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AF46689 - AF46726.


JUL-DEC. 1977

AF46688 (con.) Italy. 279 p. e Ess ti Editori; 2iFeb77: AFiteeas.

AF146689. Fracoes. Onidade 3. Issued by E. I. DuPont De Nemours and CoDpany, Applied Technology Dlyision £ Ser»ico de Pessoal, Dlvisao de Planeianento e EstQdos Pedaqoqicos. Brazil. 31 p. (Kateaatica na industria, pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras Coipany. NH: translation of English version. O E. X. DuPont De Neaours and COupany; 31llar77; AF46689.

AFU6690. Fracoes. Onidade t. Issued b y E. I. DuFoDt De Nemours and COBpany, Applied Technology Division £ Servico de Fessoal, Divisao de Planelanento e Estudos Pedaqoqicos. Brazil. 33 p. (Hateaatica na industria. pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras Coapanv. MB: tranlsation of English verson. C E. I. DuPont De Menours and CoBpany; 31Har77: AFU6690.

AF116691. Fracoes. Unidade 1. Issued by E. I. DuPont De Neoours and Cospany, Applied Techaoloqy Dlyision 6 Servico de Pessoal, Divisao de Planelanento e Estudos Pedaqogicos. Brazil. «8 p. (Hateaatica na industria, pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras Coapany. NH: translation of English version. E. I. DuPont De Neaours and Coapany; 31Har77; AFlt6691.

AF46692. Fracoes, paineis. Issued by E. I. DuPont De Neaours and Coapany, Applied Technology Division 6 Servico de Pessoal, Divisao de Plane-jaaento e Estudos Pedaqoqicos. Brazil. 1 v. (Hateaatica na industria, pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras Coipany. NH: translation of English version. 6 E. I. DuPont De Neaours and Coapany; 31Har77: AFit6692.

AF46693. Fracoes teste. Issued by E. I. DuPont De Nemours and Company, Applied Technology Division £ Servico de Pessoal, Divisao de Planelanento e Estudos Pedagogicos. Brazil. 1 V. (Hateaatica na industria, pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras Company. NH: translation of English version. E. I. DuPont De Neaours and Coapany; 31Har77; AP46693.

AFa6£9l4. Fracoes. DuPont De I Technology Divisao de Pedaqoqico: ndust: na CoBpa Company; idade 2. Issued by E. I. urs and Coapany, Applied ision £ Servico de Pessoal, Planeiaaento e Estudos s. Brazil. 31 p. (Hatematica ia, pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras NH: translation of English E. I. DuPont De Neaours and 31Har77: AFa6694.

AFII6695. Berlin's keep. By Hadeleine Brent. England. 368 p. NH: additional text. Souvenir Press, accepted forB of Souvenir Press, Ltd.; 60ct77; AF'45695.

AFII6696. The Suaaer of the Spanish voBan. By Catherine Gaskin (Catherine Gaskin Cornberg) England, nnt p. Catherine Gaskin cornberg; 100ct77: AFU6696.

AFlt6697. Babi ?ar; a docuaent in the fora of a novel. By A. Anatoli (Kaznetzov) , translated by David Floyd. England. it7 p. Add. ti: The Coaplete, uncensored Ba Yar. Appl. au: Jonathan Cape, Ltd., employer for hire of David Floyd. Prev. pub. in censored form in Tunost, 1966. NH: translation. Jonathan Cape, Ltd.; 26NOV70: AFU6697.

AFU6698. The Diary of Virginia Uoolf. Vol. 1: 1915-1919. Introduced by Quentin Bell, edited by Anne Olivier Bell. England. 356 p. 6 oo pref. £ editorial notes; Anne Olivier Bell; 26Hay77: AFi|6698.

AF't6699. The Diary of Virginia iloolf. Vol. 1: 1915-1919. Introduced by Quentin Bell, edited by Anne Olivier Bell. England. 356 p. e on introd. ; Quentin Bell; 26nay77; AFlt6699.

AFa6700. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol. 1: 1915-1919. Introduced by Quentin Bell, edited by Anne Olivier Bell. England. 356 p. on diary; Quentin Bell & Angelica Gacnett; 26ilay77: Af<t6700. Green aagic: flowers, plants and herbs in lore and legend. By Lesley Gordon. Onited Kingdom. 200 p. NH: all text by Lesley Gordon, selection £ coapilation of illus. £ photos. Hebb and Bover, Ltd.; 10Oct77: AFl»6701.

AFa6702. Second time round. By Edward H. Kyall, with au introd. £ appendix by Ian Stevenson. Great Britain. 215 p. on text, soae photos. £ some maps; Edward Eyall; 20Har75 (in notice: 197«) ; AP«6702.

AFlt6703. The Best of friends. By John Aspinall. Great Britain. 159 p. O John Aspinall; 280ct76; AF1I6703.

AF46701t. The Lore of arms. By uilliam Beid. Great Britain. 280 p. Appl. au: AB Nordbok. 6 AB Nordbok; 22Sep76; »F4670lt.

AF't6705. 5788-DHL. France. Printout. IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H. ; 20Jun77 (in notice: 1975); APU6705.

AF46706. Family life (1855-1883) By Yvonne Kapp. Great Britain. 319 p. (Eleanor Ban, vol. 1) e Yvonne Kapp; 29Hay72; AFlt6706.

AF<t6707. Emmas foersta dag paa dagis. By Gunilla Nolde. Sweden. 1 v. Gunilla Rolde; 20Hay76; AF"16707.

AF"(6708. Emmas Lillebror aer sjuk. By Gunilla Uolde. Sweden. 1 v. Gunilla iolde; 20Hay76; AF45708.

AF«6709. Eaaa and the aeasles. By Gunilla Rolde, English text: Alison uinn. England. 1 v. O on English language translation; Alison Uinn; 28Jun76; AF'»5709.

AF46710. Eaaa's first day at nursery school. By Gunilla Rolde, English text: Alison Rinn. England. 1 v. O on English language translation; Alison Rinn; 28Jun76; APit6710.

AF146711. The Afternoon cat. Hritten E illus- trated by Pierre Le-Tan. Canada. 1 v. e Pierre Le-Tan; 7Sep77; AF«6711.

AFlt6712. Gaaaa's girl. By Lucy Ralker, pseud, of Dorothy Sanders. Great Britain. 220 p. Dorothy Sanders (pseud.: Lucy Ralker); 3QHay77; APlt6712.

APIt5713. Rilliaa Horr tionary. By E KingdoB. 825 coapilation & SI coaantic to revolu- P. Thompson. Dnited on new text, evision; B. P. Thoapson; (in notice: 1955, 1977) ;

APU67KI. The Crowded years (1884-1898) By Yvonne Kapp. Great Britain. 775 p. (Eleanor Haci, vol. 2) Yvonne Kapp; 16Dec76; APU6714.

21Apr77; By Rilliaa Bcllvanney. Great 224 p. O Rilliaa Bcllvanney; AP46715.

AP46716. Ralk rabbit walk. Story by Colin HcNaughton £ Elizabeth Attenborough, pictures by Colin HcNaughton. Onited Kingdom. 1 v. 6 on text £ illus.; Colin HcNaughton; 16aay77; AF46716.

AF46717. The Canterbury tales. By Geoffrey Chaucer, rendered into modern English by Nevill coghill. United Kingdom. 373 p. This translation first pub. 1960 £ others. NB: coapilation of English language translation £ compilation of illus. Nevill Coghill; 24Bar77; AF46717.

AP46718. Doppelf inten. Texte £ Zeichnungeo von Gabriel Lajb £ Hans-Georg Bauch. Rest Germany. 92 p. O Sowohlt laschenbuch Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 310ct75; AF46718.

3d F. Langer £ English £ r; 11Jun77; AF46719. Peter and Hanako. By Be Kiaiko Sato. Japan. 1 v. Japanese. Q Bernd P. Langer; AF46719.

AP46720. Africa south of the Sahara, 7th ed. England. 1183 p. S Publications, Ltd.; 25Aug77;

AP46721. Years of sorrow, years of shame: "remember, we were Canadian citizens." By Barry Broadfoot. Canada. (In The Canadian, Oct. 1, 1977, p. 1-7) e Barry Broadfoot; 10ct77; AF46721.

AF46722. IBH 3790 SNA users reference card. Denmark. Folder. Appl. au: IBH France. NH: translation. O International Business Hacbines Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachioes) ; lHay77; AP46722.

AP46723. Tte Rild ass's skin. By Honore De Balzac, translated £ with an introd. by Herbert J. Hunt. United Kingdoa. 284 p. Add. ti: La Peau de chagrin. NH: translation £ introd. O The Estate of the late Herbert J. Hunt; 30Jun77; AP46723.

AP46724. North wall. By Boger Uubank. United Kingdon. 190 p. Boger Hubank; 15Aug77; AF46724.

AP46725. The Laapligbter 's funeral. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Antony Haitland. United Kingdoa. 46 p. NB: text. Leon Garfield; 2«Hay76; AF46725.

AF46726. The Laaplighter's funeral. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Antony Haitland. Onited Kingdom. 46 p. O on illus. ;

Antony Haitland; 24Hay76; AF46726.


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