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AF46727 - AF46769


JUL-DEC. 1977

AF46727. Rosy starlinq. By Leon Garfield* illustrated by Faith Jaqaes. United Kinqdom. 17 p. NH: text. Leon Garfield: 18Jul77; AF46727.

&rll6728. Hosy starlinq. By Leon Garfield, Illustrated by Faith Jaques. United Kinqdom. 17 p. 6 on illus. ; Faith Jaques: 18JU177: AFit6728.

iF46729. The Pool. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jaques. Qnited Kinqdom. 46 p. NM: text. e Leon Garfield; 18Jul77; AFt6729.

SFH6730. The Fool. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jaques. Dnited Kinqdom. 46 p. e on illus.: Faith Jaques: 18Jul77: AF46730.

AF"(6731. Great ascents: a narrative history of mountaineerinq. By Eric Neuby. Onited Kinqdom. 208 p. NM: text by Eric NeKby, selection 5 compilation of photos. O Eric Neuby; 15Sep77: AF46731.

&Flt6732. The Story of the ileasel. By Carolyn Slaughter, pseud, of Carolyn Cromer. Enqland. 255 p. The American ed. is entitled Belations. Carolyn Slaughter; 2911ar76: APll6732.

AF46733. Bali; the official guide to the island of Bali. Text: Star Black 6 David Stuart-Fox, photography: ierner Hahn C Hans Hoefer. 5th ed. Honq Kong. 279 p. £ 2 inserts. (ApaPhotoGuides) Q Apa Productions (HK) , Ltd. (in notice: Apa Productions) ; aAuq77; AF46733.

AFU6734. The Cheerful recorder; soprano/descant, an elementary method. Book 1. By Ephraim Marcus, drauinqs by Kaete Ephraim-Marcus, photos- by Yoab Marom-Marcus. Israel. 30 p. e Ephraim Marcus; 20Auq77: AF11673U.

AFlt6737. Larousse animal portraits. By P. P. Grasse, translated by John Bailie. Onited Kingdom. 174 p. Prev. pub. in France under the title Le Plus beau bestia^re du monde. KM: translation. C The Hamlyn Publishinq Group, Ltd.; 30Sep77; AF46737.

AF46738. Individual proqrams for players and coaches. Graphics by Bene Hacabante & Carol Head. Canada. 1 v. Add. ti: Soccer school: individual proqrams for players and coaches. Appl. au; Bill Thomson. Bill Thomson; 26Auq77: AF46738.

AF46739. Study quide for sifron la-student Calef, bet) By Frank Talmaqe, Chaim Rabin & Libby Garshovitz. 2nd ed. Canada. 178 p. Oniversity of Toronto Press; 150ct77: AF46739.

AF46740. Tutti qli uoaini dell*antilope. By Maurizio De Luca, Paolo Gambescia & Fabio Isman, prefazione de stefano Bodota. Italy. 212 p. e Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 28Feb77: AF46740.

AF46741. La Lucia dei qiardini; tre racconti. By Alberto vigevani. Italy- 171 p. e Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Har77; AF46741.

AF46742. E le ceneri al vento; racconti. By Perruccio Olivi. Italy. 166 p. e Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30llar77; AF46742.

AF46743. La Biscoperta del cielo. A cura di Livio Gratton. Italy. 275 p. 6 Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Sov76; &P46743.

AF46744. Studies in library management. Vol. 4. Edited by Gileon Holroyd.. Great Britain. 178 p. e Clive Bingley, Ltd.; 40ct77; iF46744.

AF46745. Trelawny: the incurable romancer. By Billiam Saint Clair. Great Britain. 235 p. 9 iilliaa Saint Clair; 60ct77; AF46745.

Af46746. Indian artists at work. By Olli Steltzer. Canada. 163 p. 6 Olli Steltzer; 26Sov76; AF46746.

AF46747. 5785-AAA. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBH Netherlands. 6 IBM Corporation; 19Sep77: AF46747.

AF46748. 5788-DKG. France. Printout. O IBM Deutschland, G.a.B. B.; 6Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46748.

AF46749. 5788-DGA. France. Printout. NM: additional programming. @ IBM Deut- schland, G.B.B. H. ; 23May77 (in notice: 1975); AF46749.

AF46750. Beader's diqest qrote vereld atlas. The Netherlands. 219 p. NM: translation. 3 Oitgeversmaatschappi j the. Beader's Digest, N.V. 6 N. V. Beader's Digest, S.A.; 18NOV76; AF46750.

AF46751. Roger Dean, 1977. Great Britain. Add. ti: Boqer Dean calendar, 1977. Portions prev. pub. in Vie¥s, 1975. NM: picture compilation & incorporation of calendar. Soger Dean; 15Aug76; AF46751.

AF46752. Aristocracy in Greek society- By M- T. H. Arnheim. United Kingdom. 221 p- e Thames and Hudson, Ltd-; 14Nov77; AF46752.

AP46753. The Normans and their myth- By B- B- c. Davis- Onited Kinqdom- 144 p. Thames and Hudson, Ltd. ; 16Peb76i AF46753.

AF46754. Enter a qoldfish: memoirs of an Irish actor, young and old- By Micheal Mac Liammoir. United Kingdom. 192 p. S Thames and Hudson, Ltd- ; 29Aug77: AF46754-

AF46755. The Gardens of Mughul India; a history and a guide. By Sylvia Crowe, Sheila Haywood, Susan Jellicoe & Gordon Patterson. Onited Kingdom. 200 p. i) Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 6Nov72; AF46755.

AF46756. The silbury treasure: the great Goddess rediscovered. By Michael Dames. United Kingdom. 192 p. e Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 23Auq76; AF46756.

AF46757. The British Army; a concise history. By Jock Haswell. United Kingdom- 192 p- e Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 21Jul7S; AP46757.

AF46758. The British Navy; a concise history- By Oliver Narner- Onited Kingdom- 191 p- e Thames and Hudson, Ltd-; 17Nov75; AP46758-

AP46759- Cybele and Attis: the myth and the colt- By Maarten J. Vernaseren, translated from the Dutch by A. M. H. Lemmers. United Kingdom. 224 p. Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 14NOV77; AF46759.

AF46760. Castles of Ireland. By Brian De Breffny, photos, by George Mott. .United Kingdom. 208 p. 6 Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 29Aug77; AF46760-

AP46761. On Hadrian's wall, Vindolanda: Roman fort and settlement. By Bobin Dicley. United Kingdom. 184 p- O Thames and Hudson, ltd-: 14NOV77: iF46761.

AF46762. On eagle's wings. By iilliam Martin Alleyne Cecil- England. 186 p- Martin Cecil; 28Jun77; AF46762.

AP46763. For most conspicuous bravery: a biography of Bajor-General George E. Pearkes, V.C. , through two Horld Hars. By Beginald H. Boy. Canada. 388 p. e The Oniversity of British Columbia; 1Sep77; AF46763.

AF46764- Canadian foreign policy and the law of the sea- Edited by Barbara Johnson £ Mark R. Zacher- Canada. 387 p- Q The Oniversity of British Columbia; 15Sep77; AF46764.

AF46765- Dictionary of literary pseudonyms; a selection of popular modern writers in English. By Frank Atkinson. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 248 p. Prev. pub. 1975 as Dictionary of pseudonyms and pennames. e Frank Atkinson; 8Jul77; AF46765.

AF46766. Area E volume de figuras comuns. Brazil. 45 p. Appl. au: Petrobras Company. @ E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company; 30Jun77; AF46766-

AF46767. Hendes 2nd. By Herman De Htulenaere f- Pierre MacKay, edited by Emma Swan Hall & Bernard V- Bothaer- Great Britain. 1 v- English, French 6 German. NM: compi- lation. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Science, the Brooklyn Museum (in notice; The Brooklyn Museum, a department of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences) ; 24Mar77 (in notice: 1976); AF46767.

AP46768. IBM system/370 planning, control and decision evaluation system/interactive (PLANCODE/I) reference card; program product 5740-XX8 (OS/VS) 5746-1X9 (DOS/VS) Denmark. Folder (17 p.) Appl. au: IBM France. 6 International Business Machines Corporation: 30Sep77; AF46768.

AF46769. IBH system/370 DOS/VS continuous process plant scheduling system (CPPS-DOS/VS) ; programming fiPQ 7S-0150, program no. 5799-ANJ. Denmark. Folder. Appl. an: IBH France. @ International Business Machines Corporation, alternate desig- nation: IBM corporation; 15Sep77;



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