AFHeaiO - AFlt6850
JUL-DEC. 1977
4FII6810. 578B-DIP. Sest Gemany. Printout. IBH Deutschland, G.n.B.H.; 1SJun77: 4Flt6810.
AFteSII. 5788-DLR. West Geraany. Printout. e IBH Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15Jun77; AF1I6811.
iPlt6812. 5788-DLD. Hest Germany. Printout, e IBH Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15JU177; 6F46812.
AFII6813. Psalms for worship; Psalms 73-150. By E. a. Blaiklock. Great Britain. lUM p. (Commentary on the Psalms, vol. 2) e Scripture Onion; 1Jul77; ftFtSBIB.
AP4681lt. Psalms for livinq: Psalms 1-72. By E. a. Blaiklock. Great Britain. 156 p. (Commentary on the Psalms, vol. 1) e Scripture Onion; 1Jul77; JFUeaiU.
4F116815. Blitzkrieg of bombs — then the final shoot-out. By John Ellison & Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) 4dapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, Har. 28, 1977, p. 18-19) e Jillian Becker; 28Mar77; 4Flt6815.
4F46816. When the myth of Heinhof's murder forged an international brotherhood of assassins. By John Ellison 6 Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, Har. 29, 1977, p. 16-17) e Jillian Becker; 29[lar77; 4Ft6816.
AF46817. The Clash; mother love or revolutionary zeal? By John Ellison 6 Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, ilar. 25, 1977, p. 19-21) Jillian Becker; 25Bar77; AF116817.
AF46818. The Crazy gang «ho murdered for a cure. By John Ellison S Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, Har. 26, 1977, p. 17, etc.) e Jillian Becker; 26Har77: AFa6818.
AFH6819. To blazes nith pigs! »hen the guerrillas lit their flame of revolt. By John Ellison 6 Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike: the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, Har. 2t, 1977, p. 19-21) e Jillian Becker; 2itHar77; 4Fit6819.
4F46820. The First "martyr" dies--and everything changes. By John Ellison B Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, Har. 23, 1977, p. 19-21) e Jillian Becker: 23Mar77; AFU6820.
AF1I6821. Hurder in an embassy under siege. By John Ellison & Geoffrey l^evy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express. London, Har. 21, 1977, p. 17-20) Jillian Becker; 21aar77; 4Fi(6821.
AFU6822. The Frustrated love that turned to hate: orphaned then deserted, she sought vengeance. By John Ellison 6 Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jilliaji Becker. (In Daily express, London, Mar. 22, 1977, p. 17-19) e Jillian Becker; 22Har77: 4Flt6822.
4F«6823. Colliers Sou. By Jan Webster. Great Britain. 276 p. S Jan Webster; 1itaar77; 4F46823.
4Fl(682lt. 4nnerton Pit. By Peter DickinsoD. England. 175 p. Peter Dickinson; 2<)Mar77; AFU6824.
AfH6825. Kith. By P. H. Neirby. England. 12U p. © P. H. Neiiby; ilApr77; AF'(6825.
AF46826. The Adventures of God in his search for the black girl. By Brigid Brophy. England. 223 p. Portions prev. pub. in The 4tlantic monthly £ others. 6 Brigid Brophy; 250ct73; AF46826.
4FIJ6B27. The Bigger light. By Austin Ches- terfield Clarke. Canada. 288 p. •S Austin C. Clarke; 8Jan75; AF1(6827.
APH6828. Clarinet. By Jack Brymer. England. 259 p. (Yehudi Henuhin music guides) Appl. au; Yehudi Henuhin. 6 Jack Brymer; 30Jun76; AF'i6828.
AFt6829. Blockbuster. By Stephen Barlay- Great Britain. 330 p. 6 Stephen Barlay; 1«0ct76; Afit6829.
AFa5830. Ransome revisited. By Elisabeth Mace. Great Britain. 139 p. 9 Elisabeth Mace- 26Jan75; AFI16830.
AF146831. Staying on; a novel. By Paul Scott, Great Britain. 215 p. Paul Scott; iaHar77; AFt6831.
AFK6832. The Book of cats. Edited by George MacEeth 6 Martin Booth. Great Britain. 288 p. © on selection of works; George HacBeth; 291(ov76; AF46832.
AFa6833. El Gimmick; espanol hablado. Por Adrienne, pseud, of Adrienne Penner, adapted by Catherine Audousset. Great Britain. 162 p. English & Spanish. NH: adaptation. & Adrienne Penner; 2May77; AF116833.
AF16831*. Der Gimmick; gesprochenes Dcutsch. Von Adrienne, pseud, of Adrienne Penner, adapted by Michele Tavernier with assistance from Handa Bortel & Orsel Baehr. Great Britain. 161 p. English 6 German. NH; adaptation. Adrienne Penner; 2Hay77; AF'4683t.
4FH6835. Human memory; theory, research and individual differences. By Bichael R. Eysenck. Great Britain. 366 p. e Michael W. Eysenck; 25Jul77; AF46835.
4F46836. Heritage of Britain. By A. L. Bovse. England. 181 p. NH: text 6 compilation 4. L. Bovse; 30ct77;
4Flt6837. Fellini's films. Edited by Christian Strich with a foreword by Georges Simenon. Canada. 340 p. 4ppl. am Diogenes Verlag, 4.G., employer for hire. Prev. pub. in German as Fellini's Filme. KM: translation. Diogenes Teriag, A.G.; 280ct77; Af't6837.
4F46838. Nicola Bayley's Book of nursery rhymes. Illustrator: Nicola Bayley. Great Britain. 1 v. 6 on illus. ; Nicola Bayley; 20ct75; AF46838.
4Fa6839. Light on yoga: yoga dipika. By B. K. S. Iyengar, foreword by Yehudi Henuhin. England. 54<l p. Prev. pub. 1974 & others. NH; revisions. Q George Allen and Onwin, Ltd. (in notice; George Allen and Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.); 27May76; AF46839.
4F46840. The Observer's book of automobiles. Compiled by The olyslager Organisation, edited by Michael Turner. 20th ed. Onited Kingdom. 177 p. e Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd.; 22Mar77; 4F46840.
AF46841. The Observer's book of aircraft. Compiled by William Green with silhouettes by Dennis Punnett. 26th ed. Onited Kingdom. 254 p. C Frederick Warne and Company, Ltd.; 22Mar77; AF46841.
4F46842. The Observer's book of manned spa- ceflight. By Reginald Turnill. 2nd ed. Onited Kingdom. 192 p. Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd.; 20Jun75; AF46842.
AF46843. Designs for wood. By Alonzo W. P. Kettless. Onited Kingdom. 128 p. O Alonzo W. P. Kettless; 19May75: AF46843.
AF46844. The Ice is coming. Nrightson. England. Wrightson; 11JU177; By Patricia 222 p. O Pati AF46844.
AF46845. Silas and Con. By A. C. Stewart. Scotland. 119 p. A. c. Stewart; 23aar77; AF46845.
AP46846. Kaievala; heroic tales from Finland. By Ursula Synge. England. 221 p. NH: prose adaptation of a translation in verse of traditional Finnish songs £ tales, e Orsula Synge; 200ct77; AF46846.
AF46847. airiam Stoppard's Book of babycare. England. 160 p. Appl. states all new except pictures. 6 Miriam Stoppard; 9Jun77; 4F46847.
4F468IJ8. Freud and the dilemmas of psychology. By Marie Jahoda. England. 186 p. e Marie Jahoda; 144pr77; 4F46e48.
4F46849. Nature poetry. By H. C. Chang. Scotland. 124 p. (Chinese literature, 2) H. C. Chang; 23Aug77; 4F46849.
AF46850. The Anarchical society; a study of order in world politics. By Hedley Bull. England. 335 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 4 £ 8 which have been revised from earlier pub. versions. O Hedley
Bull; 24Feb77; 4F46850.
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