFO-88629.

AFO-88630. Analyse haraonigue dans les systeaes de Tits bornologigues de type affine. By Hideya flatsuaoto. Best Geraany. 218 p. (Lecture notes in aatheaatics, vol. 590) e Springer-Veriag; 15Jud77; AFO-88630.

AFO-88631. The Guinea-pig placenta. By Peter Kaufaann £ Hichail S. Davidoff. Best Geraany. J1 p. (Advances in anatoay, eabryoioqy and cell biology, vol. 53, fascicle 2) O Springer-Verlag; 26flay77; AFO-88631.

AFO-88632. Cohoaologie I-adique et fonctions L; Seainaire de Geoaetrie Algebrique du Bois-aarie, 1965-66, SGA 5. Editor: Luc Illasie. Best Geraany. 484 p. (Lecture notes in aatheaatics, vol. 589) O Springer-Verlag; 20Jun77; AFO-88632.

AFO-88633. Die Kontrolliecte Hypotension ait Nitroprussidnatrina in der Neuroanaes- thesie. By Klaus Huse. Best Geraany. 98 p. (Anaesthesiology and resuscitation, 107. Anaesthesiologie und Biedarbelebung, 107) e Sprinqer-Verlag; 6Jun77; AFO-88633.

AFO-88634. Analysis 1. By christian Blatter. 2. verbesserte Aufl. Best Geraany. 204 p. (Ueidelberger Taschenbuecher, Bd. 151) O Springer-Verlag; 5aay77; AFO-88634.

AFO-88635. Coabex: a descriptive brochure with guidelines. Canada. 1 v. Appl. au: Aldo Gasperetti. Appl. states all new except sample Coabex draw ticket. O Aldo Gasperetti; 18aar77; APO-88635.

AFO-88636. Prozessorientierter Onterricht. By Gerhardt Petrat £ others. Best Geraany. 197 p. e Franz Ehrenwirth Verlag, G.a.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 23May77; AF0-8e636.

AFO- 88637. Noraativer Onterricht: eiu didaktisches Konzept zur Transparenz von Noraen. By Bans-Dieter Fell. Best Geraany. 19& p. O Franz Ehrenwirth Verlag, G.a.B.H. & Co., K.G. ; 4Jul77; AFO-88637.

AFO- 88638. Filasprache und Birklichkeit : zur Rirkung von filaischen Onterr ichtsdo- kuaenten. By Brigitta Buehlen-Achs. Best Geraany. 125 p. O Franz Ehrenwirth Verlag, G.a.B.H. £ Co., K.G.; 12flay77;



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