APO-BSaiS - AFO-88451
JUL-DEC. 1977
4FO-88417 (con.) et Nathalie) <3 Libra .rie Hacheite; 30Apr77: AFO-88»17.
L'Rquitaine des chateaux, Peril; par
Claude Freqnac, edite par Hacbette
Realites. France. TiS p. NH: new text,
compilation of text & illus. © Librairie
Hachette; 30Har77; »FO-88it18.
AFO- 88419. La Bourqoqne des chateaux. Ecrit par Claude Freqnac, edite par Hachette Realites. France. 151 p. NH: neM text, compilation of text S illus. © Librairie Hachette: 30(lar77; AF0-a8«.
AFO-a8lt20. J •observe le bord de la mer. Texte de Su Swallov, adapta'-.ion de Michel Cuisin. France. 31 p. NH: translation. e Librairie Hachette; 30Har77; &FO-881t20.
SFO-88421. J 'observe les fleurs sauvaqes. Texte de Sue Tarskv, adaptation de Bichel Cuisin. France. 31 p. NM: translation. e Librairie Hachette; 3011ar77; AFO-881121.
AFO-8B422. Vive les papiers. Par fi. Thomson, adaptation de Christine De Coninck, illus de C. Lawson. France. 1*3 p. NH: translation. 6 Librairie Hachette; 3011ar77: AFO-88U22.
iFO-a8»23. Naqer avec Mark Spitz. Avec la collaboration de Alan Lemond, traduit de l"americain par Eric Lahoy, photos de Neil Leifer. France. 108 p. Original ti. : The Mark Spitz complete book of swimming. NH: translation. G Calmann-Levy ; 28Apr77: AFO-88a23.
AFO-88a2t. L* Implantoloqie de securite; proqres en implantoloqie dentaire; traite pratique- -les pieqes de I'ioiplantoloqie, sa demystif ication. By Raphael Chercheve, pref. des P. Pialoux G P. Klein. Prance. 177 p. e Maloine, S.A., Editeur; 30Mar77: AFO-88U211.
iF0-88lt25. Atlas des maladies chromosomiques. By Jean De Grouchy fi Catherine Turleau. France. 355 p. Q Expansion Scientifigue Francaise; 30Apr77; APO-88it25.
AFO-88lt26. Gedichte, franzoesisch-deutsch. By Arthur Bimbaud, hrsq. von Karlheinz Barck, mit 10 Radierunqen fi 8 Punzenstichen von Hermans Naumann. East Germany. 174 p. in box. French £ German. NM: illus. 6 German translation. 3 Verlag Philipp Eeclam, Junior: 30Nov76; Af0-881126.
AFO-88lt27. Maiqrir en manqeant. Illus de Claude Dessirier. France. Poster. Appl. au: Claude Chauchard. @ Claude Chauchard G Dessirier: J0Apr77; AFO-881(27.
AFO-881t28. Photonuclear reactions 2. Edited by Serqio Costa 6 Carlo Schaerf. West Germany. 301 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol- 62) Proceedinqs of the International School on Electro- and Photonuclear Reactions, Erice, Italy, 1976. Appl. au: Ph. Catillon e D. Drechsel. Q Sprinqer- Verlag ; 26Apr77; AFO-88lt28.
AFO-881129. Oltrashort light pulses: picosecond techniques and applications. Edited by Stanley L. Shapiro, with contributions by D. J. Bradley & Dietrich Von Der Linde, Hest Germany. 369 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 18) © Sprinqer- Verlag;' 15Apr77; AFO-88429.
AFO-BStSO. Photonuclear reactions 1. Edited by Serqio Costa 6 Carlo Schaerf. Sest Germany. 650 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 61) Proceedings of the International School on Electro- and Photonuclear Reactions, Erice, Italy, 1976. Appl. au: R. Bergere 6 G. Bicco. © Sprinqer-Verlaq; 26Apr77; AFO-88430.
AFO-88a31. Interactive systems; proceedinqs, 6th Informatik Symposium, Bad HoKburq vcr der Hoehe, Sept. 1976. Edited by Albrecht Blaser fi Clemens Hackl. Hest Germany. 380 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 49) Eaqlish fi German. Appl. au: Gerhard Seeqmueller fi Hans- Juerqen Hoffmann. @ Springer- Verlag; 26Apr77; AFO-88431.
AFO-88432. Current topics in pathology. Vol. 64. Editors: E. Grundmann- 6 R. H. Kirsten, contributors: K. Kuechemann fi D. Maas. Hest Germany. 228 p. 6 Springer- Verlag; 22Apr77; Ar3-88432.
AFO-88433. Aventures prodiqieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon. D'Alphonse Daudet, illus de Roger Blachon. France. 159 p. NM: illus. e Editions Gallimard; 14May77; AFO-88433.
AFO-88434. Contre la nouvelle philosophie. By Francois Aubral fi Xavier Oelcourt. France. 345 p. NH: new text 6 com- pilation of texts, some of which have been prev. pub. Q Editions Gallimard; 14May77; AFO-88434.
AFO-88435. Le Prince heureux, Le Geant egoiste, et autres contes. D'Oscar Hilde, traduit de I'anglais par Leo Lack, illus d"Etienne Delessert. France. 118 p. Original ti. : The Happy prince and other tales. © on illus.; Editions Gallimard; 14May77; APO-88435.
&F0-88436. Grabuge et 1* indomptable Amelie. By Elvire De Brissac, illus de Claude Lapointe. France. 117 p. © Editions Gallimard; 14May77; AFO-88436.
AFO-88437. Gros oeuvre du batiment. By Benjamin Boulet. 72. ed. France. 236 p. (Aide-memoire) S Bordas; 30Bay77; AFO-88437.
APO-88438. Vol de Noel pour OSS 117. Par Josette Bruce, pseud, de Josette Dourne. France. 186 p. e Presses De La Cite; 30IIa777; AFO-88438.
AFO-88439. Le 18. siecle. No 2: 1750-1778. By Robert Mauzi C Sylvain Menant. France. 289 p. (Litterature francaise, 10) NM: new text fi compilation of texts E illus., some of which have been prev. pub. © B. Arthaud; 16Hay77; AFO-88439.
AFO-88440. Auto-analyse pour PDG. Par John H. Ockert. France. Sheets. Add. ti: Self-analysis for general managers. John H. Ockert; 1Aug76; AFO-88440.
AFO-88441. Berlin: Bezirk Hitte, Potsdam: Stadt und Jmgebunq, Park Sanssouci. Rest Germany. 104 p. (Grieben-Reisefuehrer, Bd. 303) Add. ti: Berlin/Mitte und Potsdam. Appl. au: Verlagsredaktion Grieben-Beisef uehrer. © Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 16Feb77; AfO-88441.
AFO-88442. Sizilien und Malta. Sest Germany. 242 p. (Grieben-Reisefuehrer, Bd. 119) Accompanied by map. Appl. au: Verlag- sredaktion Grieben-Reisefuehrer. NH: tourist information updated fi place descriptions supplemented fi extended, e Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.B. ; 3Jan77; AFO-88442.
AFO-88443. Salzburger Land; Salzburg, Salzkammergut (mit oberoesterreichischem und steirischem Teil) Hest Germany. 204 p. (Grieben- Beisef uehrer, Bd. 48) Add. ti: Land Salzburg — Salzkammergut. Accompanied by map. Appl. au: Verlagsredaktion Grieben-Beisef uehrer- NM: tourist information updated fi place descriptipns supplemented fi extended. 6 Grieben- Verlag, G.M.B.H. ; 3Jan77; AFO-88443-
AFO-a8444- Muenchen und Umgebung- Nest Germany. 215 p. (Grieben-Beisefuehrer. Bd. 252) Accompanied by map. Appl. au; Verlag- sredaktion Grieben-Reisefuehrer. NM: tourist information updated fi place descriptions supplemented fi extended. ©Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 24Feb77; AFO- 88444.
AFO-884a5.. Teutoburger Bald und Muensterland; Egge-, Riebengebirge und Lippisches Berqland. Rest Germany. 196 p. (Grieben-Reisefuehrer, Bd. 178) Accompanied by map. Appl. au: Verlag- sredaktion Grieben-Beisefuehrer. NM: tourist information updated fi place . descriptions supplemented fi extended. e Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 29ipr77; AFO-88445-
AFO-88446- Hestschweiz; Berner Oberland, Genfer See, Ralliser Alpen- Hest Germany- 231 p. (Grieben-Beisefuehrer, Bd. 258) Accompanied by map. Appl. au: Verlag- sredaktion Grieben-Reisefuehrer. NB: tourist information updated fi place descriptions supplemented fi extended. ©Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 19Jan77; AFO-88446-
AFO- 88447. Belgien und Luxemburg. Rest Germany. 208 p. (Grieben-Reisefuehrer, Bd. 22) Accompanied by map. Appl. au: Verlag- sredaktion Grieben-Reisefuehrer. NM; tourist information updated S place descriptions supplemented C extended. ©Grieben-Verlag, G.M.B.H.; 28Apr77: AFO-88447.
AFO- 88448. Recorder humour- Cartoons by Ronald King- Great Britain. 37 p. Schott and company, Ltd.; 25Nov76; iFO-88448.
iFO-88449. Dichtung im Leben und in der Schu'le; zwei Vortraege. By Nikolaus 6rit£. Austria. 50 p. © Rilhelm Braumueller, Universitaets-Verlagsbuchhandlung, G.M.B.H.; 24May77; AFO-88449.
AFO- 88450. Trames planes; introduction a une etude architecturale des trames. By Jean Zeitoun. France- 175 p- (Aspects de I'urlianisme) © Bordas; 30May77; AFC- 88450-
AFO-88451- Les Balcons de Babel- By Gerard Mace. France. 67 p. 6 Editions Gallimard;
5May77; AFO-884S1.
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