APO-88566 - AFO-88601
JUL-DEC. 1977
AFO-88565 (con.) material. Q The Header's Diqest AssociatioQ, Ltd. ; 20Jun77; APO-88565.
APO-88566. Ideoloqy and social order. By Eric James Carlton. England. 320 p- 6 Eric Carlton; 27Jan77; APO-88566,
AFO-88567. T. E. Laurence. By Desmond Stewart. Great Britain. 352 p. Desaond Stewart; 30Jun77; AFO-88567,
AFO-88588- The Social anthropology of Radcliffe- Brown. By Alfred Reginald Badcliffe- Brown, edited by Adam Jonathan Kuper. England. 296 p. Hfl: selection e editorial material, 3 Adas Kuper; 2Juii77; AFO-88568-
APO- 88569. Non-commutative harmonic analysis. Edited by Jacques Carmona & Hichele yerqne. Best Germany. 210 p. (Lecture notes in mathenatics, vol. 587) Actes du Colloque d' Analyse Harmonique Non- commutative, 2nd« aarseille*LuBiny, 5 au 9 luillet, 1976; Enqlish 5 French. Appl, au: Jean-Yves Ch-arbonnel. Sprinqep- Verlaq; 25May77; AFO-88569.
AFC- 88570. Electroluminescence. Edited by Jacques I. Pankove« with contcibutioos by Paul J. Dean, Toshio Inoquchi C others. Vest. Germany. 212 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol- 17) 6 Sprinqer-Verlaq; 27Hay77: AFO-88570.
AFO-88571. Platelet aqqregation in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular disorders; proceedings of the round table conference. Borne, Oct, 30-31, 197a. Best Germany. 288 p. Appl- au: G, V. R. Born t K. Breddin. e Springer-Verlag; 31liay77: AFO-8B571.
AFO-88572. yets might fly, and other titles. Australia. 512 p. (Reader's digest condensed books) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's digest condensed books. HH: compilation & additional material. 6 Reader's Diqest Services, Pty Ltd. ; 2aMay77; AFO-88572.
AFO-88573. Tyttoe ja kartanonfaerra, and other titles. Finland. 480 p. (Valitut paiat kirlavaliot) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's diqest condensed books. NM; Finnish lanquaqe translation. Oy Valitut Palat — Readers Diqest A. B, ; 18Bay77; AFO-88573-
APO-88574. II Cappellano di Malta, and other titles. Italy. 502 p. (Selezione della narrativa mondiale) Prev. pub. in O.S. editions of Reader's diqest condensed books. N»: Italian lanquaqe translation £ additional material. @ Selezione dal Reader's Diqest. S-P.A.; 28Mar77; AFO-8857a.
AP0-8e575. Harlequin, and other titles- Norway. 492 p. (Det Bestes boeker) Prev, pub, in O.S. editions of Reader's diqest condensed books. NHr Noruegiao lanquaqe translation & additional material. Det Beste« A.S. ; 31May77; APO-88575.
AFO-88576- North American neiqhbours. By Allan Stewart Evans & Riley Elqih Hoynes. Canada. 372 p. Appl. states all new except for photoqraphic material, © HcGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd.; 26Apr77; AFO-88576.
AFO-88577- The Box qarden; a novel. By Carol Ann Shields. Canada- 213 p. 6 HcGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd.; 4Jul77; AFO-88577.
AFO-88578. Challenqe for chanqe: geographical approaches to selected world issues. By Hargaret Heir Fairbank Fagan 6 tfarilyn Elizabeth Aronson Andrews, maps S illus.z Frank Hammond. Canada. 336 p. © McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Ltd.; 27Apr77; AFO-88578.
AFO-88579. Preparation and crystal growth of materials with layered structures. Edited by fi. M. A. Lieth. Holland. 280 p- (Physics and chemistry of materials with layered structures, vol. 1) Q D. Reidel Publishing Company; 19Jui77; AFO-88579.
APO-88580. Lectures on group theory and particle theory. By H. Bacry. Great Britain. 580 P- NM: translation of the French & additions. 9 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd. ; 20Jun77; AFO-88580.
AFb-88581, The Invention of the world; a novel. By Jack Hodgins. Canada. 354 p- Jack Hodqins; 19Mar77; AFO- 88581-
AFO-88582- The Passion of new Eve. By Angela Carter. England. 191 p. 6 Angela Carter; 4Mar77: AFO- 88582.
AFO-88583. From the Orient and the desert. Poems by Ghazi A. Algosaibi, drawings by Andrew Vicari. England. 23 p. 3 on poems; Ghazi A. Algosaibi; 2lApr77; AF0-885e3.
AFO-88584. From the Orient and the desert. Poems by Ghazi A. Algosaibi, drawings by Andrew Vicari. England. 23 p. 3 on drawings; Andrew vicari; 21Apr77; AFO-88584-
AFO-88585. Vous et la lol: guide des droits et des responsabilites du citoyen canadien. Par Adrian Popovici & Mlcheline Parizeau- Popovici. Canada. 797 p. Add. ti: You and the law. Appl. au: Selection du Reader's Digest (Canada) Ltee Prev. pub. 1973. NM: French-Canadian language translation. © Selection du Reader's Digest (Canada) Ltee; 27Jan77: AFO-88585.
APO- 88586. Stochastic programming. By Viacheslav Viktorovich Kolbin, translated from Russian by Igor P. Griqoryev. Holland. 195 p, (Theory and decision library, vol, 14) Appl. au: D. Reidel Publishing Company, employer for hire. NM: English translation. 6 D. Reidel Publishing Company; 23Jun77; APO-885a6.
AFO-88587. The Furniture of the world. By Mario Auqusto Bunge. Holland. 352 p. (Treatise on basic philosophy, vol. 3, ontology 1) © D. Reidel Publishing Company; 23Jun77; APO-88587-
AFO-88588- MacKenzie King: his life and world. By Jack Lawrence Granatstein, general editor: H. Kaye Lamb & picture editor: Paul Russell. Canada. 202 p. © McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd.; 3Jun77; AFO-88588.
AFO-88589. Merveilles de tous les temps. By Philippe Lorin. Prance. 115 p, NM: tejc^, illus. 6 compilation of texts & illus, $ome of which have been prev- pub. 3 Librairie Hachette; 30May77; AFO-88589.
AFO- 88590. Rationelle Praxisorganisation. Von O, Trillinger & K. H. Kimmel. Herausgeber: Zentraiinstitut fuer die kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Oeutschland. 2. ueberarb. Aufl. West Germany. 95 p. (Niederlassungsser vice, Bd. 7) 3 Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag. G.M.B.H. ; 17May77; AFO-88590-
AFO-88591, Empfehlungen zur rationellen Orga- nisation von aerztlichen Laborgemein- schaften. Studie von Bainer Haeckel, Herausgeber; Zentraiinstitut fuer die kassenaerztliche Versorgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 2. ueberarb. Aufl. Best Germany. 56 p- (Nieder- lassungsservice, Bd. 6) © Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G-M.B-H.; 17May77; AFO- 88 591,
AFO- 88 592, Krankheits-f rueherkennung Krebs, Frauen und Maenner; Aufbereitung & Interpretation der Dntersuchungsergebnisse aus den gesetz lichen Frueherkennungsmassnahmen 1973 & 1974- By Eckart Herwig, Heraus- qeber: Zentraiinstitut fuer die kas- senaerztliche Versorgung in der Bun- desrepublik Deutschland. Sest Germany. 168 p. (Schriftenreihe, Bd. 6) © Deutscher Aerzte-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 20Jun77; AFO-88592.
AFO-88593. Commissaire Maigret, qui etes-vous? By Gilles Henry. France. 284 p. NM: text £ compilation of texts & illus. some of which have been prev. pub. 9 Librairie Plon; 30Hay77; AFO-88593.
AFO-88594, Eiger. By Georges Sonnier. France, 296 p. © Editions Albin Michel; 30Mar77; APO- 88 594 -
AFO- 88595. Embruns- By Phyllis A. Hhitney, traduit de i'americain par Therese Lauriol- France. 304 p. Original ti. : Spindrift. © on French translation; Editions Albin Michel; 4Jun77; AFO-88595.
AF0-8a596. Journal de prison: espacements. By Bernard Remy. France. 249 p. 3 Librairie Hachette; 30Apr77; AFO- 88 59 6.
AFO-88597- Nachrichtentheorie. Bd, 2: der Debertragungskanal. Von Rudolf Eisner. Best Germany. 175 p. 3 B. G. Teubner; 14Jun77; AFO~88597.
AFO-88598. China meistert den Hunger. Von Johannes Humlum. Best Germany. 136 p. (Geocolleg) © Veriag Ferdinand Hirt; 3Jun77; AFO-88598.
AFO-88599, Atomphysik: eine Einfuehrung. Von Theo Mayer-Kuckuk. Best Germany. 233 p. 3 B. G. Teubner; 2lJun77; AFO-88599.
AFO- 88600. Star trap; a crime novel. By Simon Brett. England. 191 p. 6 Simon Brett; 9Jun77; AFO-88600,
AFO-88601. The Teacher's guide to Classroom ukulele. By J. Chalmers Doane, com- pilation & editing: Jean Doane. Canada. 64 p. © Baterloo Music Company, Ltd.;
17Jun77; AFO-88601-
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.