1877003 - A877046
JUL-DEC. 1977
A877003. Bristol, CT, book of names, 1977-1978. Ite Southern NeB England Telephone Company: 6Jul77; 4877003.
4877004. Tucson, AZ» and surrounding communities, telephone directory, July 1977. The Hountaln states Telephone and Telegraph Company: 18Jul77; 4877004.
A877005. 4GAPE: adult grouth and personal effectiveness for parents. Developed by Doric Onder»ood (Dorothy Parker Dndervood) e Balph Lindley Dnderuood, Jr. 1 v. Appl. au; Barium Springs Home for Children. Dorie & Balph Dodemood £ Barium Springs Home for children: 16Jun77: A877005.
A877006. Downriver area, including the following communities, Allen Park, Brovnstown Township (part of), Ecorse. HI, and others, address telephone directory, 1977. nichigan Bell Telephone Company: 15Jun77; A87700e.
4877007. Dearborn and vicinity, including the following communities: Dearborn. Dearborn Heights, Inkster« HI, address telephone directory, 1977. C Michigan Bell Telephone Company; 15Jun77: A877007.
4877008. Grosse Pointes — Harper Hoods, including the following communities: Grosse Pointe, City of. Gross Pointe Farms, MX, address telephone directory, 1977. Q Michigan Bell Telephone Company; 15Jun77; 4877008.
4877009. A Legend for murder. By John S. Chiodo. 242 p. John S. Chiodo; 14Jul77: A877009.
A877010. 4 Comprehensive dictionary of gas chromatography; with cross-referenced synonyms. By Frank C. Dallos. 109 p. e Frank C. Dallos; 11Jul77; 4877010.
4877011. 1*11 soon be an expert on cats! By Phyllis Cooley, illustrated by Cindy iilson lithers. 76 p. Phyllis Cooley: 11JU177; 4877011.
4877012. Pen pictures. By L. 8. Owens. 95 p. e L. 8. Owens: 1IIJU177; A877012.
4877013. Golftigue; a price guide to old golf clubs G other golf memorabilia. Edited & compiled by L. H. fientham. 50 p. 6 L. N. Bentham; 11JU177; A877013.
A877014. Memories. By J. Alex Munro. 62 p. e J. Alex Munro; 1tJul77: 4S77014.
4877015. 4n Index of reviews of New Testament books between 1900-1950. By Uatson E. Mills. 69 p. (Perspectives in religious studies, 1977. Special studies series no. 2) 6 45sociation of Baptist Professors of Beligion; 1<Uul77: 4877015.
4877016. Pocketbook of pediatric antimicrobial therapy. By John D. Nelson. 2nd ed.« 1977-197 8. 66 p. 6 John D. Nelson; 6Jun77: 487 7016.
A877017. The Kings of Sorld Har Two; an interpretation of the King James version of the Bible, chap. 7 of Daniel, books of Bevelation. By B. C. Lahneer, pseud, of Beinhold Christ Zacher. 73 p. B. C. Zacher: 20Jul77; A877017.
A877018. Vermont country cookery. Edited by Charles 0. Ertle 6 Donald Boyce Boll, illus. by Marion Ertle. 48 p. e The Cider Barrel Press; 23Jun77; 4877018.
4877019. Op to $10,000 may be waiting for youl In Bome, in Hawaii or in Paris. 95 p. 4ppl. au: Boy Hedberg. NM; additions, revisions 6 recompilation. C Sunset House; 27Jun77; 4877019.
4877020. Hin $50,000, have the vacation of a lifetime every year for 10 years! Ill p. 4ppl. au: Boy Hedberg. NM: additions, revisions & recompilation. C Sunset House; 18May77; 4877020.
4877021. you may have J10,000 hidden in your magic nest egg! Ill p. Appl. au: Boy Hedberg. NM: additions, revisions £ recompilation. Q Sunset House; 184pr77; 4877021.
4877022. Tour of 4ustria: a comprehensive travel guide 8 a reference book of travel publications. 97 p. Appl. au: Jan Orosz. e Jan orosz; 15Jul77; A877022.
A877023. Is small business for you? By Alan Bosenberg. 28 p. 6 Alan Bosenberg: 15JU177; 4877023.
4877024. Hen against rape: what you should know. 1 V. Appl. au: Carolyn K. Hickenkamp & Diane K. Bausch. 6 Carolyn K. Hickenkamp & Diane K. Bausch; 20Jul77; 4877024.
4877025. "Lucky for you" sweepstakes. 95 p. 4ppl. au: Boy Hedberg. NM: additions, revisions 8 recompilation. 6 Sunset House: 20Jun77: 4877025.
A877026 Daily Lottery Besalts, Inc. 1 v. Add. ti: Beat the numbers. Appl. au: Murray A. Davis. NM: compilation & additions. e Murray A. Davis; 14Jul77; 4877026.
4877027. Popcorn and peanuts. Peanuts and popcorn. By Julianne Lemon, illustrated by Mike Nelson. 1 v. 4dd. ti: Pop- corn/peanuts; Peanuts/popcorn. Q Nitty Gritty Productions; 29Apr77; 4877027.
4877028. Tips on moving to another country; including your personal inventory of household effects. 1 v. Four Hinds Enterprises, Inc.; 13Jul77; 4877028.
4877029. Behavioral instruction: an evaluative review. By Kent B. Johnson & Bobert S. Buskin. 182 p. 6 4merican Psychological 4ssociation; 7Jul77; 4877029.
4877030. Selected poems. By Jack E. Simpson. 1 V. 4dd. ti: Svatasslddba. 6 Jack £. Simpson (in notice: Jak Simpson) ; 18JU177: A877030.
A877031. Hord and witness; understanding the Bible 1. Jy Foster B. McCurley, Jr. E John Beumann, edited by James L. Barkenguast. 199 p. Appl. au: Division for Parish Services* LCA. O Division for Parish Services, Lutheran Church in America; 1Jun77; 4877031.
4877032. Proceedings of the Texas Conference on Performatives, Presuppositions, and Implicatures. Edited by 4ndy Bogers, Bob Hall e John P. Murphy. 170 p. Conference held at the University of Texas at 4ustln, Mar. 22-24, 1973. Center for 4pplied Linguistics; 27Jun77; 4877032.
4877033. The Legend of John Stink; or. Bearing Thunder, "child of nature." 4uthor: Kenneth Jacob Jump, illus. by Pauline 411red. 24 p. e Kenneth Jacob Jump; 20JU177; 4877033.
4877034. Facts about obstetrical services. Folder. 6 Saint Anthony Medical Center; 23Jun77; A877034.
A877035. Your car could be stolen this year! Folder. O National Automobile Theft Bureau; 1Jul77; 4877035.
4877036. Home security checklist. Folder. 6 North Suburban 4ssociation for Health Besources (in notice: North Suburban 4ssociation for Health Besources, Security Services Division) ; 1Jul77; 4877036.
4877037. De Haen drugs in combination, cards 264-2/1. 8 cards, e Paul De Haen, Inc.; 6Jun77; A877037.
A877 038. De Haen drugs in combination, cards 539-542. 4 cards. @ Paul De Haen, Inc.; 17Jun77; A877038.
A877039. About probation in New York City. Prepared by Kathryn Haapala & Diana B. Gordon. 59 p. Appl. au: Citizens* Inquiry on Parole and Criminal Justice, Inc. 6 Citizens' Inquiry on Parole and Criminal Justice, Inc. ; 27Jun77 (in notice: 1976J ; 4877039.
4877040. The Selling of sheet music; music print keystone of the music industry. By Fred U. Gagner. 7 p. 6 The Great Hestern Music Press Corporation; 11Jul77; 4877040.
4877041. The Bragg SPL converter. 4 p. 4ppl. au: Vernon C. Bragg. V. C. Bragg; 1Jun77; 4877041.
4877042. Connecticut 1978 — weekly engagement calendar. Photography £ design: Mary Lou Estabrook. 1 v. in box. 6 The Lakeville Journal, Inc.; 20Jun77; 4877042.
4877043. CVBA — cardiovascular risk analysis. Folder. G Life Extension Institute; 8JU177; 4877043.
A877044. Hot stuf*. No. 4, spring 1977. Editor: Sal f^uartuccio. 1 v. Q Sal Quartuccio; 6May77; 4877044.
4877045. Eloptic medical directory. By T. Galen Hieronymus. 212 p. O I. Galen Hie- ronymus; 1Jul77; 4877045.
A877046. Chloride corrosion of steel in concrete; a symposium presented at the seventy-ninth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, IL, 27 June-2 July 1976. Editors: D. E. Tonini £ S. H. Dean, Jr. 185 p. Appl. au:
American Society for Testing and
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