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AFO-88529 - AFO-88565


JUL-DEC. 1977

AFO-88528 (con.) Estoppey. 6 on Enqllsh tcanslat ion ; Editions Bencontre. S.i. : 8ipr77: SPO-93528.

4F0- 88529. Safari cards. No. IO8I-IIO11. Switzerland. 24 cards. tppi. au: Paul Schauenberq, Philippe Duflon 6 tndre Estoppey. O on English translation: Editions Bencontre, S.A. ; 8Apr77; AFO-88529.

A FO- 88 5 3 0. Socialism and the nen life; the personal £ seiual politics of Edvard Carpenter and HayelocK Ellis. By Sheila Bowbothai 6 Jeffrey Weeks. Onited Kiaqdom. 198 p. e Plato Press, Ltd.; 9Jun77: AFO-88530.

AFO-88531. A New uorld for aonen: Stella Browne: Socialist feninist. By Sheila Bowbotban. Onited Kinqdom. 128 p. Pluto Press, Ltd.; 9Jun77: iPO-88531.

AFO-88532. Catchinq then younq. Vol. 1-2. By Bobert Dixon. Onited Kinqdo». C Pluto Press, Ltd.: 9Jun77; 4FO-88532.

APO-88533. John Sheppard: 2: nasses. Transcribed £ edited by Nicholas Sandon. Onited Kinqdon. 169 p. (Early Enqlish church BUSic, vol. 18) Accompanied by music. NH: introd. 6 editorial comment. The British Academy; 1Jul76: AFO-98533.

APO-88531. Sens teoretyczny a sens empiryczny poiecia postawy; analiza metodoloqiczna zasad doboru vskazni.^ow w badaniach nad postavaml. By airoslawa aarody. Poland. 221 p. panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe; 1Sep76: APO-88S3U.

AFO-88535. naqhreb wspolczesny z badan nad kontaktem i wspolrozwo-jem kultuc. By Elzbieta Beklaitis. Poland. 382 p. Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 1Sep76; APO-88535.

AFO-8e536. Hielka Brytania. By Jozef Barbaq. Poland. 311 p. Panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe: 16Auq76: AFO-88536.

AFO-88537. Dendroloqia. By ulodzimierz Seneta. iyd. 2. poprawione & uzupelnione. Poland. 558 p. Panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe: 21Auq76; AFO-88537.

AFO-88538. Grundlaqen der Oiqitaltcchnik. Von Lorenz Borucki. Best Germany. 238 p. (Boellet, Leitfaden der Elektrotechnik, Bd. 10) 6 B. G. Teubner: 12Hay77; AFO-88538.

AFO- 88539. Burda Kochspass durch Farbbilder. Kochbuch Nr. 17. Bezepte: Burda- Kochstudio. Bedaktion: Edith Bundhausen, Fotos: Burda-Fotostudio £ Gerd Feierabend. Best Germany. 207 p. Appl. . a: Verlaq Aenne Burda. Verlaq Aenne *><rda: 20Jun77: iFO-88539.

AFO-885ltO. Acceleration de la converqence en analyse numerique. By Claude Brezinski. Best Germany. 313 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 58H) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 10Bay77: APO-SSSIO.

AFO- 8851*1. Invariant theory. By Tonny Albert Sprinqec. Best Germany. Ill p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. S8S) e Sprinqer-Verlaq: 10May77: AFO-SSSII.

AFO-885H2. Compilerbau; eine Einfuehrunq. Von Niklaus Birth. Best Germany. 9i( p. O B. G. Teubner: itllay77: AFO-885a2.

AFO-88543. Die Oekoloqische Benachteiliquag der Tropen. Von Bolfqanq Beischet. Best Germany. 127 p. B. G. Teubner: 24Bay77: AFO-88543.

AFO-885<tlt. fiarks and monograms of the aodern Hovemeat, 1875-1930. By Malcolm Haslam. Enqland. 192 p. 6 Cameron and Taylor (Books) Ltd.; 1Hay77; AFO-885«it.

AFO-885l»5. Psycholoqie und Heuristik: Probleme der systematischen Ef fektivierunq von Erkenntnisprozessen. Von Bainer Bromme fi Eckhard Uoemberq. Best Germany. 178 p. (Psycholoqie und Gesellschaf t, Bd. 2) Doktor Dietrich Steinkopff Verlaq, G.M.B.H. 6 Co., K. G. : 12Hay77; AFO-885't5.

AFO-88SI16. Air pollution: phytotoiicity of acidic qases and its significance in air pollution control. By Bobert Gaderian, translated from the German by C. Jeffrey Brandt. Best Germany. 127 p. (Ecoloqical studies, 22) Sprinqer- Verlaq; 15Apr77; AFO-8851t6.

AFO-88547. Theorie des G-structures: ie probleme d 'equivalence. By Pierre Holino, notes rediqees avec la collaboration de F. Toupine. Best Germany. 163 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 588) Sprinqer-Verlaq: 1111ay77; APO-B85a7.

AFO-885148. cours pratique de qeoqraphie canadienne. By John golyneux £ Eric Jones, traduit de I'anqlais par Michel Lalbin, Pierre-Yves Le Dilicocq £ Marie-Noel Soumeillant, sous la direction de Ludger Beauregard. Canada. 158 p. Appl. ao: McGraw-Hill fiyerson, Ltd., employer for hire. Translation of Canada: profile of a nation, pub. 1974. NM: translation. McGraw-Hill Editeurs a.a.d.o. McGraw- Hill Eyerson, Ltd.; 2Mar77; AFO-88548.

AFO-83549. Zjawiska patoloqii spoiecznej wsrod mlodziezy: studium prawno-kryminologiczne. By Marian Lipka. Poland. 365 p. O Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 10Apr77: AFO-88549.

APO-88550. choroby cywilizacji; oddzialywanie czynnikow wspolczesnego srodowiska na orqaniza czlowieka. By Marek E. Jurczak. Poland. 345 p. Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 9aay77; APO-88550.

AFO-88551. Kryminoloqia: podstawowe problemy. By Brunon Holyst. Poland. 369 p. 9 Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 2aay77; AFO-88551.

AFO-88552. Bspolczesny menedzeryzm; teoria i praktyka. By Zyqmunt Izdebski £ Jerzy Tudrei. Poland. 278 p. © Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 23Mar77: APO-88552.

AFO-88553. Podstawy aikrobiologii i immunologii. By Biadyslaw Kunickt-Goldf inqer 6 Sylwester Freilak. Poland. 402 p. O Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 12Feb77: AFO-88553.

AFO-88554. Sueadenfall. By John Galsworthy, berechtiqte Oebersetzunq von Luise Basserthal-Zuccari. Austria. 246 p. Original ti.: Jocelyn. NH: German translation. Paul Zsolnay Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 21JU177: AFO-88554.

AFO-88555. Das Fenster zum Sommer. By Hanoelore Valencak. Austria. 269 p. Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 21Jul77; AFO-88555.

AFO-88556. Der Graf von Saint-Germain. By Alexander Lernet-Holenia. Austria. 271 p. Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H.: 21JU177; AFO-8e556.

AFO-88557. Das Baus zu den Vier Binden. By Isabelle Holland, berechtiqte Oebersetzung von Ina Pope. Austria. 282 p. Original ti.: Kilgaren. NM; German translation. Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 21Jul77: AFO-88557.

AFO-88558. Paralele; studia porownawcze z poqranicza literatury i folkloru. By Julian Krzyzanowski. Hyd. 2, Poland. 974 p. O Panstwowe Bydawnictwo Naukowe; 29Apr77; AFO-88558.

AFO-88559. Spurlos. By Charles Berlitz, in Zusammenarbeit mit J. Manson Valentine, berechtiqte Oebersetzunq von Karin S. Krausskopf. Austria. 290 p. Original ti. : Bithout a trace. NM: German translation. 6 Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 14Jul77; AFO-88559.

AFO- 88 560. Katharina; oder, Alles Verwehen wird der Schnee. By Wlodzimierz Odojewski, aus dem Polnischen uebers. von Gerda Bagenau S Budolf Von Jouanne. Austria. 433 p. original ti.: Zasypie wszystko, zawieje. NM: German translation. O Paul Zsolnay Verlaq, G.M.B.H.; 21Jul77: AFO-88560.

AFO-88561. Die KuDSt des Handelas; oder« Das Abenteuerliche Leben des Fernand Legros. By Boger Peyrefitte, berechtiqte Oebersetzunq von Peter Linnert. Austria. 4 14 p. Oriqinal ti.: Tableaux de chasse; oa. La Vie extraordinaire de Fernand Legros. NM: German translation. O Paul Zsolnay Verlag. G.M.B.H.; 21Jul77; AFO-88561.

AFO- 88 562. Pizyka dla politechnik. 1. czastki. By Andrzej Januszajtis. Poland. 367 p. e Panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe; 3May77; AF0-885b2.

AFO-88563. Kryteria i metody optymalizac ji konstrukcji. Praca zbiorowa pod redakcja naukowa Andrzeja Mareka Brandta. autorzy: Andrzej Marek Brandt. Hojciech Dzie- niszewski, Stefan Jendo, Bojciech Marks, Stefan Owczarek £ Zbiqniew Basiutynski, issued by Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki. Poland. 418 p. O panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe: 27Apr77; AFO-88563.

AFO-B8564. Ideology and social change in Latin America. Edited by June Nash. Juan Corradi £ Hobart Spalding, Jr. Great Britain. 305 p. C Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 27Jun77: APO-88564.

AFO- 88565. Excellency, by David Beaty. And other titles. Great Britain. 508 p. (Header's Digest condensed books) Prev. pub, in the O.S. editions of Header's Digest condensed

books. NM: compilation £ additional


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