JUL-DEC. 1977
AFtessi. Hodern Uuuqarian poetry. Edited t vith an introd. by Hiklos Va1da. forenord by llilliaui Jay Smith. Hungary. 286 p. NH: foreword* introd., bioqcaphicai notes 6 index. O Hiklos »a1da; 30aaT77; Apaeasi.
SPl(6852. FroD viiiaqe to eapire; an introd. to Near Eastern archaeology. By Charles Burney. Great Britain. 224 p. Phaidon Press. Ltd.; 18Auq77; »Fa6852.
AFte8S3. splendid lives. Stories by Penelope Gilliatt. England. 117 p. Host stories prey, appeared in Net* Yorker £ others. MH: additional text e coapilation. O Penelope Gilliatt; 25Jul77: AP46853.
AP«6B5a. The Duchess o£ Duke Street entertains. Edited by Michael Siith, line dranings by Kate Sinunek £ Nicholas Price. England. 255 p. Based on the television series The Duchess o£ Duke Street created 6 produced by John Hawkesnorth. Appl. au: Egret Productions, Ltd., employer for hire. NH: teit. Hichael Smith £ Egret Produc- tions, Ltd.; 19Sep77; AFieSSU.
AP16855. The Duchess of Duke Street entertains. Edited by Hichael Smith, line dranings by Kate Simunek £ Nicholas Price. England. 255 p. Based on the television series The Duchess of Duke Street created fi produced by John Hankesworth. Appl. au: H. H. Allen and Company, Ltd., employer for hire. on line dranings; ». H. Allen and Company, Ltd.; 19Sep77; AFUeBSS. AFU6856.
The Duchess of Duke street entertains. Edited by Hichael Smith, line dranings by Kate simunek E Nicholas price. England. 255 p. Based on the television series The Duchess of Duke Street created £ produced by John HavkesBOrth. Appl. au: Hichael Smith, employer for hire. O on illus. on p. 139, 172, C 201: Hichael Smith; 19Sep77: AF«685b.
APU6857. The pive-minute marriage. By Joan Aiken. England. 264 p. Joan Aiken Enterprises. Ltd.; 270ct77; AF46857.
Aru6R5a. T.G. and Hoonie move out of tovn. Story told by Fay Haschler, illustrated by Sylvic Selig. England. 1 v. O on text; Fay Haschler; 15Sep77; AF46858.
AP46859. T.G. and Hoonie move out of town. Story told by Fay Haschler, illustrated by Sylvie Selig. England. 1 v. on illus.; Sylvie Selig; 15Sep77; AF46859.
AF46860. The Tali stones. By Hoyra Caldecott. England. 234 p. C Boyra Caldecott: 21Apr77; AP46860.
AF46861. La Voie Jackson; roman. By Gerard Herzoq. France. 304 p. Librairie Arthaud; 21Jun76; AF46861.
AF46862. Idle Jack. Retold £ illustrated by Antony Haitland. Britain. 1 v. Antony Maitland; 25Aug77: AF46862.
AF46863. The Widower's son. By Alan Sillitoe. Great Britain. 288 p. Alan Sillitoe; 22NOV76; «P46863.
Continental Europe, 1850-1914. By Alan S. Hilward £ S. B. Saul. Great Britain. 555 p. O George Allen and Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.; 28Sep77; AF46864.
AF46865. Conflict through consensus; Onited Nations approaches to aggression. By Julius stone. Australia. 234 p. O Julius Stone; 27Sep77; »F4b865.
AF46866. Langenscheidts Grosses Schulwoerterbuch Englisch-Deutsch. Von Heinz Hessinger £ Uerner Buedenberq. Best Germany. 1439 p. Add. ti; Englisch-Deutsch Langenscheidts Grosses Schul'joer terbuch. NH: additions. Lanqenscheidt, K.G., Verlagsbuchhandlung (in notice: Langeascheidt , K.G.); 18Apr77; AP46866.
AF46867. Langenscheidts Grosses Schulwoerterbuch Deutsch-Engiisch. Von Heini Hessinger. nest Germany. 1328 p. Add. ti: Deutsch-Engiisch Langenscheidts Grosses Schulwoerterbuch. NH: revisions E additions. O Langenscheidt, K.G., Veriagsbuchhandlung (in notice: Langenscheidt, K.G.); 18Apr77; AF46867.
AP46868. Titles of English books (and of foreign books printed in England) ; an alphabetical findiug-list by title of books pub. under the author's name, pseud, or initials. Vol. 2: 1641-1700. By Antony Francis Allison £ Valentine Peroande Goldsmith. Great Britain. 3 18 p. O Hilliam Dawson and Sons, Ltd.; 10Aug77; AF46868.
AP46869. Sport-Billys Lustige Abenteuer in Aller Belt. Bd. 1. Best Germany. 48 p. a Sport-Billy Verwertungsgesellschaft; 30JU177; AF46869.
AP46870. Hark! hark! the dogs do bark and other rhymes about dogs. Chosen by Lenore Blegvad, illustrated by Erik Bleqvad. Great Britain. 1 v. Portions prev. pub. in The Hogarth book of Scottish nursery rhymes £ others. on illus.; Erik Blegvad: 30Oct75: AF46870.
AF46871. An Illustrated encyclopedia of mysticism and the mystery religions. By John Ferguson. Great Britain. 228 p. O Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 3Hay76; AF46871.
AFU6872. Le Chevalier, la mort et le diable. By Jean Cau. France. 173 p. O Editions de la Table Sonde; 30Har77; AF46872.
AF46873. Autreaent, ailleurs. 11 serigraphies originales a la gouache de Sobert Viel, poemes de Catherine Bihoit. France. Portfolio in box. e aobert viel fi Catherine Bihoit; 29Jul77; AF46873.
AF46874. Vieai pressoirs sans frontieres. By lavier Humbel, pref. de Bene Engel, illus de Jacqueline Le Page. France. 269 p. NH: new text, illus. £ compilation, e Librairie Guenegaud; 30Dec76; AF46874.
AF46875. Les Celtes. By Paul-Marie Duval. Prance. 324 p. Appl. au: Andre Halraux £ Andre Parnot. NH: new text 6 compilation of text £ illus. O Editions Gallimard; 30Bar77; AF46875.
AF46876. 30 bois graves pour illustrer 30 poemes des Fleurs du mal de Baudelaire. By Fraus
AF46877. Hilton and the English revolution. By Christopher Hill. Onited Kingdom. 541 p. NH: all text by Christopher Hill. Christopher Hill; 30ct77; AF46877.
AF46878. Fair as china dishes: English delftware from the collection of 8rs. Harion Horgau and Brian Horgan. Introd. by Hichael Archer, catalogue by Brian Horgan. England. 128 p. O The International Exhibitions Foundation; 10Nov77; AF46878.
AF46B79. Super power embouchure. By Alexander Albert Adam. Canada. 44 p. Alexander Albert Adam; 21Sep77; AF46879.
AF46880. Creation, Christ and culture; studies in honour of T. F. Torrance. Edited by Richard B. A. HcKinney. Onited Kingdom. 321 p. T. and T. Clark, Ltd.; 24Hay76; AF468B0.
AF46881. The Bisdom of the Spanish mystics. Compiled by Stephen Clissold. England. 88 p. NH: introd., compilation £ translations. O Stephen Clissold; 26Hay77; AF46881.
AF468e2. The Bisdom of the early Buddhists. Compiled by Geoffrey Parrinder. England. 87 p. NH: introd. £ compilation. O Geoffrey Parrinder; 24Har77; AF46882.
AF46383. Septimus and the stone of offering. By Stephen Chance, pseud, pf Philip Turner. Eqgland. 158 p. C Stephen Chance; 21NOV7&; AF46a83.
AF46884. Time tangle. By Frances Eagar. England. 125 p. Frances Eagar; 25flar76; AF46884.
Ar46885. Liddell Hart: a study of his military thought. By Brian Bond. Great Britain. 289 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 8, including a revised version of chap. 9. Chap. 9 prev. pub. in condensed version in e.U.S. I. journal, June 1976 £ chap. 8 prev. pub. in Hilitary affairs, Feb. 1977. Brian Bond; 25Aug77; AF46885.
AF468e6. Karl Barth: his life from letters and autobiographical texts. By Eberhard Busch, translated by Joha Bowden. England. 569 p. Translation of Karl Earths Lebenslauf, nach seinen Briefen und autobiographischen Texten, 2nd rev. ed. , 1976. NH: translation. SCH Press, Ltd. £ Fortress Press; 28Dec76; AF46886.
AF46887. Numbers of life. By Hark Gruner £ Christopher Keith Brown. Australia. 120 p. Add. ti: Hark Gruner's Numbers of life. Christopher Keith Brown fi Hark Gruner; 19Sep77; AF46887.
AF46888. Flow of fluids through valves, fittings, and pipe. Technical paper no. 4 10. By the Engineering Division, Crane Company. Onited Kingdom. 1 v. Appl. au: Crane, Ltd. NH: editorial revisions. 6 Crane company; 16Hay77 (in notice: 1976); AF46888.
AF46889. Reader's digest handboek praktisch
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