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AF47006 - AP1 70145


JUL-DEC. 1977

AF47005 (con.) AlTacez, translated fco« the Spanish by J. i. Lalaquna. Onited Klnqdoi. 220 p. NH: translation. 6 Thaaes and Badson. Ltd.; 26Jan76 (in notice: 1975>: Apil7005.

AF47006. The Tounq Hazarin. By Georqes Dethan, translated froii the French by Stanley Baron. United Kinqdoi. 199 p. Translation o£ Hazarin et ses axis. on translation; Thaaes and Hudson* Ltd.; 2«lct77: AF47006.

AF47007. Psycholoqy of the house. By Oliver Hare, translated froa the French by Jessie icod. United Kinqdoa. 14i| p. Translation of Psychanalyse de la aaisou. on Enqlish translation; Thaaes and Hudson, Ltd.; 29Auq77; AF47007.

AF47008. The Uars of the Boses; a concise history. By Charles Boss. United Kinqdoa. 190 p. C Charles Boss; 21Jun76: ipii700B.

AP«7009. The Cult of Elizabeth: Elizabethan portraiture and paqeantry. By Soy Stronq. United Kinqdoa. 227 p. 6 Boy Stronq: 19Sep77; AFa7009.

AF17010. Braaante. By Arnaldo Bruschi, foreword by Peter Hurray, translator: Isabel Quiqley. United Kinqdoa. 206 p. KB: translation. Thaaes and Hudson, Ltd.; 29Auq77; AFa7010.

AFlt7011. Creation ayths: aan*s introduction to the world. By David Haclaqan. United Kinqdoa. 96 p. (Art and iaaqination) O David Haclaqan; 26Sep77; AF'17011.

AP47012. Spies and spyaasters; a concise history of intelliqence. By Jock Haswell (C. J. D. Baswelll United Kinqdoa. 176 p. Jock Haswell (in notice: c. J. D. Haswell) : 2Hay77; AF<t7012.

AFU7013. Diaqraa: the instruaent of thouqht. By Keith Albarn e Jenny Hiall-Saith. United Kinqdoa. 144 p. C Keith Albarn C Jenny Hiall-Saith; 26Sep77; AF<t7013.

AF'17014. The Roaen painters of Hithila. By Yves Tequaud. translated froa the French by Georqe Bobinson, photos, in the introd.' by Edouard Boubat. United Kinqdoa. 112 p. Translation of L*Art du Hithila. MH: translation. Thaaes and Hudson, Ltd.; 2l»Oct77: AF«701».

AF47015. Subtle body: essence and shadow. By David V. Tansley. Onited Kinqdoa. 96 p. (Art and iaaqination) C David V. Tansley; 18Apr77; AF'(7015.

AF<i7ai6. Zen ic the art of helpinq. By David Brandon. Bnqland. 124 p. David Brandon: 16Dec76; AF47016.

AP47017. The Gasliqht boy. By Hichael 6 Hollie Rardwick. Enqland. 191 p. A novel based on Yorkshire television's series, Dickens of London. C Hichael £ Hillie flardwick (in notice: Hichael £ Hollie Hardwick) ; 23HOV76; AF47017.

AF4701B. Path to the silent country: Charlotte Bronte* s years of faae. By Lynne Beid Banks. Enqland. 208 p. A sequel to Dark quartet. Lynne Eeid Banks; 'tAuq77; AF47018.

AF47019. Alice i Underlandet. »v Lewis Carroll, pseud, of Charles Lutwidqe Dodqson, i oeversaettninq av Ake Bunnquist. aed illustrationer av Tove Jansson. Sweden- Ill p. Appl. au: Albert Bonniers Forlaq, A.B., eaployer for hire. O Albert Bonniers Forlaq, A.B.; 1iK)ct66: AF47019.

AF47020. The Nureyev Valentino: portrait of a fila. By Alexander Bland. Enqland. 124 p. »H: text 6 coapilation of photos. O Alexander Bland; 213ep77; AF47020.

AF47021. Hitchrock. By Bill Knox. Enqland. 183 p. Bill Knox; 1'mov77; AF47021.

AF47022. Everyday life of the Haya. By Balph (hitlock, drawinqs by Eva Bilsoo. Enqland. 173 p. Appl. au: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., eaployer for hire of Eva Hilson. O on text; Balph Hhitlock; 10ct76; AF47022.

AF47023. Everyday life of the Haya. By Balph Hhitlock, drawinqs by Eva Silson. Enqland. 173 p. Appl. au: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., eaployer for hire of Eva Hilson. O on illus., drawinqs £ coapilation of other illus. ; B. T. Batsford, Ltd.; 10ct76; AF47023.

AF47024. Everyday life in the Boaan Eapire. By Joan Liversidqe, drawinqs by Eva Rilson. Enqland. 239 p. on text; Joan Liversidqe; 1Hov76; AF47024.

AF47025. Everyday life in the Boaan Eapire. By Joan Liversidqe, drawings by Eva iilson- Enqland. 239 p. Appl. au: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., eaployer for hire of Eva Hilson. e on drawinqs; B. T. Batsford, Ltd.; 1IIOV76: AF47025.

AF47026. Jean Pierre Baynaud. By Eaay De Hartelaere. Belqiua. 1 v. French. NH: new text, illus. £ coapilation of illus. O E.H.A. a.a.d.o. Editions et Bultiples d'Art; 30Hay75; AF47026.

AF47027. Ethics: inventinq riqht and wronq. By J. L. Hackie. Onited Kinqdoa. 249 p. O J. L. Hackie; 25Auq77; AF47027.

AF47028. 5786-ABC. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBH France. O IBH Corporation; 100ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF47028.

AF47029. Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnunq ait dea IBH SysteB/3 ; Lizenzprograaa-ZSysteahandbuch. Proqraaa Hr. 578B-DLD. Hest Geraany. Sheets (145 p.) IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H. ; 15JU177; AF47029.

AF47030. IBM Systea/? TP-Bonitor Koaaunikations- Steuerproqraaa fuer IBH Systea/7; Li zenz proqraaa Proqraaa-ZBedienerhandbuch. Proqraaa Hr. 5797-ADH. Hest Geraany. 1 V. (Branchen-Auwendunqsproqraaa BAP) e IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 15Jun76; AF47030.

AF47031. IBH SyEtea/7 TP-Honitor Koaaunikations- Steuerproqraaa fuer IBB SysteB/7; Lizenzproqiaaa Systeahandbuch. Proqraaa Hr. 5797-ADH. Hest Geraany. 1 v. (Branchen-Anwendunqsproqraaa BAP) IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.B.; 15Jun76; AF47C31.

AF47032. 5788-DKB. France. Printout. O IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 100ct77 (in notice: 1976); AF47032.

AF47033. 5797-NIF. Hest Geraany. Printout. Add. ti: 5725-F12. IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 30JU177; AF47033.

AF47034. 5797-NNA. Best Geraany. Printout. IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 15Dec76; AF47034.

AF47035. Bethodes alqebriques dans la theorie qlobale des espaccs coaplexes. Vol. 1-2. By C. Banica fi o. stanasila, pref. de Henri Caltan, ed. francaise de J.-L. Verley. France. Translation of Hetode algebrice in teoria globala a spatiilor coaplexe. NB: translation, e Bordas; 30Bar77; AF47035.

AF47036. Laay transport: aarchandises dange- reuses. Par Yves De Boutray £ J. C. Cordier. 3. ed. France. 478 p. Add. ti: Harchandises danqereuses — Laay transport, 1977. Laay, S.A.; 30Jun77; AF47036.

AF47037. Dictionnaire encyclopedigue Quillet. France. 10 v. Appl. au: Jean Bocaut, Christian Bocaut fi Guy Bocaut. O Librairie Aristide Quillet; 30Sep77; AF47037.

AF47038. Estrangeaent, alienation and exploi- tation: a sociological approach to historical aaterialisa. By John Torrance. England. 374 p. C John Torrance; 270ct77; AF47038.

AF47Q39. The Battle of the Atlantic. By John costello £ Terry Hughes. England. 314 p. NH: text 6 coapilation of photos. Terry Hughes £ John Costello; 30Sep77; AF47039.

AF47040. Burders anonyaous. By Elizabeth Ferrars. pseud, of B. D. Brown. England. 195 p. O H. D. Brown; 28Hov77; AF47040.

AF47041. ordinary Jack. By Helen Cressweli (Helen Cressweli Bowe) , illustrated by Jill Bennett. England. 191 p. O on text; Helen Cressweli, pseud, of Helen Cressweli Bowe; 30ct77; AF4704 1.

AF47042. Ordinary Jack. By Helen Cressweli (Helen Cressweli Bowe) , illustrated by Jill Bennett. Enqland. 191 p. O on illus.; Faber and Faber; 30ct77; AF47042.

AF47043. Dickens of London. By Holf Hankowitz. England. 252 p. HH: text £ coapilation 3f illus. Heidenfeld and Nicolson; 9Sep76; AF47043.

AF47044. Soccer. By Georges Schwartz, photos.: Daniel Fontigny, illus.: Joan Affleck. Canada. 144 p. Adapted froa Le Soccer. NH: translation 6 adaptation of text. O Collier Hacaillan Canada, Ltd. ; 130ct76; AF47044.


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