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AFll7l477 - AF1I7509


JUL-DEC. 1977

»Fi»7i»76 (con.) BT Franz Liszt, forenord by Buaphrey searle. Be»ised »ith corrections, 1975. Great Britain. 56 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 154) Foreword in French, English 6 German. P on foreword; Ernst Eulenburq* Ltd.: 111aT76; »Fi47i476.

Ma vlast; a cycle of symphonic poems. No. 6: Blanik. By Bedrich Smetana, foreword by John Claphas. Great Britain. 84 P. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 476) Foreword in Enqlish & German. NM: foreword. C Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Mar76; 4FU7U77.

AF«7a78. Ma ylast: a cycle of symphonic poems. No. 3: Sarka. By Bedrich Smetana, foreword by John Clapham. Great Britain. 84 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 473) Foreword in English & German. NM: foreword. C Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd. ; 1Jan76: »FU7it78.

»P«7«79. Hunnenschlacht ; symphonic poem. no. 11. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Beyised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 96 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. US7) Foreword in French, English & German. C on foreword: Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.: 1JU176: iP«7l|79.

»F47ll80. Ma vlast: a cycle of symphonic poems. No. 1: Vysehrad. By Bedrich Smetana, foreword by John Clapham. Great Britain. 58 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 471) Foreword in Enqlish & German. NM: foreword. C Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Bar7e; »Fll7480.

iF<t7»81. Ma vlast; a cycle of symphonic poems. No. 1: Z ceskych luhu a haju (From Bohemia's fields and qroves) . By Bedrich Smetana, foreword by John Clapham. Great Britain. 96 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 474) Foreword in Enqlish & German. NM: foreword. C Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Mar76: »Fii7il81.

»F47«82. Piano trio (Irchduke), B flat maior. Op. 97. By Ludwiq Van Beethoven, foreword by Boqec Fiske. Great Britain. 64 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 79) Foreword in Enqlish 6 German. IH: foreword. Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Jun76; iF47482.

iF«7483. strinq trio, E flat aa1or. Op. 3. By Ludwiq Van Beethoven, foreword by Boqer Fiske. Bevised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 46 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 41) Foreword in Enqlish C German. on foreword: Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Hay76: AFU7483.

tF47U84. Le Carnaval romain; ouverture carac- teristique a qrande orchestre. Op. 9. By Hector Berlioz, foreword by John Rarrack. Great Britain. 59 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 620) Add. ti: overture: Le Carnaval romain, opus 9. Foreword in Enqlish, German C French. NH: foreword. Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Har72; AF47484.

AF47485. Tasso, lamento e trionfo; symphonic poem, no. 2. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Beyised with correc- tions, 1976. Great Britain. 92 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 448) Foreword in French, Enqlish 6 German. O on foreword: Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; Ijaa76: AF47485.

AF47485. Hamlet; symphonic poem, no. 10. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Bevised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 48 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 456) Foreword in English & German. on foreword; Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47486.

AF47487. Brandenburg concerto number 2, F major; BHV 1047. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boger Fiske. Great Britain. 36 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 257) Foreword in English £ German. NH; foreword. O Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47487.

&F47488. Hungaria; symphonic poem, no. 9. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Bevised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 120 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 455) Foreword in Enqlish 6 German. O on foreword; Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; Iaay76; AP47488.

AF47489. Brandenburg concerto number 6, B flat maior; BBV 1051. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boger Fiske. Great Britain. 36 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 255) Foreword in English 6 German. NH: foreword. O Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47489.

4F47490. Brandenburg concerto number 5, major; BUV 1050. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boqer Fiske. Great Britain. 58 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 282) Foreword in Enqlish G German. NH: foreword. O Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Har75; AF47490.

AF47491. Brandenburq concerto number 4, G major; BHV 1049. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boqer Fiske. Great Britain. 52 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 281) Foreword in English & German. NH: foreword. Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47491.

AF47492. Brandenburg concerto number 3, G major; BiV 1048. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boger Fiske. Great Britain. 34 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 254) Foreword in English G German. NH: foreword. O Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47492.

AP47493. Cello concerto, B minor. Op. 104. By Antonin Dvorak, foreword by Boqer Fiske. Bevised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 104 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 785) Foreword in English 6 German. on foreword; Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Jul76; AF47493.

AF47494. Pestklaenqe; symphonic poem, no. 7. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Bevised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 126 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 453) Foreword in English £ German. on foreword; Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Jol76; AF47494.

AF47495. Brandenburq concerto number 1, F major; BUV 1046. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boger Fiske. Great Britain. 40 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 260) Foreword in English German. NB: foreword. Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47495.

AP47496. Ce qu'on en tend sur la montaqne; symphonic poem, no. 1. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Revised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 166 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 447) Foreword in Frehch, English & German. O on foreword; Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Har76; AP47496.

AF47497. Hhite women. By Helmut Newton. Vest Germany. 1 v. Portions prev. pub. in French Vogue 6 others. NH: text 6 illus. Helmut Newton; 26Aug76; AF47497.

AF47498. Hho's who in banking in Europe. British Isles. 521 p. C F. H. Books, Ltd.; 19Jui76; AF47498.

AF47499. FS 3790 Funktionsservice 3790; Lizenzprogranm, Systemhandbuch Programm- Nr. 5788-DJS. France. 61 p. (Spezielles Anwendunqsprogramm SAP) 6 IBH Deut- schland, G.B.B.H.; 29Aug77 (in notice: 1976); AF47499.

AF47500. FS 3650 B Funktionsservice 3650 Betail; Lizenzprogramm, Systemhandbuch Programm- Nr. 5788-DJI. France. 101 p. (Spezielles Anwenduagsprogramm SAP) O IBB Deutschland, G.B-B.H.; 29Aug77; AF47500.

AF47501. FS 3650 B Funktionsservice 3650 Betail; Lizenzprogramm, Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DJI. France. 54 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 29Aug77; AF47501.

AF47502. Online-Einkauf ; Lizenzprogramm, programm-/Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DKQ. France. 286 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBH Deut- schland, G.H.B.H.; 240ct77; AF47502.

AF47503. Online-Einkauf: Lizenzprogramm, Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DKQ. 3rd Ausg. France. 214 p. (Spezielles Anwendunqsprogramm SAP) IBH Deut- schland, G.H.B.H.; 240ct77; AF47503.

AF47 504. VTHP VTAH-Honitor-Programm; Lizen- zprogramm , Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DJT. France. 81 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.B.; 12Sep77; AF47504.

AF47505. VTHP VTAH-Honitor-Programm; Lizen- zprogramm, Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DJT. France. 212 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBH Deut- schland, G.H.B.H.; 12Sep77; AF47505.

AF47506. FS 3790 Funktionsservice 3790; Lizenzprogranm, Programm-/Bedi,enerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DJll. France. 78 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.B.; 29Aug77; AF47506.

AF47307. IBH system/370 high-speed sequential retrieval of IBS data bases: 5787-LAA program logic manual. Denmark. 63 p. (International field program) Appl. au: IBH Netherlands. O International Business Hachines corporation; 3Nov77; AF47507.

AF47 508. IBH system/370 high-speed sequential retrieval of IBS data bases; 5787-LAA program description and operations manual. Denmark. 85 p. (International field program) Appl. au: IBH Netherlands. International Business Hachines Corporation; 3Nov77; AF47508.

AF47509. 4979 display station and attachment feature: maintenance information Denmark. 1 V. (IBB series/1: 4979 display

maintenance) Add. ti: IBH series/1: 4979


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