AP47282 - SP»7320
JUL-DEC. 1977
AFI»7282. The Countess of Pembroice's Arcadia. By Sir Philip Sidney, edited with an introd- 6 notes by Baurice Evans. Dnited Kinqdom. 869 p. on iotrod. & notes; Maurice Evans: 29Sep77: SP47282.
llFlt7283. Aspects of antiquity: discoveries and controversies. By M. I. Finley. 2nd ed. United Kinqdom. 216 p. S tl. I. Finley: 2UNOV77: AF1(7283.
AFt72B"t. Orlando furioso. Pt. 2. By Ludovico Ariosto, translated with an introd. by Barbara Seynolds. United Kinqdom. 7911 p. Add. ti: The Frenzy of Orlando. NH: translation, introd. S notes. Barbara Seynolds; 29Sep77: AF472ei.
AFt7285. Professinq poetry. By John Uaiu. United Kinqdom. 396 p. NM: all text by John Nain. John Hain; 17Nov77; AFU7285.
AF47286. The Rockinq horse secret. By Burner Godden, illustrated by Juliet Stanwell Smith. United Kinqdom. 87 p. NM: text. Ruser Godden; 2itNov77; SFU7286.
AFU7287. The Rockinq horse secret. By Burner Godden, illustrated by Juliet Stannell Smith. United Kinqdom. 87 p. on illus.: Juliet Stanwell Smith; 2«Nov77; AFIt7287.
AFIt7268. The Stranqe ride of Rudyard Kiplinq: his life and works. By Anqns Hilson. United Kinqdom. 370 p. NM: all text by Anqus Wilson. C Anqus Wilson; 7Nov77 ; AF't7288.
AP1(7289. Schoolhouse Mathematics 3. Illus- trators: Roy Condy, Tibor Kovalik, James Loates, Frank Miller, Don Morrison 6 Nancy Lou Seynolds. Canada. Kit. Appl. au: Ellen wernecke 6 Science Research Associates (Canada) Ltd. Science Research Associates (Canada) Ltd- ; 15Mav77; AFU7289.
AF47290. Schoolhouse word attacit 1C, By Muriel Clarke 6 Fleur Barsden. Canada. Kit. O Science Research Associates (Canada) Ltd.: 120ct77: AF'l7290.
AF117291. Notenbeispiele aus der Musikli teratur mit Kommentar. By gilhelm Maler. 3. Aufl. West Germany. 120 p. (Beitraq zur Durmolltonalen Harmonielehre, Bd. 2) F. E. C. Leuckart; 17JU175; AF1(7291.
AFlt7292. Lehrbuch. By Wilhelm Maler. 8. Aufl. Uest Germany. 95 p. (Beitraq zur Duraolitonalsn Harmonielehre, Bd. 1) O F. E. C. Leuckart; 27Mar75; &Fi(7292.
AF117293. In a dark wood. By Marina Warner. United Kinqdom. 250 p. 6 on all new text, compilation £ revisions; Marina Warner; 16Jun77; AF'47293.
AF117291(. Justus Lieblqs Annalen der Chemie. Bd. 566. Hrsq. von Heinrich wieland, Adolf Windaus S Richard Kuhn. West Germany. 2«<l p. Veriaq Chemie. G.M.B.H.; 3Sar50: AFU729it. (1962 print, deposited)
APM7295. Justus Liebiqs Annalen der Chenie. Bd. 569. Hrsq. von Heinrich Wieland. Adolf Bindaus 6 Richard Kuhn. West Germany. 216 p. Verlag Chemie, G.H.B.H.; 15Sep50; APit7295. (1962 print, deposited)
AFa7296. Justus Liebiqs Annalen der Chemie. Bd. 568. Hrsq. von Heinrich Wieland, Adolf windaus & Richard Kuhn. West Germany. 239 p. Verlag Chemie, G.M.B.H.; 3aJua50; AFit7296. (1962 print, deposited)
AFlt7297. Justus Liebiqs Annalen der Chenie. Bd. 567. Hrsq. von Heinrich wieland, Adolf Bindaus 6 Richard Kuhn. West Germany. 225 p'. Veriaq Chemie, G.tl.B.H.; 4Apr50; AFlt7297. (1961 print, deposited)
AFI47298. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq., Nr. 1. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Redaktion: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte, 83. Jahrq., p. 1-128) e Veriaq Chemie, G.H.B.H.; lOPebSO; AF1)7298. (1961 print, deposited)
AF147299. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq., Nr. 2. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Hedaktlon: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte, 83. Jahrq.. p- I-lXVIIl 6 129-212) e Verlag Chemie, G.M.B.H.; 20Apr50; AF'(7299. (1961 print, deposited)
AFU7300. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrg. , Nr. 3. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Sedaktion: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrg.. p. 213-316) Verlag Chemie, G.M.B.H. ; 17May50; SF47300. (1961 print. deposited)
AFI4 7301. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq., Nr. 1. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Redaktion: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq.. p. 317-411) Verlag Chemie. G.B.B.H.; 11JU150; AF17301. (1961 print, deposited)
AF17302. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq., Nr. 5. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Redaktion: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrg., p- 115-500) e Veriaq Chemie, G.M.B.H.; 30Auq50; AF17302. (1961 print. deposited)
AP17303. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq., Nr. 6. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Redaktion: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte, 83. Jahrg.. p. XIX-LXXVI 6 501-618) O Verlag Chemie. G.M.B.H.; llOctSO; AF17303. (1961 print, deposited)
AF17301. Tisch-PussDallspiel; Wuerfelspiel. West Germany. 1 p. Add. ti: lisch-Fubal- Ispiel. Appl. au: Harald Raden. Harald Raden; 10Oct77; AP17301.
AF17305. Huppertaler Medaillen. By Wolfgang Schulten, mit einem Anhang von Horst Kimpcl. West Germany. 261 p. a Numismatischer Verlag, P. N. Schulten; 7Nov77; AF17305. '
AF17306. Tommy Brayshaw: the ardent angler- artist. By Stanley E. Read, with a foreword by Lee straight G a tribute by Roderick L. Haig- Brown. Canada. 91 p. The University of British Columbia; 16NOV77; AF17306.
AF17307. Early Indian village churches; wooden frontier architecture in British Columbia. By John Veillette 6 Gary Nicholson white, commentaries by Harold Kalman, Robin Fisher 6 Warren Sommer. Canada. 195 p. O The University of British Columbia; 22NOV77; AF17307.
AF17308. Tenant of Chesdene Manor. By Alice Chetwynd Ley. England, 221 p. Alice Chetwynd Ley; 11Mar71; AF17308.
AF17309. A Transatlantic origin for the Zodiac? By vera Jane Gilbert. Brazil. 37 p. a Vera Jane Gilbert; 2Sep76; Afl7309.
AF17310. Tesouros artisticos de Portugal. Orientador 6 coordenador: Jose Antonio Ferreira De Almeida. Portugal. 667 p. Add. ti; Treasures of Portugal. Portuguese translation based on book pub. in Great Britain in 1969. Appl. au: Seleccocs do Reader's Digest (Portugal) S.A.E.L. NM: Portuguese translation. & Seleccoes do Header's Digest (Portugal) S.A.E.L. ; 17NOV76; AF17310.
AF17311. Simple thoughts for a lousy world from shortcut (a simple poet) Mexico. 20 p. Appl. au: Sergio Bihailide. O Sergio Mihailide; 150ct77; AF17311.
AF17312. The Linguistic atlas of Scotland. Scots section, vol. 2. Edited with an introd- by J. Y. Mather 6 H. H. Speitei, cartography by G. w. Leslie. Great Britain. 292 p. J. Y. Bather, H. H. Speitei C G. W. Leslie; 15Jul77; AP17312.
AF17313. The Observer's book of flags. By I. 0- EV(ins. United Kingdom. 191 p. NM: compilation, revision £ additional text. Frederick Warne and Company. Ltd.; 26Feb75; &F17313.
AF17311. Companion guide to Venice. By Hugh Honour. Great Britain. 287 p. e Hugh Honour; 9Aug65; AF17311. (Reprint copy, 2nd ed.. 1977, deposited.)
AF17315. Archives administration: a manual for intermediate and smaller organizations and for local government. By Michael Cook. England. 258 p. 6 Michael Cook; 27Sep77; AF17315.
AF17316. The British coalmining industry, 1870-1916: a political and economic history. By B. W. Kirby. Great Britain. 278 p. O B. ». Kirby; 5Dec77; AP17316.
AF17317. George Gissing: a biography. By Michael Collie. Great Britain. 189 p. C Michael Collie; 5Dec77; 4F17317.
AP17318. The Magic of honey- By Barbara Cartland. United Kingdom. 160 p. Barbara Cartland; 1Feb70; AF17318. (1972 reprint ed. . deposited)
AF17319. Lights of love. By Barbara BcCor- quodale. pseud, of Barbara Cartland. United Kingdo«i. Sheets (253 p.) O Barbara BcCorguodale. pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 23May58; AP17319. (Photocopy, deposited)
Blue heather. By Barbara Cartland.
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