JUL-DEC. 1977
SF»6655. Kenya: a holiday guide. By Michael Tomkinson. Dnited KingdoB. 96 p. Add. ti: Kenya: a vacation guide. S Michael ToBkinson: 26Jul72 (in notice: 1973) ; AFteeSS.
AF46e56. The coapanion guide to London. By David Piper. Dnited Kingdom. 478 p. 6 David Piper: 23NOV64: AF46656.
AF116657. Stickereien in Bauernstuben: alte Kreuzstichmuster aus Bauernhaeusern und Museen. By Irmqard Gierl. West GerBany. 162 p. e Eosenheiaer Verlagshaus, Alfred Foerg: 31Dec73: AF16657.
AP46658. Bemessungsverf ahren und besondere Baueweisen. Hrsq. von Bruno Hehner, peter Siedek 6 Karl-Heinz Schulze. Best Germany. 398 p. (Handbuch des Stras- senbaus, Bd. 3) Appl. an: Alois Althaamer. Springer- Verlag; 16Jnn77; AF4e6S8.
AFt6659. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie; Ergaenzungswerk zur achten Aufl. B. 45.: Borverbindunqen. T. 14: Bor-Basserstof f-verbindungen 1. Eedakteure dieses Bandes: Kurt Niedenzu 6 Karl-Christian Buschbeck. Best Germany. 310 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische chemie, employer for hire, e Springer-verlag; 8Jul77; AF46659.
AF4e6eO. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie: achte Aufl. und Erqaenzungsiierk. Index, foraula index, vol. 6: C13-C23. Hauptredakteur: Rudolf iarncke, Bear- beiter: Eamona Becker, Helga Hartniq, Herbert Koeppe, Hans Tanecek, Paul Velic, Rudolf Bamcke 6 Anna Zelle. Best Germany. 282 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. Springer-Verlaq; 31May77; AF46660.
AF46661. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie; Ergaenzungswerk zur achten Aufl. Bd.44: Borverbindungen. T. 13: Bor- sauerstof f-Verbindunqen 1. Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Gert Heller 6 Anton Heller, Bedakteure dieses Bandes: Kurt Biedeazu 6 Karl-Christian Buschbeck. Best Geraany. 239 p. Appl. an: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische chemie, employer for hire. 9 Springei^Verlag; 31Bay77: AF46661.
AF46662. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen chemie; Ergaenzungswerk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 43: Borverbindunqen. T. 12: carborane 4. Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Ingeborg Von Uilucki, Bedakteure dieses Bandes: Kurt Niedenzu 6 Karl-Christian Buschbeck. Best Germany. 306 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire, e Springer-verlag; 29Apr77: AP46662.
AF46663. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen chemie: achte voellig neu bearb. Aufl. System-Hr. 55: Oran, Erqaenzungsband. T. CI. Hauptredakteur: Budolf Keim 6 other editors. Best Germany. 206 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. NM: editorial revisions e additional material. e Sprinqei^verlag; 29Jul77; AF46663.
AF46664. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie: achte voellig neu bearb. Aufl. System-Mr. 51: Protactinium, Erqaen- zungsband 1. Hedakteur: Karl-Christian Buschbeck. Bit 108 Figuren, 9 Farbtafeln S eineo Farbbild von Cornelius Keller. Best Germany. 297 p. English 6 German. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. NM: editorial revisions C additional material. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 2»Jun77; AF46664.
AF46665. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie: achte voellig neu bearb. Aufl. System-Nr. 56: Mangan. T. C4: Verbin- dungen des Manqans mit Fluor. Haup- tredakteur: Hartmut Katscher 6 other editors. Best Germany. 273 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. NH: editorial revisions G additional material, e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 30Jun77; AF46665.
AF46666. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. System Nr. 14: Kohlenstoff. T. D5. Chief editor: Dieter Koschel 6 other editors. 8. voellig neu bearb. Aufl. Best Germany. 237 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische chemie, employer for hire. 6 Springer-Terlag; 18JU177: AF46666.
AF46667. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen chemie. System Nr. 46: Zinn. T. C5. chief editor: Edith Schleitzer-Eust, editors: Helga Demmer 8 Edith Schleitzer- Rust. 8. voellig neu bearb. Aufl. Best Germany. 246 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. S Springer-verlag; 29JU177: AF46667.
AF46668. Haqers Handbuch der pharmazeutischen Praxis fuer Apotheker, Arzneioittel- hersteller, Aerzte und Medizinalbeamte. 6. Bd. : Chemikalien und Droqen. T. A. Beqonnen von Balther Kern, hrsq. in Gemeinscbaft mit H. J. Both 6 B. Schmid von Paul Heinz List 6 Ludwiq Hoerhammer. Volstaendiqe (4.) Neuausqabe. Best Germany. 1024 p. Appl. au: Brigitte Buehlenbruch. 6 Springer-Verlaq; 15Aug77: AF46668.
&F46669. Baqnetische Eiqenschaf ten freier Badikale. T. A. By C. Daul 6 others, Herausqeber: H. Fischer 6 K.-H. Hellwege. Best Germany. 339 p. (Landolt-Boernstein numerical data and functional relation- ships in science and technoloqy, new ser. , group 2, vol. 9) (Landolt-Boernstein Zahleniierte und Funktionen aus Natur- Hissenschaften und Technik, neue ser., Gruppe 2, Bd. 9) Add. ti: Magnetic properties of free radicals. German S English. Appl. au: Sprinqer-Verlaq, employer for hire. O Springer-Verlaq; 15JU177; AF46669.
AF46670. 1066: the year of the conquest. By David Howarth, illus. to chapter headings by Gareth Floyd. United Kingdom. 207 p. NM: all text by David Howarth. 6 David Howarth; 1Sep77; AF46670.
AF46671. Mirror, mirror. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Antony Haitland. Onited Kinqdom. 47 p. 6 on text; Leon Garfield: 24!lay76: AF46671.
AF46672. Mirror, mirror. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Antony Haitland. Onited Kinqdom. 47 p. on illus.; Antony Maitland; 24May76; AF46672.
AF46673. MOSS and Blister. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jagues. Onited Kinqdom. 47 p. 6 on text; Leon Garfield; 15Nov76; AF46673.
AF46674. Moss and Blister. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jagues. Onited Kinqdom. 47 p. on illus.; Faith Jaques; 15Nov76; AF46674.
AF46675. The Cloak. By Leon Garfield, illus- trated by Faith Jaques. Onited Kingdom. 46 p. e on text; Leon Garfield; 15NOV76; AF46675.
AF46676. The Cloak. By Leon Garfield, illus- trated by Faith Jaques. Onited Kinqdom. 46 p. e on illus.; Faith Jaques; 15NOV76; AP46676.
AF46677. The Valentine. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jagues. Onited Kinqdom. 46 p. © on text; Leon Garfield; 18Apr77; AF46677.
AF46678. The Valentine. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jaques. Onited Kingdom. 46 p. e on illus.; Faith Jaques; 18Apr77; AF46678.
AF46679. Labour in vain. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jaques. Onited Kingdom. 46 p. e on text; Leon Garfield: 18Apr77; AF46679.
AF46680. Labour in vain. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jaques. Onited Kingdom. 46 p. O on illus. ; Faith Jaques; 18Apr77; AF46680.
AF46681. Blue blood will out. By Tim HeSld. England. 205 p. O Tim Heald; 19Aug74: AF46681.
AF46682. Instead of the trees: a final chapter of autobiography. By J. B. Priestley England. 151 p. J. B. Priestley; 3NOV76 (in notice: 1977) ; AF46682.
AF46683. Book auction records. Vol. 73, Aug. 1975-July 1976. Editor: Bendy Y. Heath. England. 421 p. 6 Billiam Dawson and Sons. Ltd.; 19JU177; AF46683.
AF46684. Kinetics of drug action. Editor: Jacques a. Van Bossum. Best Germany. 436 p. (Handbook of experimental pharma- coloqy, vol. 47) (Handbuch der expe- rimentellen Pharmakoloqie, vol. 47) Appl. au: Sprinqer-Verlaq. employer for hire. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29Jul77; AF46684.
AF46685. Thermische Turbomaschinen. Bd. 1: thermodynamisch-stroemungstechnische Berechnung. By Baiter Iraupel. 3., neubearb. 6 emeiterte Aufl. Best Germany. 579 p. Springer-Verlaq; 3Aug77; AF46685.
AF46686. Second homes: curse or blessing? Edited by John Terence Coppock. Great Britain. 229 p. Appl. au: B. I. Wolfe £ C. L. Bielckus; Perqamon Press, employer for hire of editor. NM: compilation. 6 J. T. coppock; 22Aug77;. AF46686.
AF46687. A History of the principles of librarianship. By James Thompson. Great Britain. 236 p. James Thompson; 12Sep77; AF46687.
Electronica biometrica. By Bruno Galli.
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