AP46770 - AF46809
JUL-DEC. 1977
»PI»6770. IBB 3872 OC pcoblea deteriination procedures: PBQ Y98U26, BPQ T966 10. 3rd ed. Denaark. 19 p. (Systeas) »ppl. ao: IBH Prance. O International Business Machines Corporation; 22Sep77: »pi46770.
iPi(6771. IBB sTSteB/370 DOS/VS prolect analysis and control systea (PB0J4CS) operations auide; proqraa product 57i»6-IP1. 3rd ed. Denaark. U5 p. (Proqraa product) ippl. au: IBB Prance. International Business Bachines corporation; 120ct77: ipil6771.
iP46772. IBB syste«/370 OS/VS prolect analysis and control systea (PBOJiCS) operations quide; proqraa product 571IO-XP1. 3rd ed. Denaark. tl p. (Proqraa product) Appl. au: IBB France, e International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; »Fit6772.
»P116773. IBB systea/370 planninq, control and decision e»aluation systea/interactive (PLiBCODE/I) -OS/»S operations quide; proqraa nuaber 57U0-IX8. 2nd ed. Denaark. SI p. (Proqraa product) Appl- au: IBB Prance- International Business Bachines Corporation; 15Sep77; »Fii6773.
1FV677«. IBB systea/370 interactive personnel systea qeneral inforaation aanual; proqraa no.: 5740-1B4 (iaS/»S. CICS/OS/VS) 57tt6-iH1 (CICS/DOS/VS) Denaark. 53 p. (Proqraa product) Appl. au: IBB Geraany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 30Sep77; iFil677ii.
1FU6775. IBB 3270 inforaation display systea: 591U docuoent inscriber user's quide; BPQ: a7«il85 Bodel 001, 700007 aodel 002. Denaark. 17 p. (Systeas) Appl. au: IBB seraany. O International Business Bachines Corporation; 30Sep77; AF46775.
AFII6776. Fertiqunqsauftraeqe und lerkstatt- steuerunq IBB Systea/3; Lizenzproqraaa Proqraa a- /Be diener hand buch, Prograaa-Nr. 5788-DLB. lest Geraany. 1 ». (Spezielles Annendunqsproqraam SAP) IBB Deutschland. G.B.B.H.: 15Jun77; AFit6776.
AF116777. Laqerbestandsf uehrunq und Bestell- rechnunq IBB Systea/3; Lizenzproqraaa Proqraaa-ZBedienerhandbuch, Proqraaa-Nr. 5788-DLB. Best Geraany. 1 ». (Spezielles AnaendunqsproqraBB SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 15Jun77; AF46777.
AFU6778. IBB systeB/370 pro-|ect analysis and control systea (PBOJACS) cost evaluation processor loqic aanual; proqraa product 5746-XP1 (DOS/VS) 57aO-XP1 (OS/TS) 3rd ed. Denaark. 13 p. (Proqraa product) Appl. au: IBB France. C International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AFI46778.
AFl»6779. IBB systea/370 interactive financial systea 1 operations quide; proqraa no. 57I16-F52 (DOS/ys) 2nd ed. Denaark. 211 p. (Proqraa product) Appl. au: IBB Geraany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AF16779.
AFH6780. 3750 svitchinq systea, diaqnostic and utility proqraas. 7th ed. Denaark. 537 p. Appl. au: IBB Prance. International Business Bachines Corporation; 1itsep77; AFH6780.
AF1I6781. Operations planninq and control — entry (OPC — entry) installation and proqraa loqic; proqraa product 5740-117. 2nd ed. Denaark. 69 p. (Installation aanaqeaent) Appl. au: IBB Sweden. International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AF'16781.
AFlt6782. IBB 3B00 plottinq proqraa, proqraa description and operations aanual; proqram no. 5785-AAA. Denaark. H3 p. (International field proqraa) Appl. au: IBB Netherlands International Business Bachines Corporation; 1itSep77; Af'(6782.
AP«6783. IBB systea/370 planninq, control and decision evaluation systea/standard (PLAHCODE/S) proqraa reference aanual; proqraa no. 57»0-XX9 (OS/»S) 5746-IXA (DOS/VS) 3rd ed. Denaark. 26U p. Appl. au: IBB France. International Business Bachines Corporation; 23Sep77; AFit6783.
AFll6781t. VS personal coaputinq PL/1 proqraa loqic aanual; proqraa no. 5785-EAB. Denaark. 210 p. (International field proqraa) Appl. au: IBB United Kinqdoa, Ltd. International Business Bachines corporation; 29Sep77; kflblBH.
AFit6785. IBB systea/370 interactive financial systea 1 proqraa reference aanual; proqraa no. 5746-P52 (DOS/VS) 2nd ed. Denaark. 199 p. (Proqraa product) Appl. au: IBB Geraany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AF't6785.
AFII6786. IBB systeB/370 direct S.K.I.F.T. link — custoaer inforaation control systea/virtual storaqe, proqraaaing BPQ P71 038 description and operations aanual: proqraa no. 5799-APA (CICS/DOS/VS) 2nd ed. Denaark. U59 p. (Systeas) Appl. au: IBB Geraany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AF16786.
AFlt6787. IBB systel/370 prolect analysis and control systea (PBOJACS) proqraa reference aanual; proqraa product 57«6-XP1 (DOS/VS) 57itO-XP1 (OS/VS) Denaark. 1 v. (IBB technical newsletter, no. SN19-1098) Appl. au: IBB France. HB: revisions 6 updatinq. O International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AP'16787.
AF46788. Fertiqunqsauftraeqe und Icrkstatt- steuerunq IBB Systea/3; Lizenzproqraaa Systeahandbuch Proqraam-«r. 5788-DLB. Best Geraany. 1 v. (Spezielles Anaendunqsproqraaa SAP) IBB Deut- schland, G.a.B.H.; 15Jun77; AF116788.
AFa6789. IBB 3872 OC user's quide reaote loop 2«00 bps CCITT-V2lt interface; BPQ I98U26, BPQ 196610. 2nd ed. Denaark. 7 p. (Systeas) Appl. au: IBB France. International Business Bachines Corporation; 22Sep77; AFU6789.
AF't6790. IBB systea/370 direct S.H.I.P.T. link (DSL) application proqraaaer's quide (CICS/DOS/VS) proqraaaing BPQ P71 03,8; proqraa no. 5799-APA. Denaark. 109 p. (Systeas) Appl. au: IBB Geraany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AFit6790.
AF1I6791. Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung ait dea IBB Systea/3; Lizenzproqraaa Proqraaa- /Bedienerhandbuch, Proqra«a-Hr. 5788-DLD. Best Geraany. 269 p. (Spezielles Anwendunqsproqraaa SAP) IBB Deut- schland, G.B.B.a.; 15JU177; AFlt6791.
AF<t6792. 5788-LAG. France. Printout. IBB (Schweiz) ; 26Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF't6792.
AF46793. 5799-APB. France. Printout. NB: revisions. O IBB Deutschland; 13Jun77; AP't6793.
AF4679«. 5785-DAA. Netherlands. Printout. Appl. au: IBB Netherlands. IBB Corporation; 29Auq77; AF«679U.
AF'*6795. 5797-ABF. Bexico. Printout. O I.B.B. de Bexico, S. A. ; 15Bar76 (in notice: 1975); AFU6795.
AFII6796. 5797-NBA. Bexico. Printout. I.B.B. de Bexico, S. A. ; 15Bar76 (in notice: 1975); AF«6796.
AFl»6797. 5797-ABD. Bexico. Printout. I.B.B. de Bexico, S. A.; 15aar76 (in notice: 1975) ; AFII6797.
AFIt6798. 5797-ABE. Bexico. Printout. O I.B.B. de Bexico, S. A. ; 15Har76 (in notice: 1975) ; AFit6798.
AFa6799. 5797-ABB. Bexico. Printout. O I.B.B. de Bexico, S. A. ; 15flar76 (in notice: 1975) ; AFI16799.
AFU6800. 5799-AJP. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB OK, Ltd. IBB Corporation; i»Jul77 (in notice: 1971) ; APteSOO.
AFit6801. IFB-Systeaprogcaaa. Autor: Ekhard Schuaann. France. Printout. Add. ti: 5788-DLH. Appl. au: IBB Deutschland, G.a.B.B. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.B.; 20Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AF46801.
AF46802. 5788-DKT. France. Printout. O IBS Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 6Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AF't6802.
AFU6803. 5788-DPZ. Prance. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 8Nov76 (in notice: 1975); APil6803.
AFV680U. 57i»6-XXB. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB Geraany. IBB Borld Trade Cor- poration; 15Auq77; AF46804.
AFII6805. 5785-EAB. France. Printout E folder. Appl. au: IBB Netherlands. IBB Corporation; 15Auq77: AF«6805.
AFl«6806. 5797-NXK. 5797-NXli. 5797-NXH. Best Geraany. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H. ; 3NOV77; AFU6806.
AFU6807. 5797-HXB, S797-NIK, 5797-NXN, 5797-HXL. Best Geraany. Printout. O I BB Deut- schland, G.B.B.a.; 30ct77; AF46807.
AFU6808. 5797-HIJ. Best Geraany. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 3llov77; AF46808.
AFV6809. 5797-BLZ. Best Geraany. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 27Jun77 (it
notice: 1976); AF't6809.
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