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JUL-DEC. 1977

AF47320 (con. I United Kinqdoa. 255 p. HH: cover act 6 other new Batter. G Barbara Cartlaad: 1Jul69 (in notice: 1st pub. 1953, atrow ed. 1969, 2od iipression 1969, 3rd impression 1973, this ed. 197H); JP47320. (1974 reprint, deposited)

AF47321. The Pretty horse-breakers. By Barbara Cartland. Dr.ited Kinqdoi. 255 p. O Barbara Cartland; 20Sep71: APit7321.

AF47322. Love holds the cards. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoi. 205 p. Barbara Cartland; 31Auq65; liFit7322.

AF47323. The Price is love. By Barbara HcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. sheets (220 p.) O Barbara dcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 20Say60; AF<17323. (Photocopy, deposited)

AF47324. The fiunavay heart. By Barbara McCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdon. Sheets (206 p.) Barbara acCorquodaie, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 12llay61: AP<4732K. (Photocopy, deposited)

AF47325. Sueet adventure. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. Sheets (208 p.) O Barbara Cartland; HIOct57; APil7325. (Photocopy, deposited)

AF47326. Love is danqerous. By Barbara Hccorquodale. pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. Sheets (188 p.) O Barbara HcCorq uodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 111ay63; AP'17326. (Photocopy, deposited)

AF47327. Love in hidinq. By Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdon. Sheets (199 p.) Barbara Cartland; 23Feb59: API«7327. (Photocopy, deposited)

AF47328. Sylvaoo Bussotti e il sue teatro. A cura di Francesco Deqrada. Italy. 59 p. Add. ti: Oqqetto aiiato, Notteteapo. NH: editorial revision. G. fiicordi e COBPaqnia, S.P.A.: 23Har76; AF4732B.

AF47329. One hundred years of science fiction illustration, 1840-1940. By Anthony Freain. Bnqland. 128 p. NH: text. O Jupiter Books (London) Ltd.; 15Nov74; AF47329.

AF47330. Claire and Eaaa. By Diana Peter, photos, by Jereny Finlay. Great Britain. 1 V. A and C Black, Ltd.; 20Bay76; AP47330.

AF47331. Total enerqy; proceedinqs of the first international Total Enerqy Congress, Copenhaqen, Oct. 4-8, 1976. Edited by Eric J. Jeffs. Enqland. 882 p. niller Freeaan Publications, Inc.; 19Sep77; AF47331.

AF47332. Introducinq science concepts in the laboratory. Editors: Hanfred C. Schcid C naureen aurphy. 2nd ed. Canada. 352 p. O Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 8llov77: AF47332.

AF47333. The BacBillan atlas of the oceans. Editor: Hartyn Braanell B others. Australia. 208 p. Appl. au: Bitchell Beazley Publishers, Ltd. O Bitchell Beazley Publishers, Ltd.; 170ct77; AF47333.

AF47334. Beilsteins Handbuch der orqanischen Cheaie; vierte Auflaqe, viertes Erqaen- zunqsverk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 uafassend. Bd. 19, T. 6. Hrsq. vob Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Orqanischen Cheaie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Hitwirkunq von Oskar ueissbach 6 others. aest Geraany. p. 4709-5636. Appl. au: Beilstein-Institut fuer Orqanischen Chenie, employer for hire. O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 260ct77; iF4733ii.

AF47335. Gaelin Handbuch der anorqaniscben Cheaie; Erqaenzunqserk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 47: BisBut-orqanische Verbindunqen. Von Sarkus Uieber, Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Harkus Hieber, Bedakteur dieses Bandes: Hubert Bitterer. Uest Geraany. 173 p. Appl. au: Gaelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Cheaie, eaployer for hire. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 310ct77; AF47335.

AF47336. Gaelin Handbuch del anorqanischen Cheaie; achte voeiiiq neu bearb. Aufi. System-Nr. 47: Blei. T. A2b. Baup- tredakteur: Isa Kubach, Bearbeiter: Uinfried Hoffmann, Isa Kubach, Uolfqanq nueller, Peter Schubert 6 Wolfqanq Toepper, Bedakteure: Isa Kubach, Bolfqanq aueller 6 Bolfqanq Toepper. Best Geraany. 276 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Cheaie, eaployer for hire. BH: revisions 6 additions. Sprinqer- Verlaq; 310ct77; AF47336.

AF47337. Gaelin Handbuch der anorqanischen Cheaie; achte voelliq neu bearb. Aufl. System-Nr. 53: aolybdaen. T. A1. Von Friedrich Benesovsky, Bearbeiter: Friedrich Benesovsky, Sedakteur: Kurt Saars. Best Geraany. 207 p. Appl. au: Gaelin-Institut fuer Anorqanische Chemie, employer for hire. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 280ct77; AF47337.

iF47338. Bon chien, mon aoi. By Hay D'Alencon, illus de Harcel Loiseau. France. 144 p. O Les Editions Haqnard; 30Har77; AF47338.

AF47339. Les Vacances Marseillaises de Pistou. By Suzanne Pulicani, illus de Patrice Harispe. France. 183 p. Les Editions Haqcard; 30Har77: AF47339.

AF47340. Piccolo polio de Napoli. By Luce Filiol, illus de Harie-Noelle Cadiau. France. 179 p. Les Editions Hagnard; 30Jun76; AF47340.

AF4734t. Les Contes de la lune rousse. By Micheie Anqot, illus de Barie Chartrain. France. 151 p. Les Editions Hagnard; 30Dec76; AF47341.

AF47342. Cher monsieur Beqonia. By Anne Pieriean, pseud, of Marie-Louise Granqeon, illus de Barbara Huquet-Haupt. France. 161 p. O Les Editions Haqnard; 30Jun76: AF47342.

AF47343. Hineral leasing as an instruaent of public policy. Edited by Hichael Croamelin Andrev B. Thoapson. Canada. 267 p. O The University of British Columbia; 12Dec77: AF47343. 1977-78. 24th ed. England. 936 p. O Europa Publications, Ltd.; 190ct77; AF47344.

AF47345. The Far East and Australasia, 1977-78; a survey and directory of Asia and the Pacific. 9th ed. England. 1251 p. O Europa Publications, Ltd.; 11Hov77; AF47345.

AF47 346. Hoderne el-orqeiskole ; for selvstudiua oq under visuing. Del 2; viderekoane. Av Bjoern Strender. Bomay. 164 p. NM: nev text, arr. G ausic. Norsk Husikforlag A/S; nHO¥77: »rit7346.

AF47347. Festival infantil aundial de la cancion y del interprete. Guatemala. 1 v. Appl. au: Otto Buben Coronado Lopez. O Otto Buben Coronado Lopez; 16Dec77; AFi(7347.

AF47 348. Notches of all kinds: a book of tiaber joinery. By Bernard Allan Hackie. Canada. 91 p. Canadian Log House Publishing Company, Ltd. (in notice: The Canadian Log House); t5Aug77: AF47348.

AF47349. Far ausica insieae; testo di educazione Busicale per la scuola aedia con antologia di brani vocali e strumentali. Ol Biccardo Allorto e Hirka Hartini. Italy. 339 p. NB: text 6 editing. C G. Eicocdl e Coapaqnia, S.P.A.; 9Hay77; AF47349.

AF47350. II Libro ueqii accordi per chitarra. By Aldo Bossi f' Gianpietro Harazza. Italy. 36 p. G. Bicordi e Coapagnia, S.P.A.; 15Apr77; AF47350.

AF47351. Binclla: la aoderna tecnica del suono appoggiato e delle scale per chitarra. Italy. 23 p. Add. ti: The Modern technique of the rest stroke and of the scales for guitar. Italian £ English. Appl. au: Aldo Hinella. O G. Bicordi e Coapagnia, S.P.A.; 31Dec74; AF47351.

AF47352. Lectures on the theory of production. By Luiqi Lodovico Pasinetti. England. 285 p. Prev. pub. as Lezioni di teoria della produzione. NH: English tran- slation. C Luigi L. Pasinetti; 14Nov77; AF47352.

JIF47353. Gardener* s aagic and other old wives' lore. By Bridget Boland. Great Britain. 63 p. O Bridget Boland; 60ct77; AF47353.

AF47354. Petrella at Q. By Hichael Francis Gilbert. Great Britain. 222 p. HB: coapilation £ additional text. Hichael Gilbert; 30Hay77; AF47354.

AF47355. Die Biene Haja. Best Geraany. 8 p. Appl. au: Cineoatograf ische Coamerz Anstalt. ZU130 Eizo-Apollo Film; 5Jan76; AF47355.

AF47356. Linda's pictures: a collection of photographs. Photos. £ Mords by J.inda BcCartney, revie»ed by Paul BcCactney. Great Biitain. 148 p. Appl. au: HPl communications, Ltd. O on compilation, editing, text C new prev. unpub. photos.; MPL communications, Ltd.; 270ct75; AF47356.


Escape into daylight. By Geoffrey


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