JUL-DEC. 1977
AFU7164 (con.) speciali) e IBB Itali AFlt7164. S.P.i.; 2Hay77;
1PH7165. SI-GE.CO. sistema qesf.ione concate- na»en*i sisteoa/3 (5788 GBH) quida operativa. Italy. 13* p. (Proqraumi speciali) O IBB Italia, S.P.».: 2Bay77: »FI47165.
AFlt7166. DateabaDk £uer Online- Beschaffunq; LizenzproqcaBm Systemhandbuch Pr oqram-llr. 5788-DKB. 2. iusq. France. 68 p. (Spezielles SnwendunqsproqramB SAP) O IBB Deutschland, G.fl.B.H.; 100ct77: AFlt7166.
AFlt7167. Datenerfassunq und Kontrolle nit den KOBBUni)tationssysteii IBB 3600; Lizen- zproqramn proqra«ti-/Bedienerhandbuch ProgcaiJlD-Ni:. 5788-DLE. France. 58 p. (Spezielles Anxendunqsproqraniii SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.: 25Suq77; APlt7167.
AFini68. Datenerfassunq und Kontrolle mit den Koamunikationssysteii IBB 3600; Lizen- zproqraDn Systemhandbuch Proqraan-hr. 5788-DLE. France. 131 p. (Spezielles An»endunqsproqraliBi SAP) IBB Deut- schland. G.H.B.H.: 25Auq77; AF'l71b8.
AFU7169. Datenbank fuer Online- Beschaffunq; LizenzproqraBn ProqramB-/Bedienerhandbuch ProqraBB-Ur. 5788-DKB. France. 258 p. (Spezielles AnvendunqsproqraBB SAP) e IBB Deutschland. G.B.B.H.: 10Oct77: AF117169.
AF'47170. IBB svsteB/370 interactive financial systeu 3 proqrai reference and operations Banual; proqraB no. 57H6-F51 (DOS/VS) Denitar)!. 89 p. (ProqraB product) Appl. au- IBB GerBany. C International Business Bachines Corporation: 270ct77; AFI47170.
AF117171. COBBunications architecture, systeB definition, data processinq quide. DenBarJt. 80 p. Appl. au: IBB Germany. International Business Bachines Corporation: 1»0ct77: AF47 171.
iFll7172. IBB svsteB/370 interactive financial system u proqraB reference and operations manual: proqram no. 57K6-F55 (DOS/VS) Denmark. 86 p. (Proqram product) Appl. a»: IBB Germany. 6 International Business Bachines Corporation: 2?Oct77: AFt7172.
AP47173. Time-consistent busy-hour analysis proqram AF operatinq quide. Denmar)l. 1 V. (3750 svitchinq system) Appl. au: IBB France. C International Business Bachines Corporation: 270ct77: AF47173.
AF47174. IBB S7stem/370 interactive financial system 1-U proqram nessaqes; proqram no. 57(t6-F52 (IPS 1 DOS/VS) 6 others. 2nd ed. Denmark. 10 5 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au- IBB Germany. C International Business Bachines Corporation: 270ct77: AF47174.
AF47175. SBA-Oeberqanqshilfe; Lizenzproqraam Systemhandbuch Proqramm- Nr. 5788-DLY. France. 51 p. (Spezielles Anwendun- qsproqramm SSP) IBB Deutschland, G.M.B.H.: 310ct77: AFU7175.
AF^7176. IBB systeB/370 interactive financial system 2 proqram reference and operations manual: proqram no. 5746-F53 (DOS/VS) Denmark. 7« p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBB Germany. C International Business Bachines Corporation; 270ct77; AF17176,
AF07177. CICS/vs and complementary products custoner inforoation control systei- /virtual storaqe. Denmark. 28 p. 6 sheets («0 p.) Appl. au: IBB France, e International Business Bachines Corporation a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation); 2No"77; AFit7177.
AF"t7178. SNA-Oeberqanqshilfe; LizenzproqramB Proqramm-/Bedienerhandbuch Proqramm- Nr. 5788-DLY. France. 69 p. (Spezielles AnnendunqsproqraBB SAP) IBB Deut' schland. G.B.B.H. ; 310ct77: AF«7178.
AF"t7179. IBB systeB/370 interactive financial svstem l-H application user's quide; proqram no. 5746-P52 (IFS 1 DOS/VS) S others. Denmark. 197 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBB Germany. O International Business Bachines Corporation: 270ct77; AFH7179.
4F117180. IBB system/370 project analysis and control system (PROJACS) qeneral information: proqram no. 57it6-XP1 (DOS/VS) 57itO-XP1 (OS/VS) 3rd ed. Denmark. 58 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBB France. O International Business Bachines Corporation; 140ct77; AFt7ieO.
AFa7181. TCSS-CICS-Vertraeqlichkeit; Lizen- zproqramB Systemhandbuch Proqramo-Nr. 5788-DJC. France. 2't p. (Spezielles Anvendunqsproqramm SAP) IBB Deut- schland. G.B.B.H.; 310ct77; AFU7181.
AF«7102. TCSS-CICS-Vertraeqlichkeit; Lizen- zproqramB ProqramB-/Bedienerhandbuch Proqramm-Hr. 5788-DJC. France. 15 p. (Spezielles Annendunqsprogramm SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 310ct77: AFlt7182.
AF«7ie3. DITTO/3790, description de 1 'application et quide de 1' utilisateur : proqraBBe special no 5788-ABG. France. 58 p. (ProqraBBes speciaux) NB: editorial revision. O Compaqnie IBB France; 7KOV77; AFU7183.
AF«718ll. CICS/VS and complementary products customer information control system- /virtual storaqe. Denmark. 28 p. 6 40 transparencies in box. Appl. au: IBB France. International Business Bachines corporation a.d.: IBB corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 2Nov77; AF<t718it.
AF47185. Online- Bar ene in qanqssteuerunq; Lizenzproqramm Systemhandbuch Proqraam-Nr. 5788-DJQ. France. 2»0 p. (Spezielles An«endunqsproqraam SAP) 6 IBB Deut- schland, G.B.B.H.; 100ct77; AP47185.
AF47186. Online- Bareneinqanqssteuerunq; LizenzproqramB PioqraBa-/Bedienerhandbuch Proqramm-Nr. 5788-DJQ. France. lUU p. (Spezielles Aniiendunqsproqramm SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 100ct77; AF47186.
AFlt7187. Lohn-und Gehaltsabrechnunq fuer die Industrie (LGI) mit dem IBB System/3; LizenzproqramB PrograBB-/Bedienerhandbuch ProqraBB-Nr. 5788-DCE. 2. Ausq. Sest GerBany. 261 p. (Spezielles Anven- dunqsproqraBB SAP) « IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 30Jun75; AFU7187.
AF«7ie8. IBB teachware 0S/VS1 Systea-Konsol- Bedienunq; Lizenzproqramm Proqramm- /Bedienerhandbuch Progtamm-Nr. 5788-DEJ. 2. Ausq., Oct. 1975. Best Germany. 103 p. (Spezielles AnwendunqsproqraBB SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 22Bar7b; AF'l7 108.
AF47189. IBB SvsteB/32 Bediener-Handbuch Anqebots-Kalkulation (5797-NLZ) Best Geraany. 163 p. C IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 27Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AF47189.
AF47190. 5786-GAE. Italy. Printout. Appl. att: IBB Italia, S.P.A. SPEDASS; 30Jun77; AF47190.
AF47191. 5788-DLY. France. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 310ct77; AF47191.
AF47192. 5788-DJC. France. Printout. O IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 310ct77; AF47192.
AF47193. 5788-ABG. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB France. 6 IBB Corporation; 7Nov77 (in notice: 1976); AFH7193.
AF4719I4. Love is contraband. By Barbara Cartland. Dnited Kingdoa. 191 p. © Barbara cartland; 18Bar68; AFU719it.
AFU7195. Bessenger of love. By Barbara Cartland. Dnited Kingdoa. 192 p. O Barbara cartland; 2*Jul61; AFit7195.
AF47196. Love under fire. By Barbara cartland. Onited Kingdom. 190 p. Barbara cartland; 5Dec60; AF17196.
AFt7197. The Onknovn heart. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Klnqdom. 215 p. C Barbara Cartland; 2Jun69; AFH7197.
AF<t7198. The Kings of love. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 191 p. Barbara Cartland; 9Apr62; AF<t7198.
AFU7199. A Light to the heart. By Barbara BcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 191 p. Barbara BcCorquodale (pseud, of Barbara Cartland) ; 1Bay62; AFit7199.
APU7200. Love on the run. By Barbara BcCor- quodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 191 p. C Barbara BcCorquodale (psend. of Barbara Cartland) ; 1Jun65; AF17200.
AFII7201. The Enchanting evil. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 183 p. e Barbara Cartland: 9Sep6e; AF47201.
AFU720 2. Betternich: the passionate diploBat. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 159 p. O Barbara cartland; «Aug6«; AF«7202.
AF47203. The Beluctant bride. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 222 p. Barbara Cartland; 120ct70; AF47203.
AF47204. The Secret fear. By Barbara cartland. Onited Kingdom. 205 p. C Barbara
Cartland; 16Feb70; AP47204.
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